EEELY Siiccessor -bo i:lxe T-n H V OLUME 1. GREEXVILLE X a JANUARY 18, IS.Oo. NUMBER 2. KING-'B w lOTTIXCiS. Tiiekk are five Smiths in the ower house of the Legislature. And not one a blacksmith. Kansas will probably sen 1 a new man to the United States Senate. Kansas is nothing, it not rhanyiru. East of the Mississippi. Wakk county's grandjury said ra tiling was gamuiinu: arid maoV presentments against many That grandjury is. about, rigdit course of his address he sa,'d : too. Oru Senator A. A. Forbes iii kIh oiie mistake tuv other day. lie moved to adjourn to a cer fain rim.-. Tlie mistake was thatlie did not make it sink dik. A bill has the Legislature to ajlow trust se runty companies to bond offi cers. The man Avbo cannot bond at home had better up. LAST DAYS OF THE U S. A. ! ra V,ay ,TlV-v ut him at t,w ' at TreV had weet jhead of thetahleahd we got plares j milk, buttermilk, curd;, etc., and six at the foot; theypassed the fned , kinds of corn bread, but no meat ajjwi iwuuc ui wis iiast vcminailQ '"viis, uauer rues, ioaming but- i e proceeded on o Aobeville , 1U cijri,,,,,- wtni py u uiuing with ISreckmridge I met all JtOCaptCIay. We called in ain. the Presidential Cabinet. Judge I 1 hey replied : 'We are watting on ; Ueagan talked about the conditio,, iav. i saw soineunng had 'ot the country, .bulah P to be done. I asked Cant. M ii r- ; nun :iml R if 11 to stand by me. He agreed: , nyson and criticised the vem-s. I lien l called a , young w6man and Breckinridge was r'oval lookin andsiud ;- m, may have forgot- Benjamin was about 5 feet one incn ten that Mr Clay had another grand- high, heavy and rotund ; he rode son. His daughter .Harried a Mr. horse seventeen hands high, and Murre.l. Here is Capt Murrell, her ; was a ridiculous figure, but when in son, who is also a irrandson of fr Ina cifr mi,... t,.. , r. . - p T . ry I r , : : I ' uc ijnuieu ooeirv vou ot Lee s surrender i Clay, .hey turned and asked Mr. forgot hi appearance. M r. Mai lor v .....cuansum, a. j " ic,4 11 ii, was irue. lie saul .ecretai v of the av wJa At the niOtiliurr Hid f'. ...v,v..iQ U! UIL UUIliaU'I - j ate Association , oi Kentucky the l'eaiu-e was an address by Major W. 1) lvis. Who gave an account of his lersonal relation with the last command of the cUil war. In f!u ''The vs came to us "at early in April, 18f5. (Jen. Kciu.! was in command of about L'.-iOU men, j four brigades. Den. Duke's brigade j was dismounted cavalry. .Onr I horses had suffered so with toofreul i -i i-l etc., that thev had bc-n sent un- been introduced in ... 1 ;u,r' . Caroii la. We were often, ordered about as infantry, (ieii. Echols had movtd forward, intending lo unite with Lee at Danville." At Christianshnrg came the news of es surrender. It was a cohl l.-i7- z'y aft rr.oon.1- We were ail greatlv 'r. nuis caneu a eTmncil 1 war and stated that he proposed to march to (i,en. .Ju .lolin soti at lialeigh, X. C. He offered us a. 1 the option to remain mi- give Sfxator Th:i LKit says that i ii Populist had introduced the Carlisle hill, it woicd have be n considered the '"heighth of lu u,a('.vv' Does the man make the measure ( yes, and they gav us all we could eat of thy best on the table. "W'u marched toward Liin'olnton, and found that Col. Napier wirtr forty-live men and 215 horses had lw?eu 1 riven ' away by Stoneman. Oon. Echols had pased on to lial eigh. We marched on to Charlotte, M i iving there April 10 or 1?. John ston and Bragg were negotiating. We found '.Jefferson Davis and his CabitK't with Dibrell and William's brigades, the latter in command of Col. Breckinridge, of Kentucky. We were the?e Jen or twelve 1ivk such a figure as Benjamin and rode a lare hoi sr. The soldiers often guved them, calling on them to 'L'cme down ; 1 know you are up thtxe.' Tljey also guyed" Bragg on every occasjon. One day as we rest ed m a road, Brag- and his staff nule by, a Kentucky soldier shouted . -Oh, (Jen. Btagg, Cun. Bragg !' 'J'ho general and his staff halted;' then the soldier asked; (ieneral, w hat do you think of the prospect f a war with Mexico ? They laughed und rode on. "At Abbeville we found if u-mo , , - - - .. 0 and received the news of Lincoln's!110 use lo go anv fuither. The a;Sassinatiou before we left. Uen. Johnsiin telegraphed that his agree ment with herinan had been sign- Tiik pro-)ective H,e.'tion of Thomas v arter, a Roman Catho lic as U. S. Senator TrV)TTi"M()h rana arouses the ire of the A P. A. "America 'for' American-" g;ood doctrine. jwith im. The infantry deeded to j e i, but tlnV Andre.Iohnson, who I remain. Cosby s and (Jdl ner's . bri ! snr.-eeded Linwln, had repu.'.iated I Lr Hie concluded to iro to 'iVimH. S t '.,..,1 i. .. i . i , v , , , . , , " I'? " i"iiruu I'nua nau oeiler ami, vttHgn h ongaUes start -; ed to go to do .Johnston. Tin: fusion State Senate pro mpt a soldier accosie 1 me and t n 'in 1 1 1 ii it It- , . asked Ferguson, the noted gueri il la, , playeU tlie part on our side thai Tinker Dave Beatty did on the Federal. I asked Champ Ferguson how many men he had killed witn his hand, and ho replied in all. 'The next mornine- we f.miui t '. or tvvelye officers, with and they went with night a calamity occuri vea's helore a neiM-o h:nl "A rush w;s made lor the wagon trains, from., which tl.e mules aim horses were taken, and men rode on mule and sore-backed horses with I'Anui I. u- 1 poses o violate all precedents , ,,)e1 l)lisull,rs C;lme j and iguoi-e.its presiding othcer joined our party that moi m,?- V in HiH :i i ii h n t itiHii t nf tli i'oi- ' ....... r..... i . ....... ii. v.,... luiuiwir im lucui oucurreo tome th;i! mittees.x r5iicn a measure, like most of its members, bears the stamp of originality. ' ,h i)(;K Kr-sKLL was in bad shafts just alter the election. He was so well pleaded with the result, and so mad with himself he didn't run for something; that he 'didn't 'know what to do Perhaps he foutfd out when he got in the Senatorial race- The Cape Rear river had its up to date freshet in .1805, tl:e biggest then known and called 'Sherman'"' freshet. It now has one larger still and the Mes senger says it is the "Populist" fieshet. Let them claim every thing. Axn now thev are talking that President leveland may call an extra session of Con gress if this'one fails to pass a uitabl tinancial measure. The President will have lots of his friends tthe Republican') help in the next Coiigress. leave. Davis proosed to tae the -avalry across the Mississippi and form a nucleus around which the South' could rally and secure their rights. ' There was a crowd of unattached officers and men who decided to re main and surrender. Davis wanted tO put Gen. Bragg in command, but tlie Kentucky officers went to Dayis and said that Breckinridge "had not resigned his major generalship to be Secretary of War, and that thev wanted him as their commander Davis asMMitM charge and did ine the henor to se leer me as his adjutant Lreriral We went with four or five del ke and camp in bought their men, ub. That ed. Two appeared ; Ca,.t. Murrell said he him I knew his owner never gave him to Capt. .M n rivl 1 : he may have bono lit him. The. ne gro's name was Alfred, and lit was invaluable. He was our cook, and when chickens were .J5 each and eggs $12 a dozen and pigs would not bite, our table had all the delicacies. Alfred did. his marketing at iiP'ht lie was invaluable, ami when hedi? officers told Dayis that the soldiers would go with him as long as' ho desired, but it' was useless to pro long the war. He said he cculd es cape unaided. Gen Duke, who was at the conference, told mo that ho i ever saw Davis so crestfallen. After the conference I wa? sent to tell the men they could disband, that Davis did not- need them as an escort, and each "man could strike out tor. himself. The Kentucky and Tennessee soldiers said they would march home in a body. That night four or live trains loaded with mon ey and bullion mine from Charlotte wPh some treasury agents. Gen. D;ike with forty-five men was put by Breckinridge to guard them. The following mornir.f Duke I'Jti. ; .i ..... lJ .. . Breckiuridoe took i VUil u . ? 'Ven Iro'n eacn brigade be i Tiirnuliui liit.- . . .i "'"""" iiiii. n giruiu ior iho cars ; this wsw done. A treasiirv i agant was seen taking a bag of .gold away, anu he wa brought hark- the JSa- his Cab- net started for W O T - - issiesippi ini- brip":ide (or- i . : o - - pr was on the banks of the iSavan- ,? Walt ai!.d s""-"-hah Uever. ' 4' 1 here was 108,000 silver bullion on hand. It came from the South ein households, Who in the last four" or fiye months of the Confederacy sent their silver plate to be melted and need t carry on the war. The Farmers' or Planters' Bank at Dan. Mile hud $200.0(10 destroyed all the records of the war i' irVay' Wa br0U'1 officesuve five or six boxes that is ne'went o" l lenna on one rtason there is a lack of official vannah Ji,ver. Davis and I k . ... Out Ct.ll ti.ll coeuuients' in the publication of the .P, oia' lul , trebelliou records.' I greatlv regret i 1 ,e 1;iruso s destruction: The last destPuc- , and .X au-,lan's hah Uever "We marched about twelve miles a day. Al Union Court House wt foiuid Cul. Xapier with the 115 hones, and the command were oou all moan ted. Forage vas very Bc.uce on account oi Sherman's ra d "We marched to StatesviUe v. i tlj -out a square meal sine Alfred left uapi- .uurreH went ahead to find i on a .1 4 A V Davis, the alt around something to eat. I found hin ! . 1 l porcn snrroumieu ov vomie women II .. 1 1 1 I T- "TU. lie u'-chuiieu aiH i vnt .. , e im!i. . . . i 1 U...1 U. - t . "uv -windier, oi iimington, wno , 1Mr'11 eeu prepared. Just then . heated the pe itentiary by the i Capt H-irry Clay, of (iiltner's ccm- insiinity dodge, and was ?ent to tliH asv'liim. escaped from that place fast week, made his way to llimmrtoii. was rearrested " 7 1 ..1. .1 turd taken hack to tlie asylnm And thus justicje becomes a mocke v. I.ut a new crop of hay aa founu o,--' , "V'T . '"" own ; . . . ulu I e Uessee spfionl nm ' HB t,o appealed we v as dismaved l iCsl T this for our hunnmrYireck when Lee surrendered. " i fhe h(il Sa,d V ou ar Kentuck- nAa L-nmvinn m iaii3 ; win uon t vou co homo hk-p i i , . bur bovs ? : (Jo an.l decentlv surren T Th lo"feTr'- """ tfer. . Whv don't you do hit ? J S.fM, and had me spoke ,nnot your .urn.' re , ,ed a ' ',1 U"'i' ,In 11 ,g"e old Kontuekian. -You South Caro I Xra-, ""ckmndgc. said be 'eZ ... .. --'"""K womai. onPHpiooknl lib. hi, . .1 . . v. ij.o I'n-iiuc 011 ine Wag 1 unit , r-.. i"'i' ouu ds 1 1 ue game took etyle of man, fnll-che.sted 1 VI square-snouiderea, only 5 feet 8 each arm, and Capt- Murrell doing likewise. I introduced Capt Cla., and the woman asked: "Are you lien ry Clav7s grandson 'Vm 4- 1 ' WUI' ,J leei he rei ltd. niniwliatJv n : "'.6" l- orecKinnuge klJt gameav lUOKIDg man 1 ver daw; l ate breakfast with him young women left us and surround to eet Davis over 4,ijou. rcn mau was but thev only eot $25. sent in hot haste tj inquire about taking me . jianfiue liank money, tut Hreckinriilge did not reply un til the next day. TO BE CONTINUED.

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