KIM G9 WEEKLY onccessor to -h"H t-t- mm VOL 1. NO. 19. GREENVILLE, jY. a MAY 17, 1805, 23 CIS A TSAB JOTTINGS. A J W Masters, Liberian em igration agent, has skipped from Savannah, with $400 in cash and the proceeds of the disposal of about $2,500 worth of property belonging to negroes. What's the use of an emigration agent who can't emigrate himself? Ex-Postmaster General John ny Wannamaker says if he was to conduct his business on the same principles that "he does his Sunday school he would be bankrupt in a short while. An other mistake made, in think ing he was tooling somebody. The defaulting paying teller of the New York Chemical Na tional Bank has been declared insane and will be sent to an asylum. If he had made a clean sweep his mind might have been easier. A young. man at Jacksonville, Florida fell dead a few nights ago, at 12:20 as he was telling his sweatheart a last good bye There is always danger in late hours though generally not to the fellow. Secretary Hoke Smith takes a day off, goes to Georgia, talkc for gold, gets a $30,000 fee and looms up as a presidential prob ability. He may be a big man in Georgia, but looks small in Washington. Th President accompanied by Secretary Morton and Com missioner Miller took a few days off and went fishinh down in Virginia. Some Virginia suckers may bite at gold bugs. It has at last been discovered that Adam died before Eve and that she was the first widow. From necessity she remained single ever after. Fx-Judge Whitaker is re ported as saying that his only p! at form is free coinage of sil ver at 1 to 1. Another-synonym fr "office wanted." A har,of soap is said to be th? only bar between many men and civilization. And an effec tual bar jt is. Battle of South Mountain. Thermopylae cf the Civil War- Gen. D. H. Uill Accomplished a Magnificent Feat of Arms in Holding McClellnnd's 60,. 000 Men at Bay for an Entire Day With Only 5,000 Confederates. PART III. I underatanl how he got the 15, 000 for they were all scared, and when the Tar Heels of Garland aud Anderson would givo them a volley and a yell, down the tnou- tain they would go. Colquitt's men would take it up in the centre and Rhode's men would send back an answer 0,000 old rebels veiling on the mountain! I suppose McClelland and his trembling host thought Lee and his whole-army was there sure enough, ana when Col. Clark of Banks staff, came with his icporr, he believed him. When the truthful historian takes the official records of both armies, separates the chatf from the grain a great many of the so-called histories win ue cnangeu. .if Sharpsburg, September 17, 186S. D. H. Hill's Division held the centre on that bloody field. irV nFmderfksburff' December, low, mil 8 Division was the ex treme division on the righ of Jack son's Corps, and was not called into action in that battle. At Fredericksburg, Gen Hill was promoted to lieutenant general aud 6cnt to the Western arm v. Gen. htiodes was promoted to major gen eral and was put in command of a division. It was Rhodes' Division ot Jackson's Corps which wa in the lead when it struck ihe hireling host of Hooker in the Wilderness, routed it, captured its guns, camps, etc., and drove it from the Held. I hat night when Jackson urwl A I Kill were wounded, Rhodts was the commanding general on the field. Wheu Stuart came to help him, it was the of the old division that kept time and its rifles thht mad music for that gav cavalier song, "Uld Joe Hooker. Get out of the Wilderness." And be got. GETTYSBCKO. Comrades, there has been so much written about this battle that any thing I would say would be tame. But I will add that wheu you read in thesj histories of Rhodes' Di?i sion, Ewell'a Corps (Jackson had died aud Ewell was commanding his old corps), that was the old di vision. It got there along with the first, did as much fitfhtiu? as any of them, more thau some, took every positiou it was orJered to take and held it, and never left the field until it had orders to do so. With plain plantation maoners I will say that the fight witf like the accidental meeting of two old, equally matched game cocks, one having flown ovrr into the other's barnyard. They niauoMiverrd around some passed a few scientific licks, shed some blood and dropped some feathers, discov ered that neither one could whip CONTINUED ON THIRD PAGE. BREVITIES. The new commissioner ot public worLsof Chicago has discovered a stupendous system of fraud in the pay roll of the department, and has pr pared evidence of th theft of public mouey for submission to the legal department of the city, It is estimated that 1,000,000 has been stolen from the citvin this manner by officials of different grades, either through the aid of relatives or ward politicians. Gen Joseph Colton, C. S. A., died at his residence in New Haven, Conn., Thursday. He wis born in West Springfield, Mass., in 1813, of prominent Puritan stock, being descended from Thomas Hooker. He was in Tennessee when the war broke out and became aide uVcamp to GeL. Pemberton, who gave him the commission ol general after the siege of Vicksburg. In Morgan county, (Xorgia, Will Grten aud a Miss Estes started to I run away to get married. The girl's father pursued them. Green shot him dead aud the pair, leaving her brother and dead father in the road, went to Brougbtonville and were married. A reward or 250 is offered lor the bridegroom. A pauper at Dauville, Va., dur ing a thunder storm cnrtud the thunder and was immediately stricken c'ow ith aioplexy, dying shortly thereafter. Missouri State Senator Peter R Moriissey was murdered while asleep in bed by Maud Lewis, his mistress, at her home in St. Loaif, on the 18th. Gilbrrt A Elliott, the constructor of the Confederate ram, Albemarle, a native of North Carolina, died at his home or. Staten Island on the !th. Win J O'Shea, of Toledo. Ohio. has entered three suits for 10,000 each against railroads for discharg ing and blacklisting him. Mrs Henrietta G Moore has been chosen temjorary chairman of the Ohio State Prohibition convention which will meet in June. Michigan had a twelve inch snow on the 13th and snow and ice were general in the north and northwest. The Southern Baptist Conven tion held its fiftieth annual session in Washington City this week. Ex -President Harrison has au thorized the statement that he will never again spak before a jury. The Morgan Paraffine Company of Cleveland, Ohio, has goae into the bauds of a receiver. There are fears that el low fever may cross over from Havana to the United Stales. In Union county, Teunesiee, Gov ernorTurney has been hanged in effigy. Secretary Carlisle will raak four speecuea ou the money question in Kentucky. j The New York grape crop is ru ined by the cold. ntOM KOAN TO ItOASUKC Jm Mtlchel, col. who killed Guilford Pitt In Rociy Mount, xc found guilty of murder in the Grit degree at the Nash Superior Court, the town of Rocky Mount assisting ' in the prosecution, employing Battle s Thome. G Lslie Nonnent, who Is charged with murdering a man named Robeson, uear Rowland, io Robeson county, in December, 1891, surrtn. dered himself to the sheriff or Robe son last Friday morning. ,,Ja;f.w Jones, who lived near t ranklmton, was struck by light ning and instantly killed Int Fri day afternoon while in the field planting corn. Ex Governor llnK .-i- . v. 'fiddling governor of Tennessee Will lunl - : T t i - . "... lw,iuio m luueign next Monday night; subject "The Fiddle and the Bow." I E Avery, son nf KimromA rr, Justice Avery, is beinsr favorably considered at the 8tate Department or the Shanghai, China, vice consu- iute. Samuel L Rogers, Deputy Collec tor of Internal Reveuue under Col lector Carter of the Fifth district has been appointed collector to suc ceed him. - ; A man and hs wife and their nineteen children hare moved from Cherokee county and given Bryaon City a bom in population. On the 10th Reddin Joyner, who lived alone, in Wilsou county, was found dead at his home stabbed in uis oreaat. Twenty-five applicants are work ing foi Collector to succeed Carter and all returns are not ye In. An eagle measuring 7 feet 2 inches from tip to tip or wings, was killed in Vance county last week. Mrs C H Moore, milliner at Goldsboro, has failed; liabilities $1500, The State Dental Association met this week at Salisbury. The Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. met in Greensboro this week. Edisou, the inventer has bought a gold mine in this State. Gov. Evans of South Carolina will attend the unveiling. IUleigh wants a Federal army post established there. Morgantou went wet by Mven majority. The first solid refrigerator train from the south left VTilmingtou last Saturday. It was loaded with strawberries between YVdmington ana Goldsboro, It comisted of eighteen cars and carried 5 ZOO crates or 176,000 quarts Yalued at near 30,000. The Wilmington io factory furnished the Ice for the cars and it took 100,000 pounds. A train of twenty cars carrying propor tionate quantities left Monday Strawberries are a money crop with truckers. V. !