KING'S WEEKL1 r K Successor -bo "tlxe Tn a. TOL-1 N0 42. GREEXVILLE, X- & NOVEMBER, h 1805 25 CIS- A TSAS JOTTINGS. AT FORTRESS MONROE. A New York Republican pa per has been kicking about h x some employes in the State De partment at Washington not keeping accounts in shape other things, and now tinds that they are old republicans retained. Republicans should remember that the present ad ministration is far from being Democratic anyway. A Raleigh Justice of the Peace has given judgement for 200 asaiust the Register of Deeds o,f Wake county, in fa vor of the man, whose daughter under eighteen, was married with a license issued by the said Register. The groom at present any way, thinks he has cheated the old man. Extracts Frcn the Diary cf Lien tenant Cravens- FROM ROAX TO ROANOKE. Lewis Conner, an escaped priion er from Rertie county, went to Northampton, and was at work ror Mr. Bryant wfuu ConstabW Hag gert went up to arrest him. Conner ran into Mr Rr ant's houe, took down his double-barielled gun, and tired twice at the constable, one load taking effect aUnit the head l'AKT I. i and lace. 1 he constable was loicvd Among the multitudinous docu- ! to " treat, and Conner then mad meiits in the library at Fort Mon roe there id not one ol more absorb- President Jefferson Davis as a Prisoner -Protested Against the Indignity of Being Ironed-Talks on Slavery, ins escape. 'Hie following is the nutnbt- ol the 'Jon federate i.'u?ion.-rs in this mg iMterest ihuu the diary of lire ... r:.... i it.. . i.ieuuomi o graven. mnueon vr.4t ., ...,.i, nt ti l ... , , nlUM btates oluntrt r&. who tt!,.:uv' in . A Massachusetts man return ed home after a short absence tended the 'resident of the Confet p i I .. il .1 . 1 . rm- -ilri,.jt oi twenty six veins iu miu uun i -. - 'Mi. ii ii his wife had remarried and. be come a widow with him sthl FilM-thinl. me ptisieian in cnarge ui tue lort i ;s.Vv; foiirlh. UJT1: WMow,, TtW. when Jefferson was a prisoner j Th- i,u.U;ts. oVer laM eai is within its walls. The diary gives a ; iI;,r class ;4. seooii.i ;', third 4. graphic account of the pron lile of , 4 f,,nith 171; widow. . The Mr Davis and rontair.s many ini- ; tital nuuioer is .r.14:. The dents that reflect his devotion to allowance tor the iesp.-clie clucs the Lost Cause. Its pages are not' will be abour as follow: I'ir-t, Oiored by sectional feeling, but, on -oond 4T: tuird, fourth the contrary, they boar the uupteju- ; widows, f 1. diced testimony uf a medical advist r who was not blind to the character ' M,,V.n IvtV !l -h-know c.' an attainments of Ins patient. it of Northampton, w.,, h.-ld up ,mvmx ;i nf.,i t '-ir H., ' v an unknown negro man whilr he during whieii time Dr Craven at- living. and to even up things he was" remarried to her with hands united over the grave of the dead husband. He must intend to stay this time A New Orleans councilman who has been convicted of bribe taking and has the peni tentiary prospect for a term, dosen't know what to think about such a sentence for a gentleman. What a pity he didn't get enough to pull through with. l'he propeller William I Clyde. ; having on boar I several important i prisoners, dropped anchor in .'lamp- ton Roidaon the ll)ih day of May, ; l'SiJo. The prisoner were .Jetfe r.-ou Davis. President of the ConftMUM'iicy, Alexander II Stephens. Vice-Pi est dent, John II Keagan, Postmater General, Clement C ('lav, an J oth ers of lesser note. Mrs Davis uid her lour children were also on hoard wa leiuiuing home tiom ealOird, whero he Uad old and received liu nioiiev lor nmi cotton. .Mr Ivey put ?puis to his horre, wheieupon the sould-be rl)ler tiled at him four tiuu-fc with a pistol, but wj;h onf. etleff. S un -grave v irtl 1 1 i I ii'i- ! '! to r ii" the gfavt 't . :i I i" AllS D'MllllS IIIIHIHHIP. ol Wti'l.U'l- ston, Maitui county, on Wonoay niht last. It was probably done with the idea that aluable jewelry had teeii left on h r reuiiitiis ly her BREVITIES. Ten new babie and thrre moth e.s is the record ol a wk in the neighlKrluKxI near Kort IKpoeit, in Lowndes ounty. Ala., Mra Hntt t mer, the estimable wife of the Uad ing merchant ol Fort Depuait gave birth to three chihlten on last Mondav, two toy and one girl. The mother and babies are doing wr)l. Mrn Hunter, whoe Imtoand i a well to-do firmer and resides alout thret mie frm tjlt. yort follod the suit of Mrs Hattimer and on Tuesday eVeiunz ve birth to three wrll formed, ttil.y deTeloxd l-abien and all ar Ion t::; ly. ?!r.' C! a:a pion bfoke the rK-..rd on Wednesday alut DO.)ii and ave hiith to four children. Dr Tuukersly who at tendil the mother ?at thev are alt uoitiK wen The Lake Shon A Michigan Southern, emulating the example of the New Yotk neutral and the Kn Iish road, male a fat trial irip from Chicago tn Itnffalo t,lM niorn ini: and f tiri-dcd in breaking the wrldg record, covering .'10 from One Humjjdth ftn-et, Chira . o Hutralo, the outkirtof both enie,, in S.oiMC. an aerae, inclu' in stop of r,:s 10 milenaii hour, or excluding top of miles an hour. Kr the arreM of fl' U:l Ie;,r, wi. i eat. e tne Clyde, which lay in the lloads ! relaitvvs, who were yerv wealthy. several days befoie any move was made to transfer the prisoners. On May ilst Mr btephens and Mr Kea were removed to the gunboat Tuscarora, which immediately start with ihem for Fort Delaware. Cen Nelson A iles ainyed at Fort Monroe from Ha'.tiinore on the alternooi: of May ld. He relieved A nero convict attacked Sujht in.endent Pernliardt at Concord, with a Ntick of woo.l and was in the act of striking a fatal blow when Mr Barohardt's brother, Sid, jn-p-ered the r.eio with a load of lurd shot. The police broke up some races at Morris Park, New York by arresting nearly every body there for gambling on the races. Stopping the races was the only way to stop the gam bling. Walter Henry is said to be greatly. pleased at the idea of going to Kentucky to make populist speeches. He's pre paring for footprints on the tails of that Prince Albert. tin I ! ir. A '.a: . ', .., in th- ! a , - i i : ! week, and has mi miici- l-t-ii i. ud from, rewards areatmg -J-1 ." HI an off. red. Mews ha aa t tr-rtu-ali di.ipteari d a if gwalloaed up by earth. K Se tator (Mures II. Var H. VanWyrk, of Nebraskn. die. at 4:3(1 Friday at a hotel m WhI -toii'ity. He was Mrieken with turalvsi on Mnndav ufule Mt- ! tin in In? room talking with his wile, and mk gradually until htt death. This was hs .e-ond attajk. Senator AUdl. of Johnson conn- t The nc-ipt of the Postotlb D Col Roberts of ommanu of the fort, ; ty, known us one of the titfbtm- j p artun ut the pat fiscal var were and at once made preparations for j Democrats of the last legislature. $?r,..S;.l -Jsf aiH the extn-n.litun tiie transfer of Mr Davis to h,s pris- I biis gone into tie Populist eamp. f ,TlM. ?J. As compared with house. Rows of guards were sta and L R Wadtiell, his law paitnei, the pnn..n year, the-e fi,;:iirs tinned on the either side of the has withdrawn from the tirm. j mow an exrw.ol fi.Mn! f.i'j u, route from the engineer's landing, yr Ellisn Kroom, of ("loose where the prisoners were to be put ! vLei.. tnwnshiM. Union, has ashore, to the water battery postern, :usl .rtliered his 'Mil crop" made with a mule I at has liveu to the ripe old age of 41 vars. Oliver II Dockery, a- nounces himself as a candidate for the Re publican nomination for Governor, ceipt and .2,4;."iT ?.T. in xienii-tureg. That was done to keep back the crowd that had gathered to catch a glimpse of the distinguished pris- , ouer. ! The landing of Mr Davis was un der th immediate insiiectit)n of Major General Halleck and the Hon. l? " h,s fiends to Charles A Dana, who was at that j support nun. time Assistant Secretary of War. i Governor Carr has paid $100 re Col Pritchard, of the Michigan ward for the recapture of .lames iliately effected Staunton, one of six murd Cavalrv, who imine It is so dry in some parts of the arrest of Mr Davis, was in com- ' tgcaivd fiom jail at Marshall Ohio, that water is being sold 1 "fthe guard from tne vessel n one lljourtanJ piU at ... j- ofrt 4ix to the forL First came Gen Mile?, . uK;t 1. rJi ,.r anu urings irom ci lu wm hidiline the arm of Mr Davis. Fol ""r. Iv'T' per ban el. 1 ne rventucKian is pwing them came Gen Pritchard always provided against such d;sasters. The. faculty of Wake Forest college have forbidden any ' placed in casement No 2 and Sir more football playing by the Clay in No 4. In Nos 1, 3 and 5 students. But they are kick- 1 gards of 8oIllier8 were stationed, worse than ever. Continued on Third Paqe, lieu FCnwIft 111 iuphmi. v.- u and Mr Clav, with a squad of o- diers in the rear. Mr Davis wore a , The Ada cotton mills in Char- plain suit of Confederate gray and a l&tte hive found it necessary to en graj slouched bat. Ho locked much i Urge their plant at once to meet worn and very haggard. lie was the uemanua oi The Clerk of Catawba Superior Court refuse? to quality a Jutio of the Peace appointed by Governor Carr. Thf S'iglr brth"r, murdcrt-ri of the sheriff of Screven countv. Geor gia, have tnrned their hou into a fortress ami. aided by reUtivt-. de fy arrest. They are Pop'ilitts and live in a Popnlint district. YhPM Children of (Jranville Lancaster, colored, were buml to death near Ufingeton. AU !at week. The mother had locked them in the boue and gone aft.r some wnter. Zeke and Di:k Crittenden wer shot lead in the mnin trtt fif Wagoner. I T. Thurvdar br VA Reed. All mere depat Inid States tnarshahaud got lu'a drunk en row. John Kyer ogel seventy urn and Sallie Ann Reblea agri Hxty taof loth of Stroudstarg. Va, wire mar ried last week. In mat.? parta of Virginia it is m dry, and has ntvn w long, that prajer are being olTrrrd for raiu.

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