KING'S WEEKLY v:l :-;no, 45 GREENVILLE, X. C XOVEMBER, JJ. 1S05 JOTTINGS. A BRAVE CAROLINA LAD. He Fell at Gettysburt in the Charge of wfCS Briad'. Bat His Parents Years' A?t?r. f Hls Tra" Fal Till A Raleigh letter to the Richmond u jpatch soimtimo in 18S7 told the Allowing gftil gtory ; One of the romances of the war .mat develop.! here, in which one of .North Carolines (lov.n.or, Inures.. Governor Tod K Caldwell during the war res.ded m handsome style in themiiwt little town of Mor anum. Ut an old honored family, he wa. proud and had hut one ob ject ol intense atrection his 1 John, a handsome lad not tw. ntv 1 years of age. In the winter f is: mis o v son fcro... iv i... .11 ... i in-nv beiii"; introduced to prove i to ,rn tl;H o - m-weu . . u j o o to the ai tn . ho treaty were rha: a certain beverage was in- i f no avail, and his father and toxicating. The exrpert refused ! m,,thr at last consented with twin sample the stuff and render ! v ,f . lnJ?.ht join rh Arm? of i j , A ovinia. um e!ilHt.(l -n us verdict accordingly where- the Tnirt.v-f.ird Regiment ol .Wr'h ' Adolphus Snowden, of Iver , Fi.i., only nineteen years f vais of age, recently eloped if.. tn that place to Folkston, with, the wives of three ..rhr men, and was living in woman style when his whereabouts were discovered by the deserted husband's, who .laimd tlieir wives and had hi 11 arrested What a pity to !fnrb such a honey moon. In a case on trial at Wichita, Kansas for violations of the Prohibition law, expert testi- BREYITIES. t upon the Judge sent him to jail for contempt. Isn't it (ph r prohibition that jails a ma i who refuses to driuk Some Texas farmers are accu sed of using water, sand, old I V . I : r v-arouna iniantry, in LanCe l',n. Sude, Pender's Division, A P Hill's Corps, Company E. Vnen the campaign opened m 18G3 no soldier was more during than young C.ddweil. anl he was soon promoted from tne ranks. In May he matrses, iron, grindstones j ant for h.8 gallant and" m -: i o, -mus ami various otuer insrredrents conduct. His n t-imn.t went nw. into bales of cotton when pack the Peiiavlyania campaign At lre'uig lie w.i pi m trie hottest ot the ligh iru'tliem. and Manchester, En- "iv nv'Lii--i oi me n-ji; t , ,rland hnvpr-i ni'p kilrinrr afteini imi of Ink 1 i . about it. In making up the i 1.'"eht 8vvel't p 1,1 :4 iiiiin deficiency caused by a short i , y yurds of the Federal lines, went crop, the Texan farmers, evi. 1 rl yet and bayonets were cros ( ,,M,. i.v... I seu- k'Hltlenly the bne moved i 111 i i , , 1UUI.UO urjj, 1. . I... I V . .. . (jack a little. hmht t ' O.l n-..l i never seen alive after that moment. He was at the from when th.- back- Calvin Pike, a North Carolina moonshiner, in the custody of De puty Marshal Floyd Gardner, of Car roll comity. Va , who was taking bm to the United State Court at Danville, 'a., tried to escape bv iuuipiiijr from t,H lMm The officer tln pjHrd to sleej). and Pik, who was silting oposite to him, Unit advan t of the situation and leaped from th.r train jutt before it reaches Klliston. 'j"he result ol the iiaii.ieiivrH, as Pike m con cvriie'l, i two .sprained ankles, tie broken lei;, bMte-ed tav and ha I, lld hlUled Ihnlv. if lfr 1 flinl I'ike had sncveded in ecapuij; many as live timet he fore tlrs at 'Mij)t. He wis trud in the Federal 'oart ami conxicUd of retailing l! 'juor and sent need to on. mouth's niiprif Jinneiit ami f Phi tin.-. The resignation of x Sp-aker A d Carroll, of Loiii-viUe, awakens on,e inte.-e.nt 111 the Kentucky .Sell atonal r ice, ami theoutconiM f the hts re election or defeat will most pmb.ibly his pe the political' mm. fdvxion of the senator to succeed .1 C S Hlackbuiu. with him will sink all hope of tlie election of .4 Demo- i rt"ic ."eiiator. and wil' et at rest all doubt that the L-:sUtuie d Kepub licin on joint ballot. t his l Uf..-. ptvini: tidier of " ' " Fund, I'jtl . Pnllail.d - . . i , . i ' J I i ' - .ii et I nas t)e"u issued o the )flicer of th comptnv tr his trret. but nothing whatevei is kiion of his wherea b.ut. p. disappeared after Irav ni a cote lor his wife saying he would never aaiu see him alive. Cla'e Jones, the Kentucky terror an. I for many years :he principal l.iotor in tlie Haitield-MeCo.v feud, nas fneu killed on Huckhor - cteek, b an unknown m n, t ea- the Pert v county line. He had killed almost h ecore of m-n. Tw-ntv thoina id she-t mill wrk ers' wa-es, in all pat,, ol the Ciii ted State have ju't Uen u Ivain ed J lei cent, for NowmU-r and De icuibrr, up.ui the basis of increased sa!e for the pst two mouths. In ieyeiaud. Uino, a street inr. Containing eople plunged through the p.-n lraw of the Central naduct into the Cuxohogo riv er, l'o feei below, and eighteen jx-o pi- lst t hell l.ea. The indications ate that the wa ges of the P.ihmi pmliilers and li- i-h-r-J in the Mahoning and Shenan go Valleys, Penn., will be advanced frm fmm ft 25 to f4 ."o jrr tn. Presiceut Cleveland Iia? appoint cd Win. V. Ii (i 1 1 . o! Maryland. S -oretarv of the I. S. Ieatu.n at C irrtC.ti, enezie. I j. The latest is that tjrlett and Fit 7.-0 mmon will lihl at Hi Pm for 'Jt;uot.) and a aid.- b f flo,- Ki-Congressmaii. V C P Ibeck inn.L'e wilT probtSlv be a candidc foi Congri-ss azam nxt yAr There usaid to V J.".(0.oJ in (y'onfnie! ate money m Char lesion. d wan ant wlio laughs first. ' ' v a irisvrv' A Florida editr accompanied j ward movement began. HU father I .... 1 . I I . I - , by a two loot alligator, visited Atlanta Exposition and in ! i he used all the influences of monev and position to find the lost soldier, but 11 n iVMl I I II irl V Tlu. aiilkiri... laKiiifi: m the citv srot taken in fused to allow the trrav tn i... 1)" the -police. Being short of Miiwd. It could not be ascertained . ... - - u.'lif her liu il' k j il.iil .....I ship as security for his fine and ist.s which was accepted. At- lain a is bound to have justice it it lias to take it in Alligators. The New York Herald, that would be Frenchman, James f-lon Bennett, of Pan's, pr i tie matter tecame one ot the most terrible ot uncertainties. Under the strain the minds of the lather ami mother were nearly oercom.-. j The lather, grimly nursing his great j sorrow, forbade any one to mention the son's name, and the terrible j etory was never alluded to, even by j t he mot her. ' In 171 Mr Caldwell became (iov 1'rietor, Strongly favors, Cleve- ernor of the State. 'IVo years 'later land for "a third term, and is'l iM 1SV3: i: ex-Oiiilederate soldier out advocating it. He would j name;, J,11" cm,nlv; v, . , . . I was elected to the Legislature, and aris t0 be a tltled American e to s7,ne one tM vlat- him one night the sad story of the ' deuth, or supposed death and mvs t In New Jersey on election j tcry of .lohu Calilwell. The n.. it l;ly. it is stated that thirty-six ; (l;4V '"Cil CH,,ed on u,e (i,'vernor u-and Democrats miv e d ! Had tM h,m tKellri,lh Ht- Lui 1IKl democrats sia e d , c.j VVu3 ,n al:0,her regiment and aay fIom tne p0Hs Iind did j hid observed voting Caldwell's " n ote. Mad Demonracv but b. ave bearing as Uiev were near I i 3 : ! . .l... i i. . . . i . l . logmei. in iuc lerriuic iiioiiieui o' the repulse he had een oung Cddwell shot down whi'e aeparaUtl fiom his men and lighting, hand to hand, a New York soldier After bearing this Ptory and the further d- tails of the burial of Caidewll by Lucas, the Goyernor locked himself hi? room and w all day m tears s'Ml for Clevelandism. Virginia Methodist Coti- isviice is going to try one of lls preachers for marrying Luther woman while his di rivd wife was still living. JiM divorce business is too uln simple shams. Continued on Hiird IiQr. 25 CIS- A IIAE FROM ROAN TO ROA.NOII. Olive, a U p,y Queen did thriv ing busing telling fortunes at liocVy Mount dunnt: the Fair, and afterwards moved down town, where upon bb-'itf Arrington of Nash r- reiu ner and her husband and uncle for not having paid the tax 3(X, us required by a law of the last legislature. Hating obtained permission from the Mavor, they were entirely ignorant of yiolating auy bta'.e law., ..p.ire InoId im. P-vh1 a line of io.lHi ami cost aud three horses were held for tne tax WashiiiiMoii Mrlndon. c.dorM, who lives in A 'ism c.unty, im tue father of '25 children, irj boj s and three girls, h, naming them, he drew heavily or. th, Hitle. givinr nenrly hl of them scuplural namrs. I here is m the famil ,- an Adam, an Lvt, Noah. EiKH-h, Matthew, Sarah, -oh, Daniel, JoHiah. ic... Seven 'P the chiblren w, re not namca at all. Deputy Sheriff Ilix-ok. of Wake rmintf. has arrtv-d nt Ijaleigh I) Morgan, colored. .-x-C.rand I reasurer ol North CroIinu'i ,ra..d lL'e of cobr-d Mu. who two years ago e.nUzzhd f.'.oO of th- rand Ldge s ttuoL au4 b d State. Morgan is m jail. He arrested at Anhurv Park. N .1 w hr ugh n ii., i, , the nnd ( mv V r tz. uj granted a wa-raiit tuning J.,,,,,-, Morgan ovei to ihe authorities ot Ninth Carolina. Morgan n in.ns dv at Anbury Park. He charg o.l with the emU-7.7.em"..t while treasurer or tbe(;r1od 1,-1 of the Coloretl Masons of North Carolina. Colored phot' graphs uort.b M PCenes m this State. I,ir i stolen from the Forestry but Ming .i the Atlanta KxjoU ion. and liown or Carr ha decided to sen,! a man to the Kii-.-itiin, tr.cire f.,r nh.1,,1, from this Mate and t - dl.tnbm. iMi.dUks and five iuforn..,t.n almoin North Carolina. A fellow name,! How land ha U-en forging check a on fob.e.-o in Henderson. lUlnsh. fxford. D.iihaui and other joiiitn. He' foiled two riorks on the M.nloma UarehMM- i l:a!el4:,. t. ,.ft N,r Durham and b. gan o,.raf ,,,, ,M.f,. nhe-e he wa arreste, and is in jail. A pretended h.dian Doctor .la,s White. , f'.nbrtns o uinty. out rge,J a demented ,r! whom he undertook to tfUre'" ;i He tli btu wai capture nd aftVr narrowly escaping Ifnchn.g. was Sa.Vly lodged in C,,!H ,,n .1 A Van e ,,d D II Vug e of th. S em M.r:u;,n ch .reb h...e ,joa. t-' c . iipl. tc ta ,;I f(, . N,f raian Mission, o, ( V,itral Am-nra Farniefi .if.tll i ';c-s .irw. ,1 1 .m iiiii.ifii ni -j -ntatt,T with CiUn -tno4 and urgi,, ,u rc. gmiion aa '--! igerenu. Dr C hurb.r,,. ol llngh on-of the urs; 1S.,.... ,ulIi,,Cr in ;i:e U dl-1 at U ek. ""V"i last y