WEEKLY. S-accessor "to -tire Xin-cLeisz VOL 1- NO- 14- green vil l e7 x- a apiul 12, isoo. 25 CIS A YZAE. KINQ-'S JOTTINGS. A negro stealing a ride on the truck of a sleeper down in South Carolina, went to sleep in his comfortable place ana ! 's loot got caught by a guard rail, hing so injured that amputa ted was necessary. The place in which common negro cannot seal a nap is yet to be found. Texas comes to the front with a new wonder, it being a girl with hair trailing on the ground :md so heavily charged with electricity that it is extremely dangerous for anv one to touch it. Another instance that some . iris are dangerous. Only a few years ago all our Southern towns and cities were getting up booms. Now they are on to the annexation plan to increase their population. This is a case of the big fish swallowing the little ones. DUEL OF IRONCLADS ONE WHO SAW THE FAMOUS BATTLE 2ESCBIBE3 IT- The Victories of the Merki- M AC iSTKUCK TKHUOU TO THE Lincoln Cabinet A Graphic Story the Historic Fight. could get out of the .vay the Merri- point and determined what com mac was upon her, but Worden ! to pursue in the damaged com prcmnuv norteu it's neiir. ami The Governor of Missouri has issued a call for an extra session of the Legislature to mend some of its previous work. Bud workmen cannot do good work, and it will be a wonder if the matter, is not made worse. Ex-President Horrison seems to be willing to enter the Presi dential race next year and in case of failure to be ready to try lor Senator Voorhees scalp. That's a good plan take what vou can ff-t. A trusted employee, a preach er, took $50,000 at o ce from his lirm and put it into his own pocket. . Did he believe the Lord was helping him. when he thus helped himself I Arkansas Legislators cost the Iron Mountain railroad $100 per vote to kill a railroad commis sion bill. They were entirely roo cheap to bo trusted, so it got out. Gen. William Mahone has made an assignment for the ben efit of hrs creditors. Hij other assignment to the Republicans was for the benefit of himself. Hon. William L. Wilson is now Postmaster General. An other plum has been p'neked. C'Uitinueil fnin 1 it week, Her commander was Lieutenant John L. Worden, an otlic-r who had served twenty seven years in the nay, and whose reputation for eoo1 ness and nerve was abundantly jus titled by the rtsuh. Uer second in command was Lieutenant S. 1). Green, a young offi er of twenty two who had served three years in the navy, and had recently been promo ted from .the grade ot midshipman. Immediately 01. his arrival V orden reported to Captaiir Marston, the se ll or officer of the tleet, who ordered him at once to go up to the assist ance of the Minnesota. At Jl 1:30 o'clock p in., Worden was alongside of that ship and remained there un til the next morning. A FOUR HOURS DUEL. At 8 o,cloek on the morning of Sunday, March Oth, the Merrimae, under Catesby .Jones, started to fin ish her work on the ninnessota. In order to avoid the tlata between then-, Jones head-d the Merri mac j down the roads until, when nnar the ripraps, lie struck the north channel, up which the Minmssota had gone-from Old Point, ,-.nd on the edge of whicdi she. was now airound two miles heiow Newport News. Turning into this channel he made his way up towards the Minnesota. A3 the Merrimae ap proached that snip Van Brunt opened on her with his stern guns and the Monitor emerging from the side of the Minnesota threw herself in the path of the Confederate iron clad. Then began a fight such a- he world had never seen before. For four hours these tv?o naval prodigies conti ued their naval duel. Gun after gun was tired from the revolving turret of the Monitor, and broadoide and pivot guns belched answer from the shield nf the Merrimae. The Confederate vessel was at some disadvantage from her length and drft of water. She had great difficulty in turning to avoid getting aground, and the Monitor was able to run around her and choose position, seeking for a weak spot. Once Worden thought he had found it, and made a dash for the unprotected screw of his antagonist, hoping to carry it away, but he missed it by two or three feet. Once too, the Merrimae, in attempting to change positions, got aground anil remained so foi full fifteen mm 11 tea, during which tune Worden pounded h jr with his eleven inch Dahlgrens, and Vnn Bruut poured upon her all the guns he could bring to bear. But he did not phase the staunch Confederate, and, getting afloat again she rushed upon the Monitor like a big mastiff, who, worried by the nagging of a bull terrier, would like to citch him by the throat and with one shake drop his corpse. This time before the Monitor avoided a direct blow, receiving the impact at an angle on his staroad quarter.. The wooden stein of the Merrin a? run oyer the low deck of the Monitor and was cut by it sharp iron edge, causing her to leak from the self inflicted blow. Well, il was for the Monitor that the Merrimae had left her 11 on prow in the Cumberland the day before, for olherwise the blow might have been fatal. Twice Worden susjeuded the linht, the fiijt time to supply a de ficiency of shot in his turret. The second time was for more eei ious cause. His station was in the pilot house, from which he steered the ship, and w.ilejied the fight through slits made in the ai tnor for eye holts. He was looking through one of thee when a shell from the Merriumc struck the slit and filled his eyes with powder and particles of iron, completely disabling him. The same shot broke one of the solid iron logs of the pilot house and partially lifted its top. This injury to Waroen virtually ended the light. In describing it, in his ie-pn-t. he pays : "The top of the pilot house was partially lifted ofr by the force of the concussion, which let in a flood of light 30 strong as to Ik apparent to me, blind as I was, and canced me to I f i.-ve that the pilot house :is seriousl.v disabled. I, there fore, gave orders to cut tin helr.i to starboard and ereer ctf, and sent for iJeutn.int fi-eeo mid directed him '. take command.'' Tie--n, in hs account in the Cen tury Magazine of March, 1 '.", con firm this, and says: "Thus the Monitor retired temporarily from the action in order to ascertain the extent of the injuries she had" leotiv- ed. At the same time Worden sent for me, and, leaving Stimers, the on ly officer in the turret, 1 went for ward at once and found him stand ing at the foot of the ladder leading to tlje pilot house. He wa? a ghast lv sight, with his eyes closed and the blood apparently rushing from eve ry pore 11; the upper part of Jus face. "lie told me that he was seriously wounded, and dincted me to take command. I assisted in leading him to a sofa in his cabin, where he was tenderly cared for by Dr. Logue, and then I assumed command. Blind and suffering as he was, Worden'a fortitude never forsook him. he fre quently asked from his bed of pain of the progress of affairs, and when told that the Monitor wag saved, he said : "Then, I can die happy."' When I reached my station in the pilot house I found that tne iron log was fractured and the top partly open, but the steering gear waa still still in tact and the pilot house was not totallv destroyed, aa had been feared. In the confusion of the mo ment, resulting from eo serious an injury to the "commanding officer. the Monitor had been moving with out directior. ' Exacd) how much time lapsed from the moment Worden was wounded until I had reached the pilot house and completed the 1 examination of the injury at mat ee Coll d 1 lion of tre ve.el, it is imo5sible to state, but it could hardlv have ex ceeded twenty minutes "at the inmost. To lie ('ontinucL I KOM ItOAN TO llo.tMJKK. Kepresentative liryan. of Chero kee, 1 a3 sued the News and Ob server tor alleged libel in stating that he once hud counterfeit money in his possession, and wants l0,0on damages. Gov. Cur h nasked for a manda inns to prevent the Stcretarv of State from publishing the assign ment act as a law. until the question f :t.s validity can be established. North Carolina has 747,270 spin dles and H,1S5 looms, being far ahead of Georgia and -co'ml only to Smth Carolina, in southern co'ton manufacture. Gov. Cirr is awaiting the advice of the Attorney General ovfore ap pointing magistrates ill the stead of J those who failed to qualify on April 1st. The Governor has commuUd the death sentence of Hilly McDaniel, w ho was to hang at As'it-vilh, fur murder, to life imprisonment. Miss Julia Taylor, of ew Bern, is supiHi d to have of fright Saturday night caused by someone trying to enter her house. The S. A. L. has just discharged several employes at Kak-igh, one being the oldest locomotive engineer in tlie world. Maj. W. M. Robbing has gone to Gettysburg battlefield to look after North Carolina troops jxsition8. Anuggettof gold weighing ten pounds and valued nt 1.500 haa been found in Stanley county. Wilmington is shipping aspara gus, radishes and other vegetables to northern markets. Superintendent Seagar haa bought two car loads of nudes for the peni tentiary farms. The New Knglandera left highly pleased with North Carolina munu factures. . Minister Hansom haa reached th? City of Mexico and is slightly indis posed. The cotton acreage in the State will be reduced probably fifteen per cent. The pales of fertilizers have fallen ofT nearly half from that of last year. Three convicts escaped from the chain gang near Charlotte last wees. Western farmers, in large numbers are prospecting in the State. Counterfeit ami is in circulaion in Bomo parts of the State. The State is now suffering from the base ball craze. Frost in the fruit. west has damaged r I

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