INQ WE Successor -bo tlxe IdLesc VOL 1 NO. 31. GR EEJY VILLE, JST. C SEPTEMBER G, ISO,!. 23 CT3 A 72 JOTTINGS. George Frank who disapear- A Soldier On the Stage. IlllKYITIEH. ed from Topeka, Kansas, two Siz Thrillixu War Stories By J. S .v J i years ago, has just turned up somewhere in Minnesota, just after his lamily had won the flits' for 58,000 against the companions in which his life was insured. That's the wav some husbands have of blasting the prospects of their families, by always turning up at the . Beck, C. S. A- wrong time. A New Brunswick, N. J., highly respectable girl, has been arrested for furnishing tools to one of the prisoners, her lovr, with which to effe"1; his escape. Will that love now laugh at locks and bars, when enclosed by them The warm weather melted the new varnish on the seats of a Sharon, Pa., church, and men, women and children found themselves glued to the seats. when they attempted ro ieae j was induced to remain with mv old iifer services. A new wav to I command, until after the seven d:s liold a c no-reation. ?hr which was t hen about to take muuc. i lemaoieu aim iihik pail in four out of the seven battles that took place before Richmond. As soon as possible nfter the' light itt Malvern Hill I went to Uicl.monu, preparatory to going home. I'pon my arrival in the citv I proem ed a new suit of clothes. fhev.were ar- A Gruesome Hut St hi king Vks Picture of the Ravage at a Certain- Hemipterous Wing less Insect Before Which the Bravest of Both Akmies Quailed Joe's Death Day. pa rt II. When asked what was the matter the poor fellow stated that he whs covered with vermin and as he lived in an adjoining county, might he be allowed to ride home and change his clothes. He could overtake and join his command the next ilav. The General told him that while he was sorry for him, he could not ex cuse him. He f urther said : I have them, and if you will show me a man in this command, who has not he ha3 not done his duty a3 a soldier. He might have said, in the language of the immortal band; I am sorry tor thee, friend ; tis the Duke's pleasure. While my paper were all made out for my return to South Carolina (to fall m with the reserves.) I Twenty Cubans have been arrest ed at Teen's C rove, N. J. They hud gone there from Wilmington. Del., on a tug. They were arreted while ashore and arms and ammunition I1UIM KO A TO KOANOKC Mr J L Brake, one of Kdge cnibe' successful fanner, tells u a iUxt. which would be ootuidrtd incredible if coming from a lvs re liable loorcv. He my John W were found. They are a tine look- I Scarborough and wife, of' Edge- mg body of nun, well dressed and intelligent. They will give no in telligence but i u thought tnev were from New York and were go ing to Cuba to act as officers for the insurgents. In Troy N. Y., Miss Amelie K Haswell, city missionary, was ar rested at the Union Dejt by (Mli cerTJ Furlong, a inmher of the .ew . i otk i t-n.irai ana umison Kiver police system, an oflicer. arnn d with a warrant, charging Miss Ho well with aiding tbeeseae of Oliver comU. were the happy parents of twenty-four boys, tin?" twentx-four th ing born at twelve birtns," or in other words they were all twins. The family left for Tennessee I tween 15 and lSlo and after wards went to California. The sons all grew up to manhood's es tate. It is told that when moving to Tennessee- they stopped t Ca. talia and the father wanting to buy hats for his Uys steped into u store and ordered two dozen of ;t sorted sizes. The surrri-ed tore Kcei r thought at first, h. ha.l I'nrfij I'rrv tin riH.i,, t,.i.K.... I,,.... I ' . .J i I 1 1 . 1111 L I ill II llllfLR'I - - M.rt.Mran .ai.,m : nn-s so hool to dea 1 w 1 1 h. but when avjured that the Ihts all 11 on eri .lohi. WesUv. u negro, who has ; to oi.e family refuel to take pay for nisi cornpieieti a uve--ar term in penitentiary for an attempted crimi nal assault uHn a mil, made anotti el unsuccessful attempt F.'idav night on an aged willow of Manchester. Mo. A posse with a rope has U-t-n the hate. Argonaut. A United States Fih Commis fien car. in charge of Mr K I Ha gan is at Mor head, after a supply oi live tisti m varitv for toe Allan i-i U'- . ii '11. . . . ar.-hin., r..r ) ,, ,1 ivi i r n r... I i 1 1 . or tJtr couiains 8l i. :n i ... ' ! tanks and iif n: oesirung up. It lias been discovered that tlie milk dealers of New York had formed a contract to fur nish poor milk to their custo mers. Here is one instance wliiv in union was to be made weakness. A Chicago housekeeper. Miss Mary Youn.s, wlh saved eveiy cent during her life, died recent ly at the age ol eighty seven and worth What a prize some man missed. A Washington ity merchant recently committed suicide, as the only way to get out of debt. And then lefr his wife his burial expenses to pay i. Some anti-Kot hchi l ler tried to bomb Bavon Alphonso in Ir tn (Jen, Klv Pirker died at liij resi d'Mice in Fairfield. Tour)., alter a long illneao. (len Parker ws a full hhiodcd Set.eca Ind'nn and n '!iMfot the Six Nation. During th war he wa feeretarv 1 1 Gen. (itanf ami prepared 'he tint eii losrd eopv ot lor tim.- of eapuu I.H lo!i jn (ten Is e 0 I 1 'liuer. The i Mate- Paris last week but failed, takes the Rothschilds th selves to boom some things. In Ohio a negro killed an old white man, and was lynched for the crime in less than two hours. Those Ohioans were c dor blind sure. While eating a clam, a New York man, found a iearl which was w rth :25 He was not a nevspaier man. Smokeless powder is now a certainty. Next comes the noiseless report. j ried t the Spotlswood Hoirl. being ! afraid to cairv them mvself for r-a nns known to all old sooliers. I'pon my arrival at the hotel I pio enred a room contiguous to a barb room. I then obtained the ie- i,-e of and old darkey, who sn ipped me. and then lav me on the door of tie bath room, and by th aid of hrawn a'ul muscle, &op. towel and a horse brush he siiecet-ded m getting me. hack to witere nature intended 1 should be, pe'fectly clean, wi.h aj few slight abrasions of the tNkin. After settling my bill witji the old j lai kev and the hotel cjerk I pre- ! par-d to go to the railroad station to , einhark 0r home. The city was in a crowded condi tion with prisoners ami wounded men. As I walked nloug the street !, 0 I uiivo all passersby a wide Iw-rth. tor I knew what contact with them meant. To iHe an Irish bull, I wjs i.ow rid of a bos mi friend, whogiood to my ba'k. Upon mv arrival at r he depot I was doomed to disap pointment. No )ne was allowed to 40 upon the Iranii but Uim who were wounded. Now here was the chance for one of tw things, lor to get home I wa deU;niniiel. Now would I strl to walk it, (several hundred Mules) or should I play the wounded soldier ? By Joiug the lai .er I kept gome poor fellow back, but no one could Mgjibl? want to go home worse than myselt. My mind was made up, I would play the wounded sold;er. I ttl went to a caretiter shop, limping badly, and gol the erpenwr to Continual on Fifth Patjt. Another Mar 1 he 4Mb 1 to l adiied to the stars and .-iri-. The 1 ew j:tar will reprent I'tali and flie order tor its addition to the nat ional colors was made by ccretary of W ar L unont Tuejitlav. corn crop of is estimated as the lnitil the greatest eer prtdmed ; 1,mi( i.i'kmi hush eU aganiM l.CMMIJMMj.lMMi bushels last w:ir. This at 5 cents a bushel, if worth ..oo,lHK,(MH) to tiie count r). Mr Heur Moore, of Moiikm Kails, )., has given birth to six teen children in eighteen years, all at single biiths. Fourteen are nou living and healthy. Mini More is thirty-six years old. The report o! the killing of lifu-en Bannock Indians b cattlemen in the neighnorhiKid f Hiomoml Val re., is not believed at the In ban bureau in Washington. William K Vanderbutlt has bought sixteen thoroughbred nuro from Pierre Ixrillaid for the racing s able which he is to establish in Krance. mil apparatus ior reoxTren i.iiig the water to eep it fit for the abode of the ti-h and they liar Urn taken from "the deep blueMH. St-crutary f Sute, Cb ta iu Coke died at his home in Ualeigh, Iwt I'ridav, was mined Saturday, und Moiolay '.Jovemor Cirr npoinWd Hon ChaiUa M L'ok ot Iounbu'g to till the tucancy. K-Sdicitor Frank McNeill, o( loM-kingham, who thouglit ine months ago, of H-ttling in Atlantn has decid-d to lix-afe in Wilmaiyiou for the practice of tne law. It is! that a railroad deal is in progress by vhich the (Jap Fear and Vadkms Valley road whl iMiotne a part of the Baltimore and hio system. City alitor Menchaui ol the Wib uuugton I bsp itch w ho it indicated lor Jlbilling ex-MaiOr FuhbUte. t.n. 1 tK-en rele;tsed from jail on a ; Und. Tht Alliance sluv factory ha? Ix-en incorpora'etl t t ry. Wake county , The capital it o ,l H K. Th fct ry ant legin oj-r-tious on .'. m. , The tinet Uaie of thU year's crop 1 d North Carol ma -otton w;m .iolu at Mat rin on the 'g'.hh. Itutighrti (Miuud nd Hold for JctK. 1 The Biblical Uccorder sav ther ! are twenty tif Baptial church ju . pt- of construction m North j Carolina now. I he life saTingi, ?14 of Aron Kxi'ting is becoming Mtzelle, of Martin county waj toUn 1 from him one night 1&1 werk. There ate li'l Sutte OfrnTict1 only lT.'lol whom are in the eui tentury al llaleigh. i The police cetitas of Charlotte. juat taken, gifei that ctt? a opul ' Hon of P.,5h3. .1 .... o common mat rvcieiarv .iiorion i- hking after if, and it must ! mat ked what i. Tiie as-iess-d aluation of the real an personal property in (ieorgia ha d-creased more jf ", M i,m i sim e iSf2. A Sunday Bull tiiiht at (HIette, Col., was witneel by 5.K) Kople In lo'wer Craten coanty, Var are " 1 a.. .i.... . among whom were nrniy paolic , ugil,i K,cak wino. officials. ! Six men are wanted in Wkf county for murder. Spus Limfbart, of Stroodsburjt i his falltn heir to a jlmxVAKJj The cotton yield estate in Denmark. 406,000 bale. I ait year was