KING B VOLUME 1. WEEKLY. Successor t;o -blxe Index. GREEJVVILLE0 .V- C FEBRUARYS. 1895. - - JOTTINGS. FROM ROAN TO KOANOKK isBiffi& war & linstttt in; prev.ous unsuccessful attempts at (;onsiaeiation of services ren- suicide, succeeded at Asheville N iered in the destruction of the ; C, on the 2nd by throwing hims3f Contederatf vvarhin Tno.U i iindr n ,,ov Carr has ordered an election to be held in Warren county on the 12th inst., to elect a successor to uepresentative Williams, deceased. 1 he Popnhsts havt nominated W J a. n uiuiv Mrs Joshua Honoycut o! Fox ville recently gave birth to her sev enteenth child. She i8 only thirty three years old and has been mar ried bat seventeen years. A hie sized portrait of the laie Associate Justire. William B Rod. presented the Su- liod- i ensacoia in iui. Why not Psion every yankee who was horn north of Mason and Dix on's line before or since the war? . Missourians object to Georgia j w.... uaru lur uie iiew public buildings for Kansas City and the matter has been carried into Congress. Missouri may yet be glad to get many things from Georgia, and should remember Nebraska has long ixvoi. i iitviu uns ueei presented th Secretary Carlisle has asked'' lmMnn lis son W H for the resignation of Ool Am..c I man ,,r Webster who has been i ? the office of the Controller of Cur rency since the day of Grant That is like interrupting a life lease. The Woman Suffrage conven tion at Atlanta declared for the equality of men and women. Give them equalitytew days workinon roada and most of its advocates would cry 'enough." Since the Breckinridge Hear I -jjiimc in uiB nuuse, uongres THE MIDSHIPMEN'S T)DKL. sional reconciliation has been in i i , i i i i ordr and many old scores have ! t, Ill V . neen cancelled. iow let them A Kentucky u ry h as g i ve n a verdict against a railroad in a Jim crow carcase, and it is said the law is unconstitutional. Kentucky is making historical fame. People are suffering in Ne bmska, and some have actually dhd of starvation up in wealthy Ohio. And yet this is a land 01 plenty, and foreign missions. Strawberries aised in hot houses are selling in New York for p per quart. The north al ways gets the first and best and puy .r it too sometimes. Ex-Queen "Lil,"' of Hawaii, bas been arrested charged with complicity in the recent at temj ted revolt. Now her ad mireis in the United States sho.i d go to her rescue. Some green burglars made a raid on the Standard Oil Com pany's safe in New Orleans and only got $356. Retaliation is not always a success. There's another revolution in Soufh America They are migh ty dull that can't raise a revolu tion down there. The 400 are puzlled as to a successor to the late Ward Mc Allister. Well, better draw on the South again. Bob Ingeisoll says the report that he is doad is untrue- Well, Bob knows. So rife wonder" hov Mr Self, of Chatham could -jet a place for' hi son, but nothing for his constitu ents. There's sometimes sonittl in in a name. . s Frank Jones, of Onslor county has been arrested for counterfeiting quarters, and a lot of moulds uvie found in his possession. A white mule belonging to Secre tar.v of State ke died a short time ago after having reached the ae of tf;ii years. Ex-Chief Justipo .m,.r,i.-.i locale in Haleij.',. for the prarnce of lv itiiu will l)eronip n i.,. ..r the firm of C M & lVrrin Uusbee A 400-gallon illicit distillerv, the was largest ever found in the State. lounu ami destroyed in Johnson county last week. Dr. Samuel 13. Williums, member of the house from Wnrrtn. ,Knj Raleigh on the 1st after a n ill. uess with pntumonin. Evangelist Pearson has just closed a nieentm at Uhapel Hill, which suited in the conversion and recla mation of L'oO people A company of sportsmen want to buy 100.000 acres of Cumtnck Sound, offering $50,000 for it, tor a sportsman's park. Twenty-three new lawyers were, turned loose upon the comitrv by the few Supreme court at on the 4th. 6 liev Dr Creasv, of Charlotte, has inaugurated the undivided commu nion cups in his church. The National Farmers Alliance atid Industrial Tnion met in IU1 eigh last Tuesday. hat s the natter with Hreckin ridge? Surely he has notoriety enough. The corner stone of the monu ment oi Col L L Polk was laid yes terday. ' Gen Kufus Bitrringer, of Char lotte clied last Sunday Sheriff Green dJed last .vtek. of Xash coui.ty. Tlie New iierne Fair oiens on the 8th inst. 1 Gov Carr will open the New Pnie Fair. Worlry. Ilullet rrforad Hilly N.,n Cot Tall. To the Editor of the sUIUiay News ; I have read with much interest jc hicn ci tne late Capt Alex F Warley, C S N., and 8end you at, accouut given me by Capt John R Hamilton, C S N., who wa-s a broth eroffijer with Capt Warley audio bwU.,lo .o uue more tllaix to any other man the inveution ol the ironclad, ins experience givin practical bent ud direction to the maiden efforts o! others at the be ginning of the war. Capt Hamilton will bo remember by many of the citizens of diaries 'on as ttie brave young midshipman who, it iih a boat's crew, demanded Hie surrender of and brought to terms the commander of u CeiiUul American foit lor some violation of inlernatioual law.s. a,i u,.. ...... one of iht eonhdential naval agents ol iho LonieUeiaey in Liverpool tor tlie KjuipiueiiL of our navy. j Abiiriue, .. C, Jan. 'S3. capt. Hamilton's stouy of the In reference to the ucnonnt nf Sunday NeWa tis to tne relations be i .i ...... i.' i i w"vC .v x nancy Jti,a Uen Win ' -oi., Uie wiioie Hung is a inac curate as the wildest Ik-lion. 'J'hele aUitlicultv beiucui Nel.sou a4.d Uurley, both niiuftiiipmen serving li. lhePao:icui Hie tinie. l.nt n,. Aelbon ever pulled Warley s nose never )cciu,ea ami U;,ley lieVr .Uevv a pitol on him. H,s educa lion at mat ,i,o would UaVe lor 0uL.en any ft.Kli ilemonsti atioti ou the part of the ollicer agumt rh other and the Code of Honor in the navy rcgulaled the conduct of gen ileuieu oue to the other just as it diu at the same era m juUih turo lina. Further, in the dud betvveeu Warley and .Nelson neither party was injured. J have been the coat .eUon woie in that duel audtit was perlora'ed thiougti the skirls the hui. So lar Horn Nelson being shot through tne lungs ul 1 dying ol the wound, he live Lo commaa a division in the United States ar my at the time ot 1 of Kentucky. He was defeated and stauipetled by the Con federates at Richmond, Ky., and wounded in foot, go Ui Ixingtuii atid thence to Louisville. He was very Moient, and will, the gout and pain Iron the wound in ni8 foot, cursed and accused every one of coward ice and treason. He seems to have cumin tied in this baine of mind on reaching Louiavilk- aud jneetiug Geu Jell C Davis, who Was in Fori Sumpter with Andeihon at the time of the bombardment and surrender ct that fort, he Nelson, insulted Da vis and his commaud and was shot uown uy tne latter at the Gait lii-use aud almost instantly. died. . But to return to Warley and Net son. Circumstances presented their meetiug again until theV met at the Naval Academy in 1845. There by mutuaconbent MU'arniiitice was ar ranged that neither the one or the other should send a challenge until after they haU.pasd their examina tions for promotion. Pending the coarse of studies they remained at the Academy for seven months. both honorably carrying out the term? of the armistice, but when they had passed their examinations the Mexican war commenced and tlie two men -agreed that in the presence of war their lives belonged wore itselr out A Letter-From LJnrola. War times are recalled by the (bl owing copy of a letter of condo k"e, senLas was taid in a Uutlalo paper at the lime, "to Mrs Bixbv. a a widow oCthis cjty mentioned in the communication Adjt-C.en. Schouler a fewdays since, as .hav ing lost five sons i the War for tne umon : . Executive Mansion, Washington, ll8t Noynber, Hear Madam: 1 i.., C ... uaic ueen hown in the tiles of the War De partment a statement of 'the Adju tant General of Massachusetts ' tlwit you are the mother ot the so, s who iave died gloriously on the held ot battle. "I feel how weak and fruitless must beany words of mine winch should 1 attempt to beguile you le griel of a loss so oVerwUlmicg. Hut 1 cannot refrain from tendering to you the conflation that may be found in the thanks of the reiublic they did to save, "I pray that our Heavenly Father J "bv fcuiJn. South Carolina has just received the thirty tilth and last bundle of transcript if colonial records from the British public record otlice, bt Maryland has just publ,Bhed the thirtieth volume of "Archives" bringing the work down to vr'v hear the close tf the seventeenth century. 1 he task of compiling these archives and putting them in good shape is no eav nr., k , engaged in it are thoroughly inter ested in the work and thoroughly compe.e to perlolnj 1L roV W illiam Hand Hrowe, the eiiiu.r, ha uneu the utmost care in the prepara tion of these rolunies, which have b-en issuel under the general su Iervisionol a committee of the Ma ryland Historical Society, consisting Irad'vT?? iSloc,k,brid Cien n -r. Johfnso,, Clayton C Hall: The Haltimore Ariier.ccn ays: -i he State cn well aflbrd to H.rnish all the funds needed lor the continuance anu completion of this vtnr uniHirUnt wvrk " The Post is in receipt of the fol lowing communication from a gen tleman who has given considerable time and attention to the financial vue.stion; "Editor Post Why not sugeat aeake walk or an ice cream -parlor social to help out the Treasury?." Jekomk J. Wilber, The eommunication of Mr W ilber is re-sjiectfully rtlerred to Mr prine ers committee. Wfiwhington Post, The North Carolina AHxembJy'i latest is.a resoUition pre hibi ting 111 persons under twenty-one- loonier the hall Judging f-0m their acts one would suppose minors were in the majority in the membership Kichinond Times.

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