KI WEEKLY. Successor -to fhe VOLUME 1. J()TTIN;s. Cij: klani) and Hi are be coming very brother v. Fixing up for ?JM, eh ; Thk Brooklyn tnir. is about over. A strike against im mi gration at the proper time miht 1, .1.... ,..v ,..,! 1 -1 iwiv picvcmeu l II IS SlVlKe. IlO-CLe-X-. GREEXVILLE, .V- C FJiBnU.lltr'l. 18!).;, ,,,- The President's Quilt- Almost His Last Public Utter ance as Chief Executive of the Confederacy Was Made In ha klottk. It will he J ....... I . .i ' I I''i'ic iu learn hat Senator Sheiman savs the Silirar I rust does nr r..rnn nn. der the ant'i Trust law. Is the Senator under the Sugar Trust? Pkk'IDKnt Cleveland has put almost all the office- under civil service rules. That's the wav he serves his party and keeps Re publicans in For the six days ending Jan 12, 181)5, 5;9 more steerage pas sengers left New York for Eu rope than arrived from Europe We-tlon't need them. The United States Senate by a vote of; twenty-four to twenty two rejected the Hawaiian an nexation proposition. Expect we'll need Hawaii yet. Thk special deputy sheriffs on duty in Brooklyn to preserve order, went on a strike a few (lays ago. That Was a mse where somebody should have .... i 1- . i iue'ieu me .waicnman PRESIDENT DAVIS' LAST to od that I haye had but up,',,,,,-. SPEECH. r7T..tu ecrM out uusMon to : xumii; the preservation of the true principles ot constitutional freedom,! Taylor Kllv..n clnirm thevCua:erSt,ear ,0 theK.hcVouu.duor, Z T they were tour years uC'-l L iv. ' , . . 1 " n. M. nothing abate or tAf A ,,Hs rcCt lv fohoji iug inler- they were right then, rjlty rHit ' St,n ,trllt'1 fro' V. Jellcrsui Da now and no misrortmiL .-ujus v,: ran change right nuo Cfe"' ' wt Forty-fourth .t l UMllK you: I "-r ... , " ' "-, c vr 1 orK. " i iniary 6, 18!)5. ity this retnarka- ul quilt suuk deep ,to hear,s audi can part-, of our war f, sT never leel aain what I tl. fHt, 'ts and liherrj. Every We when 1 he.rd ,ny noble chieftain bid made by a diligent ,Jrln .b .iai i it'll, was ins last adieu. ! He embroidery wa mad;, with 1 iVr I T Many ol a, could no longer restrain i odd piece, of s unmsilL- " I. A. Alston. ; he found leit over our years ot ease Charlotte Observer. ! am' plenty. , mi i avi8 valued it so. much that ;"C, when ht wasileeping under it j 'erecogn.zed the feet and asked i ns a scones throw of Hi i - -"-j in inwi iii tablet placed in Tmittn.i.w. our city lathers have placed aiiolher to mark the spot where, tour Sroie and ten years Inter, were sounder like the noits of a dying swan, the our sobs ' n nw uoio, uellani 1 utteranceeof the Confederacy's p,ve,. f dent, who claimed, l.l ti. ! Lmburg patriot, tun .m,h purp.", ! General J. E- B- Stuart. but one mis.on: "The preservatn In a recent issue of "Once V InVn- 7 ,ri,,clP,ea r 'tu-:Week"tlu-,elsanart.cle by oi tlonnl tivedom. ollH - 1 I tl.dose the s.h , ' .......... . m l g lh glabtl- I . ,4 " ".oi, -L-.- .v avvuuiuui SOIIieu Ills tUlll'riiMKva de ivered 11. v.n.......r .1. '.I.,..; i. . A 1 ' '"l-ea , n r,""- "' me , u.iiiii- me war. in tm.s article H Ja is Stood In fr.inf I I Here sim bably, war. I resident Davis stood in front ' me corner where the Souilurn hxpress office now stands. The copy of the speech, the notice of his ., rival and Welcome, I extract from a statement ot Col. U. A. AUton. ie pnuted in ynl.-d, .a, nf The Land V e I,ove, December, 18Gb', and wtiicli reads as lollows: mere appears the folb.wii.g adinira me (Uvcription ol thegiea Coufcd crate cavalry ticaeral J. E. Ii. Mtu art: "Phe lime ot which the Col onel is writing Was just before the (ietri,burg campaign : "During the day Stuart established his headpiarters abount twelve miles east ot the K.,e ividge. at Mid- w-'irbvc'f Wm 'r ,MM he d'eU,r -en.ent pes, fior where met b Col. m..J,nHto,., a I he could watch Hooker ana reoort J '" ""'infill', a case I prominent citiz-n of Charlotte, a.l i:hv ni'uai.Liit r ii. in. i . ... Gen. Gates On the Retreat Prom Camden- r i I . . i -, I I i . v v..v.., noua, men reach ed the Shenandoah Valley. A short while after "at it h, t rode into the village with mv men. iinn n iMKeil nil nt i '.(Jer. ,, oldfashioned manner of saying, -with great eare." If you lind it an addition to your mueum I shall only be too Yours faitnrully, A RIKA JEFJEUSON DaVIS. .Mrs KUy&m has received the P'tlr, and it is a most beautiful pi-ce of work. There may be many worJiVMg WS hada htt,,J iDtI a orK or ove for the ho iored Pri- K;i.r ol the Confederacy .-Uicbmeml r l nn??. Flag. Gnn and Safchit A side show The following description ofr Ceu. Cafes and Col Davie on the retreat from Camden, August, 17S0, will be interesting. r It is taken Irom the application of Daniel Alexander, of Mecklenburg county, a Revolution ary soUicr. lor a pension, which was tilled long years ago anu is among the papers copied in Washington for .Judge 'Walter Clark, who is compil ing the "Records of North Carolina in t lie Revolution" lor the Stale Saws the memorial : . "I volunteered under Capt. Mar tiii Filer at the Moravian town over Vadkin river, and also m Guilford county under Capt Alexander. In this duty ve were 4 months employ ed in 17S0. W M W'PTM i.tlil r,i- and went under the command 0fj lrom tl,e capital of the com Major W R Day ie, an attorney, t0 ";nio,,sti"ation of your love loin v.en uates near Camden. Ma jor Davie was a tall, sallow cdmplex loned man with blue eyes. On get ting, a far as Gaston's which is near the South Carolina l:ne, we met the American army Cen Gates and Major Davie lad -omc conversation. We advanced me distance when, cu meeting o,ne French officers flying, we also ,imed in the retreat. Gen Gates 1'ud on a pale blue coat with epau s, with velvet breeches, and was ruling a hay horse. We retreated as tar as t .'harlotte, very much fatigued and worn down' Doubtless tue applicant, Daniel Alexander, hasdescen lants in Mecklenburg. riuiki lot.t i. . . .11 . . . .1 i -1 . . i r i . e V,U1 mv 1 r , O,uce,)ow contiectod with the He hahed a lew minutes in front of I &nt at Run was Seret II) .v, "..v.v uiuan iiki bioppeu. " im me color bearer nf -u'iiiig lauies m tne i)lace ""p-" u ?o regiment. S (! V VVi'IV';irlu imiI I i.:... .. . for it mna I . ne -r- - w wnie in mind ihnt ut. i nor m - . i . w -w to..v, u.e a : "aimiew arounu him, for he iUI ,L musi oorne in mind ihnt ut , nearly coverea with! w:W their ideal of chivalry the liaylt,,at t,m there were eleven Arm w and gracefully, j ara of the South-nhe knight a,on e front of the regiment 1 and so: -I inank you, without feui and without reproach.' j ten company flags. A little while &a irouL-auor singing to his la president, ol the Chariot te Col nm I ii p.. ; i i ... i. uc saiit: ., r. rresi- dent, m behalf of the citizms oi Charlotte. gjVH you a cordial wel come to the hospitalities of our town.' Mr. Dans, who was dressed ... r.u... m giav,auc wore a low-eiowneu Hat, crape, bowed lo saying as he did so: -I tliaIlk Vm, without feu, and without r X' sir. 1 ie ai-jre orw.l ' a .... tune wnilO tlmosr .Mit.rMiJ V 1' "w,,oiau i V 6 11 "' or singing to his a I ullcr.Kul"g mto the tight Jim can e irfu eUan.fn1 rt80l,-le Wll' ! lllove "'" could notW shown j to. ,the nclin,ion that i Vw Sid v-th d i ovl'rtlowg hearts, ; u more careless ease. He combined "g"'.v poor policy to be carryTn a sa d, u th deep earnes. uess: 'Speak i his character incongruous ele- ! ring shot at and not ThU f m ifi l , ' ' "'K"4"1. i Ul,,1' of him, seeing only the su- S ".h; rl Tk, lofl :e ai,d d,d0notyknowof -U) inei.ds, 1 thank you lor this the great qualities under them evidence of your appreciation. If I , He loved the praises of -fai'r wo SlriT. "r iid-; .r".br t ne had o - v.w,..c c announce , aoiern i sense oi a soldier s dutv ha odcces at thehead ofa triumphant I any Ironside that charged under army-this is nothing more than I Fairfax oi. Cromwell. As pruc ical .. , ,1 7 .? i cojnng. o'.ouevvan Jackson, or Huvelok in ! 1 ZJJttV1 r, iu the storm of baT- I 1 To iV n i ff ' I teU -V0U 10 0O' h,.m80lf with al1 th That ht Graham was fonnd tt at our national affairs have reach- tique grace of Ivauhoe in the lists of ,n ca,nP.with flag, gun and Ahhir r .Y -i v J? ' ugee "wuiu niivo rauKeu as the Deer ol from the capital of the country, this the greatest marshals of France in uemonstiation of your love tills in ! a less prosaic hjt h mi.ri, i . - , o- -"--. "un. ! DeHIl Mill nf U I I f W th feelinvrs 4I r. . " ; K.. u. " . & . ua" ftii- , " "'M' 1U "Liernnce. I utro 01 tne leeuds of Ari ... t W1 tuw people wsto. for the people, and I have been aim ! 1 recently stood by his grave in ply their executive, and if diey de- Hollywood, and recalled him as he sire to continue the fitrni f I look-il -h., r i.... ' im A8 .nw ;n - . i .... -ts"- aiu j " x mat saw mm in nis still ready and willing to devote mv- tent, a few wppI; f tL f.-Vi. still ready and willing to devote my- v v.. v.. vauae. iriie. Uener.i Lees army has surrendered, but the mpn arp fifill alini u VMTW UIUI 1 I UIJJ tent, a few weeks before the fatal hour when he fell, like Sidney, lead ing a squadron on the field of hon- nr men are still alive, the cause h- or surrendered, but the men are st.ll hen to what Col Mosby ha so alive, the cause is not yet dead; and wll said is added that Stuart was a only show by your determination devout Christ,an. thf th i and fortitude that you ara wilUg to he ever Usted was after K hi suffer yet longer, and we may, still bon lor Slirrfea "Tn administration of the past four years I am cousciou&of having committed errors, and very grave ones; but in all that I have tried to do, 1 can lay my hand upon my heart and appeal Ut UttU received hm mortal wound, that he cer loucneu tobacco, that his character was as spotless as a lily e can understand the unique charm and mfluence of this Southern chevalier. return the fire. o tha. D " " ..i.i . . " c.n a-- no uu ou, anu mat was not lone he possessed himself of the ?un and accoutrements of a dead Yank and took an occasional shot. In a little gillie the wy. in line captured a raobit. It was turced over to our brave color bearer, and as occasion required h stood the colors- up the ground, held the rabbit between ml-!keh8 fired a shot at the ene mv . 1 nat nirht. liruiio.., Jbit. , , T iuc war was enoeti dim Camp n fim a an 41.. f l nnoi u 00 -ue col onel of the reg, men t.Xew8 and Courier, Charleston, S. C lUnf"!16 KT,i GenHutlKr Banks and Canby, commanding he department ol the Gulf in the Srder named confiscated gold deposited iu. the .New Orleans banksVto tut ?nmrH,Ut f! and now SeS tor BJanchard has brought k bill In" to the United Statee SefaLf pro Tide for the return of this money he banks, together with simple terest ou the same for thirtyVno jears, making a total refcnd of about $5,000,000 demanded. The Chattanooga Times says- tor ?SFtrtm lLch?' moremenl will fail The Confederacy left neither heirs nor aligns. 7There "7, Pretence that ad" gj.t.M by a ba0k . owned