. T - t . i ' . , ' . - '- -- -' - - - - . - " . - j- . i , , - . - ' - - , - h . ': - - .. J-, - " - p . --i , rr - r i - .-.4V,..;; ' k . ; r-; - - ,;,r v- V - " - " -f - , ' . . . 'I - r- - ' "-trr ' . ' .'- '- , , - t.' - ' : ; J.', . - .. --r V - , - . rs v; " " ' - . r . - . . ,i - . " ; , - . ' .. r, -'."..-: f - f':'-s- ' . .; . r ' :- , - . ' j . i ' . - ' - . ; - . . .... ,.; . ; ,.'--w-,v . ;. .-... : .. ' . , ' -r-- . - . . , ::-"-.v . :! j - . .-' s . ' . - - ' i " ; .. i ' ,.... . -, -- , ' - "-- ". . " v , . - . : - ; - - ' .v - . r u -v"-" . ." . , - - - , a - -j. 1 .. - . . - " -v- ' - ... " '- - -' i ' . . -. ' J. -s, - -: . s-v '"J-.- J T- .1 j, ' - it'i " t r1 I; 4 : !' t:. ' THE (HffiSlf , el to r & JE?r opr i e tor " , GKEBNY iLLBN: e MARCH, 10 1891; 'I :'-'v;AT -50 CKNT A - YEAR,, We have bad sos nv.m calls fj; Ja.t week's isne ot'ihe Index we J: ave con cl liO ed t reprint three of. its leading fentn re's. The editorial lionesty in ' elections" is reprodnol The- Indsxes verp"'itot : pubHshlr in full last:. week for lack' of roam and are covnp-leted ""'in th-:s nunif)er. . "Dick v and his Pigs" is also re )ublishec as it looked cruel -to leave , the little fellow in 'mid air .this March weather, humai 'iiy prompted Lis ftdff arrival home, and the com plete tale is brought in one article. - The last issue of the IDEX was exhausted in three ' hours and over three hundred "new subscribers hav ing, been-' added to our books .we. thought it best to reproduce these articles 1'or their beuofit is well as for t hose who desired ex fr'a, copies" ,We would su.est that the ch.il di'eii, for whtHii the Tales'7 are writ ren. cu t them oat and they will have a good col ieCtio':'i ai't er n w hi le. Be sides these tales the Ixdex will h;ve a new specia,! ami original feature each vek. It wiil pziy you to ivad every article,' : adveitifcuieifts and ' all. " ." i .. ' We take this opport.un itv to agaiif coidialiv thank the man v friends'" O'i'. the paper who" by word aid by- letter have gien it approval' and encour jigenijit. . Their promptness in pay iig subsci iptmis is equally as grati- The Old Soldiais. In th course of a delightful arti cle iv pel hug criticism by lev. Mr Yanu on ('en. Earlv's private char a.ier ?vii Kingsbury, of the Wil ini ngt oii NeH'Senger uses this language "It is fashion now a growing one ve l'egret to believe for the younger portion of our peopio to turn up their noses in -contempt at the men ol war, and to grow' restive under, their re newed favors and recorded hoi.ors. ' They either Cvvet the places. . envy -the good fortune or are not respon sive. to: tlie acclaim of the- surviving soldiers who were at the front and did all that men dare do for, princi ples, . tor- convictions ot duly; " tor coifntry: Our distinguished Senator Vance is a victim now of "severe crit- icism, that ofien is remarkably un just, but the assault does not- come from the veterans of 1 861-65, but from men who have growu up since, and fail to appreciate the great ser vices and sacrifices and personal- mer it of the leaders and soldiers . in the; great War of Second In depend eneej": With ail due respect for the opih i.on of th? venerable and distinguish editor, we as "one - of the" younger portion of our people beg leave tow dissent, And we shall speak .for thousands of younger irien ih the South when we - protest that we . do not covet the p laces, envy the j- good forhr .e or are iiot.respQnsive to th5.c?claitft;6tthB" i'Siri'"AVe2o'1iurtherii3 he reWjtjwhwbiltl lure i ngeucc.- cc iv v-tr- " v t. :jr " . rthe lost cansV is eyeneteiVthair .Lhat ofren.hown" by themselves for each other. Thil jsbad ;eraimnar but it is thfcMrutrw Tle 'ieiiatio;r .which nas grown u;) s0ce . the; war have the highest lmse .. oj))igg.tiQii.; and ffi'a'itnde and viiejatio.rrfor'ali the old soldier :!the r?iuk- and file ;who diiLthe lighting Wl'io-'oied, in the ditch wlio slept iii 'tbe. trencl3 who -'bivouacked with ,:ihej dead; -.! th:u.,lv('d (rod for a hard tack. 'HI'.: ,vii.Y.i.; fi (! t t i-tifrl fill t.JH' run unci i mi uuvi v r .f. :v w dial of history at 'this remove; lrovn the ruihoply of war poiuti' to the 6it- ' jzen soldiery of thatf;war"'a-5 jr& true heroes. . Led intolhe fight by a zeal which, whiie jonime'ndabJe,in thein. was in a gieat measure aroused .by designing men; this rank- .UiiU le s i i tie re d a n d d ie d . a 1 ul ha ve bee h dy i n v fo r th i r ty years as - a res u 1 1'- of J their intrepidity.- They are. of us, aed atno:ir us, blood of onr blood? -an i- bona .'of our bone, oojectt ourv undying love, incentive to,, iioblr i 1 1 rp u Wes- T 1 a tr i o t is r i i ; a nd . co u rag 0. And as long as thse '.men are amicmg us hat uuspealatblei deep under current of sentiment 'will,' je'-' main. aiid. wUen the last one shall 'have gone to answer to the drumbeat of Jehovaa we will tell around the fhesidecjio 'millions -Vet unborn of the heroism ojutheir, fathers.." . ... ' ue younger .meorv suf.'.'.'w.J rill. ' ' . . . ..i At ,v-. T I rul, monopolized the ,.gloj;y' of that vs'nr and have been inoaopol jzing:he offices ever since'; at the.'expefise of j the real fighters, tlfe -privates the ; rank": then, the high' h iva.teS:inVthe rear ranks, ever, si u-c.e. ' : The tighter who .left.hii," plow ' .store and we ntUo battle, haye .-.been. staying at'thiy"plrtV'aU"iiyiho-.aStore ever since. 'They were modest?.-men anu except in cage's where" the loss of a leg' or an arm, an eye or some oth er naluable sign jf battle, spoke truuipet-toiigned lor thein, their tin- selleu and be-starred leiiders,-;who knew their metal and. merit Tiltve been leaving them'out- in the .cold" and "to ilunib forgetful ness a prey,' Don't charge it to we.younger people, for the most of liH -haye had'ta; be left out too. We; and the olut .feai; soldiers, ftre in the saihe. box, and rk, stead of turning, up our nQjses at tliem we are actually rubbing nose's" witn': tlienV, to that exteif t-,some of the. cpiiy manders are getting rosfentfub : Z'4 The voting men of tiUTs'day art get ting restive at arrogance hot covetous of others honors. They honor" Gen.., Ransom and 'Japtaiii Vnce and all the others, but they do not like to see tbeseold warriors fighting each other, and they . are jtXst certain.,40., see thattUr.-Zcoinys'!out.. on tQrj. They ai begiiiniiig sorter to,b.elieye hovvever, tiiat wheli.the pap "'UGkerg get toogreeily-the oldtnothr the people will-giye thni':ti spanking and send them to bed.-" These same yonug men flud'in. Mr. Kingsbury writer who is generally in full syni- ever .in n eh' liie.y 'respect i he great cpjn-'y nu,rfey may be tuaufd;'lo; ahd thc. iifa, ulefs-of that wrdiuve 0jL)ge?r5V'AV-1 ehiidrf ti teett he ieueAtf it. that 'Che G'ejaerals, Moiiehs"y: M ajors . .'gehtHit'oxiMnuttee are peerless td 'do ami V''1'"1' hi, uuuiK tw, io joiner wise it seems. - 'i-unjugjiv one oaUiy with. thei:"-lonin" foil. some'. thiii-'nobler iu-piildi&Jndii6l?ihaii aright for place, 'tij have Aliened hfvuds. wif h him- m; ; advocating the striet ftdti I incut of politicial. pledges aiitl agittir aseFtf that they hold; the old heroes 'or the 'Seooud-Wur.of la dependence in loving rehunvh ranee -Wanted Bad- Bv reference .to another coUimn the people of Grt eiivilie will see that. In a tQn of 2500 inhabitants triTe there is not a public school building for tlie whit? children, ' and ;it the school fund has to be devoted to that purpose, it will be' five, y ear-s." before. enough will accumulate to buy a lot. and erec r a s u m b le bu i Uti-a g?v This iifeans the loss of free e'dncmbn .to it least One generation of cl(fUet T h i s means t h at t h e n u i n b e r of little cuildrcrj of t he'tovvir whdin these pinch i ng t imes cah not pa?V for sch ool uig iice to ht-ve their vvhoTe. fnttire blighted and blasted .by ignwance. Is there no man o meaJfsin- G-reen-vilie wlio wdl donate a. lot. ..No three ueu wh-t wi get together and do-. nute'li -)' is benevolence or phi I a n th ri p i c i n ij u 1 se d ead ust the dear little. ones - UllOUg U. 20 nana i C ipell tUlOUgU lllrt tuiuufj etqi - ' nit v for the lack of it. "We thhik t . . ; . 1 : l .1. .. .. . : , I . . . f , .. . not, -we know mere are .goon einer prising bjenevoleiit men ofjiTeans in Oreenvilfe. We as k. you to donate the hmd. The'lNDKX -guarantees to aise a,. fund ouiside to put a build- . i i 1 ' - i - . i - ' M- ni'T on it, so tnat t ue locKeu upscnvi .man's generosicv we hiive.a homeir the1 dea'l'. -W:e beg- for a.horne for the 'chfldi43U. ' " ;. A E:f isj-thV Clouds- We. have been much iifferested in the tnal, of John Y.' Mc'Kpiie, the t. i i . i. . : . .i I ... . . i ; prolessionai eiecuon swiuuier, o.i-Coney-Island. McKane was a - Re i publican or Democrat as ;"$ie occa sion and mice dictated. His last- service- -were' renuereu as a lJei.no- clM and consisted-not only in a wlloSJife- lalsifving of tlrb .regis tra- tiou books, but-in a pitcied battle at thef ballot-box between, hi hired po licmeu aml the paid .detectives,, and olieiided citizeus .oi the othei. side.. He has ocen t-ried, cotiy icted and sentencetf to Siug Sing for . six ; years arid is now weariug the stripes of. a vjoaViot. The papeVs freely predict; thatjijc will through some legalteeb uicality yet esciipe' the plinvsniinej.it. . t- T.how t6 What extent the peo ple 'liad beetle corrupted by election iHudV'Mciifie Conviction yvti's' I re Cei Ved w fth astotf j sii ni eut, tKo' his pohticaj conduct has beefii flagrant- ly lWutfbriyears. He cQ'rnuiitted notorious perjury on his trial ahd 7et ne isaooKeu upon as a martyr ov ld; social friends public ....prayers. f were offered -ibr hlmpm-theCpuipit" of his: ctiurcUtasQajr. - His rear; Jign1ation ?as"" .wS.Xthe Church and SupeHhfetfdent SchoplWas iioafj-.V' -i - McKane was a iliab of wealttr knd high sec :al "position. H?' is looked i ' S. uudef impulse ' of-piWnsa "al or Vrniti r tniQtrnidpi ' niolbives'atriot- 1 npoiisanixfmp -respect hi private life.- Hesiiow-. ever :aecdgnizeil politicttfi boss - 'and: .' election mahipnlaiorHe ?ame hFgU but vhichever-party secqred las ser-;-vices "walked off with' fhe;Vcake om election day.- s t&i'-k- ' '.ji McKane did udcomm jt his, frauds; ;j v : ism, lie did .riot'Uo.evT ;ood "JicHf might come:" But be'.iiirisK'-. nesi oi defiberatej iraiihif;hri o ; inoire'iVdVdjS but a. type-bTtl try, yvhp iurCf r,ros s w ind lexs, ind worse s till ife,fifOple r: are becqm uvg duod ; ren t they arifjli results; svihiife'i ; ": ' ' A 3iAK;5'AXpT; 6qi ppUljcal thief . - nord) lov, -uft than: rob a oitiaeri;, tirst can be repriced, the. last when.. . .o.sr cLiniiot tfrtid-;;yv-- ', T:.,'--t:. - The setwtiicli'uiled' 'upon; hitn ; : , - and ohard-liisAi'aist-A , gains may niour.nadtimen ; '4iwii"dli(itte ;.his so (aljl 'pe&eMroi'b 'iri. lac't; s.ttiifilUf-. iHbo'Mellet -a rifilh ;trjSlontlt , ed inoty;rif: regard- . less of galSrup ioj ?i)artriah lampr political bs-i g, decar!id 'tliat vrbf cy i UKrajid layibtied ;tfeq aiaefactor; -; v Let u3 irrnthai;cop notes a returning sense -of.pp re cia- v tion vtrtm&mmm.X l elective iBS ' lranelMse';4tb poll ti cal conscien ce itfiayitt? as t ;iear;v; ; ; the ;-'". ; - vv; Arouse y ourse jc of G reeh-j ) vifj e, an d. heib - tSE v the rev ly ai an ; eppch lnr . dutyg as well tlie.ilserTe tod. fnihevVvhoJ.e..;;iea,r:tii "and - : Should sitCfeKDeys are de-v layinVIVemiolEp vw hidi'$rayfo.rh ay th " on rs Frayer, uny mwgo m come ;T trtistniU of umjytvjexamiue our 7 salve's aiM fiiid-t fteatbne. ff bat ilays rover buV lieatand-1 HghTof:ft6ti 'thsftenj and come ; twjtth humble anBiltritihearts to ', God. 1 hope .tlmt the;:Preachers my ;i :thlirv1vt;if t.wvrf-io tlhrisMultfe 1 h" -business, in ; the every dayrItS;: i noavocation,dn .whleli-bd cannot :be served '-let ufeak6my distchurjelrv fren.ment .to- our ; v : -souliv ForgettliniioCthe commas ... Geanf Name' "hrbvJoarSefvs 6:tf: bodpintoHrtfaoh,' and;.do allhaigr -we :ca&o' promote the ho)ior due - to , Him and-Her"3iilLnelp x: The re-. ; vival lginsvia the Alethpdisturch; .ri-SjpdayJ LJ-t AiV : . y .ali'turn oufc ajidiSf wBatginer.U M Good God cari aljiilvdo for asr . J'i r; uohblyAhnen-'ed by&&hbrother, the , - editor i "Awa ke -ve antl put bri -the.;'.'v;-'::2' ; w hole armour;7" ' - S V. v-.r.- - i .;v

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