11 1 ! if it 2; f! a f If s t 1 if 1. i f tin King's Weekly a : South, but it is sick, nigh untc (Successor to the Index... ' death, of Grover nnrl uown with (j rover. The By HENRY T. KING, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription, Jo cents a year. Advertising rates furnished en ippucaticn- they go free. We do not con demn the hanging of Mills, bur souiim- the better. He is a crime ,1 7 ' .. . traitor to his party and who mnrinn -l'.i.i . , .,, 11 IS II1U III III! U 1 I t- can trust a traitor ; 1 nermitted t. , jpeiinitiea to escape th law penait .. . fl.rrr. ) r ir. ! I'KOTIXT VI1ITI E Knt.-re.l af f 1,.-i...-t,,,... af .,r....,,Vj, - n ! .-hi-- mail mar?, r. FRIEAY, The frequency of domestic uageUies is becoming nnnalin And need we be surprised t It is tlie husband's most sacred w1P n irQ- i dut-v r l'iotecf the honor of hisL -ay 13, 159a , hunjt, enters I YV int - . I V. le lioiiie if .; i - . 3ii-:.moi:i.Mj day. , . V 1 "r neln mi uisgrace it, ruchly de- i ! They Are-Here ! : ' ---.i.vv u, iuluiv ue- Todav is Memoiir.l llov ! Serves the linlt I M Illl t K.. .... ... ..n J . KliM I .1" ill How few observe ir.. or even I l'iation, by good citizens of think of it. in memory of their J a lose ()f lf"d promptly, prop country's heroes, who battled erl.v an,t nccessfully adminis for defense of Southern rights j reIe' !y those wronged is and liberties. 'echoed through the common Many who sleep beneath the ; verdict of -just ifiahle." sod and grass covered mounds j Tn" laxity ,,f our laws, in in other lands arV forgotten. j SU(n niatter. is cn-iipting ' t he and the graves of many heroes ' lan1- 'Hi- toleration and res iil go undecorated, though in l)H,,f shmvirs the libertine and the midst of living comrade (,psHyer of(virtue is a retlec :tnd descendants. Th- yourj, ! fin'1 foul b!ot uj.on soci i Southland is slow to honor Ht.v- 'here the law fails t,r :hose whose life l;h(,d ,,z,Mi Jnch. ai:d 'thn crime is known -lit on the lields of battle. that ' ir is rlury of the j,., they miglu inherit a h -( v of ! r" art. Vi-ilant eomnot nonor and patriotism. hy the ( heaprst. be-t nicest, most stylish, varied and select asortim-nr d pi i and Sutnmi (i s you ever saw . J. B, CHERRY & CO. V xr.-i:d i mi thanks r -''Jd ri,sr.,n r( f j f , pationam- u ;,r tiiem u,,r to ioii:e: n- i? rh,. f file. w,ep i I1.t.d li: ;inv tK Ue ( ;,n V. We h;,l! af HU.. ;t,lw' ' : :., J:.r;. u, Lowest Prices Whc AT- S The day should be oi-ot Iv observed. We are r:u U) know that many of trAV sjsteJ. towns are j.roperly observing it. AVhy should we be behind : Pitt county made a -land ie 'ord in the civil war. The ti,st life sacrificed was thai of Hen iy Wyatt. a Pitt county boy : the only liag planted on'the ,V niy's works ar Gettysburg, was h' Ian Thomas. vli re ,ae ,l,)Flt. 11)(lv on( fn nniny communities, than the laws. rile home must b Vesi.eCf.MT. irtue must be protected. vi-:uyi;c)iv hi-:i.i : 1 lC. T. Munford' U here else did V-U .-p..rr j to find them 'lie alwavs ''ads in good and pi ices." Xoxt ? Why lie cai i i.- a lull line V'iyrhing Ml I la t Hioes. Clothing. (;enr Furnishing (;,,ds, j),v Goods, Notion.. ' F;mry Goods, itc. Silk, for shin waists -J'Jt is p.-r vard. Thou ? Always g, f,( see him when yu have money to sjnd and goods to buy. ! Gall w, us !,,, i;,,,N I ;N"fV'M. Hats and Gap.. I mbl.di .s. G,ocke,y. i;ltu, .:-'A:ne. Tinw.ue. v,....' j l-- lla:dua!e. ;,,., e,,... 1 ' n k s ;,,Mj Tiav,.),,. G'Ui-. 'n-.h. Sh. airilut't ,T, ; ""l- is and Ka.oi u:n llimnl r" i'lve sarisfa.Ton I FURNITURE. .... i t O I l i I !,"J''14" ;""1 ('niraii, p.,: ( i . i I. .f t :i The IJ(vst Shoes, ' .lie ! . Kverybo.ly wants to gr, to some place this summer. Few will do so Many want v go to Morehead. but the miserable and most inconvenient sched- ai nve.i and died in Pitt ' t UW,",M ls n at dra -omity: th- last (diar-e a,'kl 'hy rant the citi.e at Appomattox was by the troops under Gen. V.rvan Grimes, Pitt county's most gal lant hen, And its soldiers weie 4.he -bravest of the brave." All honor to their memory. Assignee's Sale. rioid s ,v J; B. CHERRY & CO. TTT, , W- 'Tls A SPK1 N(.; ! 1 ('ispli.-Y It has ,-e forth that the Piesiden; is organizing his great army of ohme holders and heelers, f..r a great battle next year. G-dd is 'j,,. .Ii;U sign under which they w"iid roiupier What does i't mean : There are grave forebodings, that Grover intends holding on what he has- -,,t!ire . ar hazards, and that h v. i . irare at little, to :t(v, -mli p jy. ambitioy,. It is ..Ve:" grave- hiuted that he has ar, im bee buzzing in h;.s That be possible ,,,...,.!.. for America ! Xe er : He lp. tie knows the people, if that be his aim. And knos nor the South at a It .,.,. . i - nt mmh tile MILLINERY. pe:-:a 1 ......... 1 . T ' u,e rvinsmn and Scotland . Neck road be favored with c-on nj( tions each way. if only twice a week of the freight train from liere with the passenger on the A. ir X. C. road Let every- J body try t get it so. The rail- 5 road will do what it can for the 9 people's accommodation. Let's try for it. Treasure, Worth is an ideal 5 v , po,lllist. Fie lvc,M1ies TUl. tlu- Pntti-.s!, !:,,!, law bur i i W"es ik.: mt :ud most (-,;.r, I,. ,lMVl. iavN. bur is Jaw unp, himself. I; hue of . . J-. V. V- oitii Carolina has an oflicer over seen, romrrisin- th.- w. whose(l,.v it is p, advise other it: 1ari8ia, h:rr oJIicers in matters that ,,, : co,0,s"nd k-H-ns. and , ( u' uiar nun - ?ive creations jl; ,,... complu-atei or on points ? ToguTurhann and Ha: " W I If; n i-M ,1. .ti 1 . f .. I n . I """""ii. iur jier : . ' nothing doubtful 5 : Gi - TaMner. He is law ' 1 uiito himself ...i... -5 1 nosoev- : evaherli l.;.... :.ir i n snail be r-1 I"1'- 't-.v....i.r. si,;,..J I 1 1 r i! , 1 ' aje " want r he best VllI Miliar . i . 1 i Oil - I - 1 T ' f f i 'OS '' - -'eiirays iV tn.. w hole sale Dry (io,is and Notins Proadway, N. V.. establish ed ISot), went into hands (f receiver tHi, days ag., nnd file pick of then st,,rk can be found at Jobbers Prices at C, T. MUNFORD'S ' '! " v,,,i li:,x' ... 1 "u ,. ,,, , . N KXT I'l U, N K ' ,.. i'ij' u ';'t 't j i' .! ' 11 '''i .in'f fi...., ... ll 1 "in pt if j,..-, f-' .,oit l.usa,.. t, ;or( ,,. . .- 'i'.IlH yiU. iint w 0" liui f.vi. VM ., V, ll i -'ll Vli'l i . . . . - ' f 1 1 . .- w : i j r!. . . . 'I I" it, :...- ... . . ".! e, ii,,.. , " !II, 'P With If, abused MY-MAGNIFICENT EIHlEil is ? he - : Talk of the Town. I: My stock of Tn,,,.,. . It- Flowers, Hranlg. S1(,. i",p'r, , iuit i,., , (.umH, -Wasit 'I'lal'tr nrpriw. Th. ..naonbted'S vn9 , YOtt ENOW t t t t , t t v vw vv.v Kino's Weekly KKA -g-:s 'I UK PKOPI.K