King's Weekly. (Successor to the Index.) By HENRY T. KING, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription, 25 cents a year. Advertising rates furnished cn application- Entered at th postoffce at Greenville, N C. as second class mall matter. FBIDAY, April 26, 1895 VALUABLE HISTORY. It is announced that a history of the LegHature. alias Dou glas memorial Association is to be written. It is badly needed and should bear the stamp of approval of every Democratic member. When members offi cers and others attached, at tempt wilfully and maliciously to burden the people with such laws, blunders and disgraces as was the case, it is time the for tne people to rise up and de mand truth, justice and tne facts. Of course the Fusionists will deny the greater part played Dy tnem. . iuieaay tney are ac cused of enough to put them in shackles, and the worst ot it is proven true in nearly every in stance. Let the lierht be turned on. Let the people know what was done, and then judge for themselves. Who is ciirprised that a fourth party is fayored ? KICK HIM OUT. It looks now as if there will be a wide split in the Democrat ic party on National issues. Cleveland will get the following of bankers, speculators and po litical schemers. Silver seems to be the dividing wedge. It is well kiown that our mugwump, political traitor President is after the spoils. Party faith seems unconsidered by him TT . -i V xie is to-aay, and it is to be seriously doubted if he has ever been otherwise, no more Demo crat than John Sherman. Cleveland will go down in his tory as the one President who 1.1? 1 - uegau puonc me poor, married . ii -. patriotic timber, it is too early, and it comes from bad source too, to be yelling for a South era man for '96. That is an ef fort -to keep a solid South in line for some Wall street or mo nopolist candidate. Hill is foxy, but he will never lead for the South. Give us a sound, honest, man, who will represent American interests, be he from where he may The South will not long follow false lights. They Are Here ! Atlantic Coast Line Wlinf - 1 Schcdllle In 2fCCt J 27th' -35- Yt llclL ! CONJ)KNSEI)feCHti)liK Why the cheapest, best ? I )lua i;tlke Fkom Yilhixm..x nicest, most stylish, varied . and select assortment of ! uth itoi'Nn. Snri nnd Summer (rniwk 1 in il V w . i ou ever sa. jUa m Magnolia 10.56. . . saw 11 io a m. fini.M. " 7 - - I.Ml LAW HIMSELF. State Treasurer Worth shows me stun or wLich he is made. Like most of his party, he knows little, and cares less about some matters, but those which concern his aims. He would take the law in his own hands and pay whom he pleas ed. He would constitute him. self a court, to decide matters pertaining to the State. But tereare some of his party who -now something, and advise or dictate rather. So he quailed. He will pay the warrants issued according to law, and Kitchen & Co., will take many another shower before they find them selves in the penitentiary as twicers. YKS, BUT- a small sum, and on a 50,000 salary in a few years accumu ated millions. How he did it few will ever know, for his bus iness seems past finding nnr Let us get rid of him. Give us a double standard. Everybody admits that if there is anything in o'd adge the Populists of North Carolina have a future that outdazzles the noon day sun, "A had be ginniuc, makes a good ending " V e fail to see how they could uiae, ana expect the millennum before tht can catch up with the times. It m nave long outlived its use fulness before-its il-iv ,a r... ness dawns. But we stick to it ai ii u takes a bad beginning to make a rood end H,.,- !,,.!? nothing but a future "before them. We are glad to terpnse in Weldon. For vears it has been called a denrl t",ti. It only needed rousing up, and it las been done. With its wonderful water power, raiN road facilities and country around, it may oner than BcXCOMIJK. It is amusing to see with what eagerness the South takes up the Northern 4 'buncombe' ' of a Southern man for '9G. AVhile we have abundant able, J expected be the largest and U,U31 important place in the State. Capital and enterprise are what it needs, and they are occureu. When the various projected factories are in actual operation we will wonder that such re sources had not been utilized in the past. Those enterprises are assured Much northern capi tal will be invested and north- triu caniiai wnn southern indus try will do the work. Weldon nas a great future before it. vou ever sa Where : C. T. Munford's Iiere else did you expect to find them i He always leads in goods and prices." Next? Why he carries a full line of everything, in Hats Shoes, Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods, itc. Silks for Shirt waists 2i)cts per yard. Then ? Always go to see himVhen you have money to siend and goods to buy. Assignee's Sale. E. S.Jeffrays & toM whole sale Dry Goods and Notions Broadway, N. Y., establish ed 1800, went into hands of receiver ten days ago and the pick of their stock can be found at Jobbers Prices at C. T. MUNFORD'S ..... -frAT TO HANK. J IK Cherry, ) J. J:. Moii. i J- (r. Woje. J J. B. CHERRY &C0. We extend our thanks to our friends and customers for their patronage in the past and ask them not to forget us in the fu ture, when in need ot any Koods we carry. We shall at all times strive to sell good, JMiablt (rooas, at the iowest Prices Call on us for Dry Goods. N otions, Hats and Caps, Shoes Lmbrellns, Crockery. Lamps, Glassware, Tinware vv. ' i' ware. Hardwaie, Groceries Plows nnil V.iMi,!n,. t. , ' Trunks and U' Z Zj " ranted t, rive satisfaction.. to,llutl.J J " , l '" "wpi : SUi.J SIIQMITIinp ; N,ck '"ci ,ra,n6 0,1 ""-J T PUSWITURE, I Tt mm i iuui kju u Jot us, Libmi v r ' r rn; urrite kl ii. and Ha., La,n1(, If vou J ! . 7 ; 7" o ni. 11' 05 m m. VilMn 1 (h i:x:ky 3Iount 2 n J;oUuol'4.Sp i, vriuiJ' 4 p m, lVit-rtljiirp 0 ; ., m. Kicbniond u 45 i, ft Nmlolk T. 05 p m, Uhm'ii,.'! ton 11 10 p in. luiui,.. 1- 4,s a in, I'hiittUrij h;a ' 45 h m. New York C 5. 4 m, !stoii 3 p m. DAILY No 40 iWngtr li t 7 I'M Ma?mlia s Hi m, vww-w 4.i in, GolilsoroC Id i, ii. uiifoi, loi-r p m, -i -rli.iu h 5n a in, Lcky Moui.i n p. p m, UVhlou U 53 a in, t,r" K.Ik 1UL'5 a i, lVi.JUr, - in, Ifichn.oi,! 3 40 ;l t,f Uas'iinion T oo a in, U n.ort. i0 a in, lhiluclrl,,,ia H i m in, New York 1 w , in. litoii ;a) ( 4 AKKIVAI-S .T WILJIIMiTo.V. ,JUP ltoi, 1 p 111, .lv york p m, rhiladelphia lL o;j a Italtimore 2 50 a n. U hinpton 4 30 a in, l;,ch' inotid H05 a ni. Waln... Jon 4 30 a r, liu-limt -Uja in, I vi erg burg i 5u a in, Norfolk b 40 a m "HtJon 11 35 a nr. Tarboro 2 p m. Kick y .Mount .uldloro 2 55 p n, U. au- 3 4U p .Magnolia n- a in. .r.gon 3 30 ,, ,, 1;ich. U p n.; IVters- '.I'f ". "' t-Norfolk '! : I' '. W eldo.. l, T ,. m 1 1 iu Uro 5 50 p ,. J!ockv -Mount 1. -jo p ,, nrru-e , f0".1 3 ! i.. leave '"U.:lredw8 l m Tl'ailT ncept -Siincluv. l:oiH",V;'vCM,,:''U' -NVck n'l Weldon 3 4o i, . ii I 3i'pl;r','lr ,;3; vtL: toi-T L' a ,;t"-rr""";-.,"ve Kin Traiii's " " If", W "-I' " for Men and Boys, !e sure vou mI V, V-,lhv,,!" B get L. M. Reynold's & Go's l ..Vi il.'.r.". T lev nrv tl. l. a,.iV I ?.l'rl.,'f .""i"-e. ,"' v' ' trxri. mere nr i i"unt s." "" other Reynold's Shoes fr ' ,.Tr:'!'. " "'- .V. nut if vou wnnr ti.- i.:.:.. t iutuV,".;;:";a" ,.r; nnist get L. m! ; 1U '0 i . ui vui in t. V. m.irriT' f..r I " : ' ,"" Br.,.rh'i 1 z?":"' in ii.r iralu.. .. . J ' llUtll S V iti.r ' O S. i li r t V v