King's Weekly. (Succ r to th" IikI-'X.") AN OUTUAGE. By HENRY T. KING, Editor and Proprietor. SriiSCRIPTlON, 25 CENTS A YEAR. Advertising rates furnished cn application- Entered at th postoffce at Greenville, N. C. second cla.-i.s mail matter. FRIDAY, : : . : March 15, 1895 PITT'S REPRESENTATIVES. Pitt county seems to have had more than its quota of repre sentatives in this Legislature. It is true only the regular num berone Senator and two Rep resentatives was elected. But, like many other things and bargains, extras are sometimes thrown in. Such was its lot. To the convention of 1776, chat gave North Carolina Statehood, Pitt county sent five members viz : Benjamin May, William Robson, James Gorham, George Evans and Edward Salter. They were times that "tried men's souls," and such men were needed. Save th stormy davs of 1861, no other such conventions have wrestled with such grave prob lems. In those cases the men who represented Pitt county were recognized as qualified for such positions. Perhaps in no campaign and at no time since, have our peo ple expected and asked for greater changes for the better than within the last year. With promises abundant, they were led like sheep to the slaughter, and the result was Pitt county's delegation was of a different political complexion from anything seen in a long time. Some expected much, others wondered The delegation seemed una ble to cope with the men and I measures there found, and for the first time an outside advi sory, dictatorial, steering, boss committee, known later as the 'Big 5," took charge of affairs. Pitt county furnished one of those Harry Skinner, making its fourth representative, lie did like the others, the best he could, but that was not enough. Claude Bernard claimed the bell weathership of his flock, and must have a finger in the pie. although much encumber ed with a solicitorial plum that stemed prone to slip his grasp Ihm there was the ''Big f," and Pitt county's five, all look ing out tor what might turn up. 3s o man will say that Pitt county has not often been abler represented, but who will say that it has eyer been more mi lnerously represented i For the lack of stronger lan guage, we will simply say that the passage of the bill, forcing a criminal court oh several coun ties that most vehemently op posed and earnestly protested against it, was an outrage that admits of no palliation. The creation ot new offices simply to reward unscrupulous partisans, was edlast year by the very ones who have now been foremost in curl) work. For iobs. for re- warding the deviltry of low rate men, this Legislatuie beats the record. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS! THIS COURT. This (at this writing) is the eighth day of Court aud practi cally very little has been done. There was no court the first day and only one little case has been tried, one sent to the Su preme Court, and one gtten un der way. Judge Coble is no doubt a good, conscientious man, and is trying to do right, but the law yers have evidently gotten him iDto deep water. That compl i cated case for the sheriffs office is becoming a white elephant and there seems no chain strong enough to bind it. I have decided to change my line of business, linoo, after MARCH 0, 1895. 1 will offer mv entire stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS AND SHOES At First Cost. A complete line of New Spring Goods just received. Also a full line of Staples, all of which weiv bought at the latest reduced prices. Mv Line of Dress Goods, Cashmeres and Novell v Cotton Goods are exceptionally CHEAP. Yard wide Homespun that sold for 5 cts, will be 4c. Calico that was 5 cts will be 41 and tfj cts. Fruit Bleach ing that was 9 cts will be 6. And a Few Odd Sizea Will Run at LESS THAN COST. IN FACT EVERYTHING WILL CO AT COST.. Wiley Brown. OFFICE BEES. A It is rather early in the Spring for the bees to be out and there are few blossoms as yet ; but it is said the Congres sional bee has been buzzing for some time in close proxity to the ears of Solicitor Bernard and that the Gubernatorial bee has been making the most pleasant music for Congressman Skinner. Let 'em buz! WHAT NOW ? We wonder vthat those Pop lists will have to say now, so many negroes have been put on the list of Magistrates I Some were indignant a short time ago at the very idea. Now the idea is a reality. Won't it be fun to see such fellows jacked up by their erstwhile friends KIN A Union county Populist, being well loaded with the rum which perisht'th, gave the Moiin? Enqui rer, a lew days ago the benefit of his views upon the coinage question ami the tine interpretation of tin; tenn, 'a ratio of 10 to i." He said that what is needed i to make a gold dollar of equal weight to six - j teen silver dollars, and he would i never again support, the Democratic ; party until it does it. He would make a good yoke fellow for the Rowan man who says that the de monetization of silver causes gold to go up. j ut as it. should you demount etize horses, mules would go up. ! Chailotte Observer. I Big Mistake Might have been mnde in making G'S WEEKLY 25ots A YEAR. 25cts Vor ETerylody says its worth 50 cents, but we can give it to you lor i.'ctfi and urn going to do it, giving you all ?lie County News And our npidly increasing subscription list shows the people"? appreciation and encouragement in our efforts. amfeioifes: 2?ww Read Our Yearly Clubbing Offer : KING'S WEEKLY and the Wilmington Messenger, : " " Washington Post, " 4 " New York World, " Atlanta Constitution, : Woman, a Family Journal, Each subscriber to the Tost or Constitution has one chance it. ; prize otfei . tl l. rrt

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