WEEKLY S-aocessor -bo tOxe T-n.d-ezs: VOL I- NO- 25. GREEjYVILLE, jY. a JUjYE 28, 1S9o. 25 CTS A YZAE KING'S JOTTINGS. At Le Grand, Michigan, three years ago, the wife of Rev. John F. Weatherell Ot a divorce, and during the same week mar ried a man named Buell, pub licly stating she was marrying him to reform him from his bad liquor habits, which however she failed to do. He died a Mv days ago, and she says she will preach his funeral. Re venge ! How sweet. We see that that ex Kansas Colonel, Mr. Al. Fairbrother, is again in the Old North State and is probably writing up its towns. This is the first we have heard of the Colonel for some time, the last being that was in jail up in Pennsylvania. Wonder how he got out. If the Democrats are wise they will not open their mouths too wide on the silver question but wait for the action of their National convention and abide by it. Silver may be a dead is sue next year, and what a lot of agitators will be out of a job. KERSHAW AT GETTYSBURG. The Derisive Battle Of "The War Between The States-" A Simple Bui Thrilling Story of the (treat Struggle by Gen. Jotqih B. Kersluiw. FROM ItOAN TO ROANOKE. Charles F. Van Wagner, for ty one years old, of Pelham Manor N. Y. after reading the book. "Is Life Worth Living?"' committed suicide. His con clusions doubtless were good. A negro boy, at Jacksonville Fla. trying to get some water melon out of the St John's riv fell in and was drowned. This first water melon- fatality to a.negro on record. England declines the offer of mediation by the United States between itself and Venezuela. Howlong will Johnny Bull bull-&ize poor Uncle Sammy i Herman" Benner entrusted $2,500 to Minnie Destra, his swee theart, for safe-keeping and now can't find either sweet heart or cash. Another case of ruined by tiusts. Women desperadoes and rob bers are becoming common in the West. Does this mean the new women should go West i Rev Dr Dawson of New York favors bloomers. Perhaps his wife wears them at home. PART IV. Finding that Wotford's meu were coining out, I retained them at that point to check any attempt of the enemy to tollow them. It was now near nightfall and the opera tions of the day were over. That night we occupied the ground over which we had fought, with my left at the peach orchard on the hill, and gathered the dead and wound ed. It was a melancholy task, for they were very numerous. A long list of brave aud efficient officers and men had sealed their devotion to the cause they held so dear with their hearts' blood. Capt. Cun ningham's company, of the 2d regi ment, was reported to have gone into action with forty men, of whom but lour remained unhurt to bury their gallant captam and fallen comrades. My losses exceeded six hundred men killed and wounded, about one-half the force engaged. A glance at the maps edited by Mr liacholder, showing the posi tions occupied by the troops on the 2d of July, will reveal the remarka ble fact that the stony hill and wood occupied by this brigade aud part ot JScmmed'o was assailed or deleud ed by the Federal brigades of De Trobnaud, Sweitzer, Til ton and Brookjj, portions of the divi sions of Birney, Barues, Cald well aud 6ykes, and oi the 2d, 3d, 5h and tith corps. Nowhere have I found a.iy more forcible evi dence of the nature aud magnitude of this struggle by McLawa's and Hood's divisions than is contained in Gen Meade's report, lie Says: "About 3 P. M. 1 rode out to the extreme lett. Having found Major (Jen Sickles I was ex plaining to him that he was loo far in the advance, aud discussing with him the propriety of withdrawing, when the enemy opened upon him with seyeral batteries in his front aud dank, aud imurediately brought forward columus ol iufautry and made a vigorous assault. The 3d corps sustaineu the shock mast he roically. Troops from the 2d corps were immediately sent by Major Gen 11 u cock to cover the right flank of the 3d corps, and soon after the assault commenced the 5th corps, most fortunately arrived aud tooK jositiou ou the left or the 3d, Richard Stanhope Pollen, died at his home in lialeigh on Sunday, aged 73 years. He was Kaleigh greatest benefactor. He gave Pul len Park (70 acres) to the city, the same number of acres for the Agri cultural and Mechanical College, and was widely known for his char ities. His e3tate is valued at 200,000. A C Banr, of Kaleigh, who went to Baltimore to marry Miss lily the the pretty hall breed Cheroke has returned to Kaleigh, uaving left her in Baltimore, while ho can as certain the legal states of their marriage, which is against the laws of North Carolina. HIIKVITIKS. By the runaway of his horse at Linrolntou Monday Judge IIoku and his sister were thrown from the buggy. The .Judge's right arm was broken and his sister sustained pain ful hurts. The Orion knitting mills in Kin ston have declared a dividend of 0' per cent ou the common stock and an additional 10 jer Cent ol undivi ded profit. I: paid out $14,104.01 last year in wages. Hon S P Alexander w;is elected vice President ot the Scotch Irish Society ut its Staunton session. Dr ueo t urauam coiitriouud a paier on tho "Mecklenburg Declaratian of IndeK?ndence. By mistake, Mr Joseph Parker, of Brunswick county, was given a doe of morphine lor quinine, bv his wile, from the effects of which he died the ntxt day. There has len so much stealing in Wayne county, and the thieves are so hard to catch that the county commissioners will buy two blood hounds to run the thieves down. It is said that (i. W. Justice, of Asheville, has been in Kaleigh, 4en gaged in the laudable work of tr? ing to get lrd Chief Justice Campbell sober." Campbell, Chief Justice of the Arrington Committee is kicking for his pa, but the Treasurer says he is entitled to none. Fire at the mills of the Stinuon Lumber Company, at New Berne last Friday, two dry kilns were par tially burned, the loss leing about $30p. A fifth dividend of live per cent has been declared in fayor of the creditors of the People's National Bank of Fayetteville. The Philadelphia Lithia Water Company has been incorporated at Kaleigh, with a capital of ? 100,000 Major Gen Sykes commanding, im mediately sending a force to occu- pj Kouud lop li.dge, where . met j "m.J w ol 1 lurious OftMtest was maintained, trie i enemy making desperate, but uc- J L Crowell, of Coucord, V. Mau successful attempts to secure iu ' nev and J M Badgett will at build a Yadkin Notwithstanding the stubborn re- , $KK),000 cotton mill sistauce oi tne .hi corps, unuer tails. Gen Birney. (Major Uea Sickle. ' , Kairbrother lnu bouKht haring onu oan cl early m tb y 0 h ,nd , MtionO .inoruy m number, o , c , Journ,1Un. J corps of the enemy enabling bun to I ' outtiank its advanced positiou. Gen J Qen Hansom will go to .Washing Birney was t ouuselled to fall baca . tol d. c., about July lit. and reform bemud the line origin- ' Cvntuiuul on Hard Page. ' okcctZ claims 5,000 inhabitant!. The contract for an 18,000 audi torium for the Corbett-Fitxsimmon tight has been let at Dallas, Tex. I he managers are so certain thev can bring off the fight tfiere that they have raised a lund of $50,000. i Kobt Fitzsimmous, who killed Kiordan in ajparring match :t the Grand Opera House in Svracus sometime ago, is being tried, and may get twenty years in the jni tcntiaiy. Six Chinamen claiming to have been residents of New Orleans, ar rived a; New York from Cuba re cently, and Secretary Carlisle urdei ed them to be sent back. The U. S. warships Atlanta and Kaleigh are patrolling our Southern coasts looking out for Cub&n hll, bnsters from the United States hw may wish to help the Cubans, The lit! suit of John K Massey. Surinteudent of Education o! Vu giuia, against the Norfolk Pilot Sam Small's paper for $50,000 is be iug tried in that city. By the bite of a spider Congrcs mau V C Owen of the Ashland K . district, who won fame lv defeat ing W C P Breckeunge. will beau arm, as amputation is neccesarv. United States Judge Srnonton, a: Charleston, S. C. sent three difjn sary spies Or constables to jail lor contempt of court in Netting liquor in violation of his recent order. Howgate his been found guilty of each indictment at the last trial, aud an apieal or new trial will b asked for. The emperor ol Germanv .s sa d to have been rreatlv imnrrtd with the efficiency of our warship at the Keil celebration. Ex-Governor Hastings will op xse Senator Quay for the chairman ship of the Pensylvauia Republican State Convention. A terrific storm in the vicinity of Owensboro, Ky yestenlaT did great damage, especially injuring the wheat crop where it was not cul A U ftolman, a lawyer of Spring Valley, Minn., is musing with in wards of $40,000 of tax money en trusted to him. J V Stopf, city treasurer of South St. Paul, Minn., is short $13. 000. He says his bondsmen will make it good. A cotton mill to cost tlOOO.000, employing 1000 hands, ha?ing .so.. 000 spindles and 2100 looms it to be built at North Adams, Mass. Mr Dana of the N. Y. San, will not have to go to Washington in his libel sniu Mrs Ottie Corbett, wife of Jamei Corbett the pergilist is suing (or diTorce. Missippi crops bad condition. are rented in T ! i o more men are to I cnted in New York. It electro- i 'I " . i !! II t r: t 4 :! i f 6 u 4 t it 3 i ! r w r . I -