EEKL Y Successor -bo "o"Llo Jxrcie-x: 'OL 0 32. GREENVILLE. X- C .1UGVST Hi, 1W KING'S JOTTINGS. Mr MLkaelson, lawyer, ex ioiida legislator, ex - South I'arolina convict, husband of :aee wives, illegitimate son of .1 Russian nobleman and wanted i i Jacksonville, Kla. lor forgery '.as been caught at Montgomery, Ir is now in order lor Mowers to begin pouring in from kidi 4oi him. EACE SIOT- Kl.HKltu-.f Narrowly A vei l. -o! at Wins ton, N '.Nar.'M Fearing h Xiyn:li in!; of On. t.f Their II u . th-fair. Thar (0000 monument ;p tl ; in ran Francisco, to ihe i: .-Lio-y o; Francis Scott Key. ;:ad ihat by popular subscrip ti ii, in the samo city, only $lv wen raised for the benefit of iiis destitute granddaughter illustrates one phase of hero v.-or.'h'p, There is littie charity where the world can not see it. A Connecticut man, on his death bed, willed his wife to his best friend, requesting him to marry her just as soon as he was gone, which was cairied ui a few days thereafter by that friend and the widow maiTvinsr. Has the nw women jiven the wooden nut meg Slate ;t wide berth t A patient in the Kaatern (Ky) Lunatic Asylum, got a loose brick out of the' wall and killed liis bedfellow and . the next morning earnestly declared tha- he had ''killed the devil with a gold brick,". Many 1 teachers may profit by his mistake. In a fight with shot guns In Indian Territory between two Mt Gurt Hi-others on one side, i .:d two Wa'.kei brothers on the uher, a! lour were fatally w.iinuled. Such is belter than -"i fling it in court. A near West Point. N Y., .had a good bite and son. lie received a clas. ira! ednca tion, graduated fiom West Teunca- s.e college in studied law A News, and Observer special ! from Winston of the 1-itb, says. A seuous not letw?eu whiter and blacks was narrowly averted here last night. Is was. given out in the ooloivd churches during he day that an attempt was going to be made to lynch Arthur Tuttle, on trial here for the murder of jolice man Vickers . last May. Alter church about J5U negroes organized and marched to the ja:l where they rem. uned for several : hours. They were armed with pistols and guns.' Mayor Gray went to the jail and as oil red the negroes there w.s no dan ger of lynching and begged them to disperse. Sber.ii McArihur and two of Winston's lawvers also ad dressed rfie negroes, assuring them that there was no danger of lynch ing. Judge Brown, who is holding oourt, notified the negroes that they were violating the law. telling them t hat Tattle should haye a fair trial and that he would be responsible for Tattle's protection. The ne groes said t hey tfould leave if the Shr-h" would put a guard of twen ty m.m around the jail. This was done hut many of the mob refused ti go way. SherirT McArthur then ordered" out the Forsyth regiment and a nun. her of deputies, who were 8 vorn n. Judge Brown also iiisirnet d the sheriff to arrest thue a ho did not leave. The ueb began tiring on the officers, several of whom were struck with small biid stiol, bui none were seriously wound od. The lliilmtn tired seyt-ral vol leys into the crowd, causing the ne- Fourteen of he rioters were arrest ed by oiVuers and put in jail. Judge Brown and Mayor Crav were interviewed tin evening, on last night's riot. The fornu r said that he considered ml- trouble un der control. The c:ty secured one j hundred nries to d;;y in addition to those in hand by ihe Forsyth Rifle men. Sixty extra polieetnn have liten sworn in for the night. It is reNrtd this evening that some :$00 negroes are congregated just out side of -he coporate limits. Present sit ualio i only warrants Mayor Cray in saying he hoKs there will Ik lio further trouble. The murder trial ot Arthur Tattle was given :o the jury a 5:1." this afternoon. Verdict is not expected before to-morrow. Ktfilil iTUn .I llllKVlTUIK. of the T!iw A':cnit iy-tton repcrt Depigment of Agriculture, is in teresting. It ihowsthe lowest aver age for August ever reported, being 77.' whicu is half a joint lower than the average for August, 1S03. The most important feature of the r?st is the average for Texa-s, which!. North Carolina i low in the h-t, her average being 74. As a result of this repirt cot ton fiitu;-s clo! ti-m in New York at an udvamv o! 15 lo 17 two years at the University of Vir ginia and in Jackson andcr 1: is Kinsmen, Judge A W O Totten and Miltou Brown; gr.duated from the Lebanon law school in iS."j, ;n which year lie located in Jackson and engaged In the practice of his profession: moved to Memphis in ls-VJ, where he continued the prac tice of the law; served on the Su pre me bench by appointment on two occasions and was once a promiaent candidate for Supreme J edge befoie ! P,nt3 ' the nominating conveniicu ; reloca- l-.Liu S-naMr X ted in Jackson in 1 S7i ; v:.s eieoteil to the Stale House o lUpre uta tives in 1880 ; the 8Uile ocuute a Democrat in and seiveil April. 12, l.vs." ; was appointed v'ni tel States Circuit Jude by Pre. dent Cleveland And nomiuated for Associate Justice by President II.. i -rison, was emifirmed by the Se.i.ue February ISth, '6fXi, and entered u(on the duties oTthe oflie M.irch 4, 1SU3. I :coh r.n.w i t KOAMiiit:. Two brothers were playing in Davie county, one aged in and the other 1J. TlK'V juai relied and one threw an open knife at the other. His aim was sure, and his brother i eJ from the wound. The Henderson Cotton MiJ!.; ve:e reorganized at Henderson lss: v?fk wiih a capital of $lt;0,00(). SO.tHKj of wuich were at ontre suhjc; ited. I). V. Coper is ptesidetit. Jolm C Davis, of Wilmington, rascality fame, ecaped ihe Asylum ;l Baleigh last w-ek, msde his way afoot to Morehead City, was lecaptured and taken back. Toe Counv Commissioners of Pasquotank, have appropriated one thousand dollars for the puijose )f enlarging the public &cl;ool build ing. L K Evans manager for the Ar mour Packing Company at Wil mington was drowned Jitnriay while bathing in the surf at Caro !urt Beh. , (It venior Caii h.-jj ordied a . crm of Franklin tunty uje rior ciiui t to bgiu Sptembei .Oih, Judge Boy kin, presiding.; fi Chipb y. of rid. , nas brought suit against the Peosacola Daily Tim-s for de faii..tjon oi character, placing the damages ai. 2 3,000- Mr Chtpley is promnent in FloriJa pilitics, as.d bel.iogs o a faction of the Do nnx'iacy to which :he Times is op-pOy-U. l our years ug. he trivl to defeat Call for the Cni'ed Stat Senate, and it is said that b will be a eandidate to succeed Call next year. There are now :n.r negroes in the gov Turnout quarantine cump near K igle Pass, Texafs tad ;iu more re fugees IVoiu the abandoned Mexican colony are lookesi for to-day. There are K'O j-atieuts .n the oaiill-pox hospital and the deaths average five, per day. Ntw cass are on lue in ere a us. Th-rirst baie of cotton this sea sou was iv-e;viHl in Columbn?, d'a., fr..u li wry kii SiniimitiS, tf WaUon, (r... It w: clased a ii;idu!i!ig, weighed -!7i pounds and was sold to the Swift Milli:g company for 7 cent j. laat yeiti's first bale was on August Mb. l'ieident Ch elnd ha.? pardonetl J F Honevcutt, enfenctl m Octo ler jS.:1. to thr yean imprison ment in the Albany 'penitentiary for counterfeiting in North Carolina, because no hs consumption. .The body of Ftank Clancy, the nucsing Kalamajuo man, wah "found ye.steiitay morning .n the pickling yat at the Cmrsity MUicnl Col ! ge of Michigan by Mient! Judm and identihed beyond uisstiotj. A biil ;n eijuity has beeu tiled in the Common Pleas Court in B'aila dcJpb.a iy haye an ifijunction i-uil tcjliaining thecitv from taking the i.iwriy oii to tne Atlana Kxpoai . .a 1 1 uovei nor Ivarr orcereo a gun ot i .he heln of a friend tachment from Charlotte to the bmughi up a skeleton oil his I seene of the riot. The presence or j ; and detaoliinent, of Charlotte were j expected to a gvd effett and i little trouble further was expected. hook. Tlie tpiestion t ail did lie use Mrs Catharine Judge, of Clinton . , , , , . county, l'enii?ylv;nia, d,eJ Salur- '.oNerno, ( an has ordeal a w Vc.w f eial term of Cleveland county upc ej-htv seven vears of a-t nor i;out to teg,u Ihe JOth, Juu ;e 1 orowii to preside. i is, wnai President Cleveland is said to 1 si nappy that when he sits iown and no one disturbs bini h gees rihr 1T. 5et your life that be .s wide awake on that that third tei ir, idea. An Alabama count v treasu i ' . s 1 i v j aceouuts only ",'."o; t - e. u y 4-oiumi:;ed sui 'e. Tew are such affections, Iealti.l" J.i.Ut JaekMoii. Justice Howell K Jackson, of liie Cnited States Supreme Court, died at Nashville. I'enn. a. 2:.T0 o'clock p. m.t on the Mb. Howell KJmnrds Jackson, Asso ci ne Justice of the Supreme court, of th Tinted States, was lorn in Paris, Tenn.. Aniil th, in 1910 his parents lemoted to .lack- The Annexion Ala., Pip.5 :in,l Foundry Couifiaay hftTe n order from Vokohoma, Japan, for :)0,ooo tong of non piping. (.'orbett and Fitwirnmoni met in a bar at 1'hilfelphia h)te), and 'ortett tn-il to pull Fitrsimmon't nov, which raised a row. ; inei nneu .rate now haj u .!,. : against lljwnu fot the fals- imnri. Tl -,, 4. .. . . ( ooment of J..ine Darrell at liuno The Dam ille tirays wdl go into J lulu. encampment a: Piedmont pr:ng .p,.,. , , . for about ten days. 1 ! ri ' " Jored e,,,.n j an st;II on tutv .it Spring all. 1 ne i, niieo onleier4t Veteran 1 "e mines are in of Western Nonh Carolina wdl iro t The J Th-re are 2-4 newspapers in the State, of which seven are Kepubli I can. nine Populists and lo7 Demo ! era tic. In Davie county, over the divi sion of Mime proiKTtv, Marshall j Cain shot and "killed hi brother la.! week. into Kncatm inent at the -J'Jtu. Asht-Mlle, on o;eratii:i. J- .laoitiiu onIr for ir.-r I me .i maioii, A I.., linn unpMinl to 7 Vjn,u.o. will