A x - . jui ' -fr -4'-,. t , r ft - s ; H B Hi ! W S - ' I f-""N I .11 II , II I . -'If -1 One cftho Caucus of Hani Times Not the least of tbe evils consists in tM wbolesale pexjnry committed by some of oar very ''best citizens." My one reason for a partial cause of the hard times exists in the cow ardly, shirking, lying habit mauy people have of making false returns of their personal property for taxa tion. T he burdens of taxation fall un equally on accouut ol it, and the hon est man suffers because of his dis honest neighbor, hi lying neighbor, h is cheati n g neigh bor and very fre quently its old hyprtrtarite of a neigh bor; for f$ry often helsi uan hih up in Chui-eh circldnakew . great display of rel igion or itbettej part, charity. In jastice 10 th Ohurch, however, it must be sai l that the tax return 'liar and perjur er exists in ranker profnoamt of i it than in it. However, if the oi.e or the other returns his household and kitchen furniture' at a valnati(n of $000, whin lie hjis a piuao worth nearly twice that much, the pecunia ry result is the same. An Hxainiua tionofthe tax books 01 Charlotte township, and I daresay of almost any other township in tne SUte, will convince any fairininded man that moderately well-to-do ieople pay the most of the taxes, in pro:ortion, of course. It is only fair, then, ro as sume that they are tbf mou lioueei of oar people. You can find by ex ami iing the tax books that several gentlemen of well-known wealth and richly furnished houses, make uo re turn whatever of ousebold and kitchen furniture." and you w;ll 1 so find others who return those things at a valuation so low that yon could find a painting or a single piece of furniture iu their noii3es that they would not srll for that amount, I think the highest return made in Charlotte township of 'household and kitchen furniture" is $900. Can it be true that the best furnished house and kitchen in Charlotte only cost $900, or twice that amount, or even three times as much f Perish the thought. We are not such a poor or miserly people as that. The explanation is simple enough, a bad as it is. People, good people, too, have got into the habit of making false returns. I heard a uren say once, who stands high in the community, and who on the witness stand would rate s ah Al man, that he did not make full leturns because others did not. That excuse was satisfa tory to him, evi dently, but he perjured himself like any other ordinary liar when he took that oath to tru return make,,? etc v ' ' . '"-' ; .' If the gentlemen who have dis cussed the matter of setting up a Hat of thasfs suspected of making false rfurns ai liave- them brought bttforia granfX a charge of tmn without fear or . favor it will hre a most excellent and wholesome Personally. I believe that the grtat majority of the pene " wlib doihis infamous thing, do it in ignorance or through misapprehensipu. ; t If so, it is only necessary to call their at' ten uon to those tacts. hna done almoat everything else to - ward tnaki meut. How ng a perfect State govern-1 ovw "t - w let it take up this mat- biuwu h uc wmiueu, rels of its ; aclliettieats this one oi I trllfrtnv A mimo- titnAnil WAM righting a great and grievous wrong is.- m UliarJotte Observer. Governor Tillman. . - r Govejnor Tillraao, in or out of Sou th CarMina, is an interesting ,pr eottage. He was; in Ohaalotte last night forO tuinutesard the Obser ver monopolized him while here. - The Observer regretted not having its kodnc along ; it would like to have snapped the Go ernor as he appeared last evening. He worfr a large, black slouch hat, well pulled down over his yes 5 a black suit that was rath er a loose "fit , and a black cravat -ht- was tied in a big bow and was very limp looking. But this about fhe sti'otigest evidence on record thatv it imiiH the botft -that makes tbe; man K o one can look into Till man's:- tace and drubt that behind that rough and uncouth ext er iar theie ia force, brilliancy aud iow er. Hts features bespeak it. He was particularly pleasant last nigbt. His iiiauner is cordial and free. When asked how things were in his State, he said "as dry as can be.'' Iu which way, Governor W .vas asked. 'Oh," said he, 4'if you refer to whiskey I I come from about the wettest State in the Union. "-rOharlotte Obsircer. As You ?ow So Shall Yon Seap- ; Lnst evening about dusk two po 1 icemen weuded their way to the lock up, having in charge a man who five years ago was -earning $.j,p0U a year as commercial tiavelerl J In those days he dressed hand somely, was a prince of politeness and a superb salesman. Now he is ? ,1 . 1 it out 01 a joo, peuuue nu uimusi au outcast, with old age creepiug over him. For two or three days he has been on a drunken debauch, aud yester day evening was unable to get awav from a telephone pole, too drunk for anything, Liquor never yet failed to get the best of a man if he only sticks to it. Greensboro Rerord. In one week's time we have seen oi the death by morphine of four young North Carolinians cut down in the priine of manhood. J. .1. Tay-' lor, t- Pitt county, Frank Day, of Edgecombe, Willie Bell, of Cleve land and YValton Busbee, of Raleigh We knew all of these men, they were good fellows, but alas ! to what did they come. We note that our Durham corre spondent in giving an account, else where published of Marion Butler's speech at Durham, credits him with saying that Mr. Kitchen had said that Senator Jar vis would join the Third party if certain things should happen' and that he Butler, expect ed to see him come over very soon. We have heard similar contemptible iusiuuations with regard to other gentlemen in the Democratic party. Such rumors are utterl y unau thor ized and without foundation, and they are thrown out by designing demagogues for a purpose. This pur pose js , two-fold. First, to attempt to deceive the people of the State in to believing that these respectable gentlemen, who are grounded in tne 1 Vmpwtt.if jefM v t mw. v wb rm aarwr n m w w a u 11 n w ram wiy ram emblt? bypocriy; as possible converts Jv ltn f.ntK S!tirVl i 1 1 fii I1 11 U fl All ft Mlf to their faith- Such insinuations are for a sinister, purpose and are the out come of a mean, unworthy motive. Silver was deuiotieiized in 1873 and partially remonetized in '78 and 'UU. Mr. uieyeiaivu anu nis itepuo licau friends kuocked the last prop from under it last year and not au onuce can be added to the currency now, not eveu the seigniorage lying idle iu the Treasury. But to show that we are not alone in- 0111 couten lion along this hue, we beg to repr duce the following Trbm an editorial in the Wilmington Messenger in its issue of last Tuesduy : If a man believes in silver as a part of the Cougtitution and as de manded by the Democratic party in tlje :last' National Convention, he can without self-stultification and Idwerh ills )W n sel f respect d eel are lawacdo?! of the Presi- woiigress m iestroji ug u, in tttU ; A inan wou J d bet ter be ?a ogil ay inoou th an to pal ter"witti cm&bions and play lat and lotse with conscience. Webster- Weekly. The Republicans are veiy well suited with tbe tariff situation. If the Democratic scheme of tariff re form" can -be beaten, anil the McKin ley act retained, why, they have re gained al! that they lost in 1892. If the makefehift,v which the Demo crats are trying to ps finally passed, the protective system has no th in g to -fear? hvlrrg obtained from a Congress elected on a tariff-ifor-jrevenue only platform all that it qn meanwhile giving a stag gering blow at the cause of free trade in America. In any event, the Re publican dogma of protection will he served bv the delay, which, after all is over, and well ovpi, for the; Re publicans, no protectiouistrnvill have any reason to complain of. Louis ville Courier-Journal. There is no quesHou that the Sen ate is trying the patience of tiecoun try most severely. There is hardly an organ of Democratic opinion any where that has not added its criti cism to the long list of complaint at the inaction and wrong action of our upper House. . t If the two or three Democratic ben ators wish to take on themselves the responsibility of disregarding de mauds of agreat mjprity of the vo ters of the Uuited States, let the isr sue be made plani and the blame be put where it belongs. The Demo crats of the House, who received their covenant directly from the peo pie, can not agree to any such betray al without being accused of a desire to commit suicide. Asheviile Citi zen. The t wel f 1 11 isession of t he general conference was the most progressive, some would say the most radical, since the general conference ot 1866 They have giveu us a board of edu cation, which the two preceding con ferences tried to do but failed. 1 hey, have given lis a boardVof coutrol lorj fthe EO worth Jjeagne. r ,Th have change4vtbeidjot Gue urthe niwtjafli the trauiier of licenstugmnTeaners from the quarterly tpBwtrton: fereuce. We - eeriouslys doubt the propriety of- this measni-e.--Nprth Carolina- Jkristian 'Advocate We could say flia paper full bat the goos talk letter; tlian cold type at :j-Kyy ; 's. The Special line ' OENTS CLOTHTNCr from S2f5(V to v $30 and BOYS SUI tS at 60ct, and tti e elegant assortment of Gfents Furnisniftgs. hosiery, necjr wear & under garments will please you at , s. That every day Hat and Sun, day too, that every day Shoe and Sunday too, you nave heen ooki n g for is at Frank "Wilson's. Ladies, Ladies, Ladies, Before, purchasing examine th oronghl y that aboieeielection of Dress goos and fotiohs in the obmplte ,J)ry, Groods de partment of , K . V r as sortment of Goods to be found in our To wn or -Co- They kep about everything you want and invite you to call on them when jfeu want your moneys worth.- A penny saved is a penny made and we claim to save you many pennies if you will - give usyaiir rtronage. IWE AHB HEADQUAfiTKKS OK FUENITUhE m ; TdlSOOUNXit -o- CALL ON US Frank Wilson FRANK WILSON Carry the largest County 'NEED OB AUt THING 1$ THE FUBNITUBE LTHE. - , . - - - - : AS"' ' i. . ""lit . ' ' ' - i'..'-tgX.-' - , ' - -' : - . . f-l ', ' yy - --3y----- tei and add to the already rich lau-; wuum mj cv.aiuiiU6 tu us