LOC A LAN D GENERA I - Catawba court this week. We had a big sleet last -Fridttj. Kansas State Prohibition Con vention, at Topeka,7 June 18. Tennessee State Prohibition Con Ten tion, February 22. Illinois Prohibition .State Con vention, at Springfield, May 10. - Michigan State Prohibition Con vention, ; Grand Rapids, May 16, Cincinnati' has one saloon to every twenty Toters, 3434 in all. ' Rev. WV S. Long Iia3 become one of the coroesponding editors o the Christian Sun. 1 f - " The Tempzran.ce Banner- say there are 53 e:npfy jail3 in prohibi tion Iowa. - The license fee in Atlanta has been reduced one - third and the license district extended. Nebraska State Convention for the choice of delegates to Indianapo lis, Lincoln, Feb 15, Meeting for the organization of the Prohibition paHy in South Da kota, Huron, Jan 17. ATMrmcr of t.VA New "Y"nrlr ': Rf at Coumiittec of the Prohibition party, Utica, San, Jan. 18. : Eighty-two ot of 99 counties m Iowa have no saloons, according Governor Larrabee. The Supreme Court of Iowahas decided that the railroads therein are not compelled to carry beer. The chairman of the Republican $5tate central committee of Califor uia is a wholesale liquor dea er. Mr. J. G. Elliot and Miss Nellie Dixon,both of this city ,were married on the 16th inst. Nominating Convention of the Prohibition party of Tennessee, Feb. 22. :. ".' '" National Prohibition Con ven tion, first Wednesday in June, at Iudianapolis, Indiana. Annu'. meeting of the National Law and Order League, Philadel phia, Feb. 22. The roof of the Steele store house caught fire last week but was ioon extinguished, n Reader, if you are in debt to us, please send in the amount. Do it now, and oblige. Does 40,000 men on a strike at the opening of 1838 give promise of prosperity ?, We think voL Mr. A. A- Bennett of Gaston, Co., has had his barn, together with four mules, burned. The fire was the work of an incendiary. In the matter of dollars .and cents the last State Fairwaa a success, notwithstanding the rain, which poured in torrents. The trial of Jones S. Hamilton for the murder of R. D. Gambrel, the young prohibition editor of Missis sippi, will take place next month. The machinery of the Big Falls Cotton Mills is bng put in place. What a manufacturing county Ala mance will be presently. It is a pleasure to us to be able to announce-to our readers that the health ef Gov. Scales has greatly improved. Prof. James R. Duggan, Ph. D., Prof, of Chemistry at Wake Forest College, died on the 18th inst The death of Mr. Duggaa is.a great loss to the College and to the State. Mr. R. M. Sloan, son of Maj. james Sloan and brother of Mr. Thos. J. Sloan of this city, died at his home in Reidsville Tuesday after noon, of pneumonia. The Liquor Dealers' Association is said to have spent $800,000 to de feat prohibition in Michigan, Texas, TpnflPRw. Orecpn. and the city oi Atlanta, Georgia. The collections of revenues on spirits for the first five months of the present fiscal year, showed an in crease of $1,979,551 . over the same reriod last vear. On fermented liquors $775,412. Reader, cut from this paper the "Pledge of the Voter to the Home, paste it on a sheet of fools or legal cap paper and see how many signers you can get to it You can do a orrpftt wnrlr in tlii war. TrV it. Do & J ' it at once. The State Farmers Association closed its meeting in this city on Thursday evening of last week. We i.vd nnt room for a renort of their u wi v A doings. We wish this organization mav nmvp a - srreat benetit to the farmers throughout th State. John Keen and Will Murphy, while drinking in Salisbury last - i Friday night, got into a quarre, when Keen obot Murphy in the fore head and eyes with -a derringer. Murphy fell unconscious and has since died. v Keen was bound over to court, c ' Winter has thrown aside her mask and looks daggers out of both vyes. Ha'l, sleet, snow, slop, slosh md mud intolerable. . Reader iiy" -ire the man that promised us tha; load of wood, no'.? is. the time to bring it in, for we need it, ch, so badly I i Graham "College has opened finely. r. 3?he prospects are exceeding ly .flattering. There are nearly forty boarding pupils in attendance. The many friend of tne school will no doubt feel, great gratification to learn of the success of this worthy institu tion ot learning Alamance Gleaner. The Student Statesman for Jan HOI'TT Am. - A. .1.1 ' fill ia wu uur laoie. xnis is one of . the best periodicals received .at this office, and we heartily commend it to our readers. Published by "the Statesman " Publishing Co., 179 Washington St., ' Chicago, monthly. rrice $1 a year. The Statesman and PfiOHiBiTioxisT both for $1.50. Owing to the inclemency of the weather and sickness in his family, the editor of the Pbohibitionist failed to meet his appointments' m Moore this week. He wrote to par ties in the neighborhoods and towns where li was to speak calling in appointments. When the weather opens he will speak at the places named,!- No one regrets his failure w mce i, mee apiKHiuments more than he does; but regrets are vain. In accordance with a call pub lished in all the papers of this city last week, quite a large number of our most intelligent and enterprising citizens met in the Court House last Tuesday nigh t, to organize a Chamber of Commtrce. Mr. J. A. Gray, Presi dent of the C. F. & Y. V. R. R. was called to the chair Remarks favor mg the movement were made by Messrs! Gray, Judge Gilmer, W S. Ball, Geo. Lampman. J. W. Scott and others.; The chairman was instruct ed to appoint a committee on Organi zation,! to report next Tuesday night. The meeting adjourned to meet next Tuesday at 7 o'clock p. m. J. O. rieacli, of South Point, was found last Saturday in a branch near Gastonia, lying on his face with his neck broken. He left town on the previous Monday, drinking. He parted from his company, after leav ing, procured a half-gallon of whis ky at Mr. Alonzo Rhyne's distillery, i was not seen again till found as stated above. It seems thac he had erot off the road, and in trying to cross a branch, his horse had fallen on him and crushed him -into the mud. j The horse was found roaming about on Wednesday. An inquest was held on Sunday and a verdict found in accord wiih the above. He left a 1 wife and three cnildren. Gastonia- Gazette. Rev. A. B. Phillips of Ripley, N. Y.,1 in the course of a speech in opposition to High License -and in favor of Prohibition, read the follow ing letter, which he had recently re ceived : Rev. Sir: You are warned not to preach .any thing against w hiskey selling and about Hell in your ser mons, if you do, your conceited head will come off. We don't believe in Hell nor do we want you talk about it in your preaching in this town, and in our church. Let Whiskey Selhrig and Hell alone and we will stand by vou. Pe warned in time or you Jwill hear from us again in another way. X. Y. Z. Indiana Phalanx. One of the saddest downfalls we have heard of in many years, is that of Mr. Wylie J. Palmer, who used to be Superintendent of the North Carolina Deaf and Dumb and Blind Institution of Raleigh. He left that Institution several years ago to take charge of a Canadian Asylum at a high salary, and filled the place SDlendidIv for some time, but his habits becaaie bad, and finally he wa3 so incapacitated by drink that he lost his position -Drink and family troubles so un settled his mind that he has become insane, and his admissien into the Western N. C. Asylum at Morginton was granted last week. Poor man no one stood higher in this State than Wylie J. Palmer when he had charge of the Deaf and Dumb Asy lum at Raleigh. A terrible varning. -'. harlotte Democrat. Still the Democrat supports a par ty that favors the liquor traffic. -j-A water-color (aA Message of Love ), seemingly worth a large amount of money, " confronts you upon opening Demortst's Monthly Magazine for February (now ready); and you wonder if you have drawn a prize. Upon very close examination you discover that it is a reproduction, yet'so cleverly done that an expert would be deceived: Framed and hung np. your friends would think that you had gone to the expense of a fine water-color. This is one of the little surprises that Demorest's Monthly is always giving its readers. This one, particularly, is worth more than a whole year's subscription r a ' 1 it Tl 1 .1 II yon ouy me ueoruary nunmer Tsr this valnable picture, yon will be so nterested in the . contents of tfce jlagazine, teat you will want it ever month; and having it, you will 1 supplied wifa reading matter interest, ing to the whole ; family. Single copies, i20 centa; yearly, $2. Pub lished by W. Jennings Demor-st, 15 East 14th. St, New York. - : A Mother Drowns Her Ohiid. A telegram , was ? received from Winston. by Constable W. A. Linville. vst Fridayjeveu ng to arrest a color ed woman named Adeline Allen, who wos supposed to be making her way toward Kernersville. On that morn ing a colored male child, about four teen months old had ) been" found in Belo's pond and all the circumstances" pointed towardsAdehne as' the- par ty gnilty of Infanticide. She had tiied to get several parties to take the child, offering to pay for its rais ing, and on failing to secure a home for it took this means of ridding her self the encumbrance. . She ; was ar rested here Friday evening going un der the name of Annie Adams' and carried ; to Winston, Saturday, by Policeman Meroncry. There seems to be little doubt of her guilt JS'eus and Faryi. EHEUIIGTOH ITEMS- Christmas holidays passed off with out any serious disturbance. The young folks frolk at the to bacco, warehouse was followed by a big oyster supper and festival at the same place last week for the benefit of the new Methodist church. Some thing over fifty dollars was realized, so I learn. All our schoolshave opened"4again after the winter vacation with in creased patronage. - The Tobacco Association, held its annual meeting last week, but some x how the purchase and sale of the leaf at their warehouse ha3 never amount ed to anything. Organization should facilitate trade and when it fails tu do that the members had just as well disband. Our roads are bad to the superla tive degree. The cold wave struck our latitude early Monday morning and in less than twenty -four hours has covered the ground' with ice and snow. 1 wonder if the cold waves are not in clined to be a little sumptuary in re gard to persanul comfort and-con-venience, especiclly when the wood; pile has "deceded to a stick or two' and the pocket book has collapsed horizontally. But still what cannot be helped must be endured. And so it will continue to be as long s tern peranee people look on, pity, and tolerate, instead of rising up and re moving the cause the saloon. D OTTER. J0NESB0E0 DOTS. Messrs. K. II. Worthy & Son operating a saw mill 2 miles west oi Jonesboro. had a seriens accident at their mill Thursday Jan. 5th. The boiler bursted and literally tort- Richard Mclver, colored, fire man to pjces; and hurt Peter Mc lver and Henry Dark, the sawyer, both colored, so badly they died a few hours afterward. George Sloan, white,, received slight injuries. It is the most complete wreck ever seen in this community, It is estimated a thousand people have been to see it. The fire box was blown about 20 feet, nart of the casing wa3 blown 100 yards, both fly wheels into fragments The different parts of the engmt were bent into most any conceivable shape. It is a result of direct dis- bedience. The fireman had the safety valve chained down and had been told repeatedly to keep it so the steam could escape. Messrs. Worthy will not rebuild the mill. Mr. G. WJ Mann, of Jackson, Ga has moved ! his family here. Mr. Mann $ is a North Carolinian by birth. Messrs. J. V. Lartin and E. Wad- dil of Carthage have moved here. Mr. Larkin has opened a harness shop. ; Dr. W. Harris,dentist of Pittsboro, has moved to Jonesboro to practice dentistry. He ; ; had not finished moving before he had a customer. -Mr. W. I.' Brooka is building anew store house size 20x46 feet, Dr. J. L. Cox, near Jonesboro, killed a hog a few davs ago that weighed 500 pounds. . The editor of the Pbohibitiohist came down on Monday to fill his appointments in Moore, but owing to inclemency of the weather, he re turned home on Tuesday. Jonesboro is to have a newspaper about the firs c of February. J r. i rTe. Poeteb. : Pains in tho back are frequently caused by a sudden wrenching of the spine. A few applications of Salva tion Oil will give permanent relief. Price twenty-live cents. For sale by -all druggists. ' . : - ' B : Make , Lome attracvite KdthiBff add ?o much to the pleasures'" of a home as iiustcUuy a good Piano or Organ of J. 1 .Stone, Raleigh N. TJ.. and you Will never i eret it - - : To clubs of ten nsw subscribers fro will eend the N out u Carolina PeohJ BiTiOKisx obo year for $7.50 . - Now, reader, if ya are - interested ii the eaase of Prohibition, go to work ?aui jet ns up a club- We hope to hear fron our friends in various sections of the Stat in answer its this proposition. ; Oar liat i. growing rapidly, bat we want it - to grow mora rapidly. We want 10,000 names i our list by "the 1st of ;Noy-1888i'-i-SUaI we have them ? ; The answer .: to thi question, depen ls in large measure Tipon the frien.ls of tne cause. With tlie prop er effort oitue part of tliese the 10,00; will be enrolled. " . TTida Awake 18B3 1 The readers of. Wide Awake for yoauf people are so accustomed to good reading and pictures that they will wonder how i is going to be better than ever this cornin year. " But it is. - . ; j Tbe new..year Las already begun wit i th-.- holidsiy nnmber just out a trulj gre t number, larger and better than ev-f before. And the publishers have a primer to s nd to those who-want to know what Wide Awake is going to have in" it in 1888. . ;, The wonder is that such a library , and picture gallery can be got together foi $2.40 a year a thovlsond ' pages an. everything fresh and new s'ories, his tory, travels biography, sketch s, anec dote, adventur and all instructive a well as entertaining. Two words ar drawn from to make" such provision fo: theedu ation and pleasure of our cliil dren. So high is the best of young people's literature nowadays that we are all of u glad to be young. Nine t nths of reading people prefer it to what is written fu them : for it has the rare merit of being easy as well as good. We know of no Christmas gift so sure of bringing a happy response in a reading family Send $2.40 to D. Lotlirop Com pany, Boston. I had suffered for several day: with a severe cold which settled oi: my lungs. One bottle of Dr. BnliV Cough -Syrup, costing me 25 cents. completely cured me. My cold -was So badly seated, that I almost lo&i my speech, and the continued hack ing ana coughing caused reneatet ' W X vomiting. I write you this fcr tin benefit of others who mav suffer, be cause 1 believe it to be my duty. THOS. E. BOWLING, Agent Dayton Hedge Co., Dayton, 0. Wortli Tour Attention. Cut this out and mail it to Ali.ek & C Augusta Maine, who will send vou fre- something aew.tUat just coins money ft all workers. As wonderful as the eiectri light, as genuine as pure gold, it will prot f lifelong valua and importance to yoi Both sexes, all ages. Allen & Co., bcsi expense of starting you in business. 1 will bring you in more cash, riht awa than anything else in the world. Anyon anywhere can do the work, and live t home also. Better write at once ; thci knowing all," should you conclude tha you don't care to engage, why no harm h done . Good Wages Ahead. George Btikson & Co., Portlan Maine, can give you work that you can d and live at home, making gresit pav. Yoi arc started free. Capital no; need vd. Boti sees. Aliases Cut this out and writ at once; no harm will be done if you coe elude not to go to work, after you lean all. All particulars free. Best avim work in the world. Mar. 18'8S 1ia rT7flnt.iniT.4r 'the world during the last half cen- ' '-' inry. ixuv man'. amorg the the wonders of inventive pro gress is a method and system of wort that can be performed all over the coun try without seperating the werkers fron their homes. Pay libera?; any one cai. do the work; either sex, young or old; nc special ability required. Capital not need ed; you are started free Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free, something of grat value an importance to you, that will start vou in business, which will bring yorrin more money right away, than anythingel3e in the world. Grand outfit free. Address Tktje & Co., Augusta, Maine, nrpBcUtw. woooptng iusa, incipient uonsuiHj- m Cure Ooagfr n. Coins. HoaneuM, crotra. Jinnraa, M persons in advanced naues oi I the diseoss. Frice25cta. Can- j UUU IU1U 4VUCC wuruillM.v l tion. Ilia oenuino Dr. etulfM I Cough Burup la sovt nnlj in I while wrappers, and bear our j A Villi's Head in a Circle, a EetU I retrisierea iraao-uirm 10 vw . fac-elmilo eicnaturca of John W. Stria Caution-label, and the Pull A. C Mever A Oo., Solo Chew Luiise'B PIus The great Tobacco Aa Udole: F1100 IO CU. Sold by all Druggists. Thonsand snpllcations for patenU la the United States and Forcien conn tries, the publishers of the Scientino , American continue to act 3 solicitors for patents, caveats, trade-marks, copy ivta .t. tnr iha ITnitfld States, ana to obtain patents in 'Canada, England, France, liennany, ana ati otner couuwica uc. ence is unoqualed and their iacilities are ansor- "rjTafin(fS and BpeciScations prepared and filed in the fatent Office on short notice Terms very -reasonable . No charpe for examinationof models or drawinfrs. Advice by mail free ''... Patents obtained throuRh MnnnAOo.arenotioea inthe SCIKXTIFIC AMKUICANwhich has the largest circulation and is the most influential newspaper of its kind publmhed in the world. The advant ages of such a notice every patentee understands. . - ; .... :,. ' ' . ' This large and splendidly Illustrated newspaper is published WEEKLY at $3.00 a year, and U admitted to be tho beat paper devoted to scienoo, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, pub lisned, in any 'Country. It contains the names of all patentees and title of every invention patenteu each weVk. Try it four, months for one dollar. - Sold by at 1 ewBOea lers. Mnni Co. publiher of SoienUUo Amm J61 BrodwiL5r, New o '.New VorK. T-CrUi3t: . 1 warn .11 444 4 1 Sill Serrtolw SdllWS''3 experience In tha K Ka8! V Rl fil'iretl crecarition of more Si ESJ 11 ' than Ono Hundred mm 17,0 WDERFUL SUCCESS. ECONOMY ; IS XTEAvrtl, All the PATTERNS you wish to dm durhur tha year, for nothing, (a saving of from f 3.00 to 4.38), by BUbscnblug tot , . . v. . . . " The North Caroliia ProMMtionist jemorest's iE-1 - TVlcigagine Ivlontbltf With Twelve Orders for Cut Paper Patterns of your own selection and or any size. BOTH PUBLICATIONS, 0ME YEAR, $2.50 (TWO FIFTY). EHOREST'S m THE BESA Of all tl&e aZxfasElx&es. -CtoTArrrHo Stobtbs, Pones, axd othkb LrrutAB - ATTRACTIOini, COXBlMIHd AKT18TIO, SCIWI- tipxc, aki Household hattxbs. Illustrated toith, Original Steel Engrav ings, Ilu tograwures, Oil Wetwrem rul fine Woodeut. making it th9 Model Mago. mine of--Amerlea..J:;r--S-'if----.-: Each Majazine contains a coupon order entitling the holder to the selection of any pattern Illustrated in the iaehion department im that sumber, and in any of th eizes manufactured, making, patterns during tne Tear or the Taine 01 over inree aouars. s I World'eModel Magarine. The Largest In Form, the, Largest in Circulation, and the beet TWO Deilar Panluy Magazine issnedV 1888 will be theTweBty- fovmh year of its publication and it stands at the head of Familv Periodicals. rlodicels. It contains 7Js pages, laree anarto. SXxltht inches. elesranUy pr fully illustrated. Published by W, Jeooings nntea ana Deuiorest, New York, ... And by Special Agreement Com ' bined with the ' ; M. Carolina ProMMtioiiIst at $2.50 a Year so WHi YOU WAHT.T0 BUY oLOTPiiisra HATS AND FURNISHING GOODS, Don't Fail to Call on us. IiESPECTFULLT, F. FISHBLATE, LEADING CLOTHIEli, Greensboro N. C. C. M. VANSTORY, Manager. SALESMEN: J. G. EULISS, WILL. R. RANKIN, JOHN P. SCOTT. NEW YORK OBSEEVEE. ESTABLISHED IX 1898. THE OLDEST AND BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Six Regular Editors; Special Correspondents at" Home and Abroad; Stories, Reviews, Con densed News, Departments for Farmers, Merchants, Bankers, Professional Men, Students, Boys and Girls. . . This year the Observer will publish more than FIFTY PRIZE STORIES, and the ablest and most popular writers will contribute to its ol umns. Poets and prose writers. authors, editors, men of science and women of genius will fill the columns of the Observer, and it will ive fifty-two unexcelled papers in ine coming year. Price, $3.00 a year. Clergymen, $2.00 a year. GREAT INDUCEMENTS FOR 1888. 1. The NEW YORK OBSERVER wlU be seat for one year to any clergyman not now absoriber, tor ONE DOLLAR. X. Any subscriber Bending bis own Bubeerip tlom for a year in advance and a new subscriber with $5.00, can hare a copy of the " IrensBUS Letters," or " Tho Life of Jerry MoAuley.' 8. We will send the OBSERVER for the re mainder of this year, and to January 1, 1889, to any new subscriber sending us bis name and address and $3.00 in advance. To such sub scribers we will also give either the volume of "Irenaeus Letters " or M The Life of Jerry MoAuley." Affents wanted everywhere. Liberal Large commissions. Sample copy free. Address, -: NEW YORK OBSERVER, NEW YORI, 1 Rewarded are those who t read tais and then act they will find honorable r T : employment trial vmi not take them fron their homes and families. The profits are large and sure for every industrious person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a month. It is easy for any one to make $5 and upward per day, who is willing to work, Either sex young or old ; capi tal not needed ; vre start you. Everything new. Iso special ability required ; yon, reader, can do it as well as any one. Writ to us at once for full particulars, whicl we mail free. Address Btmson & Co., Portland, Maine. H.H.CTLA1TD MERCHANT T AI LOR, UNDER CENTRAL HOTEL Gr.EEKSBoao. N, C. has a fine line SCOTCH and ENGLISH Cheviots, Corkscrews Wcrsteads &c, also "a nice line oi Underwear, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs and -v.. Neck , wear, in every variety PCfmrzL vje aim a can. TuE -ROYAL"" ST JOHII i t I .... .v. 1 c. - vxtS W t I IS the Only machine mado that BeVg the game With th machin TTitrv- Uif-hpr TiaW -inV nr frtvwa-r.l -rA ;V. ' t u-iiiiir TOnfilDJ ei?T "ack: ,aru orlorTRard and without stoppiDg or changing the dirctttka of the WOrkV ' . I pi7pnr if -irrtrt ttt t, r ,TIT, f t 1 iuiii i - . Call and see the, machine at W. If. WAKEP1KLD & CO., GreeEsboro R. r, Dealers, in all kinds of Hardware, Paints, Oils, VarniahM L The O Reliable British Mixture Guano in atock. liar. 188 Sheet Music PIANOS.'- . KRAKICH $ BACII; J . Behr Bros.,": . OHIOKEllING, Einmcrson, HALLETT & DAVIS. - BB1DGEPGBT. SHEEt'mTJSIO; ALL THE NEW AND "POPULAR AIRS IN STOCK. Novelties Eeceived WcefelycT. TEACnERS;ARE OFFERED SPECJALINDUCEMBKTS, Semng Machine'lTeeaies. There are many qualities of Nbedles; the Best are Cheapest. Singer ITeedle t3 cnts per Dozen; All others 5cents each, 50 cents per doien. I can furnish A2TY PART of any make SEWING-MACHINE. Orders by mail will receive rrwm asv tention. Remittance can be made in postage. V I am asking for business that will save buyers money ; 7;' Jit tlia! Goods Talk. J. L. ST02STE, , . iItaleigIi.;iT.!0. . MACHINE NLEDLESJOrfEVE YSSTYLE QBKINS CLASSES n: prepared tu furnish all classes with ylovmeut at home, the whole of the ti.'i .-r for kheir jwre n ments. i3usinert r light and pro'ittU". Parsons of ei hr jex easily earn frem 50 cents to $5.00 j-cr 3vonme, ana a proporuoaai sumuj u"i Lug all their lime to the business. Boys and giris can earn nearly as much as men. 1 hat all who sue tnis may sen a tneir aa lress, and test the business, we make this jixer. To such as are i.ot .atisneawe will aend one d liar to pay for the trouble of writing. - Fkll particulars and outfit free. Addre s Geobse bTiKSOa as Co., rort land Maine. - ft, - O . 1 I P5 O o 43 0 2 o o o H I I PL, CD M o ES.5 to u V ' s 2 S o ED 2 t-i T3 83 M 4, "3 crj 1 1 o 05 ft 3 25 O "3 c r- - m rn o -l O - r- : an O o p o "P a u cS T3 a X o iH O -r 00 rtT5 "s m I -a 4 I 00 fl r5 SsaVondersJexist in thousands K M kft 11 it S?"JTSnillllES ROD Ui 13 211 btp, T"hnsR who am In- DMd ofl - J profitable work that "can be done while living ' atr home should at once send their address to Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine, and. recieve tree luu miormotion h-w itior o-r nf nil Btrpq ran n.rn froml $5 to $25 per day and upward wherever they live. You are started tree. - Capita not required: Some have; made over $!, P a single day at this work. All A VALUABLE FARM FOR U W1 S!:' mliia ITurm fa aitnntA in ftnilfnrd Conn Xty,N. C, on Reedy Fork, on the linel of the K. & D. It. a ,. and contains - some- IrUUlgUVCI I UU ftUCD. Ah uu JO. All guwu Granite quarry. The bou is adapted to the erowth of Tobacco. Grain of all kinds, Cotton and Urass. It -Has a large irame dwelling of nine rooms, smoke-house, louble kitchen. Ice- house, store house, barnes. stables, cribs, tenant houses &c, There is on the place, besides several old orchards, a young orchard t)f some 150 trees of select fruit, lust begining to bear. The dwelling is miles from Brown'si tummit a station on tne xv. a. u. rv. v.. 12 miles from the city of Greensboro. . and within half a mile of a saw and grain mill. The location is one of the- most desirable in. the country. - Call on or addre'es ' th$ Tiditor, of this 3 5-r-l - j r k r Speciality. 0EGAHS. KIMBALL. . New England, MILLElt. WLitno m. S. EDVELL, Boot and Shoe 2aber HAS- opened a shop in tha ld Post OlHce kuilding Mouth' Blm streets, where he i prpard to do all kinds of work in his line. Satisfatia guaranteed. Besides h kps censtantly n Laud for sale second haad boots an4 shoes, and will ftak old boats and shoe in exchange for work. -. If you b boots or she t makek mend, buy or sell do net fail to gir hh call, sept 24 S xnog T. S. SHEIiTOIT, DKALZB IK-. rocpHioo0 CROCKERY, , fiUXJVAnE : Veccfea 2nd Villsu Ware, GENERAL M 3RCHANDISB &Q p r:2r v. Geiksbceo, IT. O. VpiTTcan lire at home and make mM X J U money at work for us than at anything else in this world' Capital not needed ; you are started free. Both sexes; all ag'S. Any one can do the work- Lars earnings sure from firs-, start. Costly a-ut- fit and terms free. Better not dslay. Costs you nothing to send us your address aad find out ; if you are wise you will ds at one. H. Haulhtt & Co., Portianm, n. ine.s . ,- n 'tiires ! nmm 1 , Old PicllirOS Copied lO Ally SlX6. i- j ! . ur vuxkx in suppiieu wnn Desi ;niIf1.liniAntl or. lonof ;,- - A w Call and "examine specimens of our work. Ill lm IsmuEEi. limn iuuacif mucvi u uwi uui4 Court Honsej Green30oro, N. C. PRINCE & WHITE Photographera. 1 Obtained, and ail tATEMT Jit.ij. , tended tn for AfODERA T FL3. Oj t opptxuteVtvxU. 8. Pateut )ic. m,1 ue n tam fT5jnuiuSi5i4'na than tbosv r f VfA.ilUSOrO.V. ;&ttl HODkL. Ii'" ' ' i -H PHOTO of inrentutf w advise ,) ability free of charge Vnd 'c make I j Ca. UM.&SS 1ATST iXuKCVt LU. For cirewUir. advin..- tcr! aii ' , actual wlicnts in your f Jt.C 'lewu, write to r 3 vf mm - . I.