-v- i r -. V -: . . .. .,V-:;y-r , ? " r -v" x ' -- V 1 - - W T v - " ' - or. 3 ".. .; GREEN-VILLE, N-C-, A?H: 0 ti 1804. ::u:. IP. 7V ' v. v : , Whaling 6fT:JIcr:hcad. : whale capturt kJ?Vr' : iookotu Tuesday, by'ttie. bitUiid " " v! Zti :;cto wda of v v isitors - from 3in Tor t, . ifeUiorehead and ciuity. toy 'ould . v ; :" b ave goVie down , 1rom ; ew. , Berne ' " ,;v bad u traiu bt eu run so ;tiiat a visit v ! to I the int:restiucr s'iene . could. hve ' beeiv.made liiut tpe visitor. nave goi. :: ;:rr u-iri back home tbesame davv.iliese'i never iaii'l ;; ; reat monster ot.tneraeep ':vi; ti ci attrat attention; V "y' V:' "V've"ahnourit:e"d;' nieasUrhigroverfuny -.. : V.. V v. f -jeet i n ten gtn;. was . cau g tit l yveeK , , ,;V ;t Tuesday 'three more were, discovered Ivf , drid-therenot being meii and .boats' ?' uouglt' tb':m.a b age- Mf th"-largest ' - ; f :'6ne :was feeletited, attacked, Milled and: :;:Krougbt, :t6:tbe:orei side "ot dhuck-; J.' .From pur Ilcgular Correspoiident."" ' ; - - : ".' ;- ' " WasHxXGTox, D,. Cv Apvti 3rd., 594. ' ;ExciieUieiit runuui" : nih Tu' Cvii- grt-s. : President Ulevetaad "has dis-. piejisod iiiiiny iiinuential uiouibersof niS pai; whO;Clfiim' tbax. tiiev had a rigbc to expect ditierent '-"truatnieiic for the Bhind biU ior tne coinage of the seigniorage at hisiiands. '- It.is "hecdlebs to repeat " the aiigr y ' thrsuU beard on'- aU , sides, : 'becaus?j :such threats arev.not realry iuctors 4u fu ture JegiblaUou, .Ihe-, situation - i's one that i eouirvs oaiih'eonstiieraliou oil the ''uarLuf Uiooejwno are in a. !u sftioiico control fitume JiegislatioU," ahd 'tit'at'oah' oiiiycome. aher the citenie'u taiaSr njttf Uine:to exhaiist'it-'i sen. ;,;iN0Uing'i8.'itver acempnsneu ill-1 bt' g i"oii. bv-gt i i u g olf ft ai i jJo c ked' V!"rt;';r-'l 1S, lW: De?-i ) ttiVreiVV "the5 luuekbided aiur :V?V;6afc u j and-tried into oil, V- i ; j .iust'coiudrvnnve fiiiU are hiving low ' -''JN7:il;; Ttievwhjile gave;h!SoapUrsa'three aadayuig nofnui;Vr:;Vvr s ; innruribeibre -jvictoiyUcvowDed ,.-i;tnr etleivii determined "1 that : tUeirifortsMrAV hen hretsruok j-Up -ti,fe-, .adhniikiraiioii shl.:;auevi:o about eight niiles out.C he 6Ucodxnbe'd v : , t to the: threeharpoou - wounds and f$f&i ejghiiioiub soVs-pf-Uisassuilunts,: ' i ' I c .';? . V are u 1 1 der'b is . t wo ; i m liwii se ; ti!ls,;..t U is : t: rv;vbh 'bneside- brings thelwVapbn -;De&r :;t:;y::-;;-iiis' heartland;; oil - Jhe -other. ,' ai;o s ?;vl: 'i&!i)'firsrob to be: attained? is -to : tbakt? 'AiTYiUV.io"".hi rii",;-'- so that hb f cannot Vs. : - caj)' r" " t sCuw is dobe by haying Jrues ;VX'"'-Sv'iiich eWbe.-if't out at "great ieigth attacbWisto tiie .harpcoti After - he - wbich 'exbibue after they ;;are. (buried in his bod$vv y i v: r. 4 The bouta; ueduthe .chasaare Uongj'iwiftruVoyiiigon cial 1 v for tbV busi near ;r,v . , ? 5 ; Five bbii:s TiidtT V the 'attack ; , 'the. y ictmv hay iii beoii selected; a;bbat ranged close alongside and, the' "fiiit . harpoort was 'fnibddedeeply:'in;his . flesh.,, Then down' the : wliale ; wen t .winding hft ttio: ;ltne as heiwenu -! t; rA?wiiainud;or Wpuuqed can"; n6t: long reaiaiii :i nder?iybiew.ater: i;-NpLrUeiiig altrue!ti4h tiieyf have to V 1 come tb the sufiace iit.shbyt intervals v-to breatbe,'Bo ;ihfeiwaicT:AvSj;kejpt v and'we ; V ;;;;fpearance i t did "not take ' long w. plah t another, harpobcr 'iirji imAgaiu; he ; ? sari & ad d hen w 1 1 b "a t h i r& , h arpM)li : being made fast' to bltn the firing ,be 7 ganr three :harpqoha;aud eigbr. . ;-.ifiiibts tlid-the ivQr;?-fiyV? :'vtS 'Cv ; r Boats -theii; towedVVhimHt as close - r ;i"vio' the shore as;: thehugenessf. of his; ;?;""v;.b6dy would' permit, tbeancbiing'bf the tide largefyaid irig; in; tb is; Iwork;. k in :cc)of iheJs'yeiVety; black on the. r up per pb f tio n s and av b 1 itfbelow.';? ; ;! Meas u rer en ts showed Xhisr, diniep . iobs:tpf:be-asf6llows'N: " trstiJjktigttiZ between 1 55 ;;aha 60 feet ; t breadth(from V sfdeV to sideO j feet : ; wldtbJ;(fro'm C; back doWnwai-d lS '-:-";V'ffeeVrjach: fiu is ten feeti longhand 6. - feet widethe.finkes of his tail;; 16 Viv'feetyiww-irieiipjlo -the , other. ;The ' T bone invhis inouthc measures - seven '::-feetVV:i:;4:,;;;sV-.?r r - -V-He will: be cat -up: where., he .lies, VU and ioeh' tried out! in huge kettles on t he? shore." : fMv'--: p- ' ';f ;pJ i i ::;;' .; Jt; is estimated that thewhaie win ;;;rnake 40 casks of oil ahU that his to ;tai:worthe:will;ba;betwee.tt 2,000vs Twenty-five men -are inter & ,i'vi'r f " 'f j 'i .1. .- .i : . . '.,... ... . .' t- v . -. , .. it aiid.ias ihtr-tirdt .step -tmvui us rpre- VenuoUy-nc iiu iuuouuceu:a itavJi.u Vjbii dltecimir l ho - Kiiia'ue Hcoiuui ft? tee:to : pi-HpjU;e hill . Repeating . ; atj lawVauuiuiiziiyguoli lu.Vv' i'V&iiaOf 'Jivie 4iUs ; published let ter ; deny ing.a .pnbUied. Outer v jew ayU a ni i y. !' llec alf ;0oxey i scle n 1 e a billy, oifetliat ' euihioV ; UCY ciu pi is ii 1 .ai 1 ygouuTvedu 1 1; ,7Xhe , bt h er populists; in Senate', and .-.House: agree with bun aijd it ".is-"distinctly il ndf-rs tubd; tl) at-they do 11 o 1 eiiduVce eitlierrCoxoy or Ids-anny. x A unique delegation in the shape 01 ioiLy.. women,, iiiui-woi Kfy uoui iiiade in l he tariff bill by tile Senate wiih the deliberate ihteuiiou of caua- ingltn'e income,;; ta' ;"ta!;be ;: dropped j fro in the, bill, and that ;4;hisi round abuuLway; Of killing the income Jtax was resorted to because, the: coniiij it- tee Licked: the -nerve to opeulydrop e d out th e s 1 id 1 h g -s g- bou n ty v ii py trie majority 01 inerxiouse ways and Means committee in the original AViisoii tarlft bill.;have beeh: putting thejr heads together, for; the purpose of "d evisi ii 'if scheme that would give the! Senate a hint of their 'opposition to) the sugar schedule of the revised .tariff bill", and-they think" they have discbvered itT They : propose,-to ; put an amendment dn" the regular legis lative abu executive wap pro priatibn bill providing forthe.repeal of the 'sugar;bount'V;of;the HcKiniey la'w and they ei press : con tid elite that it will easily pass thc-Uouse which :has placed itself bh ;recordr as Ifavbring free sugax'and no bountyir.; : 'Z : . : :: Another construction', -put'ipon this mbye is tiiat the men behind it are. cLodbtful. about the.Sehate passr ing.tbe .tariff -'bill and. want to make sure'df abolishing the sugar :bonnty; As yetdr. is only a project. V; ' :. The House 1, after wasting a week because the democrats could hot mus ter .a quordm ofjtheif own to. dispose of several contested election cases this week : succeeded: j in getting a quorum and bus mesa . wiis ivsuriied. udgiug, howjever," by the past ; the .quorum will-not remain, long, more shame to the absentees . , ; Vivid Pictnro of Driinlieim::-, ; A prpramine of rare interest; to reinperaiicv workers of the District was carried ont.at the Firsr- Uoiigro-. KatiouarGhnrch yesteVdayraftek nou'' Jt was t he.fi rst of a series oiV. meet ings untier .the auspices of t he -.Wo : m a n 'a 0 1 1 r is 1 i an Te 1 1 i p era n e,' Un io n J Luther Beiisoii; the eloquent,. tem neranee orator of Indianapolis was LpresvntCML lo-.tKe astern ouie,. anu? all liouyii jcoupiauuug 01 lilms unci lit rvoiibiiwas im;nuj-ui,tLM apiu travel t- iugVjld the Vest audience us it" 121 the hollow of -F his " hauf while lie jiainti'd pictuiVahei: pictniin giow injc W(hus 4f tiie uWrv and . degra dation eni;iiled;oh .'snnVriifg fuiiuab, -i ty.-Viy t he be ui or dn n kl . ' 7 v -! -- ""Paint at pictnfe' a id- he 'and sTart by depict vSix'ini-- it eVe'ry xtuug 1 1 a t l 'hbrrid , ; revol j iii g a rid U (sg us t 1 njr. 5 Tb ie h p t ice on i C aVdee i't e 1 hoJiie,; Virli-a uiorjier 'and ; lur in cent" children suffering the ;puiirs o hi n nr . a 1 j d , e I u t lied i 1 1 rags.-; Win t oiv. it trees whose frujt is poison. 'Put .011 i t! scenes' Of .'ther muidt.. fihamnless deffvadatiuih. T;im'it 'with bleeding , near r-8, asiu .Liif ii uu u i v mi tut horrors 6f hell itself and yqu wiil tiot liavf ; one' ;l itbe'b ilietrnJ h'& Hl;b!u:intem))erunOei ''AlansfibuguVi' utia ingt?mty, could not 'bor.etye lie "evil "enough distbrLeU enough t Approach' 1 hL evils of mfeiupei-aiice Jt is ill evil -of evils atu; ' crude; 01 Vrirnes.- HbwtJiiXgraUirKepublKr of ours would grov - and gidwvbtit iqr the' ru ii : can cW, :-w h i c h ij ,d est roy" trt ii. thousands, of brighlypung JIves.an- iNew. ugiauu,aie:iii Hmuiuu iui tvualjy, -Uoald:we .but slop.rjie tral pefpurpdse ot protesting agaiudt the fiovlt wonld depopiilate ourVpehiteh- rarifibill as it now: stauU8. - vo- fumes." jails,4 calabooses, ; :;and : ahhs4 r feome western Congressmen do not bohses,c Old? the'4Hghu: Hunhght hesitate tbsay that certain; changes iaV.nhf stivkibinV :throntrh ! their bbeo doors. Instead of lucking Aip ;n nui, w i 1 1 1 w h is key i n - h i m -1 e. t Vu lock up the whiskey before it get's in to the -poor ;mam y , .vi v; -1 yi f I The ,Nort h western :dCwm5lmm pfo semsatii report 01-pme rjrouuc.Lin 1893, in Michigan,-, Wisconsin anil, Mihnesbta;Thegrand: total oufjiut'' iuM893 fell below the total m;:18924 to theamount of.l302,909 965 . feet of lb mber, and iii shingles therej was k coinparative decrease, ojf i 828,827;-; ,0771 The total product last year was smaller than in anv vear since ;1S86 when; H was 7,425,368,443 rjeef Uess th ah tliat in -1880, years; ot restricted jprbd u c ti o h w h i ctvs & 61 1 o w ed : t h e ; 1 n dustrial and tradedepressioh of 1893 auu xoot. - InVA'irlr'Rxff LT-i) r or.. Paper, I care not which, Jiist brin, it cu and. I will guarantee Your ttdv VVEOETED, . .v My stock is complete iu all !me3 of ' 1 v Do you need a;Hat, a pnif of Shoes a uit'of OlOThes, Snspenuerb, Socks, Ontwers br a Shirt. . ;f)b ou need a Diess, Under-Clotli j'Hosjeiy; silk or satin ltibhdns, Liice -Emhnddeivd ''(xob'ds, Uiiife, IBru'shfts. NevMlies, Pins, Spool Coc- toh;Qr GfOves. ; . .: ASK POR WHAT YOUWAFr ;v;;rrBtAVE it;;'.v v. t JMv oodsnre verv dioap. Bought fur Gash to be, sold lor- Cash, on a . narrow margin, v ' - .:r' . - "5IY;c6ir5TRY. FRIENDS- ::'lyfodd a .cordial .invitation' to ' drive nht Hitb the lot, . in rhe rear of i) 1 stb e' w h ere sfa hies ai e free, " " -New Store oil corner .two doors be low Me. G. ErnnlDrng. Store. : :lrP (ft vJiTn hiw:P-'& ' ;' : ; -; ' ' Gar.ryith elargjsist ;:assdr;tmeii;;df; Goqqs td .be :found in our ; Gdunty 6- rThey kepp- -abon t -. 0 vervthin i ypu want ana aixvite yon to ; Vcall on- tHem' vhen Vcu ; 7varifc' your moneys";.. o -A-peiiny saved ; , : is a pennmade and , : I ; ij we rclaimto save you : v inany pennies if ' you j will- giye us your patrpnage. r-i- Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained ad all Pat ient business conducted for moderate Fee&. ' . Oua office is opposite U. G ."Patent Office: I and we can secure jjatentia les3 tune tuaa those; k Send model, drawing or pacta., vatn oesenp-j tion. We advise, if patentable or nti free of ! chanre. Our fee not due till patent is secured.; 4 A Pamphlet. " How to Obtain Patents,'? withj 'cost of same in the U, S. and foreija countries fsent free. Address, a ;J:WE. ARE HEADQUARTERS v FOR FURNITURE ' EST r -;:'. THIS COTOTRY.-ci rV; ' call 01F us : ' ' - ; WHEN, TOW AI?. 71 TT7 NEED OB ANYTHING IN THE .'FIJEiriTIJBE LIUE. . . V? a s 1- . : U f & t: ;? ; :'' : -1

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