K T W - . Successor -to tOLe Ind .VOLUME 1- GREEXVILLE, X- C .U.inClI 22, 1S!.;. JOTTINGS. Haunter, late teller of the Lynchburg, Va. First National Bank, who took only $25,000 j.-ts seven years in the Brook lyn penitentiary, while Figgatt, attj cashier of the Bank of Lex i!i,Lftin.Vii, who took 150, 000 and French leave, is sonievvhere laughing in his sleeve. It makes w the difference how much is taken. The hotels of New York and Chicago are substituting white labor for the colored heretofore employed. The negro doesn't pay is the reason of the failure of such brotherly love. The President is back at Washington highly p leased with North Carolina. Pity the Old North State can't return he compliment. It is costing $1,000 a day to keep peace in New Orleans, and it cost more than that to light in Brooklyn. ..Always let well en nigh alone. Thos Dixon says he will have deaconnesses in his new church, thereby giying the, women a voice in its government. Where's the free love. HOW WENT TO WAS crth Carolina and Secession- These same records show that Col. - Cowan's raiment, the Kitrn teenth, lost sixtv-eight killed and wounded; the Twentv-Hght, Col Luiie s ninety-one, the" Thirt y-third, Col. liokes. stventy-five; Col. Har bor, s. the Thirty-seventh, who took command alter Col. Lee was killed. Us. Cap;. Johnson's battcrv lost twenty killed and. wounded ami ten horses. At Gettysburg the losses were frightful to the North Carolina troops, and so on every battlefield tney laid down their lives by the score. J Hut the end came at last, and tne battered fragment came back to the old home in their ragged jackets and with mined fortunes, leadv to' commence bravely anew the batths of civil life. And what a splendid record they have made! Look at the Old North State," to-day, with its constantly increasing population, and growth in manufacturing, mm in if, and argrieultral devel opir.en , largely brought about by its old Confederate soldiers, and say it these brave lollowers of Le and Jackson are not worthy of the Anglo-saxon lineage and ui' ine name of Americans. THE END. The dispensary law of South Carolina seems not to stand the tests ia the U. S. Courts. Weli, ir was never intended to hold iC(tf '. A Kansas bank with a million dollar capital has failed and the cashier and teller are all riglrt. Kansas is a strange land B3MT0NVILL3. ;. i! u'V Kibain has been in the prize r ug again, and Sullivan was tin interested spectator. Kilrain may make it iv.oie so. lbitlei- hays had his desk in the L. S. Senate put on the Re publican side Did anvdody "xpect differently t Kx-Seeretarv W.hitiiev has -, 'tteii his wrath up over the Alianca. 1 i" any thing happens Whitney will stay in the rear. A L misiana pension agent has bMi convicted of getting a too 1'i.c a fee from a pensioner. It's first catching, then convicting." Extracts bro-n n;ary of L. Jjj .'onteI .-rat.' Veteran. March lS-.Strnek tents this morning and arrived here at o'clock p in. One mile beyond lira tonyille where we bivouac. Eneii.v camps eight miles on same hum. Our army is in Jiigh spirits and ready to brave coming storm. .March ID Both armies com mence the March. Three miles be yo'.id Beiitonville at Cole's farm we meet, skirmishing heavily for a short time. Annies gouig info po sition. Bragg commands left wing. Stewart t he eenti e and Hardee tin right. At 1 o'clock the enemy charges Clayi(,u's divisian ami i repulsed handsomelv, leaving fifty dtad on tlio field. Brig b-n LVy nold's, of Arkansas, upon entering the field had his leg so mutilated by a solid shot as to necessitate amputation' Ills loss is much la meuteU. He if the idol of kison gade. 'bn. Johnston now orders that Stewart ami Hardee confer with each other and advance. The hour attack was agreed upon, tif teen minutes to :i o'clock, Cen. Stewart d irected me to acquaint the corps commander of this, Loving commanding. Stuart's corps, Bales, Hardee's ohl corps, audi) II Hill, Lee's corps in connection with liar dee's army, all advanced, and with a rebel shout, drove t lie enemy nearly a mile, ani routed them from t wo lines of breast work?, cap turing eight pieces of nrtillei y ami lour hundred and seventeen prison ers. The excitement of the occa sion and t he nuny ravines hao to crihn broke our line to such no extent that we halted and re-formed. While doing this, the enemy rallied, re-intorced and charged repeatedly' upon our line until nightfall, but with no effect. The brunt ot the battle was on the army oi Teiims see, and the more piaise should he accorded them, lor their 'piiek pen cuptraiion from the uisaM. r at Nashville, uhl Joe dioe back Sherman's disciplined veterans with a demoralized army of not exc ling twelve thousand men In coum. 'pieuce .f a tlank movement t our left we urie ordered to retire : he position from which ue advanced to retre.ich. March L'o. (;. n Lvmg goes to rear from sickness, ami Walthall succeeds to command. Kuetny .pin t hi our- fronr, hut demonstrating hetvily on (ien Bragg, evidently trying to find a weak point. One division of Hardee's sent to support hlt. Skirmishes on our side hae advanced to still lind a force con fronting us. March L'l. Knemy has made sev eral charges on Bragg this morn ing. Kveiiing. serious demonstra tions being made on our lear, tin: Johnson sends t hie.- brigadieis oi ur reserves at douide 'puck to re port to Haulee mar Benton villr. Before their arrival Lumming's lri gail commanded by Col Henderson 0 forty second Ceorgia. cintrged tiu enemy in front. Kigtitii 'IVxa Cavalry- stride the two divisions S-eiiteenth Arms Corps in liaiiK and route tliem. Asa p; ecaut iK,ar Step a! I. hall's Corps Was sent t bete n l temaiued tiutl! 1' o'eluek p n.., w.ien the army ret i ted six miles 1 n .s side of BentoiiMlle m ar Han i:.il 'reek. .dareh 1 r is a treat that We He i crmiLUd today to Wah up an 1 pi- "ii clt-an eloilifs. Reports .(..-uai ties of the lasllive or six davs; kiiieil 101; wonndeil, sv'o; miss ! lUg. .O.c tot..l. I--'?. Ti, I...- tioiii the army of Tennessee onlv. 11a. r not heard from Bragg mir i Iuee. , '. lil some Xoith Carolinian who who participated giu- us a shor: ac count ot lis part in that battle. KiMTOU. . icil iittt His I iMiet. 1 have s-en a notice in vour bul. ! payer of having a history of tr,e Twenty-eichth Nor'h Carolina Brg iment written by (ien Lamof wlneh I was a member. I was buglar for , Cen Laue'b famous brigade of slu'rp shooters, and 1 Mill have "my bugl -. whi h I have u--.-d t r a dinner horn ever since the war. Lane's sharp shocteis were compol of -:jo(sebcf men. comin tmled In a major and two lieutenants Majors Wooter. oi Charlotte, and Lieut. Todd, of Yad kin county and a braver set of nun never deployed a picket hue. There were three privates in that command, of Company B. Twenty" eighth Ilegimeiit, of (iastrui countv . John Murphy. William Whitesides am! Ophas Bell, of whom Gaston county ought to be proud. Murphy and Y hi tee ides, after showing thfir bravery, were promoted to regular scouts lot fieu. Iav's annv, ami w. re always in advance of the pick et liii", a.id had many during ad vtntuies and miraculous eraie5. W hile we were in the trenches around Petersburg, (Jen Lee want- 1 n.g to know M.m.-tinng tb .ut t!- VV 1 r!"n"-m-i dl.pafeh to L;. lUt-H MaSli.r that he ,. 1,1 f,,1,; U h,;m r,' '"'HV and if h. ''"g him n... U":,l ! - ' Jtl, logh . man wno bought him a pr,.o. yr. --iii o'el,,k that n,ghf Ma r n..,te ,leplov.,l Sn, me and 'barged the ..,,..M1VV ;Ur n,e wi,,i,si!1,.!lu lr;jt ; lui at.'d bro:-gh; ,,, -Son, ..,.,: ,.v had f!,e -nhmgns u,r, i4l,1,,w,1 acc,ril. m.m.meI;;e;,e:,.j tn,.n n ; ' harioti. ( lliMrrr . srv,x S i ;..,nU. I have . sfateinent- , .w Vr,! i"!" that (ieral I -r.nua. u h : , , v u h;; ( ',f. . oaf- armv. Your eo,. ,,,h 1- Ul !" :t 'pl.mentan the urit.v ,s rHM.vnu,!. but I fe- ,t ay lux if! if,,,!,, the :,d l,n.,,. ,h-r" -N-rtti C.,ln!a nou 1UI;.. vou a avmenr. a. a,eu-' a.ey Jf pn,H: ,.. f;,..ir ! ,l g.ve (,,,, a-eordi:,g to a-e r-nn:ng ,v,th ,h, ,. mr l(J ..me, a! LCIn.gman.Ashe. lib. N. ( ; i,,u.,t il Ma?r . . m . NorM1:lmpr.. ...my: r.m.ri le-ral U, !!.. K .ox. no, of . , . A "! '"rnongham. Ala : and ' .. i.. ra " I p , 1 ' !.-. ciriui v. ( U" 1 ' HMdd,bo,o Argus ' ' ""' 1 li'MI ICO N Til Hit Mlki;. Torn Ta bn and J,w- .,.,r;.. g;o boys. ,,., f. -,:t...., v,-at, old. Z l-.Ve.N-Miie. g,,f a uMieuitN rnluu- u, the .;. at:, ,,r ,N. ,,y -ku!! b. ii.g i-ru-de-d in. Alfred Bogor fro,n b- boan ,., nioi.t h a f 1, ... . .1 . ,, u ' Oight at 1 or. vi Me, . ( The appropriation i,v the fugIon L-gi-!a?uie ui.o;-i;r t,, ;;-j;,((l mot- than tho.e oj J ' The fn.i.M. L.g:aO,f,. ,,f j .- ?ot m..r!y f?.. .,,r.. .un f) I 'mociatic of 1 ::; . The iimnuni.'nr f., ,, C. .,,f -,. r ,f .. "l-'.'d at Bent.vii:, u 11IlV,.,K(; , tliel'nh. A negr.i 'i.,igb? bepublir.-in p,. Jkt is to be publia-d at Babigh. Nine M.rsor.s broke "ail at L.-m,ir list Week. Nk.T U-idx iv wiU Ihiii tb ltildieati.n of an ace,tlr,r of tb. 'iiim.-!it lHtwn tliM .Moni tor and Merrirnar in Hainpt.n KaN, in 1S(,2. It win v interi'sting, tmd tn whu wish to t it sbouSiI stllw, rib at once. V. will niak- such ar titbs a irniarwnt faturM of th? Wkkklv. 1 1