WEEKLY Successor -to "tlxe Index VOL 1- NO- 23. GREENVILLE, X. C- JULY 19, 1895. 25 C7S A Y2A2 KING'S .JOTTINGS. Cashier Butler of Rainy Like, Minn, Bank didn't like !'!! rhe dejiositors to run around .i cusing him of being a party tj the robbery of that bank, and proceeded to vindicate himself with his rustol and at last ac- .iints twenty of the said de positors, after looking down tinit pistol's barrell most em phatically denied taking any part in circulating such reports. This is a little out of regular order, but doubtless very effective. THE SEIGE OF PLYMOYTH. HOW THIS NORTH CAROLINA TOWN WAS CAPTURED- A Very Interesting AiliireM 1 1 fore I'ickt-t t Camp, c, v., by I apt. Oiarlej, T. Loehr. Judge Wilson, of Cincinnati, a I ter patiently hearing an ali in ny case announced from the h-'nrli that "a'nvman who gives FKOM KOAX TO 1COANOKE. PART II. After the repulse of Hoke's men. in which Col. Mercer, of the Twen ty first Georgia Regiment, was killed our brigade was thrown forward and deployed as skimiskers, com pletely encircling the fort, then the Kichmond Fayette Artillery was brought up, and what then occurred 1 copy trom a letter by Sergeant A Harrison .lones, of the U F A, one of the most gallant men of thai fa moms artillery company. Sergeant I A n 1.. chUAj i a fj 1 1 ...... t.T . - 1 I . . all his salary to his wite is a j .. . . t. . ,i - nA ru tli wif ! distinctly tne slate uf my nerves. li Mil. xiuu n vn im. - a a v. rhrowsitallawavhaven tagood 1 whcM 1 ,,eurd Col Jim Hearing tell his orderly to ask l)r Shackel ford to 'bring all the ambulance in the battalion along with the Fayette Artillery, a he thoinevi out to me, 'Come on boys, Hoke has a little job icr you around yonder. and we withdrew from the banks of the( river above the town, marched around through heavily timbered woods until reaching a swamp, rendered passable only bv the efforts of an engineer corps, which had preceded us. After get ting through, and drawing the guns up jlose under a hillside, tin offi cers of the battery, Lieuts. liobiuson and' Booker, accompanied by Ser ireants McCurdv, .Tone?. Byron. tleileman, and (iauies, crawled up iiiiKvrrira. air gotten together i Senator Blackburn has been filled off the stump by the Kentucky Democratic State Central Committee as he would srve his farty better by si- lience What a good thing if I its more could be shut up un til they learn something. An Alabama Judge has deci drd t iat when a man puts his arm around a girl it is prima lacie evidence of a marriage proposal. If hugging is pro losing, is the man who doesn't I to tne brow of the niil to see wiui stick to it, liable for breach of i kind of a'b" the gallant Hoke promise i The latest Haiwaiian snap is said to be a scheme to marry ex Queen Lil to a Jap Count, restore the. monarchy, and an-n-x it to Japan. If the "ex" had for them, and beheld, but a few hundred yards in front of them, a huge fort, with several cannon, bearing directlv upon them, and surmounted by "Old Glory." Hear ing, turning to Lieut. Winston Jones, who (in absence of the gal lant Win. I. Clopton, who did not arrive until the next morning), was vas not in ironi or mai tune j in command, says : "Hoy, we must niie American might object. i UtYe tnat fort to night ; 'KciutK-r is on the lefl yonder; trv to bitter Kx-Secretary of State, John W. PiwtPr. has returned to .1- ... I.'. ioon ,uu , wrd. on the right into battery hv assisting in arranging the 1 m.:... .....1 In e:iee netweeu Vlllliu aim ud- down the stockade," In a lew min utes the command rang out" For- ac- the Old Favettt found herself almost tinder canistei range of the fort, which ojened pan. erilv, oiessea are iue i simuu.iciusi nu up. hcs peacemakers I ,nt,i'. after enduriiing a terrible tire, 1 I the enemv pummelling them with .1 K Vard-man, the Populist j I'and-grenade fell back beyond , ... i our ciins, but heimter s men now dash upon the left; Hoke's nu n rally and come again the fort is sur rounded; the enemy's sharp-shooters and caunrtniets are almost silenced by our own. although we are under a heay enfilade from the batteries in the main works and the gun lwats fn the rivt-r. the latter drop ping their huge 4ieer-kegs" with fearful precision, one landiug and exploding square uuuer our caison, upon which tvo of our wounded , had beed placed, blowing them f iiniidnte for Governor of Mis sissippi has withdrawn from the race saying k that he sees he can not "win." Perhaps t here's money in it. , Fp i Pennsylvania a much married woman is causing trou ble between two of her late litis bands. Husband No. 8, is after ' usband No. with a gun From this it looks as if she may m aid a No. lo The following is the text of the presentment by the Wake grand jury in the "assignment act" case: The grand jury present that J N Brown, enrolling clerk of the Legis lature of 1805, and S P Satterfidd. principal clerk ot the House of Representative of the legislature of lS'.Ki, unlawfully violated the du ties of their respective offices by permitting a certain act known as the assignment act (the same being chapter -ICC of the laws of 1805), to be enrolled as a public law of said Assembly when in truth and fact said act had neer passed the three readings required by the Constitu tion in either house of said Assem bly. The following witnesses are named on the part ot the State: J V Dob son, (ioldsboro; K i) Stanford. Kox lxro; William M Smith, Concord; A F Heilman, Concord: Sheriff (irant, Concord; U L Smith, Norwood, Stanly county. The case will come up at the Oc toler term of the court. The Kockv Mount Argonant says Mr Mepheu Bennett Moore was killed w hile remrning to his home in Edgecombe countv Ywt Saturday afternoon by his 'mule running away with a w a iron loai.ed with tines. M r ' CD Mwre became entangled between the ehaitrf in some way and was dragged to death. Editor Bryan and City Editor Meacham, ol the Wilmington Dis patch, have been put under i,K) bonds each for their appearance at Circuit Court. They re charged with bUbng Mayor r 'ishblate. The Wilson Mirror rejorts the death of W F Mercer. F'sq., long a prominent citizen of Edgecombe county, but for the past twenty years a resident of Wilson, aged 75 years. At Charlotte last Wednesday man named John D Arnold raided his Winchester anil shot David Hives, steward of the Central hotel. Mrs 1 D B Arringtou of Criiniiutl l)u(kt fame, and the firm of Barnes Bros, who published it for her. have been indicted for criminal libel. Th Hatteras Light Houe will probably not be built owing to the Jithculty in finding a safe founda tiou. Ex-Congressman S B Alexander has been elected president ot the North Carolina Ktiltoad. Work on the C C railroad exten sion from Ellenboroto Henrietta haj commenced. The (ioldsloro Argus is in hands of a receiver and will bt sold Au gust 0th. Ieaufort county people cIhiui that tliey have lost $lOU,t00 this year on tiuek. The iury in the Shemwcll cae brought in a verdict of "not guilty." Charlotte has a brtecbe factory that is preparing to make bloomers. Sampson county pells this year 10,000 orth of hucklebernei. A few day i ago the State authori ties at Columbia, S. C, began to ap ply to ex-liquor dealers, a section of the dUpensary lam, which provices that a Circuit Judge can enjoin any man from selling liquor, and in caw he violates it, permuting him to be jerkel up for contempt of conn; that the judge then, on almost any kind of a showing, can declare him guilty and sentence him to the peni tentiary, doing away with the con stitutional right of a trial by jury, which is guaranteed to every man. In accordance with this policy, William Sheppard, an ex-liquor dealer was jerked up there yc.sterday lie fore Circuit Judge Townsend. His attorney made a brilliant tight for the preservation of the cotutitu tionil right; The Judge rendered his opinion overruling tne objections of Sheppard't attorney, adjudging Sheppard guilty of contempt, and sentencing him to eight month im prisonment in the State penitentiary ami to pay a fine of $200. The warrant lor his arrest and commitment placed in the handf ol Liquor Police Speed for eervice. He Sot his force of men out, and they finally sunounded Sheppard's plac of business. No one wad in there but Sheppard. Ciyiliau and city police witnessed that l'olic-man Jenkins started the fusilade, firing i n to the store upon Sheppard thrif times before another snot was heard. The constable tay that they call ed on Sheppard to surrender, bnt he refused and w hipping out two pis tols began to fire at Constable Spevd. Chief Daly finally got in side ami Sheppard shot him before he saw who he was. He was taken out in the itre, placed in a waon and carried to the State penitentiary, here bis wound were dressed. Considerable excite- meut was occasioned by the shoot in . A gang of dt-tperadoe galloped into a Florida town and robbed the safe in A M Chandleis store, looted the tickvt ofhev at the dejot, ahot at a night watchman, wounded a negro and then nnle out of town wirh their plunder, firing off their pistols. This gnng in four weeks bus raided the towns of Jajjnrr. Lie Oaf, While Springs, Hunt- itigton. Hawthorne and Like City, se curing fHHJty valued at several thou sand dollars. It is a subject of common rtort that the Southern railway has -cured contract of the Seabord Air Line s stem. The ScaWd system reaches from Portsmouth to Atlan ta, with tcamship lines from Ports mouth t Baltimore, Ne" York, Providence and Boston. Tie rait way miU-age is about S.V) mile. Secretary Carlisle and his son Igan, has just rt turned from Ion don, where he ajfliu-d in the com. pletion aud delivery to the Ilotb childs' of $31v(iUv0on of the rtct-nt tK.UU lsU3S. At fiivenville, S, C Ira JohiiKjn, Colore!, who Kiluxl a yoang man in Cfiititiuf'l on Third Page. r .1 . . a rmarrei wi uiicen iroai me coaniy A ruby tniue is being developed 1" wang to near Frankin. tree and riddled

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