1NG WEEKLY t . t ! Successor -bo i3ii.e Index VOL 1 NO 36. GREEXVILLE, X C- SEPTEMBER 20 , 1S95 25 CT3 i. I ' JOTTINGS. A woman oYTJnioritowu, Ohio square Illtral A Soldier On the Stage. IHOM HOA1 TO KOANOKE. L'uve ii tramn a 1 a" pair cf her hnsbaikLVijJa,, C- S- A trousers, in a1 pocket of which was a roll of bills amounting to. tJikl That was a starter for hr husband in the same rmsi- Re tbnn Kolk. who claims to 1m :i Governor without a Statf t- govern, advises he farmers " hold their cotton, or markec it slowly as they can get ten r.-ats per pound by November W ho know-- but that Kolb is a prophet without honor even in -iranire lands. II S White, fu.sionist memK-r of Siz Thrillin5 War Stcriss By J- S thu:1 Ih"l.f "r neprenttive. x tj b n 3 k ' anj ' wnl tntre gained the to- C! S . ! hriuetof -squalling child of the ; ? " 4 V ' v; caucus," left last week for Bnok- -V Gruesome ItoSiKipxr. Tlx : lvUf y., where he. goes to prac- PirrrritE of theTTjlva;k at a ! tice his inofe.-j.sion law. A few Certain UtMirTEftbus .Wis a- d i.v? before having, the Sheriff up- j of a ten dollar bill, which Ui I? ii a Vest of Both Armies crowJ h:ll Ucx 0K the jira(..icini: QUATT.ED-:.JoES DEATH DAY. lawyers of the, State. White openly . -- ' refused to pay it. whereupon the TART 1 1 1 1 . sheriff promptly garuishecd u o.r t We now had about four miles to t whom he had sold some ot b: go which he made ip light marching i personal effects, and collected the order. Pat caueed a good bit of' la- merriment as I rah Him into camp. The ten-year old (on of Mr Kit CajK, (lil lespie asked him bow . lie ( nyt Who jlu.s :iinit glx nule- came to let in bring him in ami trom Kiuitou, swallowed a grain of nis reply was, "lie .Jnsus. i Knew nothing of it, but qtie I wa.- kicked by a mule instead of hit by a man." Thre years aro, W S Scratten ilw owner of the Independence i Deep bottom, I was wounded ami i Criinhi Crk Pnl cant u red bv the ?th Michigan cav I I l I i , ill ' - i A If I ' -'.v , ft. .J 1 futed it for thirty miles alonu :i railroad, because he couldn't buy a ticket. Let some of the fniternity take fish hope. IaU. S. Senator In;alls of rirn which lodrd in the r:i:nt Ijionchial fntw. S-veral nttempt? w.re inaih to ed the corn ly coiii: hint!, but of no aad. Tht- At tlu tight ar Donblc (rates, in 1 i-lnld dud within thirty six hour.-' auer ine acciueuu AFTER MANY DVYS. I. ....I C. . a iii.fr I t I I I' I i Oil t:m.sas IS worKing ior a j XVe were taku turn to the Senate. It doesen t i where 1 soon (invernor Carr. ha offered r alrv I wax wearing at the tune a 1 ward? for the five inuiueriTb won teuutiful and unique Masonic pin. lai week escaped ftom M.nliaon It was a pemlaut slipper hanni jail. Outj'huudrI dollar e.u h l upon the pillar (lioaz) with my init- t)lV. red hr ;oie Hei.filey, Kod lalsandthe giver's upon the hack i Shrlton nd .hm MuMuui, and tiftv of it. The driver of the aiubulaiic- , dolhus ea-h hr Min.rxu (iosiieli took it 'iwav tri)in me. 1 ph adeil and Nuwsmn Mace. ik..fr.k.k 111! ft XV?.. I u, out iu m. . Wnliac e r.ro-.. ot Mat.'svitle, the ' en to Forties Monn-e, I ,.u . ,;,.:l;,.rf: of nie.hciiial herbs! found out that the j . ...,.,.i.i u...... .,eii.,.n Tliv p:tv to be "a statesman oit of a ; ,',,mmil,,Jil"l w:ui a Mason. I mndc . h;Ui mMMi iu luSUlr ,or tlnrtv-ix ! ' , my los known to nun lie h-t. p-d yirf -Vlu. .tlVlisuu- of certain cied- J0 ' ? - ' - i.,very aP4T'v to ,m an( ,'"-rf'rtPl itor caufd the assignment. the loss OTViy pin, while he agreed The last S. C dispensary re ; to do al, in .nis lM)Wer lo ,t:, ov,i it. The pnm .ry steps for opening tho l-i t shows j&lUJMKl per month , He diJ JiQt hold out much hope to rumu. .....guetic iron nunc, nt ran- v Hl Th;iiiPftsArv is-ibiiit I whiohl knew, as there were i ry. N . C. which have . wen .die piorp. 1-hedlSpensaiJ about li)OUSumI lnell ii: :ll:lt ,Iiirt of . two .waia, are Uemg taken, and successful hnanciallV, as ; ne pe(lerai .innv. I reu.Iuned at three or four hundpM hands will l murderously. Fortress Monroe "a little ever two put to work. ! months, rtCeivirig many special ' httU cli'ihl ot Mr (iere Wnr- A Columbia, S. C. bridegroom ! favors, unasked because of my Ma j xvit.k ,,f Wayne eminty. tell into a recent! v crmniitted suicide I M ,-v' . . ... , iwuiii .01 oi Hir uui ..u. - , . -ihm r;iken 10 rori ieit after having been married only j w.tre vftr bing there about iour 1 months a sergeant calhd on me in I m "cracker box" and told me tone- i C inpanv him to the commandant's parters. I did s nod was received , yery kindly by Oen Scheupp, a Ger- j man, who asked nie to he seahd. ; He then, differ a pleasant talk pro a fe days. Bliss like, the good often dies young. Dried apples are an important item in making both ends meet in the expenses of the Kansas penitentiary- Every thing is n t practically dry in Kansas. It is estimated that there are roo,(H)0 wind mill in operation in this country. And this is an off year too A Kansas Indian is sueing to. was scalded so severely that it died soon after. One hundred and twelve (I. A. U. men, en route to Louisville, Kyn (irand Encampment, took dinner at the iknbow House at (ireviisboro. A cotton mill company with .f-JUO- anged to nulla a noO camtal h;w arr diued a pin and asked me it it was ! mjl at Durham Shoals on the .... ... .11 .. ... , . . . , . . . . . i i mine. 1 told him n u was u uau my initials and '.those of a friend upon it. He then turned the ob verse side and there were the letters. He then. gave me the history of the recovery as i.ear as he could arne Atidant at Monroe I had sent word in some of the corps commanders and they to lower com manders when it was louncl. alter an . I t m-v.itlia cinPP it iecoer a part a uauoao, v-n-j i wa,ju suburb. There is surely a lu-I Gen tare for the poor Indian. There are said to be about 1:?(000 hairs on a man's head, if he isn't bald. Or hasn't ap peased some female wrath. According to the Chinese reckoning this is the year 7,910 U1 and not 5890. We dont dispute it. Broad river, Cleveland county. Miss Lizzie Martin, of Chapel Hill, is to go as a missionary of the Southern Methods Church to Chi na. She is 20 years old. There arc so many boys at Chapel Hill that the senior, law and medi cal student have to be excused liom chapel prayers. United States Minister to Mexico, miKvrriiM. Miss Siimii H Anthony vras teiied with a fainting ndl in a phuln grapher's gallery at Rochester. N. Y and for a time those prernt were leriooaly alarmed. Mia Aii thoay Wiiiahput to sit for a photo giaph. Meilical aid wa- obtained, and after 'restorftti?e had lrn given u iss Anthonv w aa restored to cousciousntss and remoyed t her home. In Pinhvlelphia on Snndar tnom ing the th?rmom-ter at C o'clock registered 15 degrcf. In one part of West Philadelphia a light fall of azow was reported. Tleportff from Pot U town and other nearby localU ti-s show that heary froft preTail ed. 1 rom Pembertowu, N. .1 word wan received tlat .he "irauberry bogs butrered much damage. i'h- uwn of South Fletcher. It'.. had a remarkable addition to it jnilation the other day by the ar rival o! a new baby. The remarka ble thing about it u that the moth erofthe uif.mt isn't Tery far re moved froMi babvhoHl herself, being onlv 11 years old. The baby'K fath r is 22. White caps tired into a lreight car ueai Weetville, Fla., on the Mh in.-tant. killing two negro employ e of GraVi" t Hates, lumbormtr. who were sheping in the car. 1 iiegnn-o iiave all tied from the saw mill in tb it section, fearing for their live. The outrage occurred near th- Alabama lino. Mr It H Pannilir charged with aiding ami abutting and embezzling tunds from tle First National Hank of Lynchburg, Y.-u, is on trial for the third time. Senator Daniel is one of the defendant's nrjt&. The associated hankp and trust companies of Umdiester N. Y. have sent to the Assistant Treasurer of the. United States at New York f2.n,noo in gold to be exchanged for legal trader notes, A duel in Darlington, S3. C, Thursday, iMweeii Ambrose Adams ana uorsey .Aij.uie'u, rvsuiieu in killing iKth of the men. They were toth well-to-do, and were relatives bv marriagc The New York Central rail road's liver makes the run to Buffalo, which is t:jf, 1-2 miles, in 407 min utes lapsed time, eual to 13C 1-3 miles an hoar. Tl U oyer UTe ra. u-. - " I - w , , ,hrou(.h ?."lTIa. I L Anion,,.. IVx.:n rouU, to Mex- rL:i. n..l.,.,., T cuj flip r(- ICOl.lly. ripient of a great many good turns, t Some of the Transylvania public all through Masonry, which I con , schools have been suspended on ac tinned to receive op to mv escape I count of fodder-pulhog. from that prison, which I win reiaie Kight thousand men ncara cam in some future communication. THE SAGACITY OP CAVALRY HORSES. It i3 a singular fact that a horse upon a field of battle will not tread on a man if there is any way that he can possibly avoid it. Of course if they are crowdeJ a3 they were at the " Continued oji Thiid rage. Jnneft one night in Winston. No women were Emitted. Three hundred Chinese and forty Arabs passed through this State en route to Atlanta. Burke county has apples that weigh one and one-qaarter pooands each. It is now stated that the account of the great and destructive earth quake in Ilondoraj waa a great fake and that the shake was a very mild affair. Marshal Carl Browne, formerly of Coxey't army waj rotten . egged while attempting to address a io litical gathering at KaMon. Md. The immigrant daring the month of Aa&ust numlered 27,100, for the vear to date, til 2,7.33, as oppos'-d to 17,149 and 100,571 daring 10L Henry M. Stanley, the African explorer, and recently elected a member of Parliament, has arrived at New York. Spain has settled op the Mora claims $loo,(00 io Spanish dol- i I If S ! I i, 1 1 : ; U