I'Y. li INQ WEEKLY 4 Successor -bo -b:ti.e Xxxdeix: VOL 1. NO. 24. GREEN VILLE, JY- a JUjYE 21, 180 J. 25 C7S A JOTTINGS. Oat in Oklahoma, the Judge who was trying a man for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, was found "guilty of the offense charged against the defendant," by the jury, com posed of the best men in the town, and the costs assessed against him, and since the de fendant has had the Judge ar rested. Oklahoma is entitled to Statehood. Texas has no law against fighting with gloves and an ef fort is being made to have the Governor call together the Leg islature to pass a law in time to stop the Corbett-Fitzimmons tight. The tide of civilation moveth southwest ward. The Mayor of Hoboken, N. J., has been indicted under an old blue law which prohibited the sale of intoxicating liquors on Sunday. A law by any other name would be just the same. A Philadelphia widow bride refused to admit the word k'obey" to be used ,in the second nuptial knot. There's no school like that of expe rience and she'd been there be fore. An ex cashier of a Georgia bank, indicted for felony, fainted when the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. The miscarriage of justice was too much for him KERSHAW AT GETTYSBURG. I FROM KUAN TO ROANOKK. Cleveland will not vote for a 10 to 1 iree coinage of silver Democrat for President next about votinc lor S. (i rover himself Ida Wells, the colored tra . hp South, while in England is said to want t marry." Can't she lind some sympathetic Englishman ? The Decisive Battle Of "The War Between The States." A Simple But Thrilling Story of the Great Struggle by Gen. Joej)h li. Kershaic. PART ill. In consequence of the obstruc tions in the way the ?th regiment had lapped the M a few paces, and when they reached the cover of the stony hill I halted the line at the margin of the road for a moment and ordered the 7th to move bv the right flank to uncover the .'11 'regi ment, which was promptly done. It was no doubt this movement, which was observed by some one from the left, that led ro the fatal blunder which cost so dearly. The moment the line was rectified the 5th and 7th and 3d regiments advanced into the wood and occu pied the stocy hill, the left of the 3d regiment swinging around and attacking the battery to the left of that position, which, for the reasons already otated, had already reserved their fire. Very soon a teary col umn moyed :n two lines of battle across the wheat field to attack mv position in such manner as lo take the 7th regiment in flank on the right. The right wing of this regi ment was then thrown back to meet r his attack under the command of Lieut Col Bland. I then hunted in person to Gen Semmes, then 150 yards in my right rear, to bring him up to meet the attack on my right, and also to bring forward my right regiment, the 15th, comiinoided by Col. V. U. DeSaussure, which sepa rated from t he brigade by the artil lery at the time of the advance, was our off bv Se mine's brigade. Its gal lant and accomplished commander, Had just fallen whtn I reached it. in tbe act of leading nix regiment He fell some pact-s in front of the line, with sword drawn leading the advance. Gen Semmes promptly responded to my call and put his brigade in motion towards the right, prepara tory to moving to the front. While his troops were moving he fell mor tally wounded. Returning to the 7th regiment I reached it just as the advancing column of Federals had arrived at a point some two hun dred yards off, whence thev poured into us a vollev from their whole line and advanced to the charge. Thev were handsomely receive! aud entertained bv this veteran regi . . . . . ment, which long kept them at on in their front. One regiment of double Fire at Wilmington on the 10th destroyed the building occupied by Chestnut and Barrentine's shoe store, their Ions being 2O,(X0 and the loan on the building $3,00n. The State Republican, edited by well-known negro, and opposed to the Populists and Democrats, out for true Republicanism, has made its appearance at Raleigh. Ex-Cabier Holland, of the Mer chant's aud Farmer's National bank, of Charlotte, has Uen sen tenced to the Albanv petiiteutiary for seven years. Ex-State Senator Brown, of Col umbus county, will collect material for an exhibit from that county, for the Atlanta Exposition. Three colored fishermen were drowned by the boat being upset m a gale at Moore inlet near Wil mington on Monday. Elizabeth Strudweck, of Folk county, has been fiord $100 and sent to jail three months for being a moonshiuer." N O Conner brother inlaw of the late Collector Carter, Iia9 b-en ap pointed Chief Deputy by Collector Rogers. IIIIKVITUX. An Alabama postmastei has been found to be a regular moonshiner. One case of a man for, and against, Uncle Sam. The only candidate for the Populist nomination for Govern or of Ohio, is J. S. Coxey. Ooxey must be on the grass, alone. R H Cowan, formerly editor of the Anson Times will publish a weekly pajer, "The linn," at Cbapl Hill. Governor Carr has made a requi sition Uort the Governor of Nnith Carolina for h B Carmichael for hone stealing. It is rumored that the white tire- men on me wesrern rs. rauroau are to be replaced with negroes. It is rumored that a oompany has been organized to build u railroad from Goldsboro to Swans boro. Stewart Bros., public printers, are charged with having much of their work done in Richmond, a. A severe windstorm doing much. damage to fruit trees tinted the vi cinity of Weldon Saturaay. Wm II Kerr, son of ex-State Ge ologist W. C. Kerr, was drowned at Annapolis on the lbtn. The Teacher's Assembly is in session at Morhead City ami there is a large attendance. Senator Butler is attending the Cniversitv Summer Iaw School at Chapel Hill. Overman and Meniman, hard ware dealers, of Winston, have as signed. Roanoke Island shipment offish a a. Semme 8 orlgaue came at a quick as far as the ravine in our noanoK. 1B1u y rear and checked the advance of the are aid tohaye ben worth f l.K). Federals in their front. There was still an interval of a hundred yards yrar Winston lives a man 105 or thereabout between this regiment veaia old. who can still do a day and the right of the 7th, aud into work. rnis me enem w . ..c.nK .... Butler's speech at Mem caucus u.. " , phis was credited to M C Elliott, more and more, still fighting at a 1 11,3 distance not exceeding thirty pace Mormons are actively at work, until the two wings of the regiments proselyting id Wake county. were nearly doubled on eacn other. hut week Dnrham exnorted 13, About this time, tne ore oi me ornnoo ctrarette. i r i : .1 I I ' - leu na ing weu, i battery on my Continued on Third Page. Part of the Chicago and West Michigan bridge over the steam boat channel in the southern part of rand liapid, Mich., gave way a: Kh.lo Saturday and several person were injured, one perhap fatallv. The bridge was being repaired. Robert Cumming and Louii Car lin, members of tbe Philadelphia Third Regiment National Guard, engaged m a mock duel Saturday, but Camming! gun was loaded and Carlin is dead his brains blown out. Ida B Wells, the negms who complain so bitterly of the lynch iogt rt '.he 8outh, is to be married on the 27th to a colorrd lawyer, of Chicago, Ferdinand Bennett, 41 and a widower with two children. At Dublin, Ga., Saturday, J A IYaiock ihot and wounded II F re wards, ltoth are prominent citi zens. They had quarreled over a settlement, Kdwards ling tbe ag gressor. While her husband was in the hld at work, Mrs Edward Pollard was brutally murdered and the house robbed ot in Meehlen- burg county Va on tbe 15th. The Malleable Casting Company and the Eberhard Manufacturing Company, bot.i of 1'ittsburg, Ra., have voluntarily increased the wages of their 19O0 employees. At Carton, Nevada, Saturday the freliminary examination of J a, lenrv, the alleged mint thief, began before the United States commiisi oner. The National Republican Com mittee will meet in Washington next November and intend calling the National Republican Convention early next year. At Callahan two bulls were pitted against each cither for $."00 a side, and over fUKK) changed hands over the result. The women of Alexandria, Va., are laking steps toward erecting a monument to the mother of Gen. Lee. MisMippi's treasury is empty and State warrant l-anng thrve per cent will Ik issued to repleniih it. Greenville Ohio, had a f2.(KK fire on the lUh and while thy fire was raging thieves looted the town. The reports in the Congressional contest from North Carolina will average a tbouiand pages e&ch. Sam Bass aged ?. years and Miss Maria Mejers age! C" were married last week tMnon Ha. Admiral' KirkUnd has reaches! Kiel with his flert, ready to jmr'ici pate ii the naval reView. Connecticut in taking step to be represented at the Atlanta Expedi tion. Another exiedition to help Cuba is prepjog to leave Florida. Another cyclone in Kanaas on Monday allied several people. Eigbtv-eirht uew cotton mills shboro is to have a knittmgjmill. are being bolH in tbe South. 2: . t 1 ; i ! ; ) il it 1 1 I i X d Si It ' 3 I 1 - ? 1 ! s I f ) i: t .. 'J is I 1 I i !