WE Successor -bo -tixe T-m h er VOL 1 NO- 35. GREENVILLE, N C- SEPI EMBER 13, 1805, 25 CIS A KING' EKLY. JOTTINGS. Mr Thome is editor of the i!-be Quarterly Review, of N'-w York, and he says : "The negro above all the Southern icro win not worK except iider the lash. For the last 2o -ars he has been a loafer, a hief and immoral fuigus upon :h fair life of our Southern iands. ' The negro must be made to work or go; tiling but some sort of re-enslavement can rimke him work, ; h'i etore he must be re-enslaved "i driven from the land' An 1 1 time abolitionist has chang ed and yet the North savs not a word against h;m. Suppose a Southern man was to make -a h a declaration i A plot to overthrow trie Re miblic ot Hawaii and restore, to t!ih throne Leleoukalani, has l)een discovered in Chicago. A well equipped exploring expe dirion could find many gieat dnngs in that city besides big ;.-Ht. . In a Charlotte, N. C house here was preaching on the first tluur. printing on the second and dancing on the third all Loing on at the same time. And the heart of the landlord rejoiced. It is reported that Congress man Quigg of New York .will lesiiiu and devote his attention ' newspaper work, thinking, it more profitable. Who got Ids salary at Washington : The plug tobacco manufact uies of New York have decided t .; into the manufacture of iurarettes and tlood the market V"iily. the heart of the doctors and small boys rejoiceth. Three thousand people tore d wnthe walls around a gallows and witnessed the hanging of a murderer at .Jasper, Fla. You A Soldier On tlie Stage. Six Thrilling War Stories By J- S Beck, C. S- A- A Guuesome Hut Striking PEN PICTURE OP THE it AV AGES AT A Certain Hemiiteuoi Wi no less Insect Bf.foke Which the Bravest of Both Aumif. Quailed .Toe's Death Day. part III. A PRESENTIMENT. After the battle of Gainers Mills oue of the fights in the seven that took place near Richmond, we were encamped npou the field, when In fine daylight on the morning ol June 29 we were awakened with in structions to cook what rations u had. One ot the members ot our mess. (Joe Brogdon,) who w;ts one of the best cooks in the army, aT once went to work making and baking biscuits. After cumpletirg his task and the biscuits were ali evenly divided between us. Joe again b'gan to divide his share with us. When asked what he meant he said that he would not need them as he telt confident that as sure as he went into battle that day so sim- would he be killed. I had my dis-' charge in my pocket at the tirm. as I was to return to South Caioli n:i ami go on the coast with a ngi iik'iit of reserves as drill olhVer, but ('apt Bartlett, who had recent I been ebcted .captain. prevailed mi me to remain until a'ter the light ing around Bichn.ond was over, am! come home, if alive, w hich I ngive! to do. Poor Brogdon, knowing this, wanted me to take his watch and carry it i.ome to hi mother, but I would not do so. telling Inn. that my chances for getting s,t were just as great as his. Soon after daylight we started, marching parade' with the York River Railroad, partly to support a gun which was mounted on a Ha; C ir and sui rounded with cotton a!es. Our way led through a great lea! of swamp, aud the weather be ing very warm a great many of the he men were overcome b.; heat and ('linking the swamp water. Thev succumbed and a great manv were left along the road. After emerg ing from the swamp we were halted am', torined in line of battle. We had not gone but a little way when we received a most murderous tlrt, and poor Brogdon was killed out right. In a little while we were hotly engaged in battle at Savag may safely Iwt that tbh'e. peo- i station, and our ranks were decima- j.v'will such wo, k we I .lone. j AnrnStfcs who wore 1 I on that day was poor Leonard Bart- Th Hav Fever Association is in session, at Bethlehem, N. H his assertion does not news arily signify that It is comics d of "irnuis" widows an1 vvid owers. On hundred women nnd girls. Diamond matchmakers, have struck at Wilmington Delaware.. But matchmaking will continue among them. nitKYITIKS. An Earthquake, marked at some points by considerable severity, visi ted ditlWent places in Pennsylvania. New York and New Jersey about o'clock Sunday morning. The vi brations were strongest on the New orlc and New Jersey coast. Houses rocked, some windows were broken aud people waked up. The quake was distinct at Iong Branch, Coney Island and Manhattan Bench. Acting Postmaster General Jones has taken steps to establish a sub station of the postofhee at Atlanta, Ga., ou the exposition ground, to facilitate the mail of the yisilors to the exposition. A full station will be located ou the grounds and a jks tal car will be run sJong side of it to show its workings. In Smythe county, Va. Peter Pickle and John Billings engaged in a tight which was hi ought on bv a dispute oyer a -5 cent debt. When t!e- two wen- separated Pickle threw a:i open knife at Billings which siruck between th- ribs, penetrating the heart ar.a kiB'tig him instautlv. Pickle was arrested. At Old Forge. N. V., Benjamin Harrison McKeu held his litth cousin, Bussed Harrison's daughter, w ho fell oyer the dock above water tiil his grand lather, the ex-Preai dent, came and rectu'd her. At a celebration of tin Iaf.ictte Gaud at Lion Park, New York .-tin- i! the jirivaii-s and seme Irish American volunteers in attendance tore tlown the British llags and kicked 'belli aiut Stewart II Fold, son of the pro prietor of Ford's hotel, KichuM.nd, Va. iiid Mrs Jackson, the divorced daughter of Sam Small, wore mar- in-. 1 ui tuat city Monday, alter an acquaintance of oc- week. William Klin--, an exiert swim mei of Chicago. 111., broke his heck bv diving into two ie-t of water to .show hi wife wit h sal v. that hr could do it poor J lett, a young man who had only re- reiitlv been elected to a captaincy. A braver and a better man never liyed I v e'l remember while in company, with i)r Henry McLaurin 'how ve bent over poor Bartlett to get some tidings to carry to his loved ones. He was unable to give them, but his look of love and thankfulness I shall never forget. THE 3 ITER 1XTTEX. Upon one occasion toward the closj of tne war, while doing picket duty Continued on Thiid Page. Kv Tonvnv Pixon decl:tretl in Ids sermon d:ist Sunday that Nw York is the most godless citv on this continent, having only on- church for every 4,0) inhabitants. The first new cotton of th sea son (twelve baUsi was received in Norfolk Saturday from South Caro Una, The date of reipt is eleven d. s later than that on lat season. At Little Bock, Arkansas the State editor?' 'op volition organized the Demcx-ratie Bi-Metallic l-agae ol Arkansas, favorable to free stiver lGto 1. Niagara has b-n harnesaed at a ..rut of .J.(XJJ.XM). ine tower ii sad to bo sufficient to rarwAll the cars and wagons in this country. Eleyen iboosand children were refused admisaion, for lack of room. to Chicago's public BchooU. Twenty-three women are widowi and fifty children fatherless by the dister in the Oceola mine. mow iin.ii to ico voki:. Boanoke Bapids i a town that was started in the wood?, on IJ.kui oke i river rapids, last February, but which already has l,wu mhabitauu. The population, however, is eijx-ct-ed to be double that in the neat thirty days when the knitting mill starts np. The town is tlie scene of the Boanoko HapnW Powpr ComjM ny which hits constructed a canal thrtn; miles in length with Ui.o. h )rse-power eK-cu-d, fifty haudtome two story cottages have just been completeil nntl H more pncli cotta ges are now under construction. A school buihling ha.s already Um put up and a church and a hotel re soon to Ih? erected. William Miller Hu!T. five years old. son of John (i. Hu?r, of Hast Beml, met with a s.ad death last Sat urday. While in the rxm ahne, the little fellow found a loaded pi td in the bureau drawer. He took it out and was playing with it when it wa.s H'xidentlly Uischargel. the ball entering ihe abdomen and coir mg out in tlie small part of tm back. Aftot th aecident, he ran to his sister and told her that he had shot himself, but that he did it accidentally. He then called lor each member ol the family, saying that he wanted to klfs them all good bye before lie died. A burglar entered the house of Mr. Bobert PicLard. of (irttusVro, alnmi '. o'clock Monday morning ind was in the nxnn of Ins sister-in-law, rnwford. when h awoke and ic reamed. IVfon- p arrived, eavs the Beoord, he was gone. In his will J L Murrav leavei his entire estate, valued at $14,.M, to establisfi a sduol for the jK-r white children of Asb ille, submit U a life estate vhich is given his wife. Mrs Ktta MikhIv. of Macon countv has enterenl suit against Mrs Bid wdl, of the same countv for jl'o.MNi dauragrs for causing Mrs Moody's husband to abandon her. The Pal mat U branch road from Hamh t Cln raw was sold at auction lt Friday at Hamlet, and was pur chse! by Mr Moncnre Bobinsjn for- Waynesrillf di.pnsary is in full operation, and the Courier says the people lik it UtUr thau cither tho ou !mr-roouis or "the prohibition farce." North Carolina hi 02 cotton woolen and knitt.ng mills. There aie F.MrfiO and 7.0,KH gpindles in operation. The criminal docket of Wayne county Snj-rior Court, which is now in session, comprise 1C0 aiset. Kx Congressman A H A Williams of Oxford, died of Bnght's duM-as-at Chase City. Va( last weeic. Near Goshen, this Statr, thief made away with a farmer's corn crib with all its contents. It is reported that the owners of John H Gentry refused rg'U'Oo for him a short time ago, Dr Tyro York, of Wilkes, made - &4 bushels of wheat on four acres.

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