KING'S WEEKLY S-aooessor -bo -fcii.e IXLcLesc VOL I- NO 33. GREENVILLE, X. C- AUGUST 23, 18Do. 25C7S A Y2A2 JOTTINGS. GEN. EARLY'S KAID. Speaking to a New York re porter of John E Addicks of Deleware would be Senator fame h.- U S Senator Washburn, of Minieota is reported to have .said that "a man like Addicks is a pst to any community and oiibt to be killed," and Ad dieks being entirely of a con irar3r opinion, there is prospects of a row. Handling the truth carelessly is liable to breed trouble. WASHINGTON ALARM T AT THE PIIOSPECT OF AN INVASION. Communication Except By St -stt Entirely Cut Off Lincoln Proyoked at the E cape of Early's Force. The bank of Tacoma, Wash iiiton, made a voluntary as signment a few days ago with S444 on hand, and liabilities amounting to $379,000. Hon esty is the best policy ! At Richmond, Va a colored lawyer has been sent to the pen it ntiary one year for obtaining under fals- pretense a not of 89. Has justice finally struck the right trial ? Col James Kilbourne of Col umbus, Ohio, says emphatically that he will not accept the Dem o ratic Gubernatorial nomiua- ion. Can't Senator Brice fur a nish a candidate i Atlanta's bar rooms must close at 10 o'clock at n;ght every night during the Exposition. Thereby is stimulated the busi ness in a certain line of glass ware. llepiesentativ Bryan, of Ne braska, says it's time to put a Southern man on the Presiden tial ticket. Another bid for the Southern vote in the con vention. An ex Georgia convict has sued the penitentiary authori ties for damages for inhuman treatment. Is he paving the way for a return trip f The latest in the Durrant trial at San Francisco, for the murder of two girls, is than for a sjood sum three jurors can be tixed for Durrant ! iNo more : n KEY IT I EH. A Suffolk, Va.; grocer set a trap gun for burglars, but the sun shot himself in the leg and soon died from its effects It's bad to take your own medicine! Cleveland's postmasters and not Brice's :ash will be used to carry things in the Ohio con vention. It's opIv a rose bv an other name. Iu the March number of the Cen tury Mr Noah Brooks contiuius his reminisceusca of Lincoln during war time. The writer was on terms ot particular intimacy with Lincoln, and he relates many new anecdotes concerning ihe President, Most of the latest paper is taken up with an account of '-'Two War-Timo Con ventions." Mr Brooks give3 the following picture of one exciting in cident of that time . The raid of Early, which occurred in July, 1834, gave us ihe only se rious scare in the national capital which ' we had, although many alarms were sounded during the war and after the first terrors of the civil insurrection had died away. That incursion of the dashing rebel hosts was evidently two fold in its purpose, forage and plunder in Maryland and Pennsylvania being parts of the scheme, while the mre important and highly desired pur K)se was to seize ujon Washington, then left comparatively ' defenceless so far as troopH were concerned. Lhe news of the approach of Early was brought to the city (whatever may have been the information lodged in the war department) hy the panic stricken people from Kwk ville Silver Spring, Fennallvtown and other Maryland villages. These people came nocking into Washing ton by the 7th street nud, flying in wild disorder, and bringing their household goods with them. In a general way we understood that the city was cut otf at the north and east, and that the famine of market-stuff, New York newspa pers and other necessaries of iife wj due to the cutting of railway liner leading "northward. For two os three days we had no mail, no tele graphic messages, and no railroad travel. Our ouly communication with the outer world was bv steam er from Georgetown, I) C, to New York. Washington waa in a fer- mem ; men were marcning to and fro ; ablebodied citizens were swept up and put into the district militi- and squads of department clerks' were set to drilling in the parks. It was an odd sight to see men who had been thus impressed into the public service, dressed in linen coats or in partial nnilorm, being put through the manual of arms by on impromptu captain, who in his turn was prompted by his orderly sergeant (a messenger employed in the war department.) These sons of Mars were all under command of Brig Uen Bacon, a worthy grocer, of Washington, who was the militia commander ot the District of Col umbia. The city was also garrisoned by oue hundred men, Veteran Reserves, as they were called or Invalid Corps, with few dismounted cavalry. These weak and unorganised forces were thrown into the fortification. and Washington 8tood again while Continued on Third Page, Three Pittsburg steel workers claim to have discovered the lost art of welding copper to iron or steel. The Caruegie Company is said to have made an offer for the valuable secret, and will give the men an op portunity to demonstrate its prac ticability. They hope to use it for putting a copper face on armor plate. A movement has been fstarted among colored ieople of the lhstiict of Columbia in favor of having separate stores, where they may pur chase goods and iu which their race may be represented clerks and other employes. Hy the midnight explosion of a big boiler, theGumry Hons at Den vti Colorado was wrecked on Sunday night. The mass took tire ant' sev eral KopIe perished in the rlatntt, uer twenty-five being killed by the wreck and flames. Sam Lewis, who a short time ago killed two men, and claimed a re cord of six killed be five, was lynch ed ac .1 ii no, FU., last vvtrck, adding to his career, Hint of being the first white man lynrhed in that State. At Suffolk, Va, Wm .1 I'uguhart charged with killing J E Ga. No vember Nt h., 1S?0, and whoa shorts time ai mu rendered himself to the authorises, has been sentenced to he years in the peiiiteLtiary. At Louisville. Kv, while destroy ing old p:ieio at the court house, j Hubbard Bush and I heodore iiusou touud Mime at urn vs known as the SL Louis "Hear variety of 1M7, which thev sold for ?."000. A new compress, to be worked at the gin, and to make cylindrical bale of rotton far sujK'nor to the present compressing, is to be matiu- factuied in Baltimore for this veal 's rot ton crop. pony race, between two cow boy's and two lepresentatives of Chicago's stockyards, from Chicago to Atlanta for a purse of $000 13 now in progress. It is now said that if Murderer Holmes can not be convicted in Chicago that he will le turned over to the Canadian authorities, and tried for some of his murders there. Steps are being taken to have the Presidents of the Republics of Mexi co and Yenezuclla meet President Cleyeland at the Atlanta Exposition. The departure of the Liberty Bell from Philadelphia for tho Atlanta Exposition has been ioatponed from September 11th to October 4th. Retired Associate Justice Wm. Strong, of the Uniten States Su preme Court died at Lake Minnew aska N. Y. Monday, of paralysis. Larry Glynn, an inmit of the New York Ins-ine Asylum for crimi nals, since 1875 it Raid to be now over one hundred years old. Atlanta will not allow iu ban to remain open later than ten p. m. daring the Exposition. The wages of 5000 bore copper minrm Michigan have been rais ed ten per cent. moM roam to no amok r. At Manchester, Cumberland coun ty, last Saturday George White, col. and H C Goodman had a tight over a barrel of cider and White rat Goodman in three places lrom the effect of which he died in a few min utes. White is in jail at Fayette ville. There are now in all 1,'JU convicts in the State peniieutiaxy. The num ber is smaller now thanat any o:her season of the year, by reason of the fact that there am few courts iu Inly. By tho end of the year there will probably be 1,300. Mr L B Alexander, ot the 4th re iment of North Carolina Nafonal Guards, has written to Presideut Collier, of the Cotton States and In ternational Exposition, askirg for a camp for ten day r. The regiment expects to cacamp during tho Expo sition. The Manufacturers Record states that Mr F M Sniir will erect at Henry Shoals, near Pine Bluff, Moore county, a 3,000 spindle plant for manufacturing cordage and ball thread. In Buncombe county, Deputv Marshall Zebulon Whit was shot and instantly killed, last week by Len M:Howe, -I T Mace, New Mac, and John Flasher. Arthur Tattle, the Winston Mar derer of Policeman Vickera, gets twenty five years in the penitentiary. His case was the causoof the recent not Cvrua Mnrnhv tV Pnrmli.f Uv J J "J - - VHMIt vim. of Cumberland county Superior iourt, last week appointed a nerro Justice of the Peace in that county. Wake and Boo com be counties are the wealthiest in tho State according to tax valuation, that of each being a little more than $10,000,000. The Atlantic Coast Line has paid to the State Treasurer it taxes in full on main line and branches. The amount was S1G,64.0J. A Rutherford county brut, poured kerosene oil over another man m cow and set it on fire. The cow baa since suffered ternbly. The Contract has been let for a handwme new hotel at Louisburg. It will be owned by a joint stock company. The Helton Ashe countv roller I flour mills wf burned last week loss aoout $tuu, no insurance. Governor Carr has ordered the court at Winston to continue until the criminal docket 1 cleared. Hindi are at work grading the extension of the Glendon and Gnlf railroad. Appl'i are selling in the Meant Airy iection for ten cents per bushel. Another of the negro rioters at Winrton, who wm fthot, is dead. There is a deficit of f 15.473.CO in Raleigh's city treasury. State Secretary of State Coke, continues quite sick.

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