KIM G-'B j Y Successor 1:o "tltLe I3n.c5.e3z. V0LU23 1- jLV . ' C- yillUAHY, li. 7c;A7, JOTTINGS. Jen. Until TVrrhier. Geti Barringer, who died at Charlotte on February 2d, was a native Nur: h Carolinian. II wus born in Cabarrus county, December in 1 m:1 T V;i f itinloi,. Oil t lie de l! (I ,jf ( i.-l.. .1 . I J. he -v:i- i';it!:tSio!si il ";ng rroom, ironclad Tillmanite oath. The hand ot the despot is over the people of South Cacolina. Col. Julian S. Carrhas gained the notoriety of being the first Southern man to give money to a northern institution since the war There is some originality about the Colonel ana he is un able to see his money worthily needed nearer home. A resolution has been i tro duced intotne Legisrure to in vti 'ate the conduct of a cer Min' member who is charged with real old time drunkenness Smelling committees generally scent something. Pullman is said to have z ne to Florida to keep from being a witness in the Debs case and the Judge says he is in contempt. The' old man's cash can settle -that little matter. So the "Railrond Commission 4- K, T?Dnnhlii'n.n to er liiusi o a sv a !i-jr gem soniN-A-hat balance the iong i coin ma. ..r term Senatorship. Ilavinir Wr. balanced. Butler is looking after balancing. the 2sew York Legislature nas struck a 'blow at pugulists in passing a law against boxing and sparring exhibitions in that Stale. That sounds anti Foxey Miss Anna Gould, sister to .c.wrfu isj tn niiirrv Count T)e '1,. r t A success- i Wlth wh;,!" stM V" uasieu.a, v;l a a..- mnl wl ful count is what he expects of ,,..,..!, Ik- her cash A Tennessee ludge recently jumped from a window, thirty feet from the ground to escape the falling court house. The Court did not forget itself. Texas is trying to pass a law id v ins ' the surviving hejrs of the lynched party, $3,000. Tt should be entitled "An act to encourage lyncbings.'" The countv government and election law bills hang lire be tween the fusionists. clearly a case where the doctors disagree. The Democrats have lost con trol of the United .States Sen ate. Vet they, or oa.J. seems to control the bond business. Spain makes :0,0K)J00,()00 ..m-irs npr vear. And America ,.V7 I J tloats them- The Governor's Guard, ofC J umbia, S.C, .an old company of heroic predecessors, have with drawn from the State volunteer l 18-41. His grandfather, John rather than, ta Re tlie am ringer, wasnom yvurtem- ui g, iierniuny. lln came to ihis country and settled lirst in Penn--vlvania, hut al l t aids moved to North Carolina. One of his sons, Gen. Paul Bafringe r, was the father ot'iieu. Ui'u.s Barringer. (len B trringer received his ea,l nhic-ation at Sugar Urrek academy, and afterward entered the Ui i veri -ywiuro he g-n ln ir-ed m sij. He studied law with his brother. Hn. D M Barrumer, at Com-ord, and af'teriiard with Hon. Richmond Pear soil. lie Ih'iii his practice of law in Concord, and boon hecame prom nent at t he bar. lie was strongly opposed to seees sion, ami took a strong stand against ir, hut when the war chmls began to gather he u is adv 'o take up arms tor his ceunirv. He was anion; r J . e tirsr. to volunteer t r srvwe. He raised a company ofcavalrv m Ca harms whieh was afe.i;.. as-OLU-ed. as ('o'lioinv K. to 'he Kir-t North J-.:rohua Cavalry, hiscnmmis sio'l a Caplalli tjeailng dale Mav 1SG1.. Clou, lioherr ui is'iin wa t reiiren colonel oT t i e rciinent . deii I-ar ringer he(;a.i.e m n j r of tl-. : -unent j Han silver, who is also still living, i Mi?3 Maruaret Joiilt was the third ' UtOM ItOAS TO nOANOUC. wiIh o(, win, .,.. s. (.,.,...,.!! V.'deiHe ot .lu.i.i II. II. Barnmjcr, survives. ' I lyAU ll ,NT l4'r,:t'' V" MxT1 fieri. Iiariiner wae ne of right ance. W V V iller, of I) i h i n. h - '. children of the late General Paul t,u ' amounting Karrinyer. ofCaharrii. lour i 10 "ear fOOOinoi t- than ll.r m?;.r- koiis and four daughters. One of h"i3 sisters was the nife of In neral iiMeant of C'aharru?, and the ; ;;t, pointed hernial loiinstl for hc toother of Col. Paul Hai ringer j . ,,,! n a Tocrt ( t... w !i a t...l..r- MeanH, of I'oncord : anc t her is M is. i of alxut ,"0,(M) jer year, and wiD Mnritrct (irier who, thoii-h .T. ! move to New Voi k. veais of ae, was present" at the j ... i ,u r i - .. , i r A ne'Mo woman liiu,; near death ol hwr tirot uer. . , r 7., , r . rais(n, ''uf h.rtii t lour jhiiuitii Oeneral I4arnn-rrr was one of lour i . , .... . , .1- : 1. . , 1 Ti ,- ontht Htll. Ihev Weiv h(" S and two iils. On" has -iiu- d:-d the ot tiers arr St long and healthy. whom feiiivivvs him, naulv .Jude Victor ivrnner. ia'r .lud 1.1 toe (Jour' of Egypt, the otiVr :wo wein ' A.J. i.yniaii, a lawyer of Ane llle Hon. D. N'. B imager, x-Mlli- ' ille, u8 heeu arieb!rl rh arged wit h i-ter to paiu. and Pey. i 1 1 iin misappropriating- $.'i4,43l for Mis. Means, h clergyman in the ilist church Exchange. Metho- a nt', ii; wau J tm oil (iell. (i )a lit Was a specif favoi Ur wiiu the ejHjl clnhheii, Km w mauv ol them hv Mglil ; ana wiiei. no would all Uler tlown llie ."sllveL bliiok ing Iiks alter Oie.kUlaal c: as w as K. L. Youinaii's, ol New York. Edward B. Engiehard, son ol tne late .Maj. ,los ph A. Er-.g.hard, and a promising y oting man ol Kaieigln died on the 11th ins,. Three pris o r tire to the Al hrrnarle jail hit wed; ami eM-;iprd. One lefust-d to r-M'ape and baw tho .41 , IIO I'll- I I H. II. While, .-II pel In l - i." 01 Banc nile coum i .iiu'i gang Ims hern snsp -nded and will le . 1 led fur o. Kie;. . iv ' criicltv to couvicr. 1 lie was ejK- 1 1 !1 'e lut The twenty inmates of I'nioti county jail au coiiji ui 1. la' .ng u. Selves that the h.. associate. ii" I. 0 a c lal. and uei;e t d t 1 lie i i he N ( i i a : : i " i - e 1 C i al i . . i i - '!. . i lil cie cv aol '''. w.. i c - 'ii ... i .i pi i e i -ji.-ide ol ,.ii most ca '.! ! rv le.idet the 'u!''i era ! e cail.-e. ( )n Apri. 3. 1 (I !.. ha ringer, toge! !ir-r vutn it-u. Ew ell and (ieu. Cu-tis E't-. .t !;iken prisoner an 1 -'-ni u i.'i'v i'nii'. Enene Davis, t 'O old, had an arm a :, g'." :i dr. week. Uvjhei t W . l. .s on in II let, I ,i I A i i .v i i. g , nessthat lie v.;ts afterward ferred to Fort Delaware. A!' Presiuent hiiicoin wa- Mu-ie ami reijij d lii.ii Lie n 1. ii i's j i le presented to him. hw;i i.e m; titn Bari enger and fr-und iiim to o aorother of ilon. D. M. i'.o n II (!. io was his warm pi.-ri,a. X pressed hlin.-clf as .e sirous of tendering the general an", service in his oower, and i w. nrugh Piesideut Einolu's kiml- i ran. r tin- war, on his return home, he w a stiU a. strong Union man. He -.i, .-; i'ed with the liiitionai Krp::h lican p.irtv. ami wtieu, in 17."). the State con veil tiun was held to aim mi the Constitution, he was elected as a 'ii-p'.i ol ica n Jiom the county ot leckli nii'.i: g. hi 1 !SM) he accepted 'he P M,ih;i. ;in nou;ina:ion for Lieutenant (invernor. He coutin ued to vote the Uepuhlican ticket until 14. when ho cast Ins vote for Cleveland, and has since that j , heei. a Democrat. Geti. Barringer was thrice m-r-iL-d. His fust wife was -Miss Eu genia .Morrison, daughter ol tke late I): Koht Hall Morricon, ami a sistr of Mrs Stonewall Jackson, Mrs J P Irwin ai.d Mrs John K Brown. To them was born two children, Paul .nd Anna Barringer The second vifiS was Miss Posalin Chuun. of ' Ashcrille. She hac one sou, Kufus Ml- dally hatui, he volild ollen t!op tnem, call them by nau.e. and in (pane of tmir pauuta health. 1 I eV ail k.uW iiiiii an. 4 mauv ot i H ill W el e oil I Cl iiis urn :arity w u n him. riatly hiicvi at a popular t'athoiie M'uool on .iv ol K avonu-, and na:iyeveiy moriiii.g tvme ol toe', School gll would wait al the i:a(e i tog;.t a kindly j-mtle from i lie old v;i:ilu.. An inci niii isr reh. . eil to i.- hy ;i'i oi.i Iru-nd of .Mr. inc- 1.. . fio WiU" w inters to me occurrence. Uue moriiiu aler i'lesnienl lin coma a.wi:aiiiauoii vienerai n alii J,ts .1 mlgslilp ami .-. en.e l puttier caieie.-sMy ruling down P-..:i 1 Xn tlt. Tuller law li. m o! Dm :.aie. v I a i I a avenue, w iieii tic saw a , , M , , . , E. Stanlv Wahon has oeen ;ip- , r ..".,, i '.pointed deputy Mate Tieasurei, hr i i v 1 .niiii'l hie ii-mg .on.eihing ti ImJihI .iii j Superior 'oiirf, -p-vi! ore v . i.u .iolin.-o!i was jnfti aiioiit io cio vens at W ashington nex: Monday, at I lie While House. A .-pok-mau : Judge Boy kin, will presiile. tool lielieral lilant lt)it Aiidie.v A-1 i h.i.x le-ignel . , . . , , r ' .... i -t'Ointed deputy Mate Tieasurei, ie Mopp-. u l:i.i tiorae and , , ' . . ,i ,i i 1 i reasuiel" Woilli, ui Ann gan'U. CNe gt nllemetl I'Xcileillv ills i 4,v"1' v h .I.Minsou had detcr'numd : i. di Lhe parole id Certa'tl 'o:i federate otlice-s. iral!l lutein il iiiik tly hia cigar. Wlo'n tlnislied (iralit le- .-lou IV his 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 L isiiiOfx ing A New Berne m.n doi.ind i is straw hat la-i Saturda, while the mercury was zero-ward. Pev (J E To..d, of Cnarlotte, ha heen eitcieil preideiit of Due We!, . . i i i It mor.nied hi horse, rode rapidly to- j (3- f fll,aic "iiee. wards '.tie White Hoie ahd went' The fusionists continue to unseat straight in to interview Ardiew Democrats and nut m their nun in I -loin. son. He asked: ! tlm LegislaMire. ..... i .e5me,.., i unuersiat.d you , rivw hluliKa toreign ! aie ueiermiuea to revoke tue parole j ot cejlaiu of tile Confederate leaders ppou.u. ai carpenters aie in Charlotte willing to work lor thirty cents a day. Three "Tillman spies" have re cently lh?en in Wilmington watching whiskey shiinnetits. i sttrivuuei ed id ua " ' X i 1 am considering the matter," re .il cd t lie plesidelll. -IU who.-e inthoritv," avked Cen . Thousand. of tisli benumbed by eral CTiant. "do you tevoke a parole (l,c celd, have l)ren picked up in 8igiud liy me ' nvCr. i me authority of the United Mate-. iepheu Andrew John-oii, with some nspelity. By tie- uuihoiity of the Com-niander-in ehief f the armies of the United States, that pa role shall not be revoked;' and turn i I on his heel ami quietly left the White House. Johnson knew (Jrant. He knew the arn.y of the United States was ai his back. Nothing more was heard of the matter. Mrs Lily Blake addressed the Leg islature on Woman Suffrage last week. Bess Atkinson, col., died in Wayrat county on the 11th nibt., aged 10t years. Some towns in the State favor a local dispeutary law. A section of Polk county i tron bled with mad dog&. I Ice in the soumU is interftrring with navigation. t i

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