WEEKLY S-aooessor -to -blxe Index: VOL 1 NO 3 4 GREENVILLE, JY- a OCTOBER 11 , 1805. 25 CIS- A YEAS KING'S JOTTINGS. The other day a distinguished Cleveland Democrat in Ken tucky, S D McCormick, "intro duced Col. Bradley, Republi ran candidate for Governor, to a Henderson audience, and made and enthusiastic speech, indorsing Bradley for Governor and' proclaiming unalterable fidelity to the English gold standard." Who says Cleve land ism is Democracy? Watson has again been de feated for congress by J C C Black in the Augusta, Ga. dis trict, and by a proportionately incieated majority, the election being perfectly fair. Perhaps Watson alluded to himself when charging fraud at the last ejection. Enormous Cost of the War. Blood and Money Spent In Subju gating the- South- Tremendous Number of Men En caifMl and Killed In the Iletiellioit Overshadowing All Other Conflict Com iari tone With Kn counters From L-iplc and Sdan. Corbett and Fitzsimmon's must now fight somewhere else as the Texas Legislature passed a strong an tiprize light law. Gov Culbetstoji seems to have knocked both out on the first round. In Indian Territory robbers held up a train, and sot only eighty five cents, which so dis gusted them that they would'nt have that. There is often little reward for thi trouble in many things. "Another negr lynched ;n Ohio" is the way the fate of a negro who committed the usual crime on a respectable white woman, is told. But then lynchings in Ohio don't count A Washington City Grand Jury has reported ia favor of establishing a whipping post. The District disfranchised itself The American civil war was one of the gto.tt, of the very, very few great, wars of modern tinup. Oa the battlefield enough men were shot dead to .furnish tbe whole male population of som of the chief cities, and some of the old populous States. The treasure ex pended would buy tut two of the lichest States in Ihe Union to day, and the lives lost in the war, inclu ding deaths from all causes, would furnish the entire male populatiot of the greatest city in ihe land to day. France has been the one fmoU) fighting nation of the century. Hei wars have tilled the annals of Eu ropean ptoples with themes for the orightest pens, with pictures thai challenge those of classic ages a snhjeets for the artist to place an enduring stone Take Napoleon from the slag" ol" the world betwteti 181K) and 18l.", and what remains 'f In iho?e 11 1 teen years of war France lost 2,000, 000 men. The North alone hsi equally in proportion from l.s(l to 1865. During her jvnods ol great ef martial activity France never put into the field at any one sage more men than the North had under arms the last twelve months ol the vtr, and ihe average in each of th yeai s from 862 to 1865, inclusive, was about the tame as in France i.i her years of warfare. But in order to get a comprehensive view of the magnitude of the conflict one must go bevond the figure identifiej wth any single nation lor parallel. On the battlefield oT Borodino, long considered one of che bloodiest in modern times, there were 250,0IO men engaged, representing the pow erful nations of France and Russia. At Gettysburg there were 168,000 men present, all of one nation, for a civil war means the conflict of a di vidt d household. At the very same time there were 115,000 men con tending at Vicksburg, and at Tort Hudson and Helena, above and be low Vicksburg, there were 50,000 more of these same brethren of one BREVITIES. An old lady just 104 landed in New York, last week from Ireland, and remarked that she had come over to find another husband. What a pity she's not a man with a title. In Kansas the Democrats, Populists and Probitionists have united or fused in an at tempt to beat the Republicans at the coming election. A bad hand, but ought to win. FROM ROAN' TO ROANOKE. to cut rid of the netzro and is now aim ins: other blows at him.. I H8?1! ff'trol of the giettb in ia uirau:. men, liiuk while Napoleon invading Russia ami the Czar stemming the tide mustered in all 250,000 men, the American nation, m the masterly struggles over Washington and th great highway ol the Wtst, brought into action 335,000 soldiers. But there is a parallel more startling still A year after Ikro dino the allied people arose in their might to wipe ont Napoleon and France. There was tix of the great est nations leaving out Austria involved, and it wns, for France, and also for her enemies, Uussia, England, Prussia. Spain and Swe den, a wat to the death They met Continued on Fifth Paqt, Neal Smith, a negro convict was lyitohed at ColeOity. Tennessee, ou the 4th for assaulting Maggie Hen derson. An eye witne.se of the lynching of theconyict Smith says that when Smith was first taken to tbe scene of his crime, W A Hen UerMiu, far her of the outraged girl, who htade(i the mob, cut oil Smith'a rars for souvenirs and mutilated him otherwise in a horrible manner and ihen, while the negro's band were helu ou a piece of railroad iron, bis tiuger were mashed joint by joint with a blacksmith's ham mer until the hands were a 8hate less mass of hsh and bone. The screams ot the negro and the sight of so much blood frenzied the mob and they emptied their pistols and Winchesters into Smith's bod. They then threw his remains in a brush heap, fired it and piled on fuel until all were consumed, even to the larger bones. The girl is in a very cm ical condition. The ne gro bit Otr one of her fingers and almost k'lled her. Five men armed and masked held up an electric car on the Kvanston line lKtwteii Edgewater and Argyle, Chicago, and robbtd all the passen gers. One of the passengers was shot and dangerously wounded. Eighteen persons had their pockets gone through by the robbers, and a panic en.ued. The loss is supoed io be heavy. The highwavmen cut the trolly to keep other cars from coming upon them while they Were a work. Plan have been nearly completed for a combination c.f all the large mills ol the United States, in order to control ihe price ot flour. The consent of some of the principal millers of wheat to the agreement has not been obtained, however, and this may cause the combination to fail. Counv Trepgurer B F Wood, of Arcadia, Flu., was held up by fonr masked men at l'J o'clock at night on the .th, and whs made to open the county Rafe and turn over the contents, which amounted to about $0,000. After; the robbery Mr Wood wk forced to count crws ties for twenty miles. Benjamin Hudson wss shot and instantly kill!, and his brother William seriously wounded near Cobb' island, Va., by men endeav oring to capture a catboat which wasoccnpiKl by the Hndsons. The loat was stolen from near Camden N J. Buck Kindle and .lohn Kindle, two brothers, got into a fight some five miles from Hume, Va., last Saturday evening. Buck Kindle drew a knife on his brother, and cut him so badly thtt he bled to death to a short time. November 14th has been set as the dav for the marriage of Miss Counelo Vanderbilt to tbe Duke of Marlborough. Tke nuptials will be solemnized bv Bishop Potter, in Gnce church. New lork. In thp M Mvav ille Kv . onnntrv. f M w - - J " ' - - - -. J - J 1 owing to damage by frost, th to- bacco crop win suner a iocs oi iuiiy one-iuiru. Ooe hundred and eighteen de fendants and witnesses ' parted through Winston Monday for the Federal Court at Greensboro. Many of them are to b tried for making "moonshine" wbiskev and braudv A small house at a distillery twelve miles rrom Favetteyille was burned Tuesday morning and two drunk white men, George Knigbt and James Sloan were cremated ia it. Hackney Jjee and Charles Uorton both olored. at IUleigh quarreled about Lee's wife, the rvsult being that Ic received a blow ou his head which proved fatal, last Sun day. One of the mills and one dry house of the Blade Lumber Compa ny at New Berne, were burned last week. The loss is $ 10,000 ; with ::o insurance. W L Liudrum, of Durham, who fell from a box car about three weeks ago, seriously hurting him self, will ne th Southern rail road for $10000 damages. Kitty Hawk, a Raleirrh nom four years old, won the 2:30 race at the Lynchburg. Va, fair last week, her best time being 2:291. u,iue llllijri wan IDUDd m SI back lot in Greensboro Tuesday morning. The owner is, however, still unidentified. A light draft steamer, to nnvirr.r. MattirmiHkeet lake in Hvd mnntr is being built by Capt A W Styroii, of Washington. Annie Wilson, an unknown -o. man, threw herself in front of a moving train ner Hizh Point ljt Satnrday. and was killed. The Unirersitr Uw cl nf iron has presented ex-Chief .lostice Jm r ui i . i i & onepp; wun a nanuMme gold headetl cane Some of the exhibits of the VAiial both City co io red fair will be taken to tbe Atlanta Exposition. Raleigh will vote Jannarr 14th on the question of isnn in z 150000 worth of city bond for improvement. WilhOn fmlil rinrincr tVi mnnl nf - - - - ... ... i r . u V J I Anrust and Sentmtwr r.on O r - m. jr U,V 001 ounds of tobacco. Wilson had a ?1.VX) fir Mt week, the houe of .J. J. Barefoot being damaged to that amount. Percy Tomlinson of Johnston county ba.been arrested for rob bing tbe mails. Fro it his greatl? damired th. v late tobacco in the western part of me state. Winston sold 13.110.050 nound of leaf tobacco during tbe last Year. There are now 50. students at tending the University. Washiugton is considering the question or water works. O The Governor Guards will go 16 Atlanta N'or. 3rd.

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