THE GREENVILLE INDEX PUBLISHED EVERY Fit IDA Y. Rates of Subscription. (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) One YeartO )exts. Six Months 25 Cents. GREENVILLE PRODUCE MARKET. Cotton 6f, Oats 50 eta, Peanuts' 40 & 50 cts, Corn 60 cts, Meat 7 County Hams 11 cts Larci 10 cts. Sweet Potatoes 40 and 50 cts. Egs 11 cts, Chickens,20 and 25, Butter 25, Reported by J. C. Cobb & Son. LOCAL SNAPS. Will give full proceedings of court next week Large stock of shoes at Cobb's Party who borrowed "Sea Gift" from Robert Moye will please return it to him Clatl to shake hands with clever Sam Joyuer, of Kenly- Job work chean and nt txt fVo - Ml Ml J Wll V Index office. Mrs. Ellis, of Wilson, is visiting Mrs. S. T. Hooker. to For Bargains call at Higgs Bros. Mrs. Rosa Purvis, of Hamilton, is visiting Mrs. A. J. Outterbndge. New Goods arriving daily at Higgs Bros. Future Congressman, Col- V. W. Carraway is in town. 132 new subscribers this week mi. . i ..... . x uais wnat telling the news does. Beautiful line slippers at Hijrss Bros. A large congregation heaid Mr. Samerell in the Presbyterian church at Falkland, Suuda. Coffee ut 20 cents a pound, Bos- wen, opeignt s UO Don't tk ink that public school house matter. It jo uuwuta um in is weeK. My HardSvare Store will bp open from 6 a. m. to 7 p. m., during the Spring and Summer months. JJ. D. Haskett. Mr. C. T. Mem ford, Mrs. Pearce and Mrs. Higgs have returned from their goods buying expedition North New lme Silks and Trimmings at Higgs Bros- Bob Moye weighed an ox at the scales Wednesday that called for 1440 pounds ol Pitt county beef. Snuff, at 25 cents a pound at Bos well, Speight & Co's. Rev. Mr. Greaves preached at St John s Sunday and Rev. Mr. Lnm.' at : in .rers on count v Norton yam slips in fine erudition oaic Kjy X. jx. QUgg. Mr. C. M. Bernard returned from t ai.ngcon city Tuesday. He knows ft hour Vw-if i.n .i- . " v-c wyju u ieu it. Croquet setts at D. D. Haskett's rw ucper man last season, .Mr; Walter Henry has at last re' ceived an appointment as Consul to vuiauw, cat iiiuies. I want your eggsf furs, hidp8, chick Wi OIU o, M. Shuttz. If you want the best force pumn w x cuuer s and get a Red oacKec pump. Miss Lit Cherry has returned from ummgwu, iuiss Jenuie James has ujj icuiiruu yet, Remember vou always get vour firroceries anrl fnu.. ' j. , J. xuiuibuie iL iock oot- ixi piiuca at me uid srick Store Gen. Coxey named one of his sto?- ix vrauip inanan nutler ,J niwJo is ?mPtically not "a crank, if rvwnr ;0 ' W'W.i.V 10. Hon. A. M. Waddell has been ap pointed Solicitor of the Criminal Court of Wilmington in place of B. R. Moore wno died Sunday. Farmer's If von wnf. hihrrrt flne this year S. E. Pender & Co., will make them for you. Put in vour. or dersparly. Prices are verv low" Terms strict iv cash. A man with eleven boys told ns Saturday to send 3 Ixdexes to him, to keep chem from fighting over who should read the paper first. Gentlemen of the tovn, the ladies complain thut you forget to carry the Ineex home. They and the chil dren-want it and ought to' have it. While a 1 Oil ttlnr-r 4 . . his client Monday, the client march- up to rne Jmige and asked the privilegeofmaking la t speech. Col. SkinilAr'a alnnnavtt- a.vU crowds out the. "Children's Tule" 4-11 i mi .... tix sweeK, xney ali might read it. Like the tales it contains both truth and fiction. Visiting Lawyers: J. H Tucker, Swift Galloway, IV W. Hawkins, Juo L. Brulgers, H. L. Staron. J. . I. Mar tin, H. W. Stubbs, J. E. Moore, J. E Mr. J. J. Rawls excellent farmerof Carolina, in paying fur rt year's Index- remarked, that the cash jays rem tvas a stmnu nLnU his platform. We enonirfid wh , ; ,,v"""ui amy that was with fio V....,; i ii i'iioo xiniiuir uagweil I at the Methodist church Sunday and I ereroid itwasAIws May Abbott, ' The boys are all feeling better. Judge Bynnm remitted the tines and they have sworn death to the first man who savs poker o- tries topoke er little game on them. We are glad to note the enlarge ment and other improvements to the Wilmington Sunday Mar. Always an excellent paper it continues to tfiow in interest and nsefnlness. - v . I be glad to have lU friends stojihere -. r--. Jacob Reed and Sous f ho celebra- ted olothier&, of Philadelphia your attention this eek Heilbroner. of Slr rmer and orders and measuSl Heilbroner is a Pittuounty boX Tit for .Mf -ftU m : .. . . . J " cu in cne ciotinng Dusiness, and sample he shows you or clothes measures for you will be what he ret54 icaoui-a uiem to oe. UiVe Gus a can. V. B. Mbot:, ... A Wraiii Cox; L. h Rountree of A:ydeiu JB. Giillowav W. H. GaUowaw? VVr ii vr;.. r Bi TiiirhmaiY ft W r;:,. .. n.' ' land, Mr. JN. B. Dawson , t,htn enter- lUcvll.t- We art glad to announce that Dr. Jemiiss Morrill, of Falkland, has de- wucu uuuuu io iviaxtou, as was his lhtentiou, but will remain in the County. Dr. Morrill is an excellent physician and a splendid inau, and we hope he and his' good lady will take hrm-root to Pitt county associ ations, s firm that they can never oreaK away. G. B.King came home from Wash ingtoh city yestei day. toatieuu court and many is the cordial handshake u US lece,Vt'u- He thinks tue tar itt bill will occupy three months, that Congress will not adjourn until Au gust. That Cleveland has bitterly uisappomteu the true democrats of the country and that those Southern and Western Congressin.-n who vot- wun ni.niiidi tall unuer the imp ied promise that he would do something lor tiiver, are wori ihJ tn .i.un, ... . . I 0 buvu prospects r Mrs. Georgia Pearce invites the la dies all to come and see her beauti ful new patterns of hats, laces, rib bons, flowers just received in her el egant millinery assortment. James A. Smirh nQt0. Llmo Brass Band desires to thank the people of GreeaviHe- and the In- DEX for assistanp.e ronrl ting instruments ami 'uoiu niter a Jlttie more p'-actice. The elections in Ohio, Illinois, VVlSCOn&in. Vhrualro IT .... ? other States, Tuesday, all show great republican craWis. Thow , ii i , , . C " 7 "CIC ell 1 1U- cal elections and indicate a disgust tor the manner in whinh passing the tariff bill. Mr. NatTrinn nfJn.L um tellS US Of Rllmnir SOO . r., , Tr- , . o:iaci UctllnL at Pitch Kettle, on the Neuse, one day this 8eaSOn. Pitoh TTffl . jo a not ed nshinff rendftvniio .... . fi xu was wnen the editor was a little boyr a long rime aaro. waunnu o-mnrr p from Marlboro, Wilson and Nash The New Chin Sfranrla r. . i- , . u wu Lne manu- to lA TWaTO been soldTn tuis and adioimnor - - -rf -t wuuucb ior in years, and manr -.l . Which I Will rp ! of r.. , . , aea. ball early and sr v.,. gam. - n irsrru:" Evervbndv'fl fTjo T - gess. of NollTf1-,"- J- iJnr- quarters for the summer and would The county couiuirss loners Man day besides the uami.! ;u..iin,,, "'illUii UI tlC" counts passed a Ablution inviting the commiionersofEdgecomhe and -.r...u wu.iuca to co-operate with them in establishing the boundary line between the three counties They appointed the lolJowiug list takers lor the taxes 1894 : larmv ie B. M. Lewis; Falkland faugeue Williams; Switt CreeK, L. B Mevvoorn; Beivoir, T. A. Thigpen Bethel, D. C. Mdorej Pacioius J. jj -Little: Carolina. Wm ir v;i.:.. - Ohiood, J. A. K. Tucker; GweuvilleJ tr- ."'I'uru; weaver Uam, J. W. Smith; Coutentnea, L. H. ISpier. ger of the oil mills, o lAjneToe. Tit for Jat from Lbng" Taw. A young ladyliom Virginia in a Jitter to a young man in Greenville fcA friend of mine brought the handsomest gentloman I ever saw up to call last evening, and he is coin ing again in two weeks. Strange to fia.v a handsome irian and hot much conceited. I account for this bv hi8 home training-he has lovely sisters." 'J'he young man writes in 4-eply as follows: " TT . ;-L,ust night I went to visit a lady w. viJui' ui9 uceiJ bvaA for several months and has just re turned to our city. She is the most snperb model of grace and beauty that I have ever seen, and strange to say she does not seem at al l vain, which 1 cannot account for unless I have reached that stage or condition in which one so oi'neu becomes blind to another's faults." Send jour order to Go JL. Heilbroniier. acting as agent for Jacob Heed's Sons,- PLiladqlphia, Leading Mer chant Tailors to the Trade. LAI EST STYLES BEST QUALITIES. MODERATE PRICES. Samples now That was a oad stare of affairs in feouth Carolina and continues to be. Last Friday the attempt, by the Till man constables to tearch private houses for liquor without a warrant so incensed the citizens of Darling ton, that a fight between two citi zens in which the constables took u hand aud three persons were killed made them frantic. They pursued the officers to lynch them. Tliy broke into th wut tue guns, they destroy' rav.i .i ,. uu uoua,8 worth oi state liquor in different parts of the State. Gov. Til man declareu martial law, aud callea OUt the mi ltia. inner -u -,. , . 7 vi. Luc comiia- iacucr Luan ooey him 1 he Governor took charge of telp paph offices and'prohibited the send ing ot telegrams or the running of special trAms. The whole StaEe is in turmoil, but ifitpai- w.. -i... that the constables escaped lynching and cooler heads are directing affairs It is thought that the State will have to pay heavy damages for thfe stoppage of telegrams and trains bV the Governor as a violation of the inter-atate commerce law. In Town' This Week Hon. D. C. Moore M. C S Phn,., ofBethel, Mr. TUonm tt 0 Pitt couutmn, of VViJson.Mr. and Hon V. R. Williamsjohn Kig r ?Treer I' Smith' 0f iJtr i t' BJP". W. A. Bar rett, Jos. Parker, J. L. Smith, Wal ter Barrett anr Wi.i,i a " u- ,t "-u, u. !. inartm P. Qainexl5r. ViM nulS' J- Chapman, of CeiitreviHe, Fr& Ulart Greenville, N. C April, 1884. Many readers of the Iitdex have been in to see oar mammoth display of new Spring Goods and many exclamations of delight have fallen from the t?S ?f aStonisned purchasers. We have been much congratula ted upon our tasty selection and OUr lOW hrififtsmnlroo 1. 7,7,7, ---".wo wxxjxi won der How We Do It ! leli all your friends about us and our low, prices this week. It IS" lmuossihlA trx : . what we have, and how low we visit Ut paylngoar store a Do you know where Boswell Speignt & Co. keep? usweil Do you know they have a f l6d With Spring Do you know thy are offering many rare Bargains? Do you know that some mer- a VrTt" Ie8s tllan others, k"ndt 7 are jasf 4ha a D? Zu now that Boswell Speight & Co. intend to deal fair with all their customrsi Do yQ klow they'-can save Do yoS Yno weS purchs,.se? for Cash, thpv nnn PLiM? merchants that do not ? ' . pomelo see us & tell all your friends to do likewise. We sell Arm; Lock; Bed iepsssrer & vhiso sfesforyours Very trnly ' " V BosweU Speight & Co