NG-' EKLY Successor -bo -tire IxlcL VOL-1 N0 40. GREENVILLE, JV. C- OCTOBER IS, IS.',-; 23 CIS- A Z2. K2 WE JOTTINGS. The Austin Ministerial Asso ciation has memorialized the Federal authorities to keep Corbett and Fitzsimmons out of f lie Indian Territory, claiming that their presence there with t heir- horde of gamblers and harlots would contaminate the morals of the Indians and as wards of the Federal govern ment they should be protected from all such. Another case of missionaries going abroad when tlitj home held is sadly neglect- el I. August The hot wave of started a Btidgeport Oonn. boy !T growing, and then he was only live feet high, weighing lJo lbs, now he is G feet 2 inches weighs 1G8 pounds and is growing right on. Perhaps he lias been eating some of Con necticut's wooden nutmegs. An Oakland, Cal, woman has 'eft her husband and will sue for a divorce because he refus ed to read her, thn proceedings of the Durrant trial. Can't she iret even by sending Dur. rant flowers ( A Patterson, N. J. girl, de clared she wanted to be buried alive with her dead sweetheart and made several attempts to throw herself into his urave. Whoever wants her, had better apply early. It said that it will take $25,000 to get the negro colonists starving in Mexico, back to their homes in the United Stains And some adventurer made a tortune in getting them there. Enormous Cost of the War. Blood and Money Spsnt In Subju gating the SontH- Tremendous Number of Men I'n ffasnl and Killed In the UeleUioii Overshadowing All Other Conflict CompariM)!) With Kncounter From Liotp!ic and Sedan. BREVITIES. FROM ROAN TO KdAMIKE. Out in Kansas a man commit ted suicide when he found him self caught in a wholesale steal ing operation. Score one tor a Kansas man who 'ould not staud publicity. v !r Mary Walker has bought some land and proposes to establish an Eden without an' Adams. It'll be dangerous to leave apples about Arkansas wants to object to Corbett and Fitzsimmons right ing on its territory. Very mild encouragement, that. PART II. The figures handed down doubt lessly, include the prisoners or nuss rig, thus swelling the loss. In the numbers given fo. the civil war only tilt known killed and wound ed are include 1 in : he afcotuie. To bo exact, then, Stone Uiver, Chica mauga, Antietam, Gettysburg ad Shiloh must be consider--: the bloodiest battles of the century. The war invested certain regions with memories that neerfad". The veterans with their descendants and relatives who take, pride in the achievements of their kindred hae made pilgrimages to the scenes j hallowed by the clash of arms, and ! every wave of interest.set in motinn j oy a battlefield tour broade.s ui.ti! , thousands are drawn in. Hut aide from all this the battle scarred re- gions remain monuments announe ing the splendor and glorv of the j past. It will never be possible to j tear Irom the valleys of he I'o o mac. the Kappahannock, tlie She J nandoah and the .lames Hie associa- ' Hons of the war neither from the; Tennessee, Alabama ami Georgia j mountains of the west. j In the west the bloody ground was j between Gettysburg, 'pa., on the north and Suffolk, Va., on the -south tlie westei u limit on a line i drawn through Lvnchhiirg, and the ! eastern through orl"dk. In this ! district, about loO miles broad and j miies long, occurred thirteen j battles where the loss ir. killed nil'- ! right numbered oyer 10(1,000. and the aggregate ol killed and wound ed was over 200.00O. It. the le-., r engagements and in the siege oper ations probably 100,000 more were numbered with the casualties. Here weT" fought the desperate struggles of Gettysburg, Autietam, Malvern Hill and Winchester, fields ol glorious memory to vte rans who contended there. Here the Monitor bore down on the Mer rimac and led off a new era of uaal warfare. Here, too, was Appomat tox. Hack and frth or this blood stained arena the armies cop tended, in the eampaigi s of the Rappahannock, the IVnmyula, tue i.iva !o ts ( Vury Ia;id and I'ennsvl- j vania the Shaudoah and the Wdder ! ness, l The graves ot the Union dead in this consecrated aiena numler over 00,00(1, and tens of thousands more, who there receied their death stroke, were borne North in then last resti g place. The bloody ground in tnu West is almost identical With the State of Tennessee. From Atlanta on the southern limit to Knoxville on the northern h about 140 miles, and lrom Atlanta to Memphis on tne west about 300 miles, Withiu the The Captain of the learner Gui ol Otiaiito ay f that on Sepuinber 11. at J p. in in lat. decrees north, long ?l,3t degree west fin Vessel passed lwopieC'9 of detacher ice about oM leet high and ."Jon to 400 feet lon surrounded ty a great p:uillit of lif Id ice LMtrllllg h dia tauce 4t two mile, and that at I abwat 10 a in. large patches of ?mtii undulating water were seci and supposed to be ice. ' I Continued on Tliird Page. .1 lines Short, aged fourteen years, and Miss Kettle Mulling, aged "t Ji ii teen years, runawav hom Wise county, Va., Weie married at Si r gent Ky., by Splicer Adams. They left their homes at mi lnight and went across Cumberland and Black mountains, a distance of thirty miles, in h-s than six hours. Alter the marriage b-y lei l for their homes in a running walk. A well informed tobacco man at Augusta, Ky., said im-aday : "The los from host to tobacco in Ken tucky is much larger than arc-hUsem-n are willing to ;Miui(. Kepjrt.N horn 13J firmeis in Br.u.k eii, Uotertoii ai d Ma-on counties, in ;i total ol acres, show' total lo-s o! ',oo actes, or 4i per cent, d.onage. Those Democrats, of laisirji. who w- iit ov to the Kepuhlicar.s on account of the vUtn.iiaual id t he ugar bounty, have d-clued. the will alliiiai - wil h Kept blicalis only in na'.lonai matleis iliat thev laoi negro dislr.uehism.Mit and de nounced the Democratic tariff. MisN Gray, the daughter of the Senator from deUware and Mi-s Guild, the daui'hter of the Mayor of "ahville, Tenn,, have b.'en s-lected to chri-ten the guwboits U llmington ami Nhvnle respect fully ar Newjujrt Newtj Va . on Oc tober l'Jth. A New York man who so pitied tile lrei.ieiii in his third girl dis appoint ent that lie offered himself for adoption, and piseuted a form setting lortb his many great ju:tb fications and chiiius for such areii tal care and love, was lauded in the lockup. At Lexington, Ky.. t he gt and jury indicted Mayor Dm can and Chief of l)lice McKboy. -barging them with permitting saloons to sell li quor on Sunday s. It is said that the sweeping of the streets of 1'aris costs ub ut l,ip. 00O a year. TIm? pav ol a aweeer is about ? cents an hour. Li Uose. an ex convict, ar- reste-l in New York a few dnys ago for robbing fifteen houses in one night. The health officer of Washington D. 0., says that epidemic of ty phoid fever exists in that City. A Sayannah statistician shows that the piesent cotton crop can not exceed 0,500,000 bales. Spain has piled a $300,000,1)00 debt m Cuba, an 1 thinks the Cu bans have no right to kicic. This is the year 5C5G of the Jew ish era. Tht Sii;-rir t 'ourt of Koi-m connty adj,tiii.ed uu atuid.y. Wade IH-kleui charge.! with the" murder ot Hirdt- Kullar-l, anI G W LockltMr ami Patrick Lx-Kle4r. ..c Comdices, wele co i ict-l. Wu-ie Lc:.leat .u. 'utriiced U hvg ed in fuiultrt4Mi ,n th LMm . vrn'-r, and the other iv.n n. re i-nteuc-d to ihe jci'iteitiirv for life. Mrs Martha Miller, wife of John J Miller. liiii fi- mil- U,,. Aheyilie. coniiiiit :e. Mnci-I.. S . liMiigiug herself Hirh two fia-.-chains fasl.-iied to a lalo r .t in tatde Sunday monnng. Si, h.i a husband and four children. Mr Mtlhr, for several month', hud "tshown signs of itunuiiy. The Weldoti N'eus kiv John Arm-irong Chanlei. ho "ha jn-t bet-n tlir.irce I fro'ii u , ,f. Anielie Uive?-('hinler. is largely inteistetl in the works at i:.uiiokf liapidg, and w.i he e w he.i the d--cree was rendered, and receiyrd tlm news by w ire. K N" Duke lei purchased building and site at ai. w?:i, h hnd Immi selected li the t;t- Al liance ror 4 shoe factory. D1 '' bi.l u.h fotu th.uand tie bundled and e ,-nt -five, being teniv fie dollars abme the bid by the Al Mr A S D.tekery, one of tl.. iji Utr of the Ind x. Imt now attemliiiL- the 1 ni rii . l. .- been elected one of the editors of the Tar Heel, a paper published at the Tniversity, he has also r,e-n elected president of the Moot Court. DT Swinlel, the well known Ua.eigh merchant, a native of Washington. N. C.. m dead. He started business with only -jflso and at his death owned oik of the ar gt merchantile business in th State. 'I ho Charlotte pa'M-rs are com plaining of the army of trar.ips which "make that city a stopping point in their southward journey. 11-v I W A vent, of Wake, a mmi ber of North Carolina conference. M K Church. Smth. 19 75 year old and preparing to marry. The steamer Commodore, at Wi! mintofi hat tx-en re-setzed by t h government authorities. Iiondg to th amount of $ have teen placed for the leeening and erilarging the Dismal Swamp canal. The Davidson Ditpatch says the dry weather has resulted in a gruwl deal of sickness there. The Rocky Mount Fair is arrang ing for a fine exhibition leginning November Oth. Superior (urt for cirri c.te only. 11 111 session at Tarboro, Judge lioykin presiding. The Ikobeton County Fair legiti next Teslay. The IUleigh fair will be held Oc tober 2i '2.J. Durham has IV cburcbe 13 I white.