. .:'r:,--.-.--. - . ... ..... . . ....... . . v - - , .aair e w tToyixer, Editor t&? rr . -1... -. .-wjw " ; --' VOTLrXTMliSa S3b Vanes" tojSlbakadse Eiirolci'li Aa , (ioveruqr ot- North Garollim war, Viico...cxtintUMj- iorea!.y:iit and sainuun not-'iuvarmblv snowii iy me jsmteaiuen-oi.jrcndt ,-ciayr J a- led one of; -th ou r Confederate to nieces wastlie oiir leaders to realizethat the stin- gl? would be. a loiigauii desperate one. - - 13.V l h e t vmo Ih a 1 1 bp second year o the nir .was upon us the (Jou Ted i raey was wen tiin sirippeu 01 such 8 u p pi iea of J Uii u t'acUi res. ats ve had oeen uepouumg uj);u tut? iurtu. ior. The consequence ' was ; that most of the soldiers fn the Oohfedeia.e ' :-:v i n tine gotr tobe veryraggetl. Many j esinients wore clothes as cat:ered ni nuy be "fonnd . upon the aveae tranip of Jto-dayi ; Here and theM;, i. 1 deed,, .there were; commands wjiich wt-re i airly well-dressed, but tlie rer vrse of this was the iule. Afier tiwmie. iiowearer., tne wnoie 01 in mense body ?f North Carolina tioop. ht came ah exception to the rule and appeared comfortably clochtd while their feilov-i6Tdier "r generally A'eie in tatters. - "; 'J'he teason of this change wa? thai Governor Vauce acting under au t hority granted htm by tlie Slate Leg lilature, bought a steamer atiu pio ceeded to 1 mr aie blockade oi the H)i t pt Wilmingion, carrying oiu I cotton and bringing in military ciotlfes, sh.)es, uiedicints, food eic, etc., on acrouiiLUi xu o ate oi xxorui : .an - - f Not only wailn3-eiiteri)nso of. North Carolina sufficient lo i. ovide icr the comfort o all her i oops, but was extended so as to be of gre ifer vice ta other Stated of tlie Uoufeder aoy,"aul to the C dVJ .u'ucv iioelf. -It is scarcely p.-ii j. e to make 'the people of the pee-sent day coaipre hend the value of tba service, be- -.1. . v- .k.tii.x r r t 1 dire .straits -ane iwipiout iuc vuji f deacy were reduced. The example of North- Ca'olina finally stimulated other &laU3 to im port such goods as they needed, and so gradtnilly there W.i3 maeb im provement in the quaaiity and qual ity of uniforms issued to our ar my. Had the policy which was inaugu rated by Governor Vauce bten vig orously inaugurated "by the Confed eracy at the -beginning of the Avar our soldicrs-in the field would have been saved much discomfort, but for along time the expOL-ratiou of cottou was secretly, if hot 0)enly, discoun t en an ced . It was gen eral ly t ho u ghv that there would-be & "couou lam ine" in the manufacturing towns of Enfflanll and that thu3 that -govern. men t would be forced to recognize" the C ,11 federacy -a misUiken idea, whioh tiro loai-iiMil iLrtv. lonorand cost - rocks imon winch Canijum in 1870rthiif. ship;, of -state," wf-nt werfe made ro "have raittfin-thenrnihr ihabili"yJoTmQ3c of es of our net7 Deuooai i KaveK- ly waiting. Eichnioud Dlaccy-mWG D. April 2 !th., '91, A Colored Preacher -Adds : Anothor Tribute to the Great Ifan- - " A grand, ami great man he was.: ' Honorable Zebuloii - KairdtYauce death 13 greajtiy-lamenred by Jihn d reds' of my race in the Stated of North Caroliua. :: He was'a man ot s tron g con victioiis a ud Jiud-t he". eoii r age and fortitude to ' carry out hia convictious. ,r; : ' . Mr. Vance verysoofi after the close of the late war, saw the iguoratand poor condition dfLtlie negro aud'.be- aREENVlI.I.ENf Ci?x Qne. ot rnetronffestadTOcates Vi vc&,,"'-5aucafU0"-. e,-Bdia ,T0atf8eiKniorafi:e and the i the -I'liekro should Ivork: - save hr lor;ils and lucate .Iits hih!vMi - " was when we r. iiia nor: JJishoo J. W: '-Hood; fPrnf; 7?o!iK jBarrjarfud others of the cbloi'oil ivce req nested Governor, Vatipp m wnlu schools for tlie-lvihertdacatioiK of th e negro. ThH r r q u es fc vu vei'v euuu Kranieu. He -etaOiishfedv the I tate h on lial school s for the bl uck a j cu -a jur;4iie .w 12 lie lieopie. WlMl ffi-jir eun. reineinbranrer'or ;S. f.Mf riv Vance, we extend our yuipathy . to r lie son o w i n g f a m vl y . . Wej would be pleased to kilow that iJon. T. J Jarvis. could receive the appomtuieiit as Senator by Gove; lior. wai ' ..... - K. 11. oIMMON'S Pastor of Zibli (Jimrhli.- Charlotte Observer., Ap'l 1 i, '9 4-. Programme of 'O w w - j J6A.WCOd - Hiss Bitiie Johnson' School April 20tl:. Opening Speech by jimnne Galr o way. I ue Ulu JN or th S ta ( e b t h e .htss. Dialogue by the lui.le oais. The Fiar '-bv :lis. Helf.i (4.;ll Ceaciie iibl:c School bv xVf )a- ulje Duck. ; - AVhat Vd like io o . li- aloue. Carolina by 11a, vey ElktuH If KWere A flii-l IW:. VV;d. i The lJneht Nhw (inrr tiTitfi Siierch bv Oscar E1 wr.'ls. s.Mt r K.indnes.'i by Maoa Ea va U, ll,b- hfe's Coinoi.iint bv Shno.i.d I'.nk, ft. - I I . . w - - ojieecn- oy iimmie Hiuwarus.. An Indignant Scholar by Oieye'aJd Buck. - The Figure Curd bv J irniiiie Galloway. Unfaithf nlneoS by Pre i Elk3. .The Silve'' Liuiug, Dialogue. Speech by Crs3ie Puh. S ech by -n tr-w My DoUie b IJtllen Galloway. When Womea Have Their Kights, Dralogae.' Speech "b'f'J .uele Galloway. The Sick Dollie bv Don Elks. The.Wicked Little .Giil bv Mamie Galloway , rJhe Flea Powder Dialogue. The .School Exhiouiou by Miss Tiovio Bu-k. Don't 1 . k F)r The Flaws by MattiCliuck. Tlie Little Gills by Sallie Galloway. The Bargain tl 'inter, Dialogue. The So liloquy Or A Young Ldy by Qeanie Gray. ' Cherish Kindly eelins by Mamiei Pope. I XVoufdu't Be C10 J by Mamie Buck. . Iteasoo For Ed u: eating The Partner's Boy by Major Buck.-A Sn miner Vacation by Alice Buokl A Good Time Gomin;;,. Song Closing Address by Walter Bock. . Oar Law Makers.. 1 -Trouble is brewing in Washing ton for Cgxey and his army., taud those who haven't money enough to provide-for themselves would better think twice befo-e starting ftr join him. Tuere are daily con r iences of officials, civil and. military, which are surrounded -by a mystery that l)6des 11b good to-the Ooxeyites. It is impossible Jo get officials to say what wey lutena uoing, out tue jiu pression is-gr6wjug;that Coxey's ar- my will 'not' be alloxyed, as an organ ized body, to enter Washington.. -' The , House-" Coinage Committee this' tee- co isidered :Kepresentative - APJRJU SVtli -185) - f Meyer'a bill lur.-Uie comn of ihe seigniorage and the i4sue,oi thile per x;enr bonds,' but did not-ari ivoat a decision. Notwithstanding " ' :i he sratemeut of. Mr. "Meyer that, Hie inU wa3, emhxrsell' by": Seci otary'V C.hI isle, and, that it would 3eitatilv be -Sail ed byrrosident Cleveland,-if.p'aed mere waj no eutnusiam eiiuwrfnur the bill. ; " 'V ? j, " v Senator Smi fchVspeech Win nstthe taritt bill was Neither teUo'iinoual4iios Vpuciaity eloquehtbut it-iyas plain jothe point oJf- tduntnevs and Jolt no doubt 4 a-vl h e m i u d s oi his -hearers thathe Avas w itliu g t a go lis; 1 a r : a s -Senator Hill lu-his efforts . to defeat the bill - He threy, tlasrbomb i f the camp of the democratic7 f,ee t ra ders;: The demoqrai ic art y is not a fee trade uvy, aiivlvthe uitrtv fact thtrt an Jusignifip int number of: i : e tradvr:ihe;OFistadiav6.iiigitiifted--i.licnk-- sei vts upon it cunuot make . it Taxed collected at. the cdtohi nous es have been the chief -'source of .led-. eral revenue,- and such 'they ron tin ue to be.' Nor Ciii the must Utl 4- .inoe of a Jo.i orressionarcon ventjou 4 n M usiou 11 nor th e as ti 1 ion oi' 11 candidate ihar an iiicome tf com royert a prmcip'o dcciin v x.,,,,uao wvuv.ow,. v.w...iiiji e4 Uv ese. y uational conveiHoiiBui;L t ill' P.l.iml.3 I .jTlHL"II1 .1 jWI .rt 1 1 i'i l". the orgMiiiatii ni6t the pa .V"- v Sth it h id so. served notice on the dr u ocrats of the South that they -wer drivius: the duocrais of tlie Nortti into-the republican pary a nl that i jvill be, in hid opinion, impossible to "pass the tariff lull -as. it now viands. c ":' Whether: the, -ucr ion d-xheIfoX in. arlopiing a rule authorizing tlie counting of a tpiorum was a triumph fur Hon. Juhu Paiidoiph Tucker, of Virginia, who advocated it2 adoption by the House in I86O7 for Senator llili, who put the ruie into puictiet: in tne New York legislature while he was Lifutenant-i-ipveraor of thai. Srate, or lor ex-Speaker Reed, who gets the credit for its adoption by. the il.Use of the F fry n. st Cong eb.--, is unmaterial. The new ru-!e was nec- essary.to -pat . au eiuLco the -absurd tillibusueriug by 'refusing' to voe, which has been such a conspicuous feature of the proceedings of the llone during the present : session, the democrats liavtng demonstrated their iuability t keep a quorum of" iheir wii on h ind to do business, and its adoption was niery a bit'of applied common -sense, and Jt wa really surprising that as many as d e i n c ua r s s ho u 1 d h a ve bee n ; w i i 1 i u g; uuder ihe circumstances to'go bu record against t e rule. -' . It is now regarded a good a? set tled that the fate of the income t.i depends on the , votes of republican j Senators. Jf the, republicans vote a.5 they t bm k th 13 woa Id mean t hat the income (ax would mean that -the in -come tax would be struck ou t of the bill, but they may vote to keep it in the bill for , the p u rpose-of .: forci ug democratic beuaiors who onpo e :itrt to vote against the; entire bill. - Govemor Jarvis obtained the Sen atorial seat 'without solicitation on the part of lieif ihtoiends. The , office sought the uianand found him; Our Raleigh correspondent reported 1 Ithat letters favoring twenty gentle- men 'were received oy the trovernor kking.him' to- appoint i their respect tive Ineuds-to the vacant benator- ship. There were other spokenof whose friends did not .write- -'The- woods are fall of ?&mJyMessenaer: Coia,-Silver, -or Paperi; 1 tsarernbt- wdiicb JisV bnin g r ion . v v. , -vj " -v-- j.4r " Mystock iompletejn alt lines of 'i"-- DpW-iieed7idlarapairolS iV'i'C aju t ClothesShspenueri,-S6cks; w-' Av." Drawers ora .phirt; T fV " ;.DiMou need a Oj es Unaor-Olo"tJi5 4 tr Hosiery, 8jjk. or; satin, Jlildyon-' 'l-C'ice. . .Emhivn fered - Good? H Brushes Needles Pins,; Stpl : Cot- , ton or Gloves. - J"'- ABKJFOR WHATTOU Wr " I HAVE IT . -.v ' My goods .arjVry'iBlieaplBonhtrlV tor OueJi, to be sold for Cash, on a"r - .in-farrow inarirui; - , 0 TO MY COGNTKY FHIE&DSP . T cxfeoU a cordial invif. d -ive right into the lot.-jn" r lie 'rear n my sfeoewheretahlesiieiKe. New Store on corner two -dog rs be low Me. G. ErmiPs Drug Store. lamest as soriment 01 G eoasto" be Tottrvcjh our about very tbing yoa Want ahd inviterori to - : call on them when vc 11 . yant your- moneys. ' , ? -worth. - ' v r . A penny saved is a pen ny made and' - we "claims to save " you-" many pennies if yoii will give us your patrquage..- s - R :,sg t m a .vaf s sj fl Id 3 ftca U 3rz CJ ' Ik OB -WIc.-TV - IS V U M a m - m Yra fmb ri Lkti v.m ra wti l: s ythe WE AK HE A DQAIITEhW K .-TiVi . - -j v - - - . , - EugyiT.UR::ll$ : r ; THIS OOUN CllY.a: : WHEN;Y0 UJlRE INr? rJvrgT: AiNTTmNGlN , - - -r - .C-T--t rptrp ,prTPNTTmT? VT?i: v r.-t"'"3.-. 'V- v T - " 2 V -V .1 f l t y? , ' -I

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