LOCAL AND GENERAL ' D.-. N.H. D. Wilsen, Well known throughout the State, died at Franklinton N.7O.. Tuesday. 3?is funeral tok place ia mis city yesterday. , , ' ifev. J. W. Blosser, M. D. of Ureensboro, N. C, who is a Methodia preacher, prepares a remedy whicht oj smoKing in a pipe, cures catarrh, colas, broncnius, &c. He will mai a trial sample for a Scent stamp.' "The Ballot Box." The lie". Dr Deems was the first paplisher of a political temperance paper m the world It adToeated prohibition in 1853, thirty five years ago. Has the Dr. alwajs been before his age? He tells us that the paper was called the "Ballot Box, and he need not nave to d us that . at tiat time not many numbers were issued. Some copies may yet be in existence. He is very anxious to scure at least one cony, if any survive. He will give ten times the original price bend, if fonn '-, to lliv Dr Dooms, 4 Winthrop Place, New York. Daily Workniar, The Church and the Saloon I have never been so disgusted with' party politics as I am to-day, I am one who takes everything for Ood until couvinced to the contrary. A Methodist myself, I take every Me thodist to be true and to come into our church with his eves open and according to law. We take ce tain obligations that to a Christasn should be as binding as l a - ' - ; mm-r tne matrimonial vow. we promise to renounce the devil and. all his worKs. sxow tne aevii is most cer tainly eutrenched oehind whisky and beer. One question on the admission of members is this; Will yon cheerfully be governed by the rules of the M. E Church, hold sacred the ordiu nces of God, and endeavor as much as in your lies to promote the welfare of your brethren and the advancement of the Redeemer's kingdom?" Answer "I will' Does any church doctrine oppose tax or license ? : ;"V v-;W- Now, brother, let us be honest. You knew these thing before you. came into church fellowship. But in the face of these facts you help place men in . office who are pledged to tax or license, and by so doing you are a partner in the crime of drunkard making. ;'".y''- :;f: y'ii'k Any Bible reader if asked who built the temple at Jeruslem would say Solomon. But the multiplied thou sands of men who prepared tha ma terial were surely patners in that grand work. So when you vote for those men who are pledge to the old parties you are partners in the crime of drunkard-making, you are helping to establish these sink holes of iniquity all over the land, and yon protect them by law. The church is blamable to-day for the sin of the li quor traffic, which is send ng nearly 100,000 souls to perdition every year. M. W. Baeger. in New Era. WASHDJGT02J LETTEB. . (From Out Regular Correspondent.) , Washington, May 11th. 188?. luesday was apologists day in the u tilted States Senate. Soon after the Senate met Mr. Ingalls, the Pres identpro temleft the chair and wen to hu place on the floor, it being un derstood that Mr. Voorhees had de cided to make an apology for the use ol unparliamentry language in his debate with Mr. Ingalls a week ago. benator Harris, of , Tennessee, had been called, (as he very frequently is) to preside, aad after the discharge o some morning business Mr. Vorhees rose and said if it would not interfere with other matte s lie would like to make a statement which he consider ed d ue to the Senate. He had been absent from the Capitol since tne day of his famous encounter .with the Kansas Senator on account of a car buncle affliction. : -I'v-:':- '' He said :. 'I t is known that I v have beenconfined to my room during the past week, seriously indisposed. visited the Senate yesterday with the intention of making the statement which I shall how make, but the op porcunity uia not present itself, and Kev. W. T. Walker, editor of the North Carolina Prohibitionist, published at Greensboro, delivered lecture at the Opera House Friday night on prohibition. He was greet ed by a small audience on account of the inclemency of the weather. He presented startling statistics in re gard to the evils of intemperance, saying that the consumption ;- of in toxicating drinks in this country costs nearly the enormous sum of a billion dollars a year.. -He said that it was impossible to form a just conception of this immense -amount only in a re lative sense. If a boy just old enough to count were to begin counting, a dollar at a time, he would be at the task when the snows of age were c-'v ering his head. If the much-talked-of snrplss in f e national treasury were appiopria ed for that purpose it would not pay TJncle Sam's bar bill for two months. If every farm in this great nation had a gold mine up on it we could not stand this expense. He said that the whiskey ring was the most thoroughly organized con binat on on this continent. This cli que employed a man at Washington to watch the proceedings of Congress .and see ' that no legislation was indulged in which militated against the vast whisky interests. " Eleven thousand saloon keepers in New York city, of which the majority are forei gners, practically controlled Amer ican p olitics, and if radical measures were not adopted as a preventive this vicious element would even tually se cure supreme control." Mr. Walker.) suffering so much, I withdrew . and went home. In reference to the dis cnssion m which 1 participated last - week, I desire to say to the Senate that, however severe the provocation given, l at that time made use of lan ' . .. . - . ----- ... . . j i guage contrary to tne rules, usag s and decorum of the Senate. I regret having used such language ana ten der a proper apology to the United States Senate for doing so. My high respect for the dignity of this body, as well as my self respect induce me to make thi statement7 After this handscjoe apology, and without any comment j on his part, Mr. Ingalls resumed his seat as pre siding officer. x nen senator noar, oi Mass., pre sented a memorial of the New Eng land conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, protesting against the ratification of the Chinese treaty, or any treaty the precludes C nines ministers of; the gospel, v or Chinese delegates to religious conventions, coming into the country, character izing it as utterly u a-American and ua-Christian. - -'-:- rhey were a little too late ith this protest, the treaty having been ratifi ed by the Senate on Monday. The Massachusetts Senator remarked that "until there could be an appeal from the, American people drunk to the American people sober, the matter might be considered settled. He, therefore, asked that : the memorial might be laid on the table and it was so ordered. Next Senator Palmer of Michigan, wanted to make an apology. In hid speech in reference to the irregulari ties of certain land-grants, he found in the Record, that he was qnoted as sayns that all these grants were "covered with the ; tr il of the ser pent". This sentence had occurred in his mannseript, but he had omit ted it in his speech. - Although he thought there had bee a good deal of the trail of the serpent about these gr-nts, he thought the remark was too general in its character and he wanted to have it stricken out Both Senators having "owned up like "little men", business was resum ed and the Senate moved on serene- ' On next Tuesday the largest gath ering of members of the Baptist de nomination ever held in this city will begin an eight days meeting at Cal vary Church, t The occasion will be the anniyersa y meetings of the three great societies of the Baptist Church, the American Baptists Home Miss ionary society, the American Bap tists' Union, having charge of foreign missions, and the American Baptists' Publication Society. The societies will not be in! session at the same time, but as fa3t as one adjourns an other will take its place, each ho d . ing a session every day. ; They are distinct, and yet are held together by the similarity of the work they have in charge, and the members of one are enti tied to a voice in the proceeding s of the others. jBetween two and three thousand delegates are expected to be m attendance, including many prominent pastors and laymen m the Church, besides a number of foreign rissioBaries. ! At a conven tion h Id by the Pas. tors' Alliance of the District of Col umbia in this city during the week, the question i'Shall we admit a Mor mon state" was discussed. Mr. Jos eph Nimmo" Jr., made a" C n otabal speech in opposition to the attempt of ecclesiastical organization, and also to protect the missionaries thus en 'aged in the great work of advancing our Christian civilization against the political power of the Mormon I Church. ; r - BUEUKGT03 ITE2IS. ; Mr. Andrew McCauly, one of our most valued and influential cit'zens died at the residence of Mr. Jas. A. Turrentine Sunday nignt, the 13tb inst. after a short illness. Mr Mc- w ; . . , Cauly was one of t Burlington's best men, and his deatn has cast a gloom over our town " " A child of Mr, Coleman Hundley died Sunday night also. ! The section of count y between Saxapahaw in this county and Chapel Hill was visited by the severest rain fall last Friday night that has fallen for, pert aps, twenty years. Much damage was done to fresh plowed corn lands, bridges, roads, etc. Our town election passed off quiet ly. Mr. K. S. Hunter of Graham is said to be dangerously sick. Work on the new Methodist church has commenced. It is to be 40 ft by 70 ft ; :.- v I " The closing exercises of Holt's School takes place on thejevening of the 31st inst. f ' Uur cotton mil s are runmnsr on two-thirds time in the weaving de partmentJ -1 f i . Dottkb. FOIl THE CAMPAIGN. TJie Prohibitionist until November 8, 1888, for Fifty Cents. : In order to put the Prohibitionist into the hands of as many- voters as possible during the coming campaign, we will tar nish it from now until alter the election for 50 cents. -All subscribers who are now in arrears can take advantage of this of fer by adding to the 50 cents the amount of their arr. a rage. We make this propo sition in the expectation that oar friends everywhere will exert themselves to ex tend our circulation. Shall we be disap pointed? AVhat say - you, dear reader? Will yon co to wortc at once ana get as a club ? Now is the time. ; Do it at once. Jiiity Unto Death; betas-the life ant work of the late T?rT. Craa V. IIa.ftflrk. A ootle of Prohibition, in Cb Northwest. Hy his lrofhor. John A. Haddock The rocent rnurdor of thin rrrat man for faia dv votion to principle. ent thrill f horror t.hronvii thei civilixM woriil A vnnderf nllr madaM and inpiriuif bxk. an.1 ono lntiiifrnsM to Um Pro hibiUon eaiim. irtvinir a it (loan, thi anrnmnt on th qnextion of Lio-tw- or No J jeenne, snd - National ProhlMtioo tom-thr with a fn history of the arrnrl and orowth of ibe ln perauo? cauw in the North wai. Prioe JfO eeau M'led fre on rr-ceipt o ir-i rtf1rcM ti. ti MUt HATjOMlAT. ailSM i . N. 4k- W.H. WETM0SE & Cc, Rolcisli. U. C. MANUFACTUliERS OF Hand Hade Shoes & Horce I Collars. ; Merchants trill please send for Prices and Samples! to order from, sent at Our expense. We manufact nre Nothing but 1st class Goods. ' TPY THEM. a f -V- S LCVI Z L-r- 1IAHUFA0TDBER OF ALL HANI) 5IADF HARNESS SADDLES. COLLARS &C. Also dealer in CAREIAGES and FASH WAGOm I have the largest assortment of SILKS and EMBEOIDEY goods to be found anywhere. Call in and examine or write fat prices. Greensboro, K...C. 58. k O Q gap 'a Kx'- - -MB mi . 5 J Tf o - .2S g g H -- o -s g A aa ao WO PORTER. Wholesale s Hbtail DRUGGIST, Opposite Benlxrw House, Grccnsbcro, C i I - ' ;:': -f. ; '-5" i x. i ,;- J--..r tVOWDERFUL SUCCESS. EGONOSXT IS "WEAtTXI. All the PATTE8S8 Toa wtt to dm during th ytmx, for nothing, (j uviuc of from $8.00 to S4.U, hj sDwrlblag for Tie llortb Carcliia PreMMojist Q IttMtrata d wrt mnrrnmiH iii i rif i iiih itii v rnxx tii uoes not unu in nouxisn -grant them the immumties of state bnt presents facts m a singularlj W ! bbd; and in favor of plaoiog tjie ter- uu iuc., , ss Tltorj 0f Utah under a legislative arguments in favor of the prohibition ; commission, the form of territorial .i-V. J ' ! X-J-rrrltU WCkUUU"u" www govern mept that was approTed by commands respect whera it does not Pre8idepta Jefferson Madison aid win consent We are glad id learp The!8peaker urged that it that he secured a number of subscri-, M espepiull y cbe duty of th. clergy to beFS for bjs paper, . 08e th domination of Utah by an WllKTwi Or4r for Cit Pf PHriwof yowr ew aUction Of aayaiia. BOTH PUELICATIOriS, UmE I EAR, $2.50 (TWO FIFTY). ::I'r.Tni3 DC Oil Of tall the Macazines. . ObnAiiixsa Soun, Fonts, akd otmi LmtBAB .-' TIT1C. ixs Houbxhold MATTKB. .:- vtfsmiI tttlth. OmimituU Steel XEnarav- na, Photogravure, Oil lHetnrma.amS fSU Woodcut, making it tho ModolMaga. EachMsZMino contains m coupon order entitling th7hSlr ta the election of any pattern flluBtrated in tho fashion department n that nmpber, ana m anv of the elzea manufactured, making pattjma durtoir the year of the yalneof oyer three. dollsw. BKHO RESTS il ONTBLT it jUBtly cntiUed tha ni.Uui.i trMlii -Tha fnreatin Fonn.tB8 rTTr. ZCZ "and thabSat TWO Dollar Family Maeazine isrued. 1888 will bo the Twanty- fourth year of its publication, and U stanoa ai um baaa or Family ranoaicaw. is wnwiu rB--j larva nnartn. Rwitilu incheB. elesantly printod ana fully lllnstratad. PubMabed by W. SeBDla& uemorest, now xora, - - And by Special i -?eeent Com- 2 14 o & 4 . a? at. 5 OS USE TAR HEEL LininEflT FOE ALL ACHES: and PAINS. p f NT Jo A A 7 7- 6 G CHS WEI!.- (o) CO 9 PIANOS- KRANJCH $ BACH. orcon. BAY STATE 0EGAIJG. KIMBALL. Ilfllcr BBIDGEP0BT. :o: fVI r,HW S -si gS j 3 - u s fg g Y w 1 11 CO For Rhenmatism. Swellings, Pain in th stomacb and Bowel;, Neuralgia, lame oe sua DacK, braises, fmrams. cuts. &c use Tar Ceel liafctct Prie 50c Sold by Druggists and Dea Try it. . H. H, CAETLA1TD, T3 -a gs e S 2 a 11 5? g S 8 s 8-. S-SSrV a a -S rr! S d in 3 1 JgCJ Q, g 8 a 2 MERCHANT TAILOR, UNDER CENTRAL HOTEL (Jbbkxbbobo. N, C. f has a fine line SCOTCH and ENGLISH Cheviots, Corkscrews Worsteads tic., also a nice line oi Underwear, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs :and Neek wear in every : yariety t Give him a call. ' SHEET MUSIC; . ITovcltics Received Y7coHy TEACHERS ABE OFEERED SPECIAL IN DUCEMEN T3f, Sewing Hachine Needles. ' 90t the best quality, and at lowest rtes. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. J. L. STONE, Ralcic;h, IT. C. DET GOODS!-- N0TI0M READ YM ADE CLOTHING! OVERCOATS, CLOAKS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, CAEPETS, BUGS and CTerjMaa,r norfjiininor fn a full unrl mmnlAtt afrurlr rf TIRV flOnnS We desire to call the attention of the readers of the Pbohibitiojcxst to he fact that we have opened this season an entirely new stock of good the largest, best asserted and most complete everofEered to the people d his section. In order to make room for our Spring Stock, we utt selling these goods at ctreatly reduced prices. All we ask is a chance to sell. You csnnot afford to buy elsewfesz until you have examined our goods and prices. hIMES! PICTURES! rttfts fo Life b allStyl V 1 :f X I I J Villi has revolutioised i'the world dvynng i. tVin Inat. half MD- Old Pictures Copied to any Size. 'I S J VV Wwiy.: -Not iet Oar office : b ..pplied with best SSSSSTSVS. instruments and latest improvements, that can be performed all over the coun .: : ' . : irv vviiuuut sepciauug w. wwrwra irom jail ana examine specimens oi our their homes. Fay libera); any one can TOrtir ido tue vrorK; eitner sex, young or old: no 'ed; you are started free . Cut this out and mb an ar varill cam 1 tv.. a PriCCB aS MOW aS tue LOWSSt 'something of great value an importance to you. that wm start you in business ich will bring you in more money right ay, t nan any tumg else in the world. Ill Vcsk Euasiiteeo. West Market Street; 2d door from Court House, Greensooro, N. C. PRINCE & WHITE Photographers. . To clubs of ten new . subsc r iber we will send the" North Oxbolina Pboui- BmoKiST one year for $7.50 . Now, reader, if you are interested the eause of Prohibition, go to work and get as up a club. We hope to hear from and outfit free gusta, Maine, Address True & Co - . I. A .'JLala.A:JL. IAI A 1 1 a? af tl A. newarded are those who read this and then act they will find honorable emnlovnifiTit that will our friends in rarious sections of the State-take them from their homes and families, in answer to this proposition:: Oar list isThe proftts are large and sure for every irowiag r.pid,y,b.t we M to :gSSJSSSSSjSSSr mqre rapidly. We want 10,000 names pna month. It is easy for any one to make ou list by the 1st of Nov. 1888. Shalll$5 and upward per day, who is willing WA hava them ? The answer to this!0 wurk, Either sex young or old : capi- nnttam denends in lare measure um,ninot 5 Everything , 1 inew. so Bpeoiai acuity required r you, tne ineuasoi iae cause, w na inc prop- ireader, can do it as well as any one. Write : ffort of the part ot thee the 10,000 ito us at once for full partieulara, which . ilj ,be croJie5J RESPECTFULLY, ;j PR ETZJFELDER & Co. Gre cssbcro, U. C wo Greensboro, N.r O. V; E. DEVIUT& t'O., Prcprietoiu TOBACCO GROT7EBS Will find the "armers, Warebouse'Hhe place to get the highest market prces for iwe mail free." Address Stinson & Co., !?ortland,lIaiae, ' - ALL GRADES OF TOBACCO. There ig no better market in the State, and our buyers want and ran hae a large qoanity of leaf tobacco and are willing to pay axcmeli for it a it will bring on any other market - , Mr. W. J. Lyon, late of Durham, N. C is with the FABHEES. He oneof the best auctioneers in the State, and is, also, a fine jude cf tv l weed, and knows what it is worth and will catch every bid and hsld til top is reached. Give us a trial and we will do you good. KESPiCTiULLT, , E. BEVILL & CO. 1 f

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