TriierestlHs Ite&si Jout;Thgs that yews Gat hei el from V ariotts Sources flr the Information una nt of Onr Headers. ' Rally 'round tiie. polls, boys, (It looks Hfe9llckm,), Ana never raifcdtlw. outside nois, ' Never mind the chicken. All kinds of job vvork done neat. 7m i A cheap on short imtiee at Index office. , ... . 100 'barrels flour 3ust come, J. L. Starky & Co: Primaries will be held in all the townships tomorrow to elect dele gates to the county convention next Thursday. Harness trom $o fer set up at Corey's. vvrv eniovable lawn party was given to a number of young eop!e at the' residence of Mr. James Will iiUns on WednesdUy exe-i in- las?. batting at $3.50 per roll at Mun mrd's. : " Last Saturday nirht an attempt was made bv a negro ma.) to bur larizeMrs. W. H. HoiW house, -x p til :' ; v.Svi7q fA.vmi With U r- 14 taiib item :'i.y'- j . . . cross'mark it 'mean's voir are wan reel as subscriber to The Index. rit for two months, ami yon will never he without it again it von ('are -aim. ;-?.- Pif .innMtv or like to read i.u rfK' mix! lnioal'tial V- tile ll III G 1 1 1 Q J--- " - -; a given, sjehd five two., cent- stamps, name andddress. and try 'I HE IN DEX for two mouths. It will wake you up. ; ... . Admiral cig rettes at iobber's prices.-4- L. Starky & Co. , We received a very strong article recommending tjon. J, E. Moore, of Williamson, "for J iule too bite,; for this issue. While The Index nev er tries to Uoormany special man tor a. nominaqonand as a papr has no favorites, we are confident thai, -Sir. Moore will be thoroughly acceptable to the people of Pitt county and will ,iKM,-.w rpfte.ive th?ir cordial sup- nort. in the convention. ?mo man in North Carolina is oeuer 4'"l"liru than he, or more aeservin.u -, Pay wic;riiJtitMi. ni-ink THire' water b' using the I t i i " ' drive pam ps at LiasUett s. hut was discovered as he was crawi- incr in -it a window and ran oti al a rapid rale. Oil stoves are nil the go and cheap ta S. E. Pender & Co. Nixon IiU?r; cob, entertained us at dinner o Tuesday Blue Hank's tarm on Chicken, piiT. cahbaue7cu: cumbers, beets, squash, com and po tatoes formed the biiof fare, aud it .was excellently served apd highly relished. J. S. Smith has just received a fresh lot of of soda crackers. There will be a big basket picnic Rett's rove,near larmvine, o the -2511. This is ono or uie est places in the whol county to have a picnic, ur.l the aay is u"'" forward to will, a giwt deal of pleas ure. There will !'e a ball i'-i Farin villeatmglit. My stoves are first-class ami low in ' price.. D. D. Haskett. IUtmng struck the dwelling of Jas. T. Joyner, nr Fafruv.lle, dav teariutrtt newly to pieces aud completely .lemolishing the obimney. Tde bu.Miug caught ou fare, bnt.ihe tit. oaf. 'Hie familv -were. fortunately away irom boine visiting neighbors. Ooroy's ia the place to get. your .. BlantUones, Horse F..r ;Lk . ,i Oomls. Oils, etc Moa.fcy o.gbt .ve enjoyed exceed iKgly the U0.pit.aity; and soewt y f Mnd Mrs. J.vHoI!andn Ju Holland baa endid crop on Mr ii ii Cotton's Southwood farm. Ho .VaUdSOOacre.o - nd watermelo-s: also a re . - 'Mr. J. C. - Greene arrived last night. Mi. Zeiio Moore returned from Falling Creek yestetdey. Friend Ftid Fleming is very sick with tvphoid leaver. Mr. F. G. James and family are back trom Wrightsvilir . Miss Mary Bynuin left rhis moru ing for Pr.nnacea Springs. ihss. Ellen Parker returned Tues day from a. visit to Falkland. - Miss Wcedbee, of Flerilonl, is the guest of Miss Myra Skmner. Miss Mamie Arnheim of Tarbort), is visiting Mrs. S. M- Scuultz. Mrs. Stone, of Memphis, is visit- 3 ki;t:r.,TrfMnon -handsome soaof - Mrs. Joseph H. Sauii d ers, w iKwas thirsts pvqtty omano)ir childhood ,mmri heldi outside ofhe IVirnilv; atul ytm has "retained a wn spot m our a. teitVhms ever ; in) says he . will , tand exaimuatibnf eatrance.frorri p'wr r-nninv in the Agncuitnvai college at Rleiglf; that his . lrotber J ose p h . w h . ra uaait-u u .0 - has bad several of a- uition in engineering: Nothing hko t orisctical education. : V He i Iquarlers for Tobacco Knives, Thermometers and. Laaterus- l D. Haskett. ' ' ' Miv J. J. Fleming says that Mr. S. I. Flemings cotton is so i ixniiaui tUtii: he got lost u) ir ute no.c nod when Mrs. Fleming lound him he wa' so nomplereSv wrapptu.up n. i he cotton it too fur -men wittv a Peine to rescue Kim. Mr. L i(1 Wednesday a-u d -informed it TU this reoorr wa-; .lightly exa-eraUM It on I v took two jnen, savs and. that his wile ncv.1 had to Took ioi him as be hollowed so eyeryno. lu a mile could have, heard him. i , .,(! evervhody are eat ing lU Smith's delicious Graham cakes. - Mr V. FT. May had just sivld a hale of cotton for 0 cents ahd re marked as he haml.-d dollar and a srood svonf tor -DifiX that he didn't l ave rnn fa bales h -ft, aud while times vc, biitth : SivriendSifeM TiifJh'eiTiiiilous , dow'n 1!-' there Tneyilay aiternoyn, iusciv?.f : , ; , r;"(;oo(thiVniiy ,.Speigh Mr. :BoVeil;.-if t:ra that, we'iue Vsms iiiaVkable a4id eiieeive needuig ouiy btie trial to , prove u- - --. V-j vjnt ions;-,. - , 'tSS& Township liniarieSatiinhiyf - Ju!y' ..-V-"'. ", .'::r: :Vri 'SRllSv'' Pitt e.oontv, Tti u rgd ay ,; Ju j.y . M titum Srate Ilaleigh. Aug. , V7:C'.: Judicial 1st, Ply inoaru August r- " a vd . "liock v " Mount, - Aug; Ceuiiresauiai isi.. i.' -i. l G ei i y d i eA u g. 1 5 1 h : ;.. t A SAL? p!:ATii. T.ii rl Geneva - C. .Le-SQtvOTvl d aughter of Mr. J, "Ev;, .Uegg' tf : :- this place, ;or4iiiw-"ri .. urday the- UUinst.," andvdierisg f .- k us a ig h f a i m w l u geu, i .w ;- ,1.. -,? ,m,1 v,)rk - e was arfttuui ('i tipuiii ; mi'1 . 4.. ;,... i --Miiij liiMe It rear ,-ioYHis-. .1 -i ? . .-vi t ii .s t 1 1 T lUiV'si ;dil IftKrS-S- CjJlOWafS 14 UlOtlllin 'tint T . -?r... JLilr UrAi- ui'jf m.i v ' ' '' . . . , . ' V-!'':' wi tr W.i.1,!J'- i i .... .v.i.o v u.itf pi n;i l:Hr htrtv - n ,;ut. On iuonuv .we lea.n- . u": I , , -' .;VwV , iu... ii ip v . .K.WTil -;jf tiw,!n n.' of her nrst' norumt ..d that his bovs wtav ir-o. .-oovT ..... . --v , . ;i it wM vijt C'liveo ienl io buy a $75 bu-gv. 1 here is alul .feir hs the heaidett symru. lots of milk in that cocanut. 0f thn entire co; nmanitXv' he,-: ' nhnice Tea Green' Black, Mixod, breaking of the Imk that boujidh to T5 oeuts per pound J S. Smith. lo erk." May he fe,d . tlmtv,infpiS r , u r a wflji. coi.-Mrrmi tiiut.a srrohei-- one :-had- John liam, or vyuei.. i bau . . : . .-l; :. his wife had four MfOth ex- i ben . WTi-Veii tnaL oiuv mntuc.. iiv- her cousin, Mrs. Alfred Forbes. Miss Carriie Dial left tor her hore in Snow Hill Monday, much to the regret of every one. Mr?. Guilford Harris was strick en with paralysis Wednesday and is iu a critical condition. Mr. and Airs. 0. T. Mtmford. and Rev. Alban Greayes and family have returned from OcrakoUe. Mrs. Caroline Cherry, returned from Yatesvilie yesterday, accompa nied by Mrs, Eva Sate!. well, who is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. B. Green. Miss MoHie Bras well, of Whitak rs, is visiting her fsisW, Mrs. Au- i drew Joyner. TheTy went to Hassell this morning on a short visit to rel atives there. ' Hui ik Fridav and b!ed cobnn uaUy until Sunday and is prostra ted yet from loss of blood. Bemember "von always get your :.Tocerie and furniture at. rock oot 7om prices at the Old Brick Store, Mr. Alex Speight, who is now a -nod farmer, wondered ho l p,s cave sucii accurate ivports sneeohfs; 1!"' aV te H'-s ('"e1-; ol 1 watc mcloas and good cr,.pa- orally. . ( i . -v. !,.,,.. iV. 1. and salt Spring cinuw.-xv ... , FROM GRItfTO "ir-":.;-"-.... IIUN-A-WAY. . . . M. . , m .oirlKC. OifS. I les 11 rv, .... - w HSU. . nmv,n, ,mj i bouo-lu ami oiu 4n.v,w.. Mohlv at Market House. Joe Barrett, (ho.v dear that name , M,l loeul of Farmvdle. le- lUnt crops and prmnise. KurMmeVU.h pHUUC next Nert Ufa Ti.isoffiWwiH .l- closed a that day. our young ruen de clare. " : . Teachers, everybody bay your summer dress g0;? trom us. We are ottering bai gains. Boswcll, Speight & Go. M r Ed Randolph was speaking of Befi Gwaltnev's corn last Saturday abeing a specimen of -Pitt county a possibilities, ne oaaua ... . i ' vtoSlUl lilies. J JL (jwivi . As Mr. James lialdy, of Fenny J g 100 bushels ir acre on Gov. Hilt, was going home from Green-- . jal-jg Gorham plantation. I hat it vdlaTuesdaywiUi a load o ; w.o, .)luntPd with ,i sticdc, had .not had a plow in it and nau on.y ucr hoed oice. Mr. 0waltnev; in to see us Monday arm auu i w o - . . I :.i 1... , ,,,.iia Hi bo keys, .10ii' Kni- Mr. G. A. Stanciih'his uuw doom: w - . . mule rah away, throwing him out ...;:oiir" niiuriner his head and breaking three ribs. , positive fact, and, said he would-be Mr. Hardy's condition is eonsider- to have everybody come and ed serious. The mule was stopped f ' k for thetnselves. . . broken die cart ana window sash all BY ilACK-fcT. a? P-.'j:ri i PtMiu tree, of .vour: t wu, is .visiting relatives hereJ;V:' Farmers report the pes t2cgrbfe; com and tobacco for man y Mr. G. B. M eOot ton is in'bcd;very siciv vitH .bilious ' M r; Bryan GardVer; iwftgi trade is very good. ' . - Our druggist, Mr. says he is w.dl pleased with his Jrad of late. . ; ' - Mrs. L.' A, 1 1 ' Uubb have uie to SevAi pnns x- .. ... v.., .iii?j . - - '.t'-i-.:-...'. - Our butcher, has ' tddedjggi?ig freezer to his stall lor; keefmiftlfrebh bee1. , - -i .'i;'--. Brvunt Ives savs fh&bSn&4Vr d es t r ( y i n g n i u c h lot b w y ai t u JC?fr h V, Mr. L. J ; U m a phi a ir iik i a in tit: Irs store bore. 'z'Mt: 'ott ingham '--A'W rej jigsuv - mill will : hMunie?y.vMflu a vs. .. . . . ......v..-, - 1 M r. Joel Patrick has j mroVWji his rostdehce up on, rpnutnojuou and is goi u g thme, t brvetHrirfeU. best cohducted Sf (tVWi??1 L-hvdto have ryo.ryl.udy oe !UUl j j,;!riot, so sas lading.; j:id. look for themselves. , j: :: v;l QM:nr&M:m$&m&i Tan snot- im'.isb, BoiV.ell, j ..jvsin.endc-ut, ni,it gi' iit J.raU. & Lo. - - - C - ' - - - i . j.. . i'. ' ". - .- ' j ' i ' . .-j 5? - :. l ... - . i -5 V.- 1 . .r ' I

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