WEEKLY Successor -bo tilxe Ixrd. 73L 1- NO 23- GREENVILLE, N C JUNE 11. ISO-',. 23 CIS L TLIZ KING'S JOTTINGS. Muny delegates to the Spring -t. 111., State monetery con volition, lost considerable sums iv pickpockets who did their v.nik with neatness and des patch, supposedly backed by -jitie of the Cook county dele gation, who considered it a big i ,ke. The parties who get into penitentiary will lose all in ;.Mvst in such joking. A West Virginia girl wanted ; marry her choice, but her father made her marry another man. The nex day the girl Wr with the man of her choice and married him, thus being i iv ice a bride in two days. She who marries and runs away, may live to marry- another day. Debs and the directors of the A merican- Railway Union have voluntarily surrendered them selves and are now serving the --nt law KERSHAW AT GETTYSBURG. IUtr.VlTll. The Decisive Battle Of "The War Between The States-" A Simple But Thrilling Story of the Great Struggle by (en. Joseph B. Jersfian PART II. lery, with a main line of battle m their rear, apparently entrenched, extending to, if not upon, Little Round Top, reaching far bevond the point at which their left " had beensupposed to rest. To carry out my instructions would have been if successful in driving the eneuiv from peach orchard, to pit-sent my own right llaiiK and rear to a large portion of his main line of buttle. I therefore placed my command in position under the cover of the stone wall, and communicated the condition of matters to Major (ien McLaws. The division was then formed on this l.ne. ttemmes two hiimlred yards in rear and ?uporting Kej- ! shaw's brigade-, Karksdale's on th I left of Kershaw's with WoiTord's m . Karksdale's rear supporting bin . j Cabell's battalion of artillery was ' placed along the wall to Kershaw The Misses Wilke, d.r; filter of! thi late Admiral Wilks, ol North Carolina, ha e been left f;'n,(HHi a niece, by relatives. One of Ur ladies has been employed w n clerk in the Navy Department, in Wash iugton. While digging hait, Anheiv ten, by accident s'ruck Sam Iofteii on the. head and split it open Horn which Sam dieil in a few d-.e. It An exidition consisting of whi:- .unl lour colored men. .jd wll e-iiiipp,!, having H0 nil-.- tttociiiinon uHUUu'gt make a:.il a torj-do machine ami ammuninmi whs in Keaufort county small negro boys. i to la-t ki months, and also ;t,ur ' wll Kit-d gUKlv. one for truK'tl ; section of lUr country, h:t left K-v ' V" - . L.'i ... rj;4., ,or uoa, to aid n.c revolutionists. At ''doomiiigion III., another ti Ir j of tearttil liot M-atln i U.g.m Satur I day The mercury umlat reached ! loj dearer m the shade "The li.iv Their After paying the -pe!.. s of the celebration on Mav o;h the Lid; Monumental Association have n j ''it little hoje lor cati, .hough if nice sum left v.-i with which it 11 i.uns inside ot three d.i8 it m.tv i j - - r projoed to hir.Id tin monument. a tt nr .iron -id crop l iK-yoini redcmpt:n. a-- one-third of the crop Smith alias Parker, the gold brick The Count Comuu-ciohcis lU1,l viiuiu-rat Kalin.(ii),l. was r- Magistrates of Cabarrus county abolished theotlice of county tirer and the matter will fe in the courts. I r-a.- te5t. Three new cotton mills aie r ported as to ! ht.ilt at once, viz: a "00.000 mill at Charlotte; an MKi spindle null at (indium: ami a new null tt Mt. 1 1 1 1 . (ieorge l'leiler, who commit ttil robbery in New Kerne lat fall, wa itnnce in jail imposed by the right, and the 15th South Carolina rot,!1v 111 At;wf ,K'rm' v Trvino- tonlavtheroleof regiment, Co4 DeiSaussure, WM -ntlv caa ,f near there in a hole 1 m- XI f.w.r throu t0 right to support i !'1 ! S"u.l ... winch he had Ucn u-tyr doesn t hide the fact them on that Hank. hv,n- that he is a convict. Iu the meantime Hood's division was moving in our rear to the right Twit negioes. Ken Koyce and Win IT I II la 1 1 rviuio.H.i, near l inevuie, nan a President Cleveland shook to gain the enemy's left flank, and I shooting scrape, resulting in the th bushes and Jlldge riarmon, 1 "" iu commence ine oeatli ol isen ami a latai won. ul lor a very irood railroad attorney, , . . , o Cincinnati, said to be a right the peach orchard and at the same Near Soutl.port Nhi.cv Core I i It" . .. ..If ..f1 iwl I t . - I . uui fplltw fell out. There is tmn' establishing connection with ; 5111 "2 ri,u,vt iicKHi on in rigntami co-operating with him. It was understood that mt doubt about his good Cleve landism. he was to sweep down the Federal lines in a direction perend.icular Senator Gordon has written to our then line of battle an open letter announcing; his retirement from public me at the close of his present S.nto- ii;il term Now tor the scram ble for his seat. which she sei.d bv its iieek and with a knife cut its throat. A North Carolinian has just paid an old back debt of $11,- moo for slaves bought about the (Kose's) with a barn of stone I was informed that Karksdale would move with me tnd conform to mv movement : that Smmes ! would follow me and Wotford. Karksdale. Thse instructions I re ceived in aiuulry messagss from (ien Longstreet and den McLaws, and in part by personal communication with them. In mv cente front was a stone house ano settlement f the war. 1 he war aid not settle the slavery ques tion tor that man. From all over the country conies the cry of hot weather just passed. Was it the burn ing wave of the monetery agi tation '. These buildings were about live hun dred yards from our position and on a line witli the crest ot" the peach orchard hill. Along the front of the orchard, and also on the face looking towards Hose's, the Federal VV K Henry, of Henderson, will deliver the oenir.g ddiers at the 'I eachers Assembly at Moiehe.-ul Citv, June P.th. Iu Nash county, white caps gave C F Karnes a severe whipping lor circulating slamlerou reports aUut a young woman. (ieorge Kul lock, a deaf and dumb negro, whs killed by the train near Kocky Mount last week. Kev Mr C T Kaily. alitor of the llaleij(ii Kihlical Kecordcr, died at ludeigh laat week. The North Carolina decrease in cotton acreage is estimated at H per cent. Kight mad dogs have bevn killed le;is.ii on ; h x i ti.nl. but immediate ly .eariesteti on the charge of im personating a I' uitcil States other. Martin Kassett. a farmer liear Mielbywlle, Ind., committed uicn!e rKcaue cut norms had ruinel 1.;? corn anl his wife thrtaUiied to leave him. W rking imn m 3Ia?, meeting, at Omaha, Neb., denounced the I'm led St-ites Supreme Court lor its u -Hon in the Deb case. .Toe Feigion, !tol., of partan huri', S. C., la sixty years old and the father of tifty-two children. liY has married our tirnen. While working in his garden at Charleston n. III., (en (i M Mitchell '.:eil, and thiee hours after hi- uifo dud o! gruf. In a jmrrel over a pawn ticket at Sayanah Ga . Virginia Williams st.hted .1 II SuhiIj, co.t to death. The United State? Cordage Com pan ot Trenton, N J, has gont into the hands of a receiver. Atlanta Kx position Cornmision i Avery, is m enezu la, in the intei est of the Kxpositiou. Milwaaktv. Wis., had a ?:o,(mm. tire on the 10th. The Schhtz ' hiewery Uing among thelosxs. Several negro famdien have r ! turned from LiUru, and ay it h i untit for American negro-. I There is great want in (irant county. Oklahoma, aud jK-ople are j said to be atar mg. F-Scretary ol the Navy Whitney avs he i not a candidal for tlc infantry was postetl. Six of .their ( n one neighboi IrmhI in Cumlerland ' Freidency. Minister Uansom is now in State and his health is verv biid. tiie Mrs. Lease, of Kansas, has taken to writing books. Any thing to give her old man a rest. Cleveland is now accused of being anoutaDd out third term er. Of course. "A step higher, if you please Mr. Olney." And Mr. Olney stepped. I . ; . r . m. l . naileries were ui posuion, inret ai cotiuty .1 IT , .A.I, the orchard, near the crest or ine hill, and the ethers about two hun dred vard in rear extending in the direction of Little Round Top. Keau fort county is working con Kehind Kose's was a morasa, and on j victs on the public roads. the right of that a stone wall run i ning parallel with our line. Some j two hundred yards from Kose s be yond the morass was a stony hill The Keniro Inn, at Mount Airy, w-v burned last wetk. covered with heavy timber and thick undergrowth, interspersed with loulders and laige fragments of rock, extending some distance to wards the Federal main line, and in the direction of Konud Top, and to oar lett and in rear of the orchard Continued on Third Pagt. Halifax court gent six prisoner to the penitentiary. Lauiinburg went dry on the loth by 8 majority Cotton squares are rejorteJ from Cabarrus county. Prof Collier Cobb ha gone to Europe. Two more negroe- were lynched in Florida lajt week for the usual crime. Another tarty ha left St Augui tine, for Cuoa, to aid in the rebel lion. Kx-CoTernor Parsons of Alabama died at Talledagar on the Mh. Sjiker Crisp is mentioned aj tnc auccewor to Senator Gordon. A Kimetaliflt contention met in Memphis this wek. Cotton K looms are common in Tex a. Georgia u shipping water melon