KING'S KLY Successor -bo -bire XxLdeix: WEE VOL 1-5N0. 48 .JOTTINGS. Prominent colored citizens, of Hoston, signed a petition to r Ire meeting on Armenia, asking that, for the sake of Christian ron-istemiy, the lynchi.ig of Heroes in the South, without tr'al, or before proof, shall be condemned equally with the Turkish murders of Armenia. And uhy doesn't the North rake the ne-roes intuits protec tion '. GREENVILLE, ,V. C DECEMBER. 1J, ISO J A Pennsylvania undertaker was preparing- the body of a waman. supposed to have b-e.i dead two days, for burial, hav ing just bathed it in warm wa ter, lie changed it to a cold bath, when the supposed corps ?at up and the under raker took to his heels. A live corpse is too much for a Perm sylvania undertaker. CONFEDERATE NAYAL EX PLOITS, t'Rl'ISE OF THE CLARENCE. TACOXY-ARCHER. 25 CIS- A TZA2 A Ion Oak BREVITIES. weather boarded house. to Mr S II lUirston, of . ;J bv SrrUry U H Denton of the K x 1 1 1 . ;i. arid situ if.-il on iU 1 .Nnrili (.-..!;.... .. . . itrrn. was stolen the nfh..r ...!, u. II.,,,,. i --vi-. i-.u. i.r an intimated air llarton has been unable lo btur- ar lNI,.,rh bv -n n.d thestrncttneorthe (!,Kf. The L hWr. ot Vir-in.a on'lhe A i.,t bouse, while not UWf was Muite ' "I -Northern Cu.iV from iVnft comfortable u,mI has been occupied K"n to A piHirnattoi." the i.roWg ot several l.unili . I... . . ... . . : FROM ROA.V TO ROANOKE. trranxniientA fiave been irfect- A ...... " A rumor is current that Mrs Amelie Rives Chanler, the au thoress who was recently di foited frm her- husband, a Mhut to marry a French Count We iv n-,r Mis C handler's recent experience enough to det-r a h-ss brave woman from again taking the responsibility of supporting a famdv ? 'Hie President finds time light in the busy season to take a few days F and run ,l,,u' into the Sounds of North (,;i,,"lina duck hunting, lie has good cause to be tired of LT m se. This Congress promises to be the -ar contesting Congress, and many Ke'.uhhYnns expect f Jt in by those means. Tn 'isy sits a Democrat in a R-l'-iblican Congress. The present silver dollar, ac ( '!'ling to the market value of t!im metal, is worth intrinsically ju-r tifry two cents. ISut Uncle in. s backing bring., it up to ,o. I'AUT II. Ot, the same day (Je 22d) s the capture of the h.J Wbb reached New York, and an other wail wem up alon- the ,me hr protection. Senator Mor,,, of W Wk.onthe -,d of .!,,. ho ii.stancooftheNew York liar lor and Frontier lMenr r flion, wrote to the Secretary o( the ,n! 7; ,,e''l,eiti" that "ironclads mc'lir he snarvil r.i- ,i..r..i .. har;,r ofXevr York." -Our pie, he said. 44;irn nn-.. ..f .i. I ' .....-j ai lilt b-ddness of the piraU8, and thev will not rest. muHi nnru. ,.,k yii.pi rs ior more adequate protection i bit Mk i I. ..L rfk . I i M,,s uu,lJ(,r. un they'd infant I wrote von in relation to i t fri-ait. Uoa-.o-vo, and li to ht-ar that she ca. now he spared lor the defence d tun port of Xew York' The president nf the Chamber of i'om nerceof New York, m wv.tin- i the .Vcretaiy of J he Nav on tin same subject, s.iid: "It may no' l. iiiiis-i to state that the war premium alone on American vessels carrvin - .nu.Mcuir;iH?i exceeds t h- whole IreiL'iit in neutral bottom." ;ov-A-mIp-.v, r Mi3ael.u.-;ts. wro e: ! aij r-c ivin ivpreen' a ,!ons M-al ;,nd writ. e lomi town and cities aloiir ihe Ma.aclKisetfs coasr, setiUj- form ttseir de'encehv8 condition." The wealthy and patriotic itizens of boston cfleivd to s.Mid out private v.-sals at their own expense i 8 -arch ol the -pirate,- il tlt v could o-i-n -mis from, the naw vurd. Mayor Cransto.i. ol Newport," li. I , teH-r,-apjit.,I 0l, jtHJ .wtl . ,A t hel pirate, supposed to be the Ta conv. destroved several ' tihino ?a. h!s outside our harbor yesteTda Will yon nt Kjv. ng arI)(:ij steamer ()nr harbor is one of the most import mt of the coat.'' To all theso aim other pressing calU for help rhn Navy Department res- i. l.i...:. i wuii a whiui hand; oirer iul' to the merchants arm; and offi cers for anv vessel uLn-l. tv wish to se id out, nd oidenn' the crnmaiotaiits of the yard? to "char- I ter more steamers and send them alter the Tacony," until bv the LV.tli ol .bine there were forty-seven arm ed vessels scouring the eas in everv tiirection tor this bold little rorer. Kv n the 4ractice-s!iips from the ' v ...... i . . i -. ' . .... ! aii .vuaoefii y, wuii i lie midship men aboard, were sent- .mr r...... of these vessels crossed and recross- ii hy several times. families at different m " " 1 ' I'M' ,1 V J J'' W applied to Ourlrs Hroadwnv A DooW conntv f'.a ,n- hfa.Utones at Jraveg of nr?H a. t I Ifltll I mis lr.veiitorv ot his one-mule crop' '"u,u tieau incliMtn. -five uiU of cotton, coo bushel, Frank Tonmer. tt colors ,.d.r. ot corn, -00 bu-l eU ol p,.s, loo nvtn on ,ltnv at Front meet market. fM.shelsof pd it.s, ;j,.M)0 junds of J Wllm.noti, atU-mnU-.! to ,rret mea'. and all the fodder, hay and 1 Monro. Toomcr, colored hii wmi oa vines that he can use, besides I !rnnk and disorderly. Monme ivM-t-me side lines of chu keus, etc. 1 nd Mlutchel the oMirer'-s billy To make room for a new bniblin- :iU:iV fl,,,n him and slriickat bun the Western Futon Com pan v and ! llUi Hn,i caHt! with the the Commercial Cable Company j s f,,,,-v- have a -ived N piv .,i HMI f,,r a! I'.v v, . . u sr,p of?rou.,d n.J and a half I R, N jV?-'4 t''J inches wide and JH.teet in depth on i m,L , , n t I Ux'Vi f,V Broad street, New York. 1 , tt""kl u l , V "" ! fcIru-k-' tn paraleis. but i t)vr Lx-.Si leaker A I or.:i !....,.. I'lituov iti'V Mr V 1 1. rt . . , t. nrtt I. ..a l,r......i i t in ... i. . nil! 11.. i . , ii. 3 -i- icairii . .v llal. lirpllli Mean, for the Key Iinlatiire, in thfe ppecia! election in the F:rty figlir district. This tns the (iencr JlJ A-seinbly, which is to ehct a LT J Senator. Inability f pay its ni( cans.-d the Kist CinciH') Ii): and Slerl Company, of Chicago. III., which '' :- u t . : '! ., 1"'v 1 .... ...x '"" I ' d ::: r. ,, , .., . ,,. i uipiovuienr. i. i . . m ' ' ...... , I 1 1 1 vela, 1, St-rrtarv ,f Mi -nl! U es'cort, o! Bibb ounts' i ur 1-HiiMiut, Coinmuiuhr Wilb-r uiti. a p...,e, i ,,i s,ar. h .",f ! ftM ,,r- K'vant I n t. ,n ne lom Allen, a,i ecaj.ed munlerer , 3 M1,1,,! of 'his Mate this week duck umler sentence of death, wbe had '. "hi'! in-, and had -reut gpoit an,i Ueo conceab-d ince his,. bv ! relative whrwe hospUnljfv and laughter he violated. Tin; boanl of di;ectors ,f the Davis MonMuunt a-.-oc-ialion hUi Mid U lthorlier efil I. !.. ii l',..i. I'm. nu j . r. " l'"---neu uie ?a.iiH. lor.i.i years, and has voted the Ib-m- MVauc tickel at every elecHou smco lie Hug There died in V,.l. ... , " v.wuruv a ! orV,,l:t;::h(;" a col. r.u mmi i.;,cd Mn.e a doade pt he ha bVen ) k 1, own us "ib nwi 1 ... : . "-in- niind. . .. It. I I. 9 I r " 1 .1 ; . uMuts Havsaiid means zoi raisin- funds lor th m uintnent. ' The executive committee of the ; united veteran's parade haa taken j further steps toward having a raml ! parade of Confederate ami Federal veterans in New York July 4th j n.i. Xme pn.o,rs were fo,r lo tL !-rut.nt,ar, from Nam cnnv hich only left thne ,u ja,, J th- ere taken m,t first MonJav lor thehrvt Mme in along tiue the Nash jail whs empty. Thvre is a movement on foot ti ptabiisha bleachery at Fettcrle "ke, J4l,d omer N0,,h C.jrolu.a tap tal:,u U himl this scheme. ,a. ioeinr Carr h;w ' ' ften ivn- estrou-d part of j tioned to ordf r a ecul term of manufactory of ''ifort co-.ntv Superior r.mrt n . Ti . trv tli r,,.- ..' ' t 1 10 ... . .. ...... wno morUereU 1$ llonner at Aurora. I Fire in Chicago di the el ten e soap .aiiies S Kirk .V Co The ;otaf .nn is estimated by Mr Kirk at $i:io,o0 Seven of the Onio militiamen i , burins the Crut week of the who went to Atlanta with their 1 rVderal Court t Halei-h near regiment des-rted ai.d went ' $.,MM' wm paid out aa wiuJaj f. CuOi. to join the insur'entii. and the jail wM filled witn moon- Secretary Carlisle m accepted nn 1 " nneri- invitation to deliver an addres on Twenty one riemesarn to b tri ' t the ace of SO William J Murray, of Toledo, decided to it no more and died alter 4? 1 ''IVS fnsfinnr If UnA- nl. perhaps he'd have been fasting vet. ... u,nc irsfns cro&eu aou recross- invitation to deliver an addre,., i, ed her track, and some are said to 1 ti e tovemmetit finances to the busi 1 at 'ii.ton f.,r taken part in th r-I have nassetl clo fo hop ii,. r d.i 1 - 1 f. ,,. . 1 ,.. K'"e ...-win inai town. ix Oftbr,. have passel close to her in the ness men of Hichmond. Ya . lUL'h!. w il e orber- r .-.-.r... .. 1 ar.. ;.i 1. ... . . . 1 times only mt rn h ! " Frcident Cleveland hs aPPdnt- Z ,, J lk Ba,u " Tad OJ hi nil U f 1 1 1 r . 11 . 1 " . t.llllli 4 ioj:. t.ut none were fortunate enotir-h I : . . ... t-w iurk, 1 to find her ! 1 1 ,je Associate Justice ot the A son of John Wanamaker t'MCeiltlv J'-.lV ;i dinner 1 ti PorJc Ull.MH I III JL III IO STILI. PfHSCED HKH. Still the Tacony pursued her career unharmed. Vitn almost er ery new capture Head learned through the r.ewspajers on board of the frreat numher of vnjcL were alter him, but this did not S I .at cost .(MH, ehold the to ann'bim for h'e ap .a" preme court of the Caited States. u Covcmor C.rr receive! an in j. Ut.on tnatynd th. in.uRar.t.ou of Therevenn. cutter Winona ha, 'etuuc but mad a great capture of contraband ... muuitions of war, intended fort 1 ',rN 11 Howv aed C7. of Cuba, at C, Sable. , Jmtownf t;uilforj countjf M II (Gibson, the Chicago member hi. l!o! SnmUT Wh,k of the Illinois legislature, who wai L.r. r. indicted Tor boodling, hai t.-u ac. kXU 3 Tl?iptd from quitted. i yh;T'l'-'itj jn.l by prizing off the 1 ' Mplej of the cell door

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