KING'S WEEKLY S-acoessor -to -tltxe Index VOL-1 -NO, 41 GREEK VILLE, JV. C OCTOBER 2o, 1S9 25 CIS- A T2JL2 JOTTINGS. The I xecutive Committee of the Peoples' party huve decided to contest the election of Major Black, who re-defeated Tom Watson, one of th'e committtee declaring that the contest would amount to nothing, but that they were obliged to do it as "it was a contest or death to the party." Why not embalm it which is cheaper than trying to keep it alive i In the little town of Acree, (ia , there are forty voters, but at rhe recent election only one was qualified to vote, and his ingle vote, with no opposition eie-ted the entire town ticket. It is needless to add that the only voter was a candidate for Mayor and was elected. An Atlanta policeman shot at ! a thief ia a crowded street, but j the ball missed the thief, and j struck a white man in the cheek ! came out at the ear, went on, struck a negro near, in the tern pie kil ing him in a short time. So much missi .g the mark is what causes so much trouble. Enormons Cost of the War. Blood and Money Spent In Subju gating the ISonth. Tremendous Number of Men Kn- 0hai,Ul,in,etl 1,1 " "Dillon r2.??.awwl,.,K A" th'r Conflict- l2KS!.P,'W,5,fiV.,,h Encounter. From tielpfcfc and Sedan. BREVITIES. Secretary Herbert has issued an oruer detaching Kear Admiral Kirk land from the command of the ; Eu ropean station and assigning tn'that command Hear .Admiral Selfridge, at present head of the trial board attheXavv Department, Admiral rvirkland ig at present on his flag fehip, the San Francisco, en rouU from Gibraltar to Algiers Ar the Democratic City Conven tion in D-troit Samuel ColdwaVr, a lator agitator. rri.iv. (l tt. turn for Mayor oy-r Hon M Dicker - PART III. In another portion of this article comparisons aredrawu between the armies engaged in different cam paigns of the civil war and those ot European nations in the great struggle of Xannl tin - . i 1 - .. nui nun joi flavor OV-r nn f I tue representation r i... i . ' 1 " 1 1 urea can nnlir im. "K i n, ex.rostmaster General, bv a uits can only impress tho stronret I ofe of M , n ., i named to estimate la ge masses of i men. The populatiou Of H State ' Colorado boasts of a mammoth ih may present a tangible idea to those ! tato Sowi, by .J It Swan, or Ixne who have travefpd Kurnj i land. :iml thu Lu.. . u. .... "ij"u r.ue iiiiiiis ; . .!! lit- "ihuh' is Of their native tow n or country, 1 '"ches long by 1 I n, diamete-. and If all the iiili:ilntuii o ! Wemba fi lum.i i If all the inhabitMik r mnt. men and children ot Kansas and lrgima, orof Xorth Carolina and Aew Jersey, should be transfoinied Kito toltiiers and sent trooping toward-the border in armies of 100 0o or L'00,000 at a time, the spectacle would bo. parallel of the muster of .u uuiiiii' irom lNhl to "criKiiO oJ IMUJMU8 rinil III nnmvc which is t ijuis uK rit to the weight of 1 honest bushels of ordinary "potatoes. Michael ber of Co Louisiana, and or elillM iir ltd i tor of La I'atrie, at Moiuieab Cat,. waB ioiind dead in hid bed Oct. '21. Eight and three-tenths inches of snow ieu in Osuh t.., . y. Sun.iav .vlanv -ii ii n l ; n t r.., .'. FROM RO.l.V TO ROANOKE. Superintendent Lazer, of the pen itentiary, iay the c rop of cotton is about two-thirds a large, per acre, an that lat year, but a tlere is an increase of 300 he belieres it will be an great in amount as last yesr'a. As to its value he xpecu it to bo north ?lV,,tKK more. The com crop very laif?e and a .mivIm! ti,-.. f- - .... --HUIC It is l'J.MKX buehels. Fifteen bills for forgery, falso pretenses and conspiracy were tent to the grandjurv at 1 Wan fort in the grave yard insurance ca.-s. Th Mate and Insnraiue C,mpanies prtbeated aflidaviu to remove thr cae. Tlie defendants offer counter affidavits It is uncertain whether thecals will be trietl there. Mr irobert H. rutnell, a merchant and pnunment citizen of Weldoo, was killed by a Seabord Air Lie train under the railroad hed at that place last Knday. Sue Hank, a colored woman, wa al5o UM aear the r.ulioad bridge at the jame liare on atunlav. .ael Vidal, at one time p mem- Il?jurym the Jeutirs murder ongrs fijii tie State ol i C:J-1' lf ,,rhv returutif a verdict ua. and fr ?o,ne ers edi- u Uul t,l,lV- It urill U rerneinber- niht were bmkt n dokvn If is fast tlis.ppearing. 'i. Col. Money, a candidate for the U. S. Senator from Missis sippi denies Jliat the silver craze is dying out in his state. The man atilicted with a Sena torial and silver craze at the same time can not be taken as good authority A Chicago co i pie are walking to Atlanta and will be married at the Lxposition. Provided they sell a cer.ta;n quantity of certain stuff on the way they will set 500 to start life on. That's the kind of a woman lo stick to. The prohibitionists of Chester County, Pennsylvania, nomina ted Elijah Pennypacker for sur veyor, and the next day discov ered that he had been dead eight months. That's all right as they don't need a live cam paigner. It is reported that Mr Whit ney, of Presidential aspirations has rented three typewriters. Well, Mr. Whitney can pay for them Washington City has a ty phoid feyer epidemic- Lucky f t it, that it is not a free silver Congress. 105, and all the Kohli.: (,iHmi in former conflicts of the UuiiPd States, beginning with the Mexican war, would not e(pi tl tue entire o ulation of the smallest of those four States by 250,000. The COSt of the war in ir,...;,, cunuot be stated with the same ex- i A KepuUicau cmdid ite for th.- I . i : - i . ru.;,v i ... i . .. vAjunfu in nniuan ' v"u ix'munire proHseH to gnp lives. Oti the sitle of fhs..nri, norf S.te I In.-... .I n... II . -.v ..-wtiiu i -- " it uic i 'i-iiKK i a. m there was a vast amount of wealth State coniinit lt-e will fuii.i-!i lum devo cd r the cause, yet the Con- Campaign funds. federa(!y created a debt of f ,000.. , . 000,000. Had every elave in ihe I he ioreris of A. K Want, of South been worth $.00 in cash, the I,,mPfl,a' amounts to .f:(0.(N)o: h.. Southern people would have been !i,ul )lia w,,e ,,re on l way t.. the gainers bv setting them all fite lir,tisn Hon.Iuras on the steamer in 18;i. fhp north expeu Jed j Hrtak 'uter- a out 400,000.000. ; The droilflf lu Northern Tex n I "In v A MSsa5hue I severe ,n nmuv vear.. ' WVli'i a.e I I i of Vr,Iei r!m0t drV water course, dned up that of. New lork and California., ' Assuming that 1 tie wealth of the j A riucajjo embzzler who took eieven urates in the Confederacv n 1 . . 1 v;is aojur rue same i 1S70. atr-r rew i mat Jennys lired at iiin wife painom a- they u,-re riding to Kvrher one m-ht last Julv, killing his wife. H T ltnrish steamer IFaxhv. Cipt '. tt.ia Seale I for' J.r, men " '' J' tl. 3 ol oittoii. n- ...Ml.4i:. j.MM.d.-, valne fr,u. She wailoiel at the Uham pion coujpress. On .saiurijaJ nglt u rhjof brt)Jr into the house of Or II 1) lUnr of Kinston and Mole hit gold atch 10 in ch and his punts fiom tin '.rr h s h.-ad. As he awoke the thief I an, but kept hi booty. Several Mormon elders h.:ve Uen warned to e;,ve a ieihU,rii-vl in Make count. North Uaiulma, wl.-re the3 bivn Irving to establish a church. A n-groman from (;t,ilforJ coun ty as P-Centl M-ntfi.iv.1 .1 yeais 111 the iniUntiirrv at AlbariT hve years recuperation from the effects of the war, as it had been in 1SG1, not counting slaves, then val uing each slave ir toudage in 18G1 ut500 the North could have bought out Confrderacy, slaves and all, at its real value and saved monev in 1 1... . .4 . : . . "jer.uon, ro say nornin of the in Mexico. The Episcopal Convention at Minneapolis passed a resoluciou cieiting a new missionary district in North Carolina. Two men in Birmingham, AI 1 11. ...... , " , : , : H4U a street uei nitt pnto s or e Waste in lives ilni in. ncrri.l .. . . u,'c Ilia was mortally anil the other filiiihflv The F.orida Athletic club i pre- uic.iu nnwzzicr wno M)k , jeuii ntl trrv at AlbariT ly lo.OOO. and for whom a $...(KMi tending an obcene letter thruu h ward was oflTeivd lias U-en caught ,ne m,d. 0 Mexico. 1 . ii- THE END. An incident which occurred at the owning of the Chicamauga Park, and which has not yet been published, is too good to keep, gavs paring to nutch Maher nainst Cor bett and Choyn-iki against O'Don Two editor in IIunt ille, AU , iu -- rvp, e8 lwoeuitor in lluntvi e, AU , the Macon News. A nuri,.n . . . .... x- . t "- V.I.. uKiK nine or icn pistol at each zon ot the Norm who stood irazir.iz nttr wit .ot .ir,. i .r... .i a at ine mjirrnitioont r.. ...., J which had been raised t ----- VVIII1IIC ill- orate the deeds of Northern tioops, took occasion to remark in a rather sarcastic manner, 'If a wonder tht Sonth wouidn't raise some mon uments here to the rebel soldiers' Standing by him was a young South erner, who promptly replied Oh, thus is your funeral, not oars." The fight between Corbett and Fitzsin.monp has l-n dt elated ofT by the Florida Atheletic Club Negro da? at the A;lanla ExKi tion wa-s the largest et 10 jioiot of attendance. The Georgia legislature will meet in a few day. A Win-toil ei-erinl tn tl, P .l OWr-rblv,M,ke K.ger. a whfu, man living r Jlural IU1, killed himself ttus week by drinking t.ew brand. r Willum A -he. of Mie geological urv-v. Iuj fuui.d in t he .uthe,trrn w.uviie Kurai Mlei of onkg wh.el, ,t tta.not k.ot, tx.ited in Nortu Th.-re isa-H,,iiTe denial thut the Nmtheru ra.U av ha4 an mt.-nti ;, ol l;'-hn.,g the Caj-VVar ard 1 adkin i1Uv raiUar. Th calet. of the Mt,, AgrcuU tu.-a! and M-clunirJ odlei:. 75 strong, ate in AHantj ce.mptniI bv President Ilollad4V atuj ura of th" faculty. JlicMVrof fined $10 by a Justice or th Pe,ce fot n alleged :uatilt, on HntMo Ibll't day. Fifty teac,fri mn, r,ntlla fjnfn Kaleigb public chou; arc in Ai-