King's Weekly. (Sue eescor to the Index.) By HENRY T. KING. Editor and Proprietor. SOT A DEMOCRAT. SUBSCRIPTION, 25 CENT A YEAR. Advertising rates furnished on application. Entered, at the poatoffce at Greenville, N C. s second class mall matter. FRIDAY, September 13, 1895 ANOTHER BLUNDER. The Call for a silver conven tion by a few leading (?) Demo crats, to be held at Raleigh on the 25th inst. is nothing but another blander which will cause dissention. It will doubt less be a motly crowd of Demo crats, Republicans and Popu lists, and will carry joy to the hearts of those who are trying to get on top by utilizing the silver craze. So far as getting signers to a call for such a meeting, that is nothing. What is there that a petition can't be gotten up for? We remember the petition got ten up by the last legislature, in 1880, for an election on prohi bition was signed, it seemed almost by every body, and yet prohibition met the worst kind of defeat at the polls. Why we even remember a petition de nouncing a man that was sign ed by his own brother, and many of his best friends. It looks as if the Democratic State Convention is the proper body to give out Democratic silver doctrine. We think for Democratic silver advocate to stayout of such meetings. Wait for the Convention, and stand by the principles it lays down. GOOD SHOWING. It must be gratifying to our people to know that Pitt county has not gone backwards like many others. The abstract shows a small increase of prop erty since 1894. Considering that property was assessed in many instances lower than heretofore, any increase, shows well. Many of the counties show a decrease in valuation. Why is not known. In many cases it must be on account of lower valuations. And then putting our population at 30,000 we have a per capita of cash to each of over $3 there being 95,437 money on hand listed This is a good showing even if some other fellow has got the 3,in so many cases. Pitt coun is making steady progress. Work, not blowing, is what brings success. Who is the "prominent Demo crat" in whose behalf there ia a movement on foot to nominate him as a non-partisan ailnr candidate for Goyernor next year ? Charlotte Obeerrer. It ia eaay to see that he ia not a Democrat Though he may be in the party ranks, yet he n only an office aeeker, nothing more. Yea, we say he ia not a Democrat Of fice ia what be wnta. Who ia he ? FEAR OVERCOME. I send you an extract from the !Ph rf W R Henry made here in ibJt. It ia the 8nb8tance8 and almost the exact language prised by him on that occasion : If one drop of Popohst blood should iall into the bottom of a well and that well filled with dirt and r?m6dl "With a manl aIltl S should grow o?er it and a sheep should eat that grass, I would not eat the mutton for fear of beme tainted with Populism. B. U. Sora by in News & Observer. The action of Messrs. Butler, Skinner and Henry, in leaving the democratic party is but the natural outcome of the example set before the young democracy of North Car olina by iieneral Ransom, who taught them by his acts that partv principles (and the desires of con stituencies as embodied therein) were as nothing when weighed in the balance against the "practical politics" of office-getting. Fayette yille Observer. Confederate Re-Unieo. Roll of Members of Brjan Grime Camp of Pitt County Confederate Ve, terans Present at Annual Re-Uuion September 5th, 1803. 30th Regiment, Co F D C Cor betL 31 Regiment Co B X S Walker 33rd Regiment Co B R M Jones J H Bryant F L Brown. 36th Regiment Co F J J Flem ing. 40th Regiment Co A A I) Hill B B F Sugg, C-J M Walker, Richard Craft, I T A Nichols, Taylor Harris. 41at Regiment Co K S L Whit ley. 43rd Regiment Co K W H Wilkeraon, H W Dunn. 44th Regiment Co B Edraond Fleming, O Stanly Harris, Wm Letchwortb, T E Randolph, 1) J H H Moore, L F Fleming, Alfred L?gett, L-Tillman Stocks. James Turnage. 47th Regiment Co F R P Sugg. 55th Regiment Co E Benjamiu Teel, C A Randolph, W H Our- fnus, K H Fleming, J H WooUrd W Carsou. 6l8t Regimeut Co F Major, Hen ry Harding, J R Peaden, H S II Brown. 67th Regiment, Co A W J Bun dy, D Zack Allen, J B Allen, E J H Gray, Alfred Wetherington, J A Edwards, G-.R B Parker, L P Beardsly.Calviu Jones I;- Wm Cory Wm Harris, Joel Tysou. K Auens tun Forbes, Joab Uemby. RegCo. J U Bibb. Jun. Reserves -G A Meeks, Co II 1st Reg. J L Moore, Co 1, 3d Reg, caralry. A L Blow, " K 67th Died since last Re-union George Move Sen. Iks. Wells B Morgan, Co L, 43d Regiment J L wW bies, Co C 66th Regimeut. ATLANTIC COASTLINE. If There's The following is the roll of mem bers of the above Camp, who at tended the Annual Re-Union, held here in the College Grove, on Sep tember 5th, 1895, viz . R M Starkey, Co D, 57tk Va reci ment. fe W G Windham, Co A 5th Florida State troops. 1st Regiment, North Carolina Troops, Co A-Johu S Harris; h7 U R Rooerson. 2d Regiment, Co A, V G Case W L Stocks, J T Lacy, W U T-ipp' F-J C Wetherington G H H Mur phy, J A Kobtrrson ; H H p uar. ns, I M Windham, A J Corbett 3rd lament, Co , Bennett Dunn ; I E P Daniel. 4th Regiment, Co E-G W Mearea. 7th Regiment, Co H J J Tucker ? Kfe J""" W Jont. 8th Reminpnt. CI T- son, Beujaraiu Worthington, Gray Harris, L C Moore, E A Moye, 2nd o?ut,S A llIu?!lby' G L Moore ouem xyson, r u uttle Ruel Wil loughby, J R Congleton, D U James J H Smith. 10th Regiment (Yi H I v t WHBriley. " "n 17th Regiment Co K W L Brilv G W Uardee. Travis Baker, W & May, F Ward Osmund Fleming. 21st Regiment, Co G A C No- blea. ' 27th Regiment Co R H Parker A J Baker, John A Lang, Silas Nichols, J W Brown, D L Crawford H-J E Randolph, E A Mayo, I H Little, Wiley Bullock, JameV Har nngton, W H Parker, W J Summer ell, Samuel Moore. Bates to the Atlanta Expcsiticn. ,brom A B D j Weldon, $22 50 816 50 $12 00 ""J ou lb 00 00 larboro, 22 50 16 50 12 00 Plymouth, 23 25 17 05 12 40 Washington 23 25 17 05 12 40 Greenville 23 25 1? Q5 12 4Q Wilson 21 75 15 95 11 60 Selnia 21 15 15 55 11 30 A. Full season tickets final lim it Jan. 7th. 1896. B. Twenty days tickets final lim it Doc 15 1896. D. Ten daja ticket, sold on I uesdays and Thursdays. HITCH UP ! Bat b.f.rj yoa do thit come 'round to CORY'S Harness Shon And Buy a New Set of Hand MadV OR A SAnm ? 1 pylhi?.g in ihe "s ano Saddlery line, and haTe oue or the best stock of goods ever brought to town. I Use Only the Best Leather. 1 W mm m wax namess iiada to Order. J. R. CORY, - Greenville, N. c FARMS PORSALE M In Pitt County. DaT township. Singletarr nlar. 300 acres in Pactolu. tfSpf1 pply to WH. H. LONG. Gbsexville, N. C. AITTOXHQ YOU NS2D. v0a ought not io delay iTruit ing Frank Wilson WEESS TOU CAN TUTD jo.t whatyuu want ami buy at price to tu it you. r Bew (roods in svest tnrz connro r; by eiy tram and lioat, which he onVrs at Low Prices. SUCH AN ASSOHTiOOT 0? Idifs' Drt SHGooi's, Ur Goodi, Motions Ac, Are Unequaled. Hal, ,Shit and ClotLinif, jcq are off jour bate wheu joo ni4 Frank Wilson. B. Cherry . J J 1L Moye. f J. B. CHERRY & CO. W e extend our thanks to our friends and customers lor their patronage in the past and aak them not to forget us in the fu ture, when in need of any coeds we carry. U shall at all times strive to sell good, HdialU Gooas at the Lowest ZFloes Call on us for Dry Goods. 0tu0rV5' Hatand Caps, Shoes Lrabrells, Crockery, Limps Glassware, Tinware. Wood, ware Hardware, Groceries, low8 and Fannin Tools Irunks nnH TVioltn tj Guns. (Scissors, Shears, Sutton nole Scissors and Raiors war, ranted to rive satisfaction). FURNITURE, Lace Curtins. and Curtain Po s and Floor Oil Cloths, Lihrarv and Ha Lamps- If you want" The Best Shoes for Men and Boys, be sure yon get L. M. Reynold's & Cob. They are the, best. There are other Reynold's Shoes for sale but if you want the best yo u must get L. M. Reynold's & 08. J. B. CHERRY & CO