- Ni v - ,-i f I -. , ... . ! 1 : . WHA T TM PT?nTI TTltTTn-M nm.t.a b.aTc a rfldncation of the surplus, so w .n V JL J.V . I , - mi do the Keputmcans, ana bo un. ' x 110 PARTY IN. IOWER COULD DO. : - JUDGE DAVID MC CPI.LOCH. If we were to answer how prohibi tion Is to be helped by the Prohi- town in 1884 the v tried. to burn St. John in effisry, but were prevented both practicallj -stand on the same hjy a Prohibitionist. - r V . id. I reiterate tnat tne two great Wo mpntino-a nn fliAfirR. evening and the next afternoon, bnt the ram ' prevented the nsual large irmnnd. l reiterate m5 wie iwu greav o : . .. j a j i I ill! rotui political parties of to-day have He ended with a ferqent appeaL ta the audience that if they loved the black man! crowded in the evening!1. they should do their utaiost to strike the . The tent is manned by the follow , ... . ...11: .. i i-fistfirt with mora terrible results uron 6 - .v-.wv, Dinon PartVS SeiUUir control Ax wic - ; -"Vs-i r- unonW nH munowr Prnf A Tl JS ational Uoyern ment, we mignt rnat, did that other slavery of which, T.hauk Lane, soloist ; Amos Bloier, janitor ; when tliev shall have elected - their President and a majority in both houses of Congress, they might with out any change in the Constitution Drocea to enact laws as follows: For the removal ot the saloon from the National Capitol. For the prohibition of the manu facture and sale of intoxicating drinks m the District 01 Uolumbia. God, he new was free. A REALITY THAT COMPELS SERIOUS CONSIDERATION. From N. T; Herald (Ind. Dem.),J General Clintojst B. Fisk, the candidate of the prohibition party and Henry J. Hess, distributer of temperance literature. ; We go from I here to .. Gaskill's Corners for three days ; from August. 31 to September 1 x, we will be at u wego. JS very thing looks favorable for alargelvincreased vote in Tioga County this Fall. - J OS. F. HES8. I n - 1 1 i-i. . 1 J'. For the prohibition of the use of tor tne rasiaency, accepts ine nomi- BIIU J'""V : " J " o - It A Veritable t Palace on Wheels. The comfort and luxury of modern railway travel would no doubt make lnfrmaHnor rlrinlrsi in thp HTltlT li PrnoTnoia ru nftw vftrrJ. letter, which we print elsewhere. f ho cfAfa whp.rp. has been the custom lor many years Jurisdiction has been ceded to the to sneer at the movement to prohibit veteran of the stage-coach and caual- National Government.. the sale ot intoxicating orinK by Doat era gasp ana stare, isach season -cv- fho Toal of nil la-wa ho.Pna law. as a . ''crank" measure one of marks an epoch of improvement, and the ing the liquor traffic in the territories those whims and fancies, good enough great redlway lines J b the country.: are settlers; and that men and women should 7. That civil service appointments for all civil offices, chiefly clerical m their duties, should be based upon moral, intellectual, and physical qualifications, and not upon party service or party necessity. v ; 8. For the - abolition of polygamy and the establishment of uniform laws govern ing marriage anddivorce. .i 9. For prohibiting:: all combinations of capital to control and to increase the cost of products for popular consumption. , 10. ForHie preservation and defense of me oaDDatn as a cml insitution. without oppressing any who religiously observe the same on any other than the first dsy of the week.' ?.-( . ,. . .. . .. 11' That arbitration is the Christian, wise and economical method of settling national differences, and the same method should, by judicious.legislation, be applied to the settlement 'of disputes between large bodies of employes .and their em ployers; that the abolition of the saloon would remove the burdens moral, physical, pecuniary and social, which now oppress labor and rob it of its earnings, and would prove to be a wise and successful way of promoting labor reform, and we -invite labor and capital to' unite with us for the accomplishment thereof; that monopoly in land is a wrong to the people, and the pumic lands snouia be reserved to actual i . - i ; TvrnMKitirm therein fif t.ho. mftrm. pracacai vaiue i in facture and sale of intoxicating steady growth , of the temperance viflVo ;-; v vo, ; uartv. especially in New York and . To -nrnniWt the trfthsTwrfatiori of New Jersey, the' fact that its sup intoxicating drinks from other states porters are resolute men, who know service of the Piedmout Air-Line of the - 4. - i a. t imA,i rt what, thev want and do not mind the no ever politics. iUt the! advances along the line of progress. These thoughts are - forcibly suggested by an inspection by a Post Teporter of the recent addition to the Pullman Car State Platfornv The Prohibition party of the State of North Carolina humbly and grate-! fully acknowledge Almighty voa. as theSupreme Sovereign and Law-Giver from whose authority all just powers of human government are derived and with whose righteous laws all human enactments should be in per fect agreement in order to obtain' and maintain for the people the blessings ot peace, prosperity, and. happiness. tutioh of the United States prohibi- If ORTH ting the manulacfcure supply, sale, imrortation or ssxportatioQOi all al- coholic Deveraes. 1 Commission to in eport -apoiv-tba statis f the alcoholic iiqu- CAROLINA MENT. FOR DEPART- 4. A Natio .i ..-.1 quire into anu tics ana enecxs tor traffic. s TOfi total aholition of the Inter !nal Revenue, system- ot the uniwju States. f ' fi Immediate Prohibition oime liquor tr?sJic thoughout . all territory THfi STAUNTON sell it. To prohibit the importation intoxication drinks from foreign countries. To makes carriers b y : land or water amenable to "the laws of the states into which they carry anything prohibited by the laws v thereof When' all this shall have been done, it is possible prohibition in many states, perhaps all, will have -been fully secured, : But should it car VUueechee," lust arrived at cold discipline of being in-the ml- Washington direet from Pullman, and of nority, give the canvass Of - General one Cf a Beries which is to - constitute its h lsk a reality vwhich compels the through line between Washington , and serious consideration of -political New Orleans without a break between thinkers. A GERMAN Tells Hqw He Come to the Prohibi tion Party. I see by the old party papers that the votes ara chansrinsr irom one nartv be found tbat such measures together to the other, and at the rate thev with state prohibitory laws were still are going, by November the Repub- msumcient, an amenameni to - tne licans will all have become Demo 12. That our imm igration laws should be io enforced as to prevent the introduc tion into our country of all convicts, in- mates of other dependent institutions: and others physically incapacitated for self sup port? and that no person should, have the ballot in any State who is not a. citizen of the United States. -, . -, 13. Recognizing and . declarinsr that prohibition of the liquor traffic has become the -dominant issue in national politics, we invite to full party fellowship all those who, on tnis one dominant issue, are with I ns agreed, in the full belief that this party can and will remove sectional differences, promote national - unity and insure the best welfare of our entire land. : 3 AirnlTiOltTO 1 Tl 11 CM 1 P.f.l OTI Oil i in harmony .thhesepposeswe nited gtetes government, -.in-endorse the National Vroliibition Military poSts, reservations, Party, and will send delegates to lts"."., VnmJ W deep interest in the multiform- work! of the Women's Christian Temper ance Union and so much as in m lies will lend them a hand. y We are committed to and will folid ly contendfon - ' 1. A statutory Prohdbition . ' law, with effective methods of enforcement for the State of Noath Carolina, i 2. An Amendment to the Co nstitu- tion of the State prohibitory of the liquor traffic 3. An Amendment to the Consti- OF 17XB&IITIA. '-7. The-teaching m the 1'ublic Schools of the scientific truths con cerning the nature and effects ; Of al coholic beverages. . . . - - 8. Substantial JN ational Aia to nAmwonPorl' 1'ublic n;au cation ana ruoiic impru vements. 9 Practical and Fair Protection to Home; Industries against Foreign Cheap Production and Pauper Labor ... . TT 1 Tl 10. Protection to the Honest .f ree Labor of the State and Nation against Convict Competition and the rroduct or rrison ijabor. . ;v or. Xj s TOJ3 A Cent A Week. " Biggest offer yet. " Snap it up to m - I Iqtt Ufa Tnaon- Ttneinsflo "Ortfirlt -Tjnrtrl? Constitution might become a neces-itj.-Union Signal, THE ' MOST ACTIVE PARTY. on Our Con- The New York rimes" r Wonderful Agitation ir . 7 necticut. -- .The New York Times of last Mon J 1 - 1 : - . 1 i uay containea a long ; letter irom a uonuecticut correspondent : w h i ch very : thoroughly ; and intelligently reviewed tne political situation m that State, The correspondent mde frequent allusions to the importance and growing strength of the Prohi bition party. He said: ."Large numbers f former Republicans, crats and the Democrats versa. the way I am traveling is along highway of prohibition. i J J 11 i i was twenty years in tne itepnD lican party. 1 voted lor JVlr. Blaine in '84 and last fall for Foraker. But a eopy of the New: Eba was given me by Kev. Hall, oi Mineral Kidge, and it I saw the names and addresses of thirty-one : saloonkeepers, bar tenders and brewers : as vice presi dents at the ! Foraker ratification meetin g; also Cox, who was presen ted with the gold-healded cane for man aeiner the saloon vote for the nartv. So I burned the bridges behind me, and I thank God I am now iu the jrroniDition party. . i nave Deen a member of the Evangelical Church r rk.f-triii in irnns - i unable to follow their new nartv leaders fJL & uj juiiwuax pensive taoncs. tariff even at pyes were openea i nave wonaerea . either city It is the finest car in service on any line, and represents the latest de velopment of skill and the finest mechan ical execution. Even : its outside appear ance suggests the beauties that adorn its interior. It is of the latest elliptic pat tern, with antique ' gold ornamentation. The six -wheeled trucks to insure smooth running and the vestibule platforms dicate the latest improvements tbat Pull maT, w maHfi tnmons - Jxeaa yom own papers. Jb rom now Tli . ftrohftd windows with fxmhinA1 Uhtll JNOV. A6 We , Will Send thlS M ButlRash. suercest lieht and ventilation. Thef ner for 10 OFNTR ! Hp.nd tho samp the platform opens upon the ivestibule withkmount to Funk & Wanalla. 18 As- brass trimmings and bronze hand-rail U. vQna tsj V t- q ings, highly fimshed. Coming in at" tlie ' a s 6 door the gentlemen's, vestible is first PaSe VOICE. One and two cent noted, divided by an antique arch into stamps taken tor,sums under $ 1. smoking room j and lavatory.' Passing! Get all your friends and neighbors xnese ior me preseni, mrougn a circular to take aud read their truthful Dasres. the buflet, lavishly displayed between glimpses of china and drapery we have all the elegance of the interior presented in a " coupes oiel." A vision; of ground glass ', doo8 and windows in i fantastic tracing, heavy t bevelled ; French plate mirrors, ple bine plush upholstery, span lsn manogany woodwork and a ceumg o: an antique finish with silver arabesque decorations cn a sky-blue ground dazzling chandeliers of glittering metal and TPilton carpet of rich design. The entire effect is that of a sou exqusite harmony ot color ing, suggestive of refined taste and ex- p I RALEIGH, -1ST. C. 4 Subscribe and pay for them and collect afterwards. All at it. Convert them. Dr. Blosser is meeting. with wonderful success in the treatment of Catarrh. . His remedv is pleasant to use an-i maKcs a permanent cure in" this disease , which other remedies fail to relive. For a trial sample send a 2 ctl sUmp to Rav. J., W. Blosser, M. JL. ,UreensDoro, JN. U. It is! also to be had at the Greensboro Drug storesJ A N 0 Into the supDOrt of the war the expense of tree whiskey, have recently why I served God in the church come out of their xanks, and, not being aad the devil in the state. Since I SifST joined the Prohibition party I am themselves to the Prohibition nartv or T satisfied ,: that j I ; have received the y waiting for the State Conventions of all the second blessing, ? and I am determin parties to meet and offer them a choice of ed to work for the ? God-given princi- tf ' w -tl. ..i v v , : I pies laid down in the platform. o-u j vvarty, uie .jrroniDiiiomsts nave t arn . v ui-i-l, anA thus far'displlyed by far the most activity. 1 a a German by birth, and In every manufacturing town and village, I when 1 read your descriptions oi my ; and every country hamlet in the valley countrymen in Cincinnati, given in . frHi.New Kaven'to Ansonii, may be see I the Era sometimes that is, those me nanasome Danners oi tne cold-water voa Oolx0 : T ,-T ttT men flaunting proudly to the view f all Ti wwt X Vn the nortrait.1 of th huhA almost wish thatl was there to tell Clinton B, Fisk - of iNew.; Jersey, their I them about the blessings of prohibi- candidate tor the Presidency, and of" hisltion. younger and swarthy mate, the Rev. Dr. John A.. Brooks of Missouri, their candi date for the Vice-Presidency. In every borough the cold-water party is organized, and their clubs are holding weekly meet ings. - In. many xf the boroughs it was not possible a year ago to get a sufficient numDer of JcTohibitionists together to fill The attractions this finished sample of car construction present, conhrms tne estimate of the eminent foir John Lub- cok, that the pleasure of travel is not least of tne pleasures of life. The genius of that equally -eminent American ir! George M. Pullman, puts 'within reach of his countrymen pleasures of-travel; which not even the wealth of the bank er-scientist can purchase in his own coun try. Washington Post, Aug. 17, 1888. H .r; f,vs- Know what it means ? It used to mean First Families of Virginia. But now it means Fisk First Voters. I ; We want to enroll the name and CONVENTIONS HELD 1 COUNTIES ORGANIZED I ; Vf : j TICKETS ON HAND The following counties have organ ized and mde nominations. Prohi bition reader, if your countys name is not here, the failure Jies at your door. But it is never too late to re- Dent and do nsrht. Our whole St John ticket was gotten up and cast inside of a month. Arise and-go to workl -; : June 30 f Rowan. "Edwin Shaver, Salisbury j 19 Gaston. B. G. Bradley, Gastonial T fJ to . .-.0' C , , m .. . KRANICH & BACH, . - EMERSON, - BAY STATE. KIMBALL, MILLER, BRIDGEPORT. July We have quite a mumber of Prohi Ditionists in this little town, also in nnr. e r -nmr wnr wt.n v.r,0 the coal mines where I work, and ,, i. aUifc. VtA. July 31; Rockingham, more are coming., J oiln bhafeb. West Austin town, O. ' 0RCA!IIZEDI.iAR0H3,i883. Business April 10 1883-. Upward $5000,000 Insurance now n force. $1000,000 death losses paid . since the organization of the C o. without contesting a single t claim. Agents wanted. For further inform mation. Address, or eall on R IKVIN HILL, State Agent, . Greensboro, iV7". C. ' POMONA HILL ISnJRSBBIBS, POMONA, N. O. These "Nurseries are located 2t miles, west of Greensboro, on the R. & D. and Salem Branch Railroads. There you enn find ONE AND A HALF MILLION OF TREES AND VINES GROW ING. f. Parties-wanting Trees, &c, are res pectfully invited to call and examine stock and learn the extent of these Nurseries. .Stock consists of all the- leading and new varieties of Apple, Peach,. Pear, (Standard and Dwarf.) Plums, Apricots; Grapes, .Cherries Mulberries, Nectarines, Figs. Quinces Gooseberries, Raspoerries, Currants, Pecans, English Walnuts, Japanese Persimmon, - Strawberries, Shrubs, -Roses, Evergreens, Shade Trees, &c., and in facD everything of the hardy class usually kept in a first-class Nursery, SUITABLE F0H NORTH CARO LINA AND THE SOUTH ERN BORDER STATES. New iruita of special note are the Yellow Transparent Apple, Lady In gold Peach, the Lawson Keiffer, Lucy Duke and Beaufort Pears, Lutie, Ni tagra, and the Georgia Grape, Wood- fords W inter. ggf Descriptive Catalogues free,. BgCorrespondence solicited. Spec ial inducements to large Planters. Address, J. VAN. LINDLEY, - Pomona, Guilford Co. N. 0. the four offices of the simplest form of club TO YOUR TENTS ! SAMPLE O F field. who will cast his first vote foi Fisk. "Don't mtch vour Tjolitical tent in tne grave-yara oi aeaa issues ur- Ang. C. F. Lewis, Reidsville organization, where now there are active organizations of from a dozen to a hun dred members. In this little town f Bir mingham and its . suburbs alone the seven Methodist Episcopal clergmen are every one of them arrayed in the ranks of Prohibition, being unable to reconcile with their religious principles a vote for he party of free rum." - - WORK BEING DONE 15Y TWENTY FIVE TENTS IN JSEW YORK. Correspondence in. Pioneer. Richpokd, IN. Y., Aug. r 22. I i -fit m m write you oi tne worK going on here in Tioga County. The tent was The following have sent in names , , 7 . . ' " - 1 .f ,v 92 W. D. Pool, ' 92 O. Lbighton Gray, Send along the names their Johnston Guilford The busi- Aug - WHAT HE LEARNED BY TRAVEL A BAPTIST CAROLINIAN TALKS THE YANKS. REV. HENRY DIXON, ONE OF THE CRANKS The Prohibition Clnb of Lynn, Mass achusetts, had a grand procession and mass meeting last Tuesday evening. The occasion was the 1 unfurling to the wind of a splendid campaign flag 36 by 20. A tremendous crowd was presented. After the hoisting of the nag the band headed the procession and they all marched to the tent. Everybody seemed to fall into the ranks " The tent was naclced ftrll. with! 4-1 irn nnrrrf 'f ' 4-lt . tn.im ' luuv.unu iuuuaau-TTiunu -fciio mub. aim UKliW c aic caci lux . uiic ' uav. many naa io go away unapie to get wun- hrhicn brouernt down the bouse. m ncanng. ;ine mam aaaress or tnei a Rr T5 T? TCoU. v,. evening was by Rev. Henry Dixon, a , " T -r Baptist pastor. We give the following been chosen chairman, and Lane had extract from his address: : : : sung "Molly and the Baby, the Rev. I was born in the bouth and was taught IKllsworth onered nraver. Liane then sane again and Uounty Unairman to get. as many more as possible to do the same ; to hold school house discussions and hot Prohibition pitched on the afternoon ; of August meetings ; to get J up ; Prohibition 13 at JNewark Valley, and such com- glee clubs witn tne young r ladies ments ? as " "Democratic side-show" help ; and to push i along in every were frequent. As we did not intend way the great SSooer Man's .Party. to hold a meeting on the 13th. we set 3. Beaufort, T C Carrowan Aug. A-. Alamance. J W- Wilborn Aug. 4. Guilford, W S.Moore Aug 4 Wake S M Parrish 9 Carteret, Benj, Midyett, 11 " Durham T. M. Stephens. 18 :;. - Pitt 18 . Jones Anthony G. Smith, 24 J. E. 3. Novelties Sicccivcd WccMy. TEACHERS ARE OFFERED SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. Washington! SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES of the best quality and at lowest rates. f3FOrders by mail receive prompt attention. J. X-i. STONE, - RALEIGH, N. C. Burlington Greensboro. Aug Aug Aug Aug. Sept, Raleigh Beaufort Durham. Greenville III Trenton out to make J ourselves comfortable, when to our surprise people com menced to come, and by 7:30 every seat was taksn. Prof. Lane then took his place at the organ, and with j that powderful ana matcnless voice sang, "We . are marshalled for the J. C. Aug 30 Sept 8 J. W. After October 15, State and Na-l tional ballots,0 and presumably Con- to Deneve tnat .. tnere was notning so mean or vile as a Northerner. I actually thought that a Northerner was the most despicable being on the face of the earth When I came North and encountered those on whom I had heard slander heap ed, 1 was surprised. , A more warmheart ed kindlier class T have never met with. I firmly-belieye that had my father and others ot my native state Known yon as Herrick spoke for a few- minutes The writer was then introduced and spoke lor thirty minutes, wmcn was PROHIBITION PLATFORM. Tho Prohibition party, in National Con vent! assembled, acknowledging Al might God as the source of all power n go -t. Huaent, do - hereby declare: 1. That the manufacture, importation, UrwwionftVftnd conntv. mav be obtain- el0?,!!1?! Id of the ffentlemala named under crtmes, and prohibited as such. ,. . each county. County supplies may 2. That such prohibition must be se-pe Dm OI u.-w. Kj. .oenDOW, weefls- cured through amendments to our Nation-1 boro. N. C. al and State vJonsitutions, enlorced by adequate ; laws adequately . supported by administrative authority; and to this end the organizatidn of the ; Prohibition i party is imperativelv demanded k in State and Nation. i ' t 8. That any form of license, or regulation PP.ATW-MATYR f!T,nTTTTIWM viiaiuttui Johnson, Merry Oaks, Frost, ' - statesjiiie, Ovcfcouts, iloiiks, IIjUs, Caps, Shoes, Carpets, Rugs Randolph Long W. O. PORTER Wholesale & Hotcdl DRUGGIST, OPPOSITE .BENBOW HOUSB. GREENSBORO,N. O. Randlemah, and everything pertaining to a full and complete stock of DRY GOODS. We desire to call the attention of the readers of the Pkohibitiokist to the fact that we have onened this season an entirely new stock of goods he largest, best assorted and most complete ever offered to the people of trv without seperatine the workers from his section. In order to make room for our Spring Stock, we are selling their homes. Pay liberal; any ome can ftyhas rcvolutaoised the world during the last half. n-tury- Not limit among the the wonders of inventive ro- igress is a method ana system , ot : vork that can be performed all OTer the coin POSTERS FOR COUNTY CON VENTIONS. ; these goods at greatly reduced prices. All we ask is a chance to sell. You cannot afford to buy elsewhere until you have examined our goods and prices. Respectfully, 4 . - PR WTZFELDER & Co . ' . GREENSBORO, N. C. well - received. 1 he best ot feeling of the' liduor traffic is (contrary to good has prevailed all through the three government; that any party winch sup- daya series, the tent being crowded Porte regulation, neense or taxation enters i ?. r. ' - j j,linto alliance with such traffic and- be- Send Date, Hour, Place, and names of . signers to Wilbur F. Steele Greensboio, N. C Do it at once. I know you, North Carolina at least there were over even hundred people and that we arraign the Republican : and Convention Oalendar. r Vwa ci!i Democrats. "On August 16 we moved attitude in lavor of the license a tnJMrflnnt.. llt.f.IA trminlft T.hPrA. hnt WP.rft ftOTfifi- : A - ' woijld never have seceded from the Union, but and sixty signed the roll, mostly Democratic parties lUVUgU JlLO TWO, .1SA. V UMUgUV KTIA.V jQfMKsJ . of prorerty, 1 thank Uocl : wjtfl hftllwaTd blown.' "and eradicated by those who are to-day flaunt- littie trouble there, out were agree mg the Dloody shirt and digging up dead ably surprised, as we had some of the ura'. !? -! """ best meetings tne writer has ever learnedat the heights ef Gettysburg- toojWrt ... e. ai1 . i-xii -,n .v,rnf0ti7.0 t-hir. &iw Known v we had a little ram, but countrymen to stand forth and wave people turned out just the same. A .with maniacal glee dead issues. They rather interesting incident occurred wouiamaeea De tne last to mangn tneir on Friday afternoon. ' A man came JV!&:?S np and said: ; "Have you that Third Wr.rpnt t.hft TeoT,iA Xf thfti nonTit.rir an vM party pledge. I have helped toor- more than does the polecat represent the ganized the Republican party and animal kingham. la is the majestic lion always vo ted the ticket, but tnat tail crthe eagle that seeks to devour dead en of tkQ platform (meaning Bou Spff S W catnft-tea resution) f .! canH , dad. For one! am tired of this thins-, scana any. longer, nia name is Jh. vv. xoung. , On August 20th we moved to this place. Here we heardJoX-another re markable incident. The night before we arrived the Republicans held a caucus, at which they resolved not to interfere ' with the tents, which shows that the rumor we had heard of apian to throw it into the creek had had some foundation. In this The war was sealed . with the - tears of widows and orphans, and should forever remain so. Let there be no sectional strife., Let the North and the South join hands and fight the great issue. : I will . vote for thejprohibitory ticket because it is the only party which presents a live issue. - Compare the issues presented by the two great parties and by simple can- ' cellation discover wherein they differ. The Democrats want a redtfeation of the tariff, so do the Republicans. The Demo- DATB. -. Sept 14 Sept 22 Sept 20 COTJITTY. Lenpir, Wilkes, Moore, 'PLACE. Kinston. "Wilkesboro Jonesboro. for their persistent license iniquity, imand of the through i i open complicity witn . tne viiquor-cnme defeat the enforcement of law. . - 4. For the immediate abolition the of; internal revenue system, 1 whereby . our national government is deriving support from our greatest national vice. .. ; 1 5. That an .adequate - public revenue being necessary, it may properly be raised by import duties; but import duties should be so reduced that no surplus shall be accumulated in the Treasury, and that the burdens of : taxation shs 11 be removed from foods, clothing, and other comforts and necessaries of life, and imposed en such articles of import : as will give pror tection both to the manufacturing employ er, and producing : laborer against the competition of the world. : 6. That the right of suffrage rests on no nationality, and that where, from any goods. Look out for the "Big Horse CARTS ! CARTS SPECIAL PRICES ON AO - , .1 . ( - - C CT .DTH . Tl A11C t ATI I do the work; either sex, young or old: no special ability required. Capital not need ed; you are started free uut this out and return to us and we wiJl send yom free. something f grtat value an importaace to you, that will start- you in - business which will bring yon in more money right away, than anything else in the world. 1 Send , outht tree.. Address Txub b Co. Augusta, Maine. - - Manufacturer of ALL HAND-MADE IT 0 COLLARS, &0. H. H. CAHTLA1TD, MERCHANT TAILOR, UNDER CENTRAL HOTEL Grkensboeo. N, C. has a fine line SCOTCH and QAETS. ENGLISH Cheviote, Corkscrew Also Dealer in ARRIGES and. FARM WAGONS. Buy I at $15 a nice" cart of J. H. Haebis, - There are, good Worsteads &c, also a nice line of and $18. I have the largest assortment of SILKS and, EMBROIDERY goods Underwear, Shirts,' Collars, Cuffs . . - . 1 M ..... I .-. . 1 , j. . m -1 I cause, it has been wiinneia irom citizens t ,; . i--. , u found an ywhere. uall in ana examine or write ior prices, who are of suitable age, and mentally and sign m Houston Building, Greensboroj w - , morally quaiineq ior tne exercise oi an r intelligent ballot, it should be restored by N. C. Also strictly Ihome made har- , . - . ' - rj.T T7 FTfiTJOl? O. N C the -iwvnle thTonch the leonRlatnres of the . " . f - ,MXHJAiJ.l WJJViV -l w" v x ir " o o ii i '. tueoo aa tucjr may ueoiu wibo. and Neck wear in every yariet QiYQ him a call i t ri. : i -I J K