. ... , .. , - . - . - - , . - - - - -. "y.i. . , : ; . - - : " .;. t ' ' 1 , v i -.. ; L" - .' .'. . j - -. . -. 7- -' " . f v . . ' ."...' ' , -- : ,(-;. . : .- - - . v .1 j - : -. -. V . ," - ' " 1 j. ' , ' .a ' ' S' ' .' - - " , T-' 1 ' " -' .- ' - -' r - - - , " . . 11 ? . . ... - t I I?- IREEN' PUBLISHED XVERY FRIDAY. . . " ' "RATKS OF 8DBSCKTPTION. (STRICTLY IN A D VA NOB.) Owe YBAi5b Jekts. Six Months 25 Cents. OUKWVILLE PRODUCE MARKET. Cotton 6f, . ' Oats 50 cts, Peinute 40 & 50 cts, Cati 60 ctp, Heat 7i County Hams 11 cts, 'Lard 10 cts. Sweet Potatoes 40 and 50 cts. Eggs 11 cts. Chickens 20 and 25, Butter 25, Reported by J. C. Cobb & Son. LOCAL SNAPS. Thejail is fiillcg up, four new in mates; Mrs. Dr; Taft has a new fence around her dwelling. Miss Jennie Brooks, of Lenoir, is visiting Mr. E. A. Moye. Almost the whole town needs paint ing, not necessarily red. Mr. Joshua Tripp has moved in Miss McKiuney Perkius' house. if rs. Israel Harding, of Kinston, is yisiting: Eev Mi's. Greaves. - I want your eggs, Furs, hids, chick eirs lor cash. , ai.oouuz. irllaiika.iK v-"'"Cjj for first volumes of census bt 1890. 1 - We will publish 'an interesting re port of court proceedings next week. Mr. Ed Slielburn is building a large -Ice house back of his store. Waktkd. 100 bushels field ias, Black, Crowdtrs r Wild Goes. Apply at kdex ce. Anice new fence around Mr. H. F, Harris' home adds much to its ap pearance, j - OnofBedal lustitute patients got tired of being sober and ran away Wednesday Boswell, Speight & Co., write socb good letters e have to print them. Look, for it. v Thestnuiger Mr. Poole, of Person conuty, who has been so sick is slow ly improving. SeeJIajor HardingV letter exon erating James Smith the worthy bar ber from blam. The rst of March was a happy day for Mr Alf May, of Farmville, She weighed 16 pounds. The premises of W. A. Fleming near Sheriff Warren's have been greatlv improved bv paint. By request we snppress a choice Ar(run finer ta fret- married and couldn't7' lat Sunday at Red Banljs, Miss Jennie Ward who has been visiting her brother Mr. Fernando Ward for several weeks is home again Sheriff.King hates to do it, but lands will be sold for unpaid 1893 taxes after Marjeh 23rd. The law compels him. 1 Remember von always get your, groceries and furniture at rock bot too prices at the Old Brick Store. Mr. R- M. Kennedy who runs a poultry and dairy farm near Green, ville say s that he has been very suc sessful in the business. r D. IX Haskett has hoes for the farm, hoes fortfie ga-den, hoes: for the new ground and axes that will stand the timber. Mrs. W. AFlemmg, of ffassel, spent part of the week at Mrs. A. Joyners. She brought her little girl to Dr. O'Hagan lor treatment. Better pay tout 1893 taxes right away. " It will save costs, save your land and the Sheriff an unpleasant duty.. - All lttfirT nwnp.ra whe'Tuive not paid taxes for 1893 , must' do it oy March 23rd for the law compels the Shcnff to sell their lands-' A' good dinner, care will assnage Sausage, .Btref, Fresh Pork arid Fresh Fih jnake a good dinner. These as-; suagersat Moses King's the old re liable market Sam Schnltz's locals were over looked last week. It didn't cause him to shut up, but things were lone some Friday. He is on deck again this week. Otkd. Mr. Silas Pippin near Farm ville. died Sunday, Marh 11th nfter a lone (illness " aged 80. Mr. Pippin was hisrniv respecieg citi zen of his community. The TwiVEX frll in h hflnds f a man and peeing T. T). HnRkett's ad vertisement Wi over fh Oonnr before the .firoodit sros nnC came in and hough t his hoes "cheaper than he has ever bought before." . if "R A fljirrawjiT. near Farm- w w -w -w " ville, killed three wild tnrkevtat one shot Mondav. TbeV weighed 18. 20 and 23 pound . We want to hear! from B. H Ttearne and W. H Smith of Greenville. Mr. R. L. Mnnford who has recent !v opened a new stock of goods in Little and Houpe store has something to say to yon this weeic. it win pay von to read it. It will pay. you to heed it and giye him a trial. Mr. Clarence Jones, of Boswell, Speisrhi & Co., has displayed great artistic talent in the tasteful arrange ment of his large show windows .It is the best show window we have ever seen in Greenville. Mr. Jack White had to stop his locals in the Index because readers were, calling for more ot His Wyan dotte eggs than his hens Aconld lay without breaking the Sabbath, lie has a supply now. Mr. W. E. Murphy, of Greene Co., sold tobacco here Tuesday. He says the tobacco crop of Greene will be gieatly increased. The' buyers here say the beat bright tobacco they ever saw comes from Greene county lands. Smothered. The three weeks old infant of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Forbes was found dead in bed Sun day morning. The child is suppos- e 1 to have oeen smotnereii. muuu sympathy is felt for the bereaved pa rents. Mr. D. D. Haskett the enterpris ing hardware merchant says that his locals in the Index have brought many new customers. One gentle- man wno oougnt a large 0111 o mm last week, told us that his prices were as low as he would ask for. Died. Martha Selma Warren young est child of Mr. aud Mrs. J. R. War ren, near Falkland, fell asleep Sat urday. March 10th, 1894, aged 12 rPftra 3 tnnnths and twelltv-onedaV8 8he was buried at home Sunday af- services. The whole community deep ly sympathize with the bereaved fam ily and a proper tribute to this love ly girl will appear next week. Want of space alone prevents its publica tion now. His Lsat Nei Falkland," N. C., .March llth, 1894. Janus Parker a colored boy sixteen year old r was drowned at Parker's tr: Tat River. Saturday ninht about: 8 o'clock. He was fishing with Nathan Little and must have fallen asleep and fell out of canoe He was rescued Sunday, 10 A. M. . ; J. A. WAI-ST0K. Indexes Wa liWft tn - hiive . KlllfsreStlonS Jltid idvice. It shows that people take an mieresv 11 u.uu iu vuo . While appreciating to the iullest ex-, tent the news of the community,: we hope to be excused from pulling -al the cbcstnau from the fire -or from gaining the repuUtiou as a paper of being a. common scold. ' Below . we nrint a memoriinduur of complaints and suggestions made to the , editor SnnflAV. und we were home most all day too. We kept a note of them OUt OI CUllOSlvj UU ait vui as made to th different parties Time 110 tes are j merest ing as iKDEx ES of the needs and thoughts of the community and as such are re-produced. . Ko. 1. Why don't the 1dex pitch into the town school commitu?e for keeping the school niouey locked up lor over two Years, when by putting 1.. ...! thou irrtii 1 1 . nttlHL iv m uiryuittMW" wmvj " - the whole to mtu, besides giving the children the benefit of an education, Aunswer The committee must have a good reason, Enquire of them the Index will print it. EdiIob Ikdbx : . We take pleasure in auswering No 1. as the public is entitled to know Thvre is no school ouucing m iowu i aud the outside public haven t shown . i:--.;.:.... t n..;k..fU twia building one. The committee is I therefore compelled to let en ugh of iiM af hiMii niuti accumulate w wwi Ktiildintr Alid hllVH lot. M'ch 12, 94. Jonathan White, , J.-S. Smith, B. F. Sugg. School Committee. Kn. a The Index ouerht to wake mi the colored People about the con fiitiim of their cemeterv. If they would save some of the money .they ' ciw.i.1 for drint. thev could do it. Answer. Yon spend one hun rlrd ilollnra every vear eettiug drunk why don't you chip off twenty-five Hft!lura itffVrth nf (IrUllL and Chip 111 that much yourself. It would do the work, l oeneve tne coioreu pw pie only need to have their atten tion called to the sad condition of their home for the dead and' they will set aliout renairincr it. Bv the way I heard that one of the wealth ier, white men iu town on being ask- W M W VW - - " aiI t-n rlr off the broom straw and hrira from his cemetery lot, replied that he was goipg to swinge it off the uret ary spoil. Greenville, N. Marph 14th, lb94. Editor Indbx: - We are glad you spoke lor tne coi- ored citizens concerning our ceme- tery and we are going right to worn hard to remedy the trouble. DAinffiilliT seph Forbes, Herbert Edmunds, Jno P Norcott, Moses King Joe Forbes, James Edmunds, W. W. Humphrey, No. .6 You ought to print the Mayor's trials. Answer. If you should accidentally get o-be joyful and .At-. lwlrArt"nnfVn ltL WOUld VOU like it published to the world ? Everybodyl the ' Index, the women and raus the index, tne women uu children especially. Would you like for'vour little uaugnter or wue..w see It. They suffer enough already God knows. No. 7. Is the Index too independent- tn mint the Democratic State Put-farm? Answer ' We are lnde- hat is not offensive to good taste. Wa will orint the olatiorm next week ami sn the ChicasrQ platform " the next - The Index is independent Annncrli tn liAlteTe in RtandluET : on them too and-to berate those who are trying to betray the party now ao ypu stanu ixoyernor 1 : . . . Betncl Buds. -c Uev; Mr. A. Forbes preached two admirable sermons Sunday in the E. Cbtsrcb.; 'His tetthelrmorri ing Viirdm Matthew 4-6, at , night from Exodus 712-. . I -z A ? rof. Z B. McVhorter has built ; : up a splendid Sunday School iu the -M. JJ. Church, which: has greatly im- proved since the good weathe A x The Baptist Sunday School is also flourishing under tht wise , care of -JVlr.TjR.'Bulloc -::y.: The efforts of these two christian -men have proved a blessing this 'community in leading the young to a higher and nbbler life, ; . - r, Bethel LooTge I.O. O. F. meets ev-, erV Mondav niffht The order Is a : ffrand institution in Bethel having f - " Anmincr o - - . - - - - over nity mexnoeis suu mu.c .w....!, . J s m. , - representing . Mr. M. G. Bryan is Pfs: Franklin l)avis Nursery, or Kicn. ; moud, Va. the largest nursery; m the South. He is taking Urge or- ders Jbr budded apple and pear trees and Uowuing's ever bearing mnlber- - Qur farmers are fast learning . f. n f ffood the Importance 01 goou fruit and plenty of '. f- T T?..na.triAr ftllO Wife. AU. Thomas Whitehurst and wife, Mr H G. Burton, of Farmeie, anu;; George Blount and aauhter, of Wil an a n n. Man mnsr spent Sundav in Bethel. ; - - Mr. M, O. Blbnnt lett tor iew York Monday to buy spring goods. Ward & Harnniii win swu ' thtir mill in opration. J 4 Capt. Kendnck, the isooic man, paid Bethel a visit this week. - Deis Indbx . When a paper line . - yours comes out square; we like to"', hitch our names on to it. The throngs, of ladies who have been in to seepur. artistic display of dress gooas, trim- . ; mmgs ana notions ami , nave umue f liberal purchases which quality, an p.. price promote a 1 speaK wen ui tue x Index, and well ot our immense as errr rtf oxrTtrtViino in thft line of 1 gentlemen are buying freely ofevery. thing they need, and there is money, in this country, somewhere for our cash sales would surprise you. We wi8h you success and trust yon will; CBi the attention of your multitude Qf inteliigenjk readers to our capital were shipped to day. . Glad you were poopd with prices... leased with prices- Sincerely, Boswell, Speight & Co. V S V . A - J - i.5-.i:.-,rSl'--V- 1 - - - - - "