LOCAL ASi);GENERAl Jm for a Prohibitum State Qonveiitioi . - W. H, WETM0RE & Co-, ; Federal Court in ssVion tills week. The State Convention of the Pro A movement is on foot to establish an hibitionistsNorth Oaroliiut.will be orphan asylum by the Udd r eliows. -Charlotte lst its stockade last Sunday morning by Are one prisoner escaped Rev. W. S. Lacy will deliver an ad dress to the teachers of -Morehead summer. - " . .. -, . - Catawba river has had one of tho big f4st freshets that it haa had - in recent years. , v --The washout in the railroad at "Wal nut Cove has . been; repaired, - and trains this South held in Greensboro, "on Wednesday, May 16, 1888 at ten, a. m. The I business of the Contention will bo 1 Tho selection of twenty-six del- egatcs, and as many alternates, to at tend the National Convention to be held at Indianapolis,May 3tV 1888. 2. The selection of eleven Candi dates as Presidential EJRhrft. , 3. The nomination of Candidates for State officers 4 The electiouof a State executive committee 5 The full and complete organiza tionoi the State.- , To the Convention are cordially in vited. 1 The "veteran 448" who voted 13th, 19th and for St. John in 1884: ,2. 1 he ten times larger 'number Mr. John Wood, Sr., was accidental- who cast ballots for Prohibition can ly struck on the head with a maul last didates in 1886: and weeK, ana is in a cnucai conamon.-uan- o i1Mni1rtMi riMaa ,nl.ft MM'4IVU i1A1V.O IMlgVl 11 It lift- bcr who are convinced, The Governor has offered a reward of That the legal suppression ol the $ J00 for the capture of William McGinn, traffic in alcoholic drinks is the most who mraereq Mr. i,eroy u.uiou n JuacK- vitai noliHrtil nft ne fhp 1v 1 A. T O 1 : I : J jenDure cuuuij uu iuc oivi iuo. . nyu , , i t Dr. B. V. Dixon has purchased the the continous action of a party intent noidBboro Broom factory and wm make on bringing all department of gov it a part of the industrial department .f ernment to b ar upon the saloon ys iitv vawiu f- vwl me x nat neitner tne upmonratip. nor uuiug a uquor vote larger .man its A capitalist from New J ersey has pur- l ast majority and dail y offerin g e reat- pasod the Ixmg island factory in utaw- er l. for the whoU of it. mn PVPr --7 - are goin throuach to Ararat as usual. A Demorest Gold -medal prlae contest took placa at Bellvue ' Inst tut 1 Greensboro, on Tuesday night. The Department of Ariculturo reports that there is to be this year a greater dl versification of crops than ever before. The Methodist bunday S hool Confer ence of the Fayetteville District will be held at Jonesboro, on the 20th of May. There will be a big crowd at State Prohibition Convention . in Greens hi County, and will establish a hosier manufactory, giving employment to 150 persons. - Eev. J. W. Blosser, D.. of Greensboro, N. C, who is a Metholtst preacher, prepares a remedy Jwhich, by smoking in a pipe, cures catarrh. colas, nroncnius, &c lie win mail a trial sample for a 2cent stamp. Marshal Bradley, . of the Supreme Court, served upon Gov. Scales a copv of a complaint in a suit for some $150,000 against the State, brought byBaltaer and Taaks, of New York, on account of iron sold the Cha'ham railroad cempany in 1S68. Tlie case will be heard in the Supreme Court. The Prohibitionists of the Fi h Con gressional District are invited to a Con gressional convention to be neia - in Greensboro May 16 the same day as the State Convention, hour and : place to announced thereat. . . tke up the isiue andgive the people an enlorceu rrohibition, State and National. By unanimous order of the State Executive Conimniittee. D. W. C Benbow, Chairman. Viljiub F. Steele, Secretary. Feo. 27.1888. State papers please copy. FOR THE CAMPAIGN. Tlte Prohibitionist until November 8, 1888, for Fifty 'Cents. The Darlinflrtor S. C. In order to put the Prohibitionist into be J the hands of as many voters as possible dunnfir the coming campaign, we will lur jiny x-ronioiuomsi. I or HO cents. All subscribers whoarenow correspondent la arrears can take advantage of this of- - . far i1!nir tn (lift ATlt tllf ftmnnnt of the Columbia Register says- A young - t-arrrarajr. We make this propo- boy name Martin Thompson died a the Uition in the expectation that our friends poor house here some time ago- After everywhere will exert themselves to ex- aw haMkn i n Whal i UfA IvA llCfllk . oointed?! AVhat say you, dear reader much about himself but be was uxmui Yy-jn you :g.0 to -work at once and get us .... . J at- 1 r T x fiat his sister snouia Know 01 nia ueaip. a ciD i now is ine time, uo it ai uiice. It is thought that he came from Anson Cnnnir. Xorth Carolina. I rroniDinon rany uonveuuoua . somen me eanjf ui juuo, -jui j will have a grand railreaa cele orauon m Dakota; Mareh 2?, tor organization), : honor of the completion or tne iape reari Huron Sr. Taekin Vallev Railroad. There will Is ova Scotia, March 37 (for organiza a- i r raw uuui. jiuiv. be acava!ry aispiay c.uS , onn. March 28. at Portland , e ' ' . horseman, and also a trade and Industri al display consisting os 30 or .40 floats drawn liv two tn four horses each. . and many other attractive features- The Mt. Airy fo ks say they wilj ecipse any cele bration ever gotten up in the State State Chronicle Mr. Rebert Graham, of Ne York City, has with great cre ascertained the folio wing facts : "Preceding the presi dential electionof 1884 there were held in New York City 1 002 political conven tions pfintnpeRaional. assembly, alder- manie, primary, etc.. In these political meeting the country id largely governed. Two hundred and eighty-three of them were held apart from saloon, 93 next r to saloons 633 in saloon."-Workman Ten young people all winners of Silver Medals, and wearinsr the same--strove nobly for the large and beautiful gold medal. Never have we seen the same num'-er of ipeaVersof such uaiform ex cellence. The selections more or less distinctlv favored polit cal Prohibition, and were persuasively and convincingly rendered. Col. R. M. Douglas, Mr. U. v Benbow, and Prof. W- F- Steele had the difficult position of jHdges, and by one point in 134 awarded the medal to Miss Saiie Polland. The class charmingly rendered a Prohibition song. Wm Forsyth earlier in the exarcises won a silver medal. He with the nine nnt. will contest for an other gold medal on Friday night Apr. 13, It will be a treat to attend." A hio-aold modal contest in Benbow Hall may be arranged for next mon th. Raleigli, NaC. MANUFACTURERS OF - Hand Made Shoes & Horse . Collars Merchants, will please send for Prices and Samples :to order - from, sent at Our expenses We manufact- ure Nothing bo 1 1st class Goods. : 'TPYTHEM.- , r" a rt,J2 IfTh W O PORTER Wholesale Sc Retail DRUGGIST, i i - ..)'.!. .... Opposite. Bentow House, f , I ' . j - . - : t : , ; h4 TIRES! PICTURES! Picks from Life in all Styles. Old Pictures Copied to any Size. Our office is; supplied with best instruments and latest improyements. Call and examine specimens of our work. J. ' : III Work Guaranteed. . Prices as Low as the Lowest , . . -- West Market Street, 2d door from Court House, ureensooro, N. C. PRINCE & WHITE Photographers. 1 t- x d o XS1 5 'l' ?1 ; g-ld w m 3 oj W Wm a o H w . . . i eo . O ! 3 CJ H. t- o2 5- S "S O PQ California, April 4, at San Francisco. Kentucky, April Is, at Louisvill". Alabama, April 18 ana iy, at uecatur Texas, April 25, at Waco. Pennsylvania, May 2. at Harrishurg, Illinois, May 10, at Springfield. Maine, May 16, at Fortlana. Michigan, May 16, at Grand Rapids. North Carolina, May l&-at Greensboro. Tennessee, May 16, at Mashrille. Wisconsin, May 23 and 24, at Madison. Ohio, May 30 and June 1. at Toledo. National Convention, May 30, at Indi anapolis.! - . ,. Vermont, June la, at iJionipeiier. Missouri, June 13, at Kansas City. New York, June 26 and 27, at Syraclise. Kan-as, July 18, at Hutchinson. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. China and Glassware. rom tne c near est common ware to the finest French China. t Tea Sets, Chamber Sets, Din nee sets, Toilet bETS. in great Variety. ; LAMPS j in profusion. AcallTvill convince you of the above facts. f ; Truly Yours ' ! W. i CHICHESTEE, f South Elm St., ! Greensboro N. C. V '4 , j S - LEVI IlOUSTONv. ' MAHUFAOTUEEB , OF ALL HAND MADF H AKNESS SADDLES. . COLL AllS &0 . , Also dealer in CARRIAGES and - FARM ' " -' k AVAG0N5. " , , I have the largest assortment of SILKS and EMBROIDRY goods to to be found anywhere. Call in and examine or write for prices. ; . A . Greensboro, C. THIS SPACE BELONGS THE efioM Hardware Wafc Company, Raleigh N.C, A, :. i 't0D, X M PIANOS. KI(ANICU $ BACE. , lerson, BAY STATE ORGAHS. KIMBALL Miller BRIDGEPOBT. -:o: SHEET MUSIC; ; Novelties 2-teceiyed Weekly. " TEACHERS AEE OFFERED SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS, . Sewing Machine Needles. Of the best quality, and at lowest rates. : Orders by mail' will receive prompt attention. ; ' J. lo. STONE, WIIX BE OCCUPIED USE TAR HEEL LINIMENT FOR ALL ACHES and PAINS. 3 .i ! (o) O 52 CO to C9 BUELDIGTOir ITEMS. Burlington, N. C, Arril 3rd. '88. rnt. "!"-. rr1-m HI! til at WftS BO horribly mangled at the Big Falls cotton ,:n atnen died the 1st linns a ncaK i The dogs killed a 11 the sheep. belonging f 1ia latfl Peter Holt, Monday, and a number for Mr. Daniel Anthony last week. Perhaps 15 or 20 on the twofarms. Give us a.dog law quick Mr, Alphonzo Klapp from near Gibson o n lAn trt-f?n v ' and cam near fiP?nr .u.Tiftimlv hurt br his horses run O r ning away with him I I P ISI & S l4 2 IS' - Iwl - , ! 1 Zi IrfHl 1 PS ?L t; H Jag s .. f S5 1 DRY, GOODSJ NOTIONS. O o K tu O C5 ? i C5 5 CO a s nWI ... "i o .5S l- - 53 J -(- To clubs of ten new subscribers , w e will send the North Carolina. Prohi bitionist one year for $7.50 ' . f Now, reader, if you, are interested in Ithe cause ef Prohibition, go to work and get us up a club-We hope to hear from our friends in various sections of the State in answer to tliis proposition. Oar list is growing rapidly, but we want it - to grow iiw.'KWnmfi.m.lftMiifnM Puin In the mora rapidly. . We want 10,000 names on w ,wa atp not Stomach and Bowels, Neuralgia, lame ov our list by the 1st or Nor. 5 1888 thought to be more than a severe jar. Easter was celeb rate2 by several picnics in this section, , - ' Pottjsr us stiff back, bruises, sprains, cuts, &c. Tar Ilcci Liniment Pri c 50c. Sold by Druggists and Deal, Try It.','. ' . Shall we have them? The answer to this question depends in large measure upon the friends of the cause. With the prop er effort oa the part of these the 10,000 jrjll be enrolled, , o o 2 . J - - J s fa Vr Vj " HH S b H W fig o-pq 20 . . Oh V E5 . DO 11 1 111 mam H. H. CARTLAICD, MERCHANT TAILOR, UNDER CENTRAL HOTEL , - Greensboro; N, C ' ., - - . -. . - .- - my it 3 has a fine line ouuaajo. auu T7.K( JTi TSH Cheviots,? Corkscrews Worsteads &c., also a nice line oi Underwear, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs V EEADYMADE CLOTHING! OVEROOATS, CLOAKS, nATS, CAPS, BOOTS, ; SHOES, CARPETS, EUGS ana eyerythm pertaining to a full and complete stock of DRY GOODS. - We desire to call the attention -f the readers of the Peohibitioxist q jthe act that we have opened this season an entirely newstock of goods the largest, "best assorted and most complete ever offered to the people of his section. -Iiirder io rnake room for our Spring Stock, re are selling these goodsrat sjreatly reduced prices. All W as k ia a ch ance to sell. YotT cannot afford to buy elsewhere until -yo. 4i&ve examined our goods and prices. . RESPECTFULLY, '; PRF.TZFELDER & Co., Greensboro!, N. C - farmers9 Wmm Jo and Neck weaf in every ; variety Give him a call. has revolutioizea the world during the last half cen turv. Not least i,o wrmdpr of inventive ' pro. alllvliK ttw tw w- . -- ?a o mpihnrl and avstem ot work el COO IB t - J - " that can ue penuiiucu vw w ; try without seperating the workers from TlkPI T III 111 1KB J. T u . j n tli work: either sex, young or old- no sDecial ability required. Capital hot need-i e.tU trOU are Biarieu. nee vu Mtttsuu wtnm to us and we will aend you freeV anmfthinff f creat Value an importance tn vou. that will start you ;in business, which will bring you in more money right nwav.'than anything else in tlieworld d outfit free.- Address. Trcje- & Co- ugMSta, Mai,ue. - - ' mi! Rewarded- are those who read this and then act they will find honorable mrf. f r cuiyiuv uicui biio.b nriii uvv take them from their home3 and families. The profits are large and sure for every industrious person, many nave maae ana are mow -making seveYal hundred dollars a iaat3uu It is easy for any one to make $5 and pward per day, who is -willing to work, Either sex young or old ; capi tal not needed i ve start 'you. Everything new. sto special aDiiuy requireu ; you, reader, can do it as well as any one. w rite to u at once for full particulars, wnicn we mail free. Address btinaon. & Uo., Portland, Maine , . Greensboro, J. C TV. E. BEYILt & CO., Proprietors, TOBACCO 6R0T7EBS ' -" "Will find the Earmers' "WareLouse'' the place t - - get the highest market prices for . ' ALL GllADES OF TOBACCO. fn,p no better market in the State, and our buyers want and mus hae a large qnanity of leaf tobacco and are willing to pay as much for it as it will bring on any other market. - - Mr. W. J.'-Lyon, late olLurham, jn. u. is witu tne x ivix.xxo. x is oneof the best auctioneers in the State, and is, also, a fine judge of the weedjaand knows what it is worth and will catch every bid and hold till top is ,reachea.v iive us a trial ana we wm uo-juu gwu. lteSPI.CTEULLy, W. E. BEVILL & Ca

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