King's Weekly. By HENRY T. KING. Editor and Proprietor. Entered at the postoffee at Greenville, N C' A second cks mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION, 23 CENTS A YEAR. Adyertising rats: furnished on application- FEIDAY, IToyember I, 1895- railroad exhibits, largely from North Carolina, and even the State exhibit in the Minerals and Forestry building not grouped together. Taken altogether, properly grouped and displayed in one building, North Carolina's ex hibit would have been highly credible and about as good as any, but displayed as it is, its true value and worth are un derestimated There are some tine exhibits of farm products, building stone minerals &c, and what a pity they are so badly arranged. We were forcibly impressed with the enterprise of some Populists, who censured the State for its exhibit, but not a word but that of praise for the Douglass Legislature. Such is wisdom unapplied. THE CENTURY. HOOD-WIXKIXG. Mr Dana, of the New York Sun, recently gave some inter esting facts about increasing newspaper circulation He was doubtless striking at his co.item porary, the World. He said, after the forms were in the press it was ah easy matter, and small cost, for a paper to run off 200 i iirr uw U1 ouuuuu Pal)fcIS II,oie Iua With the November Century wusueeueu, ami men gei me , tUe magazine sets out on the pressman's affidavit as to, the i second twenty-live years of its numoer run on, aaa me press- career The event is celebrated man never knew what become by a specia, anisti cover of the papers, but that a certain new (lress of t of individua . ill U TT...1 J 1 J 1 uii.i, up tae iiuuson uiu. fiIlt an ,iirornl nnmnos nf-TliH He said, that by such means a Centurv s Quarter of a Century paper's circulation (0 could be : and a tal)le ()f c ntents indit.a. increased wonderfully and its ; tive of the aims of the nC patrons be not benefited. : zine as an encou:ager of ,itera And about the same is prac- ; ture and art and as an advocate ticed by smaller sheets. It's an of pro.ress in 1)0iitjPai, socia, e f,r Persistent and intellectual things. It is s !i" ! 1,1 -'mS t( replete with the must interest toiretiier a tew old. dollars and CO d O O & CD O Stylish. Goods, at B CD o o CO lTew Goods Save 25 Per Cent -UY 11UYING YOUU GOODS FKOM- then make a great show of send ing macter from the pens of the most popular and noted writ- Little & Satterthwaite, Puctolus, X C Near Railroad Depot We are receiving every dav, our stock of well assorted DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS Also BOOTS and SHOES BOUGHT HKFOKK TIIK ADVANCE. Our prices cannot be duplicated in Pitt County. Our Hate, Caps, &c, are the BKST and CHEAPEST ver brought to this market. Our lino of GROCERIES, comprising everything kept in a firt-clas Grocery Slcr connot he excelld in quality or in pric. Call and gee ns and we will convince you of vrhat we fay. Highest cash prices paid lor all kinds of country product. UTTIjE ct5 ing out a great number of extia;ero relatintr to the orincioal copies for advertising purposes j topics ot tlje da and 11ost ilu when in fact, the few mailed go ' portant historical events. The to people and parts unknown, Hfe of Napoleon is continued and lots lie around for use as and the most important event wrapping paper among a few of his lite his transformation merchants. Yet the pressman from First C()Usul t() Eniror can make an affidavit that "so of the French, is graphically de and so" many are printed, but ' 1icted Another thin- Prof" what becomes of them ! sloane has thrown ro those who understand any-!light ou the innerJile of N thing about such methods, ,t poleon and Josephine and , looks like our people are very , shown juslificalion f()r easily hood-wmk-d and a,ejleun in much of hi very anxious to see their names towards her and she is ,lou n m print, when taken in by such to have been morta, possessi And another thing. When a", manv0f fhe weakness perta in paper sends but about three , im; to intriguing woman The copies free for advertising pur- j Century's contents show a vast pose to about one subscriber v iriety of matter suited to all. the law says it is ruu simply for I The issues of 189G from Demo advertising purposes and must 1 11,? nJ KPhlican nav Dosta-e accord i n -1 v I ?.tandlx7nts th A meman ques lay postage accora i n g i y. non and manv other mmi k 1 T t n t- thin mi mnnt n n . -T a . 1 . . imua m. pwai, uiusier j jecis it a most valuabu NEW GOODS CLARK'S Hig Ior of New Fall Good about this I X0RT0 CAROLINA AT ATLANTA. The true North Carolinian not look upon his State's exhib hibit at the Atlanta Exposition with feelings of much pride. It is true, it has a fair exhibit, but the manner in which it is displayed, private exhibits, scattered in several buildings, number. The Statt Fair wi3 a snc cess and the aid hows werr un dandies. 4For men o.-ly.M had great attractions and the oairers or the Fair wen in just to see what they were. They saw and condemn ed, but "For men only' continued to do a rushing business till the ch s. Fairs were once grrat gambling gatherings, but ihpy seem to lmve changed to immoral shows. Will such be tolerated ? .7 7. Cherry J H. Mo ye. , 7 (i. Mo,f. J. B, CHERRY & CO. We extend our thanks to our friends and customers for their patronage in the past ana ask! them not to forget us ir the fu ture, when in need of any goods we carry. Ue shall at all tims strive to sell good, Jlcliabh Goods at the Lowest Prices Call en us for Dry Goods. Notions, Hats and Caps, Shos Umbrellas, Crockery, -Lamps Glassware, Tinware. ood ware Hardwaie, Groceries, Plows and Farming Tools Trunks and 'JinveJirg Yvs Guns, (Scissors, Shears, Button hole Scissors and Ha. on war, ranted to irive satisfaction). FURNITURE. Lace Curtins. and Curtain Poles and Floor Oil Cloths, Library nd Hand Lamps. If you want The Best Shoes for Men and Boys. le sure you get L. M. Reynold's it Co'ej. They are the best. Thre are other Reynold's Shoes for sale but if you' want the lnst vo u must get L. M. KevnoUfs & Cn. i IS COMPLKTi:. lie wantM your fradr. He'll get i tK if nu're wide-nwukt. I'leaM . -riuciiiKT to set; Clark v hen ou w ant DEESS GOODS, IIOTiONS, There nrv ckh jjimmIs ard bad ccmhIj, bud g. kJs are not cheap t any j.ricr. (iood goids cheap art- thf kind that Clalk is sell ing ?o inaiiT of. Nit iinrs of dimples for Coitom Work in Men Clothing. Pric- vtv chvap. H. E. CLARK. J. B. CHE- RY & CO M .V.lrSton- OprranocrtBK