KING'S WEEKLY Successor -to -bixe JQruieisc VOL 1. NO. 21. GREENVILLE, C MAY 31, 1805. 25 CTS A JOTTINGS. At London Ont., during the celebration of Queen Vic's birthday, an enthusiastic lieu tenant tore down the stars and stripes which were displayed from a German's window. Johnny Bull will have to be spanked by Uncle Sam before he can behave himself. A "bachelor" girl with a 5v 000 animal income, linding all the nice young men married, has decided to set up house keeping any way, and is greatly troubled ovei the matter. Some of the N. C. editors could easily solve that question for her. Gen. MarH, the Cuban rebel leader, has been killed by Span ish reports many times but continues to kill a few of his killers. The General is doubt less a very lively and trouble some corpse. "The negroes who left Savan nah have arrived in Liber a and Vice Consul Payne says the government will have to take care of them. Liberia is preparing to be overrun if it proposes to feed them. The rate war between -team-boat companies at St. Louis, Mo., has gotten down to $1.50 lor GOO miles, meals and state rooms included. It doesn't pay to stay at home out there. United States Consul Doty Tahiti, has married a half caste sixteen year old native girl, lie may be trying to balance our traffic in European pauper nobleman. A suit over l-200tli part of an acre of land valued at 2cts has already cost $500, and is still pending. The lawyers must expect more than the land. President Cleveland is said to be writing a book. The coun try will feel relieved to rind that it is not another message. TARHEELS THIN GRAY LIKE. Campbell's ffigManders Oatdcns By Ncrth Carolinians- An Inciileiit of the Battle of Win Chester that Surpass the 'Xinety third ReqimtnCs Famous Stand On the Morning of Balaclava, died up aci fed au hour before dawn and inoyiug at a trot across the open field to the Berryyille road and to Johnston's assistance; There was not a fence nor a house nor a bnah nor a tree to obscure the yiew. Way off, more than two miles, we could see the crest of the hill, cover ed with a cloud of cavalry, and in front of them, 500 yards in front, was a thin grey line moving off in retreat solidly and with perfect cool ness and 8eTf-possession. As soon as I got to realize what was going on I quickened our gait, and when with in a mile broke into u gallop. The scene was plain as day. A regiment of cayalry would deploy into line, and then their bugles would sound the "Charge" and they'd swoop down on the "thin grey line of 2sorth Carolina." The instant the Yankee bugles sounded North Carolina would halt, Jace by the rear ranK. wait until the horses got within 100 yards and then fire as deliberately and as coolly as if tiring volleys on brigade drill. The cavalry would break and scamper back, and North Carolina, would "about face" and continue her march in retreat as solemnly and with as much dignity as if marching in re view. Hut we got there just 114 time. BflKYITUX. The sound money and silver advocates are at it and the fun is just beginning. Our almanac says 9ti will be hot. And Mr. Carlisle has been hung in effigy. Another case of locking the door after the horse is stolen. ff'KOH IIOAN TO ItOAXIKk. CAVALRY AIDS THE TAH HEELS. Certainly half a dozen charges has been made at the back of the retreatiug line, and half a dozen times the chargiug squadrons had been driyen back, when the enemy sent his line with a rush at - tne brigade of Tarheels, and one squa dron oyerlapped ihe infantry line and was just passing it as we got up. in another minute they'd have been behind the line, sabring the men from the rear, while they were held by the fight in front. But we struck a headlong strain aud went through the Yankees by the flank of North Carolina anil carried their adversaries back in a whirl, bick to the crest of hill, back through the guns of their battery, clear back to their infantry lines. 4.... In a moment they ml lied auu were charging us in trout and on both flunks, and we went in a hurry. 15ut old North Carolina was safe. They had got back to the rest of the in fantry and formed Hue at right an gles to the pike west of Winchester. 1 rode up to Bob Johnson yery 4lert," a we say in North Carolina, and said I: "Pretty close call that, Mr Johnston, What do you ihiiA now of the Yankee cavalry's fight ing qualities?" and the rest of that da) we enjoyed ourselyes. We could see everytning was going oq for miles around. The country was entirely open. The day was beanti ful, clear a:id bright September 19. The enemy would form for a Continued on Third Page, Advice from Tahiti bring word of the marriage there of United States Consul J. Lamb Doty to .Mae yen Tumeo Rainl, a halt-caste na tive girl, aged 16. What mak.s the marriage eculiar 11 that young Doty did not call on a missionary to splice the knot, but he was wedded alter the native fashion. It was a Gretna Green affair or in kind, the girl's guardian objecting to the match. Doty's brother is an Kpis copalian clergyman in Washington, and his mother is a close friend of Ambassador Bayard. Doty has been in financial straits several times, and may count on his bride's dowry to pull him out A carload of evergreens and flowers were sent by the executive Committee or the Confederate Vet erans of Savannah, Gh, to Chicago for the decoration of the Confeder ate monument there on May 30th. The car contained twenty-lour palmetto trees, 100 pine sapnlings, l,0O0 laurel wreaths and a lot of moss and wild smilax. A thousand magnolia pods will be sent by ex press Saturday Count Boniface de Castellane, who nlarried Miss Anna Gould, ba.s bought for 1 10.000. eround on the r r- - avenue IJois ile lioulogue in ran, ...u:i. 1 : 1 1 l.-.i 1 1 yjix wuiuu ue win ouim a palace. He is buying race horses in Kng laud and Franc, aud id forming an unrivaled stable. Robert aud Joeeph Hubbard, brothers, charged with killing Per cy Lewis, in South JacLsonyille, Ha., last Christinas, voluntarily surrandeied to the Sheriff last week. Rewards amounting to ?500 were offered for their capture. At the rt-i'nion at Houston, Tex as, of Confederate Veterans, Gen. Gordon was re -elected commander, and Gen, Wade Hampton was elect ed commander of the department of Northern Virginia. The Atlanta delegation to the Mephis Sound Money Convention, are kicking against the proceedings, saying it was unfair to business men being a cut and dried affair of the iiiikii;i4tua. At Portsmouth, Va.. Mr Ikbbell Hamilton, celebrated his 8Cth birth day Wednesday ami after receiving many congratulations, died suddenly of apoplexy. Officers raided a gambling dn in Norfolk and bagged thirtv-UTe men while and colored, whom they locked up. Some women escaped. John Hall Jr., 'and William Pace who assaulted Mis Laura Barnett at Danville, 111, were taken from jail and lynched. The corner stone of a Monument to the Confederate deaa has been laid at Louisville Ky. On Memorial day at Portsmouth, Va, the Blue and the Gray marched together. Two unknown men were burned to death in a fire at Birmicgham, Ala. At Natchitoches, La. the silver ites hung Secretary Carlisle in effigy. St Louis is to have a silver daily paper. Chat him ami Alamance counties have a bouu-lry dispute, and the commissioners to decide the matter are about to giv Alamance 60uO acres oC Chatham land, and with it Congressman, leafing the iourth district without a Congress man and giving the fifth two. ' Superior Court Clerk Young,vf Wake County ay he will cait the Magistrates to meet on the first Monday in June regarding the elec tion 01 township tax collectors, James Watson, !., has been jail CG at JacaSJti for attempting to wreck the traiu on the Roanoke aud Tar River 11 1L The jail had been without an inmato nearly a month. Judge Norwood was too drunk to hold ltobesou court, and had the sheriff to adjourn it tor the term. It is reported the grand jury will make a presentment against him. Another dividend ot nght r cent has been declared to all the creditors or tbe Bank of New Hn over, which makes twenty-eight per cent dividends paid. The citizen's committee nn thm State Fair gives official notice that if the guarantee fund or $2,500 is not subscribed next Thur.-siay theie will le no Fair. A negro roooer and deirado was killed while resisting arrest iu Durham county by D S Matthews or Harnett couuty, whose house the ne gro had robbeU. The decision ot the Suprerxe Court in reganl to Building aoa Loan Associations, is said to virtu ally drive foreign ones out or the Sute. Robert Neal, col. f returning from the unveiling was shot nd killed on the train near Wake Forest, sup posed It by a whit man, Robu Gar ner. Lazarus Clayton Jr., has been arrested charged with being accew sory before the fact or the shooting or Dave Sherrill in Cripple Creek. A WilminctoU burrlar uiwd lighted lamp, m the room where two ieopIe were sleeping, to assist him in nis search. Hon Charles L Pettigrew, or At lauta, wants the railroads to make a State exhibit at the AtlanU Expo sition. Lincoln county boasts ot straw berries weighiog one ounce each, and only twenty-four to the quart. On account of irregularities in the Sou th port "postoffic, postmaster Fer guson has been suspended. Rickard Morse of Charlotte, was arrested at Raleigh for street prtacbing. There are 'J00 cases on the docket or the Federal Court now il session at Raleigh. A sea turtle weighing j-mnds was caught at Hatter as last week. The American Tobacco Co. have purchased a prize bouse at Wilson. There an scventy-flTe veterans in the Soldiers Home at Raleigh.