' -' - , -v r it , . 4 v'. s i. ( - V 9 - . f ' J r ' ft lit r "V;.i ;-f THE GREENVILLE INDEX Euitor & JPropri e tor. GREENVILLE, N- C. JUNE 8 It: i. Published Every Fkiday AT 50 CENT? A YEAR, Entered m thft PostOffice t Green villo, K. C., as Second-Class Matter The Power of the Press ! ' The Index congratuUtes the peo ple of Pitt coonty in the fact that the principle it haa contended for, that the public school law should be obeyed and the duties of the Super intendent of Public Instruction be faithfully performed according to - the spirit of the law is vindicated. On Monday before the assembled Magf -trates the Board of County Commis sioners the Board of Education and a large assemblage, Mr. J. D. Cot, the spokesman of the Superintendent, pledged for him, that if they yould elect him, he would employ aii as sistant m his school and visit the schools and address them and bold ' an Institute in Greenvlla this sum mer for the purpose of awakening ih people and the teachers of the conn ty to the great need of Educational advancement m Pitt county. When this pledge was made the court house rang with applause, showing how strodfi: was the sentiment aroused by the Index for a progressive, efficient and active performance of the re quirements of the school law. When this pledge was made the Editor of this paper had -won all he ever foaght-for, a victory for free schools and the children. It will be remembered that the cause for which the Index fought. wjstru,C9ted in,the only I editorial on education that has ever appeared in the Reflector. It goi n g so far as to say that his not having visited a public school, was strongly in the Superintendent's favor. On J Monday this same Superintendent, this same Editor, were glad to make a public pledge that the measures advocated by the Index should be carried out. " There is no question of the Super intendent's competency for the posi- J tion. No question of that kind has ever been suggested in this paper. The only question that ever disturb ed us, that of his willingness to do the work required has been happily settled by his solemn pledge to do it. I Boss of the'macbine and his crcalures who talk like we do in mivate. but are W cwfwardly toilet the great dis pensers of patronage at Washingjoti ci ty know tl'eir honest sentiments in Natibual politics and who raltrtth a rod ofirpa and remorseless disrr gard to the matrialdeelopment of Pitt county, wlien a question of Jparf tisan politics can be-5njected to hide the spectacle of ; tin;, u nprecetfen ted; long lease of personal ; ascendancy political autocracy arid official tit sacking. The moral man is sbbju- gated entirely to the political crea ture. N' Third, The hydrophobiao snarls of a towmririg, because the Index's trn hful report of the proceedings of a public meeting showed, without comment, that the:: self elected Mav or is t usurper m ofi -e, from the fact that he was elected by a denial of the right of ballot to two thirds of the wards of the town and was sworn in office by himseif in the presence of a Notary Public, when the law is ex plicit that it shall bt done by a Jus tice of the. Peace, These and mau.V oiher things in that line the Index is proud of. We had rather be bitten by a dog, than become a dog. We had rather be cru cified for truth like Christ than to live ljke Judas Iscariot. will not go ('own in a cosmopolitan assemblage. " . '- yThe lnvestitioJathjeiu specnlation frauds among SenHtoi-s jh resulted so far, in t(ie iurknowl Slgemietit of deatingfr 8a3erfc iteiy nly one Senator riyf t''iilew jersey. -'-V--- "C.r IT-- ,..1-.. k .t(Ark Sjr6'e.- . . . . ,. -tr.Vi.'-t able coaiiter-disciissionr: have patthe Lne holetbe ttetMat agreei ng that t he Chiedit means fre$ silver. Editor Aveb4fr" cbntendedjthat frm tlie firs J: -iS- But there is a rosy rfide to the pic ture!. We are equally proud of the fact that the Index has secured for the public, First, A public school building for the children of this town to be edu cated in. Second, A pledge that the public schools if the county w ill be thor oughly looked after ; by au officer who is well qualified and thoroughly competent to do, so. Third, A curtailmeut of the high salary of the Mayors office, ft saving of two hundred dollars a year to tue town and a decided advauce towards making the office one of dignity himj honor, instead of being called a do--lai fee affair. The Index is a newspaper devot ed to the material improvement of the people of Pitt county. As an ev idence of the power of an un bought press we have in three short months existence this grand record : First, The hatred and enmity of the corruptionistsjof the ballot box brought upon us by our article the third week of existence on the les ions to be learned by-the conviction of McKane' ior efection frauds, in which we tod, ltA man cannot be a political thief and an Otherwise' Hon ' est man. uThbu shalt not 8teal.,w means" something or Nothing." 1 "Bet- ter to steal a chicken than rob a cit-? lzen of matrtiood; The first ean be replaced, the last when lost, cannot be restored." : , v ; Second,' Th0 disapproval of the! Last and above all, the great pu lie support, maintain and encouiu-r us in every good work, and our science restrains us from romin contact with envy, slander, ha; malice and all uncleanuess in p; . public or political life. Our moral manhood pro to i from the jeers, scoffs or cowar of humai hyenas, jackalls, jac and frauds. The Index will continue to truths material and political fn same old stand. It will coutin denounce treason to democratic r ciples, tealin in elections and Ub' pation of officei It will contend ao of old, for a fulfilment of Democratic principles along tnef line of tariff and financial reform as pledged in the Chicago pUtform. It is edited by its editor, owned by its owner, is small in sizei small in price, but small in nothing 'else, , , "Bohemian" in a long Indicrou article in' the Charlotte Observer calls CoL Skinnerand W. H. Kitch en the Ileavenly,:,Twins, ;Bfe ad vises theol.tpvdro5thearistocratici eyether ani ney ther Baying that it" The fiiLkert at iko June 2.-Ool. Harry Skiiiiier ani Cap. V 1 1 Kitchen snoke here ro-dav In a Dii Vttta interview. . Clatii.. itttish en sam e pM: not c hanged Jiia iilicmi TifiWK. nor uin nit-iririrc ! cuange cnait ij was tn no usurp me name ox toe ueiuocratic pari y wno nave cnangea, ana .camuuttea outrages that have so dissrusied him he cannot lunger affiliate with cliein ne uoes not eiiuorseire extreme deuiand-s ot the Populist, thiuks the duo-treasury pjaii utterly unracti cable, as well is the government own ershipuf railroads. Quite a nutnoer of prominent men have called on Japt. Kitciien and Col. Skiunerat their rooms, au.ong whom was Solfcitor Woodaixl, aa they are gratified at the attention given them .by leading Deuitntrts President Butlei, of the Sationat Ai' liance, introduce:! Cape. Kitchen, who spoke first. Butler's introduction ot Oapt rwitcneu was ingenuisund one of tiic best efiorts alluling to the Captain a$ the one prominent Democrat who had redeemed bis pledge to ioin thje Populist, if the Deocrats failed, to rtueem tiieir pledges. Capt. Kitcuen 'ris preaching the eaine doctriy i he -Miai been 'talking for 2year3, and giving the Demo cratib' party wholeaale atiethaniivs for its non compliance with its pledge. The crowd is a. representative Out of this section, variously estimated all the way from 800 to 1,200 and of about equal uumber of Populist and i)emociats. With tue people here. Skinner is yegarded as the head and fronc of the movement, -end some Democrats say that if he is a candidate for Con ress in the 1st District, his chances i election are most excellent, par .cutMriv as the policy in that Dis .cl lii pe to swap otf the Cougreis in in order to secure Democratic m hers "of tiie Legislature. ki inier bpoke about two hours :rowd, fully one half of whom Democrats. i attention paid him was no ta . d tlo abseuce of dissent was . -His portrayal of the cou ' ju of the country was graphic i his arraignment of the party 1 in power though severe, was said to be just. His en tire speech was devoid of ultra or extreme views and Democrats say thej have uoth iug to Attack. The audience' "fully appreciated what he said about the responsibility of present cbnditibqb. New hern e Journal. - iviUb.T"Hesels :more to- prices are &irWj66ds w noiesa o General Merchandise, such as Farm Im piemen tsGIn Bel ting Rock I4m Flas telr Paris, PI as trina Ilaiiv Harriss. SacM ipjtt Wmonnt Bdits plow ; Spool Ocn,-Paints, -Oiis,: Varnish; Wood , .Pumps Salt and . -I ' Nails . A If red F4Cjrbes. Who Buys the Best material in the South? v Whyo employs the Best work men In the State? - -5--' Who makes the Best B&ggyr in the . East? -:;V: IVho guarantees to please ih Quality and Price? -1 J. D Williamson Court House Square, Greenville, N. C. ' NOTICE! On Monday the 2nd day of July, AV D. 1894, 1 wiU sell at the .Court -House door in the town of Green villetothehigb Si bidder for cash one tract of land in PUt ceuat, coh tamiDg about twenty one acres and bounded asfollowa; Situated .. JnGceenvTUe towushtp, Pitt County, -N C, adjoining tlie lands of 61 ipshoaTriptv Jonn Willoughby. ff- v V1!0. ."d qtners; coniaining . one hundred, ninety four and oue-fourth aci more or less and being the interest of C. 1 Sajap m the nds.described which , is nndN vided, to satisfy an execution in riiy hands orcotloniBstp.7;jfovage:'4'whicli has been, levied on said land as the iprop3tty of said C. T. Savage.. This 2nd dayof5unc X894. R. W, KJNG, Sheriflr. Staple and Fancy Groceries. NEW & FRESH Saledted : with care from D es u K no wd brands. Kwo'omwfr xiaeo .vine Syrups- Canned Goods &c. Bxpeuses light, profits small dealings honest, GOODS CHEAP. W. S. Leggett. Commissioner's Sa.le of Land North Carolina, V Pitt County. J Pursuant to a decree of the Supe rior Court in the case of VVI H. Cox against R. H. Garris Harry Skinner L. C. -Latham and Peggy Smith the undersigned Commissioner will 8ell at the Court House door iit Greenville on Monday the 2nd day- uuij, ioi, tue lonowing uescrib ed tract of land situate in Pitt cenn ty, -North Carolina mid in Content- nea township, "adjoining the; lands of David Stocks, ArmissaJ&waltney, R. H. Garris, with the canal on the creek and the heirs of NiirirxlNel son. being trie same conveyed by said .Garris to said Washington Smith, Jan'y 1st, 188(V containing ninety acres more or less. Terms of sale, Cash.. 1 O.M.Bernard, Jiine l, 94. Commissioner. NOTICE TO FARMERS If all persons who Aril I want Cane Mills and Evaporators next Fal 1 will file their orders with the at aii ear) v day. I Will belable ta gethe mills at a libefaPdisikmnt bv ordering all ,at cne time,; nd; will" give the; pur Chaser the benefit ofVtbe discount. : : - ; vH;"Harding, mrsAg't BOSTON BOM) 6ld reliable v r SIGN: and HOUSE PAINTER. ng a special f, ! -

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