KIN Or Successor "to "tlxe Inn.dozk: VOL 1 HO- 50. GltEE. V1LLE, X- C DECEMBER. JO, lSDo JOTTINGS. V THE TARWrrK IT iVTirrn. " ..'. i BKLYITIE5. - (j ii (i rover is a nimrod bold, Ilr neither ducks normails; . rl" uh lions rise up in his path, lie promptly twists their tails. Jgi'li nifjnd IhsjHitrh m,v G rover may' be a nimrod bold L;tirs ol "beasts ami birds to loot, 15ui when it comes to lead and steel, fold, Why hire a substitute. It is understood that the Pop u ir Senators have made a dick -,i with the Ivepublicans by which, in consideration of com mittee appointments, the He publicans will be enabled to or ir.nniz the Senate, cef broth er')' love continue. Harry Haywood, who was but recently hun in Chicago, fur his fourth murder says he never :ot into trouble until he bean to gamble. New Congressmen should paste this in their hats. FROM ROAN TO Lu.UOtt. Just and Uh-aleous t ause. ,rac llr,tal,,1,i ,he firMtr.r col- s W Greer, a.-.t.-f the Southern ll.eiim, U . iter Clark, Associate : G,,iZ1" ' rld h., ever j Hipr Company i L Justice of uK. M.preme Court of.11- lhla Keat nation whose j tuiio,, on the CaiV- Fear and Y l! -yrui aroima. .tute Tieisurer uommioii arc siiuILt hi km Valiev railroad , CuUr " . . . . . . . . i . . . . i;iiM r ... fi ... . Hie in., ri... i ..i-nr.,-. .r v.... - , .... ..unn v OlMIIKMOU-ll. - ' .v....v.. w Oi UlU, A. t'., was J. IU Ull lV.tit Sillier. ...1 i .MeXICO. ril nv rr .!,, t 1 I .. ., , i . 1 i.. v.. ... . ul aj"ul several other &snl leme.. ot juumm- i'ue miles ol the oirtli'a MirUv f,o 11U,'M,' ;, H llu "L"T',,7, nene lion, ,,.. v. f ... at.d ueailv 4C0.(HH).i,otl ,.r .t. . i. .. , . . '"I""! A South Carolinian has ex pivss'(l Senator Tillman, at WaNhinjrton.' an a n t i q u a t e d pitdifurk. It will nrove a dan l; '.us weapon if he uses it as luckless as he does his tongue. O e hundred divorces were -ranted in three hours by thj Chicago courts recently. Poor its divorce laurels. h ilMtant. k pos.-,,r nwrly a I thr: a packa-, co;,fa n," l.u.rit, ,,to th.,th; laud and ! u ,h had U, tfpl Wti h, . aU.ut a third part of lU inhaM- ,.f lhe .xprr ;.e,t 1. ';'; itprr,nMti,e of the At Mac.m, fJa., ther- has b-eii a t . : I",'rt1?r Cmp.mj for I.,.. , ... . . o aiiH.rtat ii.n r.i I .ri. .... ti . 1 . I I 1 . 1' I "U II III 1L uri t .11.11. A. . . I j- ce e of he 1 ml ""l'1"1" . ! ",USt- T,i4' u.oua ( J, .ii4 flM,. "- departed. There is no clue. M,e, e 01 uie lunie. In sneikinL' ot 1 ........ .. . : . ... -i. if . irun e a iu i.-cti.-.i ir at l h- i a vi.,...i.. .. .... . th .Me,: np,iran. en unite to the oarti.-liehl oi Antietam. They are a delerauou apj.oiuled by liovei i.o t jtrr to loeao- uu poation u! the X rih Carolina r-iiuieiits t rook tin r. i . l-.ii i- in i ii. u in n i r v c.m.JI ict. ate! iteieil'H.k totif, r . h WalL. r .... : 1 ... .... .. ... i . - . WUliy the bit?!e Ju i '- LM i: ciiairinaa ot :iie leleat iu, said ; "UK- Oil Lie ol Autieiam oi i... ....... . ... ... ,, ' ",8 "irn wm a. -he Southern ,,:, ' . . H . " r , !'r M! "aiK-Ml"': -mih: il to J M Worth and other; call ir, was . ! Ul, too ne.t o: j n-i .- h,,.,,,v. ,v!l ,! ,...t it in bla.t and orate the etil ii.- u-;i. It n-as Ibujlu . ! Harry IUvwaid's at.rt- m..rt.M.i J I'""1 u !H ,,,,,!t 1 litre Vtura Seprt-mher iT, 1 rhe lay attn ; statement .lu;tted t. a .-t-m.-. .i h- j Ut neVi-rbM-r; m blt. the caplm-M oi' )l.i;p-r's F.-rrv l, r t lie n.-ht h. foiv i,s .'v.rn -.,.' 1 ." !;I,r,,f'ir fruarant.., payment the C-.i.t'-d. -c.-.l, .,. l.i,-a-ed Ii: n j c "itaitis hi" eon f -ion (,' . 1 , n - :''-Uh ' ht f hr oh! miianT were thniv-: iv-nn.-nts' ..t' nrii. ! nun der. and !. tii.. ..t .. 1 1 . .... I mUT. f th hitler hi(t thi '.uoliua s-ddici.s and about om- l"iuntion tha' In- eoioni: I !-d ihiet hall' of t hem u r- killed or woumlea uiunlera tiefoiv that i-nuie. I ' t i . 'I'helar-ex pi.o- i North- i . '"byof the A-ricubuial Wet wax i,,i i.vmtk ... t) , M" M,t" Mlf-c l .4 rttllrd ii akm' a b m Tire out oT mavrials wmmI by a o in tractor. Th. tlrr nv s a mark vf difapprofal ol :h.. ar- .n of the faculty u, pro hij-iti.i ame.-i or f,.tb.;il oiT the Two o'' our dhmt vierals, And. i-so-i an I I'.rancli ti-.- latter the lathei :' ' u i; i --si.i.ia Ibaiich, lost then lives in 1 : t t euci.nnter. Accord, ii" pi.h-e oi l'mi,; 8: K,k in the new "iipan v. ieie Wiii- lii tile o!: i i.e.-1 a'. out (a.. r,.. , -oops :',n. ' 0 :),-. le :'. s. (in MH lrl ti, o.uuie'i.iii, ' !). N'-u-t hern an J (irii i .... 1 i 'i" . . sd ;.i.d . . t . o - ' ' i i ' . ....... I V(da the I'YdeiuU c: 'u.. liver at Sliepaii! t.u:i and adacked with Yi.'l-. but Wi-r-1 It pnled w ith l eav los. ; uth Dakota must look out lor . r1(. Sc.uth. ru ca i-e r.,i!n,.t bt ov-r 1 . X. t;itel. Mil- Juriiisliel more i.i -!ourt !i ol ali the null M ieu. Iac a.'iny of Nor: hern Virginia, and at ! it one ; ! i i : . 1 o!" t lie cut County, Wig. It was -v. n feet at thc'tj.tse, an. cut fix f'.-i- o,.i lo-, st-aiiim (iv.-r S.."i0 , J '..f ; in ler. et It Was w utii e.jv U. Cbarl-s I' h-er I Sf- I.e. ,. re in ed I'r-.-id-:, ; cf : ; '. . . t....,r ii iu lla i i i . . 4 ! ' ii : . , .1 i ' i .lid! tl.C .. i i . ,, - , . ii l President Mill ii il., n. ,1 th-- Louiav ille A. Na-'i .lie. ! t ... e ! :,o Tiie Colored p'plll U ;.iii ,.f I " 1 1 1 f d Slates Is ehiSMl.e,! i..i:J7,'.cso Macks. ? ";,'...;. .. hlMot-s, l(l". ' i j! ol M a;:d .', ocloi nous. iui.s t he unit. t ne ( in' i ait '', 'A ci nts while eariit.l.n.r I'..i. i .!.! i tie m.i-n-j nl!4l fg ilu)l Illin ileao. liHiv are said to dh ester. i ,r i bn foitv M-'tliodist parsons it: :ill:i IVl'MVllli!- ol less than .l."V.) per year ea h. ,-tid s ai-' may be overpaid. Senators Jones and Srew a:K now appear w ith a r after them, which stands for Repub lican. So soon are they swalled up in victory. losses !r,n!.- 1 t.y that :;l my It-1 1 upon ith C.ii:'iiil ! w llli'll is, I thoik.'th-- besT tiionie in tu. t i r h t i ipiaii'e-s of the Tai heel' soldiers. I it a nisei vat i estimate t a ilia: N'urlli Cato'ini.tii.s wen; to rim front, a greater namh r thiin wa fuinis. ed bv :i:i otle-r seceding .Mite." N 'ishinton I'o-t. The average cost of burying v 4a 1 Conirressman is about i-hnn; And. yet they are cheaiier dead. St. Louis now wants the Na at Carried Sun.'wall Jjikan o;f th Field. YVmle K- V I); J ll S-nitti Ws the Con fed -rate Soloier's Hon whele he Ul;t t" ClidtlCt relll-i l s rvie.-s las; eviMimi:. lie m-t h : - aud oiersite it with Convict labr y . w . : i." . ., C-'iUl.iUe. i i.ii.ini urf, .-i.iu ielone-ed '.o the 1 w en t v At l'ai linton l..w. two ht'le si-ter had the dlpther;a. ;.nd anli tuxilie li'l Olilv inn' ci.ild bo had. which was ivon t h- tdde-f, .aau her lif-. The othei die 1. Sit.-tsi iudict!iir!.t have been returned at Memphis, Tenii., ajaiiiHt A K Ward, charin em be ..lenient of .-u.ns u'muirtiu to f 1 ',().( (o. The ehesajieake ami Ohio. Kail road pnmooe building a new d j- t in 1 makir. j other improveniiitj) in K elniiond, Va., to eo?t VM N M l.M N I. AhtbaiiM will erect a lar- cotton Jane s Harris of IVanklm ; w issli,,' u. hli huie lat H.ek, by I k. .11 111 I . t i .... I 1 . .a k i -n n.f oui.Miif who firiil . l.Md id T. e'utA into hi dcv and neck. At Morant.'.fi a?:ibou was enu r ed in he ni-ht, hole, bored into the Ii-pioi h..t 1 1 ln and alxmt Too Allori -t tiie stul! turned out. The K.-rkin-haui Index will pet out a 3.HN. "lu.rn K Ijtnri" Janu- rv Ith. 1.'.. i:ivin illuHtrntion of the industries of the countr?, rtc. Only eiht of the oon.000 immi grants who tame to the Pnit! j Statei during thi? yenr, found their v a 10 inn law. I) V Mracham ot UiL- ral ff shipiH'd live bushels of holly trrie .. XV. .1 i i. ... ton, woo seventh Virginia intantrv. Aftt-r bre-' c it, er-at ii.r. it developed that factory on the Stat es ciavi.-t larui j to (ieois Vat.tlerbuilt, ut Ihltmore. i i.a.r. . .ii r ti a i.-ii i I he Knoxville ( ntnViland Cap h U months old wbioh weighed anil Io;usvdle Kiiltoad Um been j 47 pound. 1 ..... r . . 1 r 1 laKeii iroin uie minus 01 a ie;eivtr 1 r.Ke- had assisted lr Smith taklnir tieaeral Mont-wall .lac ; n ( -------- -ouvelltloli, j S(,n horn the tiehl af er he h ei beer I .. I I.I . . M . .1 ... It. .1. it in1..". 1 1 ' e. tional Democratic ;n W li.rlit tliM Polill : vonmled 1 11 ; r i i. who - a 1 1 1 ft i r ol .lae.,- I sou's staff, I not lor-'a ten I r Smith ami r- "a -U ev-rv little n - 1.. .,.! ,.r . t il ,.l f 11 : i i r lnel.leii! all ML I. ft,..'. .." - - ........... -.. I . . .1 . ... I. 1 ' : I l ...' .ll-.l : ii, th- -Hun a -ood twist. lle two h ld :i lo . , t,t;k .tMUir ilK.i wants bijiirer ;ime than d.icKs. Ui winch tb -v nskd their "u .1 .,11 .1 . 1 ne cjiuiHifii it'iiinn,. rt'oj.-'T 111 j 1 . . 1 .1 ;. 1 r .1 .1 1 n,hn- Ior mrec urmers in L tlw! A.H.H.. nil t Iia iomdrr fit t I C , . . . . 1 r county. I Uo-rt killeil thirty ghfep in one Hurke The President .ave the tail Lrant 111 l.sji.l 13 .?iri.OOn.Oto. , 1 An etl T w ill e mad" to hate ! liojtier license in Macon, Ca., iaiseil j " r.i ii'.iiii r..i i..-r vr 1 f nieaL The President will i-u a proc lamation Januiry Uh, lsaO. admit ting Cuh .a a State. John L Sullivan says he has made rJjM JHKi si.Ke pssi- And threw it awav s-preeing The coat defense ram, Katahdim built at Ilatli, Me., haj been rejctetl i. . i . 1 1 . : 1 . . J . u u.c 1 rusiuem. Santli is one of the editor. or the ! C nt-.d I'reshvteruii. -Atlanta Con- . J,u,, I hunnn left an estate ;..,.,,. 1 lued at $10o,4i. Cio .Miller, of Cabarrus, killed tliiee hoa und rot !! r.r,K.i. c - - ....a 1 1. Col J S Car: haj decided to ell all his bbKAied hors- CO in num--er. , lives in performing tliat :n t ef kitol for tliet- old coainiAirdr. Dr nes The Mitchell county cranlerrj crop in almost a total failure ihu year. Associate Justice WalUr Clark ii to Uke a month ofT in Mexico.