King's Weekly. By HENRY T. KING, Editor and Proprietor. Entered t the ytcMtrtfFcc at OreenTllle 2f C M 'ond clfcsfl mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION. 2ft CKN1S A TEAR. Advertising rates furnished on application- PEIBA7, : : Xtoyember 8, 1895- PITIFUL. So Mr Oliver H Dockery has declared himself a cand:date for the Republican nomination for Governor of North Carolina in 1896 Well, that's right if he wants it. And the Hons Buck Kitchen and Spier Whit akei have at once discovered that the said Oliver H. Dockery defeated Gov. Fotrle in 1888 but was cheated out of it. What a wonderful discovery t Are the Hons Buck and Spier now repentive in sack cloth and ashes 1 How pitiful. Such is like Rood that comes too late. It is death bed repentance, and we take no stock in such for effective results, and we fear these great discoverers, have made their great discovery just a little too lale to go dntt'i. 'in hi to-y alongside ot Ctui;ous, 1m Gama, the Cabots and others immortalized by other great discoveries. GREENVILLE NEEDS HIM ? Did yon no t: the show! Why yes! Did you stay to the concert? Well, perhaps you didn't. Well, you did. And do you remember that song by one as to what he would do if he was "the Mayor of the Town Think about that song. You remember- it well enough ? Now don't say one word about it ? This is just between you and me me and you. A mayor with that song as his platform is just what Green yille needs. And needs badly too. Yes, sir, a mayor with the principles of that song aa his platform, and -those princi- pies carried out, are what we need. Such a mayor cold just have a pic-nichere every day (night.) The London Times says : uIt is, however, sad that the Duke should have chosen -an American bride, when there are so map English girls equally charming and. of better birth to be "found.7 It is sad to see so much money of the American cash, the product of hard work log people go oat to support a broken down English aristocracy. Tnz Supreme Court i ays the Ar lington Committee are entitled to no pay. That is good. When will these three meet again ? THE PRESS. Nobth Carolina and especially its Democracy are to be coagratula ted upon the return of that "able gentleman, fluent writer, patriotic son and true Democrat, Capt. 8. A. Ashe, who launches forth from Ral eigh, into the tnrbuleut araof Jour nalism, with himwlf at the helm, The State, a bright, newy, attrac tive and clean weekly, which is an houor to North Carohra journal ism and great credit to himPlf. Capt. Ashe deserves and The Stats is well worthy of the patronage of thu rtkmi liar. U C. The Morganton Herald is now under the ownership and manage ment of T. O. Cobb, so loo identi fied with every interest of that pa per. Mr. Cobb, who was foreman and manager succeeds the Herald Publishing Co., of which W. C. Er wiu was president. It is a good pa per and we wish it success. The Wilmington Star has entered its 29th volume. It is the oldest daily in the Stati and there la none that is sounder in principles, straighter in Democracy, abler in it editorials, or better all around. 'TnrUns Bit at Nsrth Carsllaa OlsUry. 'he Raleigh correspondent to the liichaioud Dispatch wrote recently that "a carious bit or North Caro lina history" has just been brought to light. He said that in 1860 a meeting was held in Halifax coun ty asking the French Emperor to take North Carolina nnder his wing. The Weldon. correspondent to tht sarn paper some days after wards wrote that he had made dili gent inquiry and could learn noth mg ot suuh a meeting in Halifax connty. Thr Democrat has learntd the particulars of the convention ih questiou and now gives it to the public: he convention was held on the 14tb of October, I860, at Hill, f erry on Roanoke riyer, now the littia town of Palmyra, about six miles from Scotland Neck. It was held near the point where Halilax. iSdgecombe, Martin aud Bertie counties, join. There were about tnree.ntrodree persons in . the con- . v u an -a ay meet ing with a big dinner and barbecue Warren county was represented with the counties already named. There was a lively discussion over S ?taof 'Options that were offered. One set of resolutions was to ?e .effect that North Carolina. k um: uouer me protection of the English government; and the otb- v., urku Carolina rorm an al liance, offensive and defensive, with Frnoe.nndcr Napoleon III. Alter a lirely discussion the latter resolutions rwere passed and made nnanimons. The Democrat gathers these facts from the only man now bring who took a prominent part in the con vention. Scotland Neck Demo-crat. GO Tj O O CD A O Stylish Goods, at at Hew Goods Save 25 Per Cent. BY BUYING YOUU GOODS FEOM CD O o 00 Little & Satterthwaite, Pactolus, X C Near Railroad Depot Wu re receiving ererj dy, onr stock ol well aortd DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS Also BOOTS and SHOES BOUGHT BEFORE THE ADVANCE. Onr prices cannot be duplicated in Pitt County. Onr Hats, Caps, Ac, are the BEST and CHEAPEST tter brought to this market. Our line of GitOCEUIES, comprising eTerything kept in a first-lass Grocery Store, connot be eicelled in qnahty or in price. Call and see ns and we will convince tou of what we ray Upbeat cash prices paid for all kinds of "country produce. ry ) : J B. Cherry J li. Moye J G. Mof J. B. CHERRY & CO. We extend our thanks to our friends and customers for their patronage in the past and ask them not to forget us in the fu ture, when in need of any goods we carry. We shall at all times strive to sell good, MeliabU Qooas at the XiCTTAres"b Prloes Call on us for Dry Goods. Notions, Hats and Caps, Shoes Umbrellas, Crockery, Lamp Glassware, Tinware. "Wood ware Hardware, Groceries, Plows and Fanning Tools Trunks and Tiaveling Bars firm fSZi- CSV Y A outjars, JOiuion- hole Scissors and Ita?ors war, ranted to cive satisfaction). FunrjiTUESE. Lace Curtins. and Curtain Poles and Floor Oil Cloths, Library nd Hand Lamps. If you want The Best Shoes for Men and Boys, be sure you get L. M. Reynold's. A-Co's They are the best. There are other Reynold's Shoes for sale but if you want the best yo u must get L. M. Reynolds & Co' 8. J. B. CHE RY & CO NEW GOODS- CLARK'S Big Lot of New Fall Soods IS COMPLETE. He wanU your trade. He'll get Si tCO ,f 0U'T wlde-wake. Pleaae remember to see Clark when you want ' DEESS GOODS, r.OTlO.TS, There are Rood goods and bad goods, bad goods are not cheap at any price. Good goods cheap are the kind that Clark is sell ing so many of. yion of plct for Costom Work in Men's Clothing. Prici yery cheap. H. B. CLARK. Middle Store in Opera Houm Block