2 3fc - : $ The Week I J' is r4 by m " r r-j . v- VOL 3-1T0- 31. ' ' 3000 tri GREENVILLE. A Thriving Buriness Center of a Large County,. .,i,K MKA WHO MAKE ITS BUSINKSS-soMOTlIINU ABOUT tiikm, &a. tlle is nleasantlv f?itnftn,i . , i y . Hid 1 1 ami I ri (iiln t. river, n.-nr the iieail ol tulo water. It V4 upturn; note. I'm C.r.NTV was formed in 17C0. The county town was about thrco ,,ks almost ea,t of Grccnyille. The old court Uouse, a colonial build in, .!, large double chimneys at one end, between which s a closet or vault, ihll stands, though a larce njirt. nfif i . . . ., . t .,. " It. UlKonlvbmldmg thai marks the old site. It is now ucd as a farm toio, ..ml fow liooplo know ol its history . liKKKXVlLLE Was first caIIwrMnrtSMei.- ...1. ... . . . . 'in hulior oi LiOVemor 'Joaifth M.irfii . . . - - .1 , 1 ... and become the conntv town f1nri.i J "h Martin was the last of tho Governor Martin was the last of rf,o Wi 'n ...... ... v,4 uujgmuia 01 -ortll Uarolllia, the Uevulation (we think 178SV Mirtinohnrn . n v tiiiinv xoo; iiartinsboro became Greenville aml lifter id honor ot Gen,- Nathaniel Grnpnp. Thi; i'lioi'LE of Greenville and i'ltt counts took an aetivft -nnrl- in the Kcvolutionaiy war, Thoir "Re. solves" breathed a spirit of defiance, some of them antedating the Declara tion of Independence. two years. In that war, it sent many braye sons to battle for liberty. In tho war of 1812-15 they did their part aud duty and also of 1846-18. In the second war for Indepeudance, 1861-65, no truer sods, no braver soldiers, no more sel sacrificing patriots, followed fought or fell under the "Stars and Bars' Industrious and guarding jealously their rights, they have ever been ready to obey the calls of duty and their country. ; . (irvenvillo is now a thriving town ..of 30(A) people situated almost in the centre of Pitt county,which coutains ahmit ;0,000 people. It has connec hon by a line of steamers and by railroad with the outside world, thereby securing cheap freight rates and excellent facilities for travel. "t a large trade both retail and fnolesalo. It is a big tobacco mar It has a complete telephone system with connections with Wash l"f on, GrimesJaud, Farmville, luehard's and several other towns, A town's business and business men are what make it. Greenyilie "as men of whom any town might justly lo proud. Below we name soineof them and their yocatious, something about them. I'HT COUNT Y BUGGY CO. l Uir Baggies are hummers and will 4st you many summers. For choice of painty 9tyleand spring. The tone of ; K' r low prices make them ring. This hy no means a new houso but has boon ah;.siH t two years. They arc located J Mam street and tho proprietors, Mess. Nla'V" Smithi c always in thc rfectuith the newest in their line. , ty nrv manufacturer and dealers in wU"f l0'- i'Jjaetons, Cart?, Wagons, of !!.pS4ad iieas, and carry a full slock ' u,f own make at all times. They prompt attention to all kinds of re- I ill- .. I. ; " 1 8 ;ificy havo had many years in thi business and are fully j i :... J - .'. . . I U.i tit i ii -i . . .... ;i : . -....vj amt uic hiyic ana can uli anything in their lino at the very st 5 riot All work guaranteed to be 1). 1. HASKETT. '-iKMy greater advancem?nUs have luadc in the hardware line than t-u u " r aill a!lrm to bo Huceesful in h " up a largo trcdo muH not only v to e irry a large stock but must P :i hand and have for salo all of tho ;sl improvement ana dsvlces in this r-ach ithe ca?c with that courteous i(:-to.dato 'gontlcman, Mr. D. I). i, o: Main street, who '"'-sLcd 10 years. His itore hss teen Tin J'" 1 Wllh a larS nc ot- Hardware. 3 25xS0 aita, Sash.Doors. - 7 - f t -j 4e. , is, Jii, ts.,A , ocmg maae of Cooking a.l.. Ir II&5kett was the first to of?r HnV.7 10 tl-c farmers raising thq1 ! lohu J Slnc3 GrvenviLlc became a oni ,mar:tet 110 gives his close pcr ;entioa businesi aad .decs not KK Iat-C' Prices for hi3 goods. ZENO MOORE & BUoS. store in Greenville more noiVll thai . n n fstaVilUt..i . riucc April icJj and a i 0 and Popnlons ... I " T" Q ln E0UtU nk Of Ta. -.- . is a nUn r . , orna iu xiave ueen torn awav "uouwu, nun mUC iiaVG been fiO-rnllpil fbr. : x , . . 1 vv.xwu.u it must nave been founded 1 - i,,-, .. J uiiiinisiraiion, (l71-177o)I i , ... ' pleasantly located on Main street. Their stock is largo and complcto and embraces everything, in tho line of Fancy Goods, Notions, China and Glassware, Wood and Willowware, &c. ; All articles for sale in this mammoth establishment are not oyer 100 dollars and less and aro indispen sible household articles, therefore a visit to this establishment would undoubtedly bo ot great benefit to the patron, and you will find that money will go farther at this store than elsewhere. 3Iess Mooro & Bro's motto Is "That they buy everything they can cheap" and "Sell everything they can sell cheap." ED II SIIELBURN & CO. Ten years ago theso gentlemen com menced business in Oreenville and ever since thc first day they opened their doors they have been . most Successful. They carry a mo3t complete line of Con fectionery, Staple and Fancy Groceries at wholesale and retail. The premises occupiod aro 30x75 f cot an dimensions and the stock handled is very complcto. They have ono ot tho finest Boda fountains In tho State and servo the very beat of Soda made from puro fruit juicea. They hnvo also an elegant Ice Crcamrrlor and make nothing but tho best of loo Cream. A first class Baker la employed who bxkca the very finest of Bread, Cakes, ricRolls, Fancy Cakes, &c. Mr. Shclburn has had 20 years experience In thislipc of business and i? fully up to date. . ED. II. SHELBUIIN & CO. Manufacturer and bottler ot Carbon ated Boveragoj, Boer Ac are located on Main street. This business was estab lished 5 years ago and the superior qual ity of the Gingor Ale, 8oda Water, 8ar saparilla, &c, made soon placed It In tho foremost ranks, and today AI035 8hel burn & Co. do ono of tho largest bottling business in the State, shipping their pro ducts all over tho country besides supply- In? tho hnmftrlmo,H i .. I Aiit-jr niiu LHJlfciC the Standard Browing Company's Beer of ...w.v, Anneuscr uascn Brewing Company's Beer, of 8t Louie, which they buy straight out In car load lots and bottle for tho trade. There Is nothing lacking to render this establish ment ono cf tho best in tho country. J. S. SMITH. The best of Codes, best of Teas Tho best of Syrups, best ot Cheese, Tl, t,.t .tUI . . Thc best of Sigars. best of Snier The best of Flour, at loweat prices Thc prevailing question today Is whero can a dollar bo made to reach tho farth est In purchasing tho necessaries of lic That question can be easily answered by calling on Mr. J. S. Smith on Main Hreet who conducts one of thc neatest as-well as one ot thc nioa complete Grocery tore3 in thc city carrying everything in the Staple and Fancy Grocery line having an especially fino line ot Canned Goods and Candies. Mr. Smith baa been established 11 ycarB and U a fitting ex ample of what can be accorapilshed by push, enterprise and Integrity. Goods delivered ta any part ot the city tree of charge. LANG'S CASH feTOHE. If you should wl,h at onco to know Tfcc mart for dry goods you shoutd ro j Whtre.tly fabrics rjehaed rare Ior fall and winter wear And drc3 and fancy coods combine With gorgeous prints nil In th line His profits email, hli stock immenso - Tba best of gocds and no proienio For every rank end each condition 1 At prices that defy competition. For good goods at the lowest cash pri ces and on-price to all, commend us to GllEEJV V1LLE, J". the cstabliirt . bu.n callcman Mf imf fn0S3 13 ,ccalcd Main street aaWhoha,tccn established 20 year- fc-lod with a choice line of Dry Coeds .otIons, Dress f;,, i.v ,7 UOCG9 BncrU! I . ozioc-, Kc, a hlch ir.i jmHSlo-c won a both n T thc- rard tho public 2Shtfortho8h.adat one price to J CHERRY A CO. One of tc mot tentative houses era. Meb.ndl,9 td.T Om. , .".t It . acquired a very excellent reputation for dealing only in A 1 goods and for Conducting ita Ln!nrc In k" 1- ... Hli tiUUVIftUiV ana straightforward besincoa manner Is mo one conducted bv Mess. J n rhn-r Co, on Alain street. Tho prise a handsome store room 4 51x90 feet In dimensions. This business H at.t 11 csiauiisnca nmo years ?o, but Mr J Cherry has had 35 yean cicace t fc'lns lQQrc3ava!c. The tocS carried MBiargo anucKcmuy selected Hnof Ooods, Notion?, Shces. Hat?. rir. ccriea and ni,ntnH,n ... Tw mm . if V C. Vi ULLIT V and Glassware. Fnrnfrti i. tm M; "Vl o-t vuvi ij m, .u, arc cart rui mt.rn,;.) "iUi r"-'-bi"u aai ccniiemcn to dlwit.h'PromP, rclIable d honor- rr?' .Wfc"'.pro?pl rclUMe and honor- ana Jasiiy merit their sacc?si in business while their establishment ranks as the btft of a timiiar nature J C COBB & SONS. This business has been established 6 years in Greenville but they have had 20 years experience in business and brlnp Jto bear cveryfauallflcatlon including evident range of practfeal experience perfect fa cilities and largo rcaources. Mesa Cobb 6. bon know what c shrewd and d:-crini- inating public want. Tho premises arc eligibly located on Main street and their store 25x75 feet in dimensions is filled to overflowing with a large and comprehen sive stock of Dry Goods, Notion-, Cloth ing, Shoes, Hats, Groceries and planta tion supplies, &cv This houso has de veloped a trade of great and growing macnituda while tho stock carried Is se lect fresh, stylish and complete, while their long experience enables this firm to placa before their many patrons, nothing but thc best at tho very lowest prices. The members of the firm arc genial, hard working business men who stand hijh in commercial circles. M II QUINEKLY. Has been doing business in Greenville slnca January 1S07, but has bad a long experience in KInston. N C mlor t in. eating here. He it ree-arUedna ,r, i most apprtclttlve dealers in the city which is plainly demonstrated bv tl, excellent trade he has hniit n handles all of tho Heavy and Lfght Sta ple Groceries usually found at a perfectly conducted Grocery, including Teas, Cof fso, Butter, Cheeso and a full line of Can ned and potted dcl'ciclcs. All orders aro delivered promptly to any part of tho city frco of charge and patrons are treated with the greatest consideration and cour tesy, while his goods aro sold as low as any house in tho city, ho has a magnlfi cant itock to select from. THE BANK OF GREENVILLE. As far as the moneyed Interest of thh part of the State, this county and city aro concerned It holds an important position The president, Mr R L Davl is ono of 1'itt county's mwt progressive citizens. Mr R A Tyson thc Vice president is a courteous business gentleman, while ;Mr JL Little thc cashier Is one cf cur most conservative business men. Tho Bank of Greenville was reorganized In Jane 1S2C and has a capital stock cf fiCOO and a largo deposit account. Thc bank docs a general banking business, makes loan, buys and eels foreign and domestic ex changc.lssucs letters of credit and makes collections on all avallablcjpotnts. Its public spirited policy has tendered it bighly popular and no bank fa the Uni ted States is Paler than The Bank of Greenville. CJ JOHNSON.COL. Is a grcccr doing l upine en Main ttrcct whero he handles a lull line of Light and Heavy Grcrcr! s with a num ber of side lin3 which Includes Kruitt, Vegetables and country produce ot all kinds, lie Las been established fa tu.-i-ncsa four years and reports a good sub stantial trade. Goodj nrc delivered to iiuy pan, 01 uc c.;y ire ct charge ted every Inducement offered the public to trade litre. Ills stock is fail and com plete fresh and .new and in every way desirable, ample to rr.cft all demtnis o! the trade la this section, whl'c thc prlees arc as low as the lowest for good goods THE BANK OF F1TT CX3UNTY. It Is Jutt e. lmpc'jll'.c to l ut:d up a city without banking cajlui t It is to tuiU a hou-e without building ruitfritl. Grcenvill? n?cOs to I eongratulatcd cn having such a siren- liberal Kar.k ts the one that terms the cardial of thi atllrir. !Th? Rink of Tilt. county was orin.'rrd June 1st I 77. That valuable tnJ subs tantial buslncMgcntlf'man.MrR HHesj. ing Is the President, lie is atly bi iitel to? t bo 1 scciil ar.tl ac'.Jrc bu!r.r rrn- AUG VST G, 1807. tic cnMtn- AG Cox cndfSJ CLorr V;c? rrrs.'dents. i?nd it -,t -r.- ness gentleman, Mr V. B H!gC, cnhjcr nd Mr II Harding wsinant ;hicr. Thc I.ankhsa minimum capital of fiOCOl and a mnlmnm M . r a large dpo.It account all the d-rt. n,ent.u.ualtoaflrtcU,, lkln,' . . . - - . V. J stltutlcn arc covered. The llmk nmkes ioans ana ajtcounU, buys and tells ex change and makes collections on all available point?. In all respects thitl a first class banking institution. JCLAXIKit&CO. OlHee and yards on Fourth strc-t. Thc rroprIe:ors,tho3C energetic hailncu gen tleroenMcaaJC LankV A Co need co word cf commendation r.t our hand. they arc wilrly kn.wn for tic artistic and;:1ne work they turn out. The firm arc fine workmen and deslgncxa and w.lt Plca5c you with their nork. They deal In American and Italian Marble, 'Wire nd, Iron Fencing, and have on hand a x"C3 line of deiigns to select from. Guar nntecint their work to to Al and their prices the lowest. In thc pura and snow whit? irarbia And the variogUcd too Or the hard and noble granite What you wish for they can d- And In ail their lino cf buslntt Be tLc fame well understood They arc the cheapest of the cheapen For their own or public good. ' : ALFRED FORM-:. A review of Greenville' representative b'JAlnecji hnns-ir.i. i....t. . . : "'iurrtoi a rtlte cauwr tlme-honorcd srif r ?. Nonoare de- crvlni; of:me.refavorab e mcntbin .t haudithan the ono conducted bv Ifr- 5if":: ?Juln etr"1 who h"l oldest merchant in bu.inesa in tho cltr oncdoing business who started at the same time that he did. Thc size of his store U 30 by CO feet 2 floors and he alo L.:iuicru 11 rrri I. til Las 4 large warehouses, to accommodate his large stock of Dry Goodf, Notions. Clothing, B00U, Stoe Heavv Grocerlc Smoked and S a c k M eat Fo u r 1 1 a r d ware, plantation 8 Rigging end Tics Flows. Ac. In fact anr thing you may want can be cund at this Store. - Mr ForW. tho Fropcritor gives Lis close personal atteuUoTVo alf details ot this immene buslncs and Is highly respected and citecmcd for Ms honorable and straightforward dealing JHTiiVflTAi.t. Quality tells the story And figures never lio You will always bs satisfied If from hlra you buy. This a neat attractive aud well supplied Grocery Store and has for tho past two years enjoyed aood trade. A complete lino of Groceries both Heavy and Light as welt as superior brands ot Canned and Bottled Goods, condiments Ac, grarcjthe counters and shelve?, a bo foreign and domestic Fruits and Vegetables, country produce Ac, always cn band at the low est prices. Thin Nan excellent Louse. MrTunstall Is an estimable gentleman and richly dccxvis thc patronage he en joys. Goods delivered all over ;thc city promptly and fr.o ot charge. Your or ders will ba appreciated. JAS A SMITH. Ibcic arc themoit complete end Lc-t fitted up hair dressing and sLaring par lors In Eastern North Carolina, the pro prietor la scciat and tccomxodating and a tine artist, and is aashted by ex pert knights of the steel bladca, yc, The parlors are open to you To get a shave or shampoo. Or hair cut in latest stylo Dressed so slick 'twill make you tmi:e Tho towels are both white and clean Tho retors always sharp and keen Thc arthb hand you icarcc will feel r J Iijht ha wields the glittering ntcel Now should you torture wish to save In cutting hair shampoo or shave Ga rijht away and take a chair Fmlth will suit yoa to a hair. He baa been estatllabed ten years and In connection with Lis shop cleans and tr m Va a cleaning and dying lad lea clot tea and Lltl long experience ia a gusrantec tUt c,k N'uulW);aiur, especial ralas la commlttcdtohlm all! reetlveth best cf care and will Iks dono op In the htt of fhapc. nape. . - GIUIENVILXJ! Ii-nv wir.f Oa Dlcktr-onavrcu wi.l fin, e .k- t-c-H fitted up abo; for the rc-arin- cf f Jrr r,lKrlenc Ja I Lt .rokm all kind of machinery and the r-In- a' l '-!! r.a:i-d lo.crv. facturcot tobacco Cars. Tie rTorrk'or ,atcrra of tlIr msny ptrrr . KrII!;:i Jir James Brown,, a practical and skilful mechanic In all kinds cf ttram and ri a fitt!n."MI E").l hli . . fittings end has every tool and citM-e . , ana caelce neeci to facilitate his basinet.. Ht also is agent for New Heme Sowing Machlaca and hasdlea ?econ J band machine and docs repairing on aame. Only the ct killed workmen are emr'.oyed and the rcry tl raterUl ud, thus guarantee. ingthcrcujLnc in every detail cf the bclno, and all si ork tamed ct:t la guar anteed c. rr; rccntri. Mr. Frown Ls ly ccuneout an t Lcnot treatment of fcU patrora bjllt up an extensive ba.lr.c JA!:i3. IL iVHITll De-n't be t&ih, I? ry f cash. It will ?ave yca trr.j a delltr, The ready ca.h w ill rnakn a r.:h. i-ts.it;ickrr that a stand In-Collar, Ore ot the n ce.t ttln-, a a city t , ZTcrj strre st vrcr vrrr .'. II past mx month cn rt thr. r' gioccry trn t9, 1- .It ; Ilc u Mr ..cci vj hX c urtc u grnt'rtntn Mr drat rfe 1 1 -7r,- I. the U 'l .7 " C TT tr - ...... . i If f. a Tcry clean trck ct choice M?Ie ,nj fancy grocrrics, tot acco an t c!-.r. f.n candle-, fruit., Ve;cUMo, and coantrr r rtxIcT-, which be can rve ,o op tf the quornV tat., at rrm.rlatiy l., rrlccs, and will I foan1 ,jwtJ1 fa , and willing ta do o. G xxls da.venM to ny trt cl the city frx- c,f cLar-r. l W. IIARDEIX . I keep a firrt cltt grc-ccry $tfC And rrlccs low ta hrrttofrrr And at theleat I d.st!fulcn Ot teas to kerp a jxrfrct line Sagar, Hour, C,3.( Chccv, Spicks whh I know will pka2 And much I cannot mention To which I faxnoold draw ttcutf.-n My motto win cxterticn imub Qaick icf small proCU. ready ca.h. For an elegant lice f Groceries and a l Uble deilcaclf a all Grrrnrille Lcciekrcp crs know that thU U the proper p ace to bay. A mora pregrclve grocrr ttsn Mr. Hardee doc not live In tie city and Ith hlscxpcrlcrcjof ten year, bo I. c;able of actfctlng a choice stock cf goods. His lock embraces a full i:ac et sUpi? and fancy groccrir, country r dec? f t ail kindf, aiioa nice line ot h5. He dc?erTcjtho3cecis he ha atuiaed tnl c W;.u mm a long tut continued crtvr of prorcrllj. Mr. H.rUc, b aUo who. alo and retail jobber In all kicd. of good, mnr ni, ..... - Ire am! ham'lt. u.m,,. Th,l,,dc,7tVcid,X !rUr eat tbt lament " tnXt WM UMhted two y,C" ntl L" tTCr rr!n,J ,.1, . J IbW Itronacc .tnr . ....... I e , 1"nnCf,n lh" i th eUtU,hn :cst are ocdaet- "."S! volume, for the good taste in U Mtto" J rabble a ,U -"n. It l.T ,uccc" 01 lLc L.cu- .7.. ' PkIot La. si.red T XnSi ln ltlu lho rr- 'T PVC Jtof T,.. I""' ". t to RLe door. . ,C . n' ,ioUon' W IT protl.lon.. meats .flour, hav. rraia cry, Ac. ThU raULluhmcnt is another link added to the commercial Indtrr cf our city. M IIS. GEORGIA JAM Ev When yoa are looking for a stoic " That Is fully op to date, Where the styUa and pr.'c ra suit you. Write Mrs. Georgia James cn yours ate Tata house has Mlliineryand F rUccs it In the foremo.t rank in the cm munlty, and entitles it to the cxtendel a 1 1 . luiiiuoain a worie oc ih m k nd ThU ha been ajnatural result cf the enter prising and aocccitful manntr ,f li Iclitlon with otter ctabiiiS-iirnf itr. James Is almost always cabled to cIT.r extraordinary advanta-es to Vujrra u fsiat-i.tntr tU fart by t . . . uv -"rw iccrtau! ci .r trade, ai d tho favor With Which brr .!. .' , . t regarded bv the lfadl w - w wa city, and In stcck she carries Coo M.Iil- 7.nil ,ne; goo-lf, notior.., ar.d will.)., i . "to icj 01 le CLn.rr-t IJr.ea ct Fall millinery ever trotptt and a larco iorp!j of Xnu Couj fn THE G BEEN VILLI; falTI'LY d. Among the many ar.d ai'.M ! . sUntIalcnkrprl.es of firecnvllle, rsoTve decrve mort favorable mention thaathil of Tba GrtcavlUa .-u; p!y Cj;, WhoUl ""n'i .'Jir.urieturir's .ILtrl! atlrr tgen!.. The prtmliea ccaplc4 are larre and eornncI!oc. and in 1 1 . v h a large line of Ftoar, ti:.j -a r. C!?c-, Fr - i-aucr, luetic, Traits, lair. Crackers and Confectioner!. Thfy ar aUo agents for the Man dar 1 O.l Oit.tI. nr" DIlI;ncfe Ithlon. Th-y Hvean cp 'f.10 tU3 c the roid ah) eott r. T. "IU ry f JUtrn N. t.. !n , ni C Rrin 7L' ittui.onu3jfri. 2ir. h;r.-Lt of tt? Crm, Lavlcg La 1 many year cinrrtj Ia Ilrr- 3If' i-'' "r.;! U Lad a tu.-n "r Ai "fir nrc a. a fr r I J01 ,RiS l a 5rtcr and Urge t.c. ,5n lt" IaBk e' F ttronty JAMl F. KING. Can a ;X rriSsre in Il.V eorr:;re Witha ehtrn-I-g r.Tc in t'e ts'-r t.'r A BaggJ 1 with th..T.:n'rr.4 nj wrings wbove rttt tar.-- y u lxr'r frrl A .-Irl'.td L' fie cf royil t W.th lt a l.tt! r-:. '-.. - Thin any jou trrt, an i It itr t. If Lit z 1 1? a i;ff ,r a .a S-trr t The.s arc 1 be kind cf rarw sal r : - uj reauenn leer' ci l..tr;.f r ;; h f t- Il Is a r'.ct rr, s t m- tii a ar a a f. r J j r el. I t . r. r n f h' t i br, 1 fr ,:cr,-V,,. . ' " 1 'HJ- t-i.l;,, f.a, r,M . , r- - :t5..t:,r t. in :r.c. -r w ft ' y7l.;h,:k,K, 2.,ttllf ; J' bat I tth-efh ... i , . . err. f, , ' ' b'b..r.1;ft ,. -4 a c Hi. cr , I rexj ard 0 , fro-i h.i rS 1 r!. , , ' V r !o' rr,rtfV.,;., f , Hr.c cf f tatior.crr A ! , w ' rB,. 1 1,rtl,U,'f"' cfr.:-rt. A. ANPHKUs. i.j.iiir, 'At J. A. Al Ir..' -. a rrtt 1 Tp' a tuyyJr n-.urar.-i r..,.lt sr rv tri rd tt- f.rsr He'll vtllcnjroailinjrt: ' Hi e!;tt are tr ?,f . , f . . t To a n-aa tttf. a t To btf co, n.oSmitl-trir.r r WtthgrtKrit t:r it infTtrj j . r Give Lltn atrtil u 1 jcurr J'iilrTaty.rir-l,.,f:.:Mt; Fcrt-a ck j f -1 -. .-.. I bit r.itt to ns r. J a In Lit stirs on Main tr i Yea wl.l Snd ttcrjthlr.j cu sr. a j t, j Yea i:t kn.w 1: If ih rr ! i r As !: J c st t 3 Jt , - ....... i...it.j;ji j Wl I All 1 x.k 5i, c p for J. A. A h.!r.- r ? , Thc rt.ijcn thii rrw.v. i uj u r iarpe trIc t!ii rent!,.n-n i f-; s m iclmllc zL, pioi .v.. I lite attention to oil. lie . . ;i csuUtiifd f.r.c.'S Jir.u-iry 1 handhja fall line tf hfLij e I cy grocctie. c-r.cd p Jf, . uj" 'j JcliciCKJ, t:Laccof c:-ri a.i kinds Of Coustrj yTiriliiZf, i -Ir a brt w!;clcr-!o aj well rrL-.il I 7: intf j. IIu itcre i r t7:, fn t, m .nrr he iMc .?iC0 anJjjcrcKuVd m:!, rcxnlj. Goolf ilf !t rrrl n!U,w r i !,, rity frcv cf charge, JOHN FLANAGAN l.l .fJV tU lnnj lice ct lci;uu (mSm u.m ma Jo such isnrlcd tLirz l t2- r . n . vej a-c ucd t trmi;rt tt t. c , fautily ar4 tLc tco lttr cvrr tL j ,r lie h'-hwaj. CcmjaretLc slew :r vhlc! of nity ycara with IJ-r set Irg neat an t renf rt!. r!.- f t t. flsy nrj tlfr;rt M fl it G:-- i uit t-'h'r. 1 1 1 Lir. l.;a - l!. rj b-t it. ad.- in f.c Unit"! "T ! t--v r,ttr-T f,r;t t--i :. :..- I Ojfart ind i-sauftrttrts tt? sty of Cms grale B-i;-v fh'ttik . ,tr. Th y 1 jii is iK ' ? ; t r :i r j r. 1 1. n t i nr r fall line tif I!-;;l t r f t ? i r n .-e and d-- all k'n!. -f rn:r ft.? -n t r.. tl. Th-y .Io I a 1 .- a, t cirry a full llni of t r. Ir.-1 C, 3f r. IL irt f r f tie Cn, i j rt : ' ; f Tbilrtr, an! -,rk en'rut! -5 t wbi t i! n? Ii a V:.!i '.'.". r.:tK-i I.UT. i'-.a. tj ; if r tf tlv5 L av- ' 1- ' h e -f r t rr I nn ty a ' II 1 tk, t.t ll, !.:. .ti'.. ha? h n ttt !-- -.t i In thi c iK r r,.; I 7 !' r. 11 - I A Tat t cn Mai a t rt 1, ax, i m u c a ? r y f Ldkv i". Frs ,;-. " C.vth.r-r mnxi il'&t. Fcrt'.'- ThU t-s!r w f ft-! c t ! r J. f ag'. H.rc'sIifM- I- r r-'s" to gr w In ; ttr-r.;- a-, i 1 , ' " cit:ito-dy lt It rtjtrlcd i - h',u: in Its Use. Tit J rttr.l- c- -; . : ..... ., ,' - i 3 1, !i 1 1 r - " it." .'Ut:t ; : tt r.t c.l i-i n. Mr. Taft !r ; thr 111 st-ock, jh--l ..!- " rrx wiuon. Ace eg tie tr.rlr.--: a 1 f Iry G:o-li a- i Cl '.LI : rt':. asl Oct's Fiftii- ? " 1 ' : 1 ' f t. Uca UiU d a?-- it ? -? - 1 r ; --;.. f yrtr, bst ?y "M ti ie ctt !' i--iiif.:fkf !c- a sl-.-it at 2 U staked wi'.a ' '" r -it cf tcr ar 2 cr t ' . clalty w!tu L!s.Cif-.t'l -r ' ' ' !!. Irv ttj". ' ' ''' Hit. Itt ti-- ' Halts to e rr h: ta:::: ir r.j' .r t..a t-J CT.T a'.rt 1- . . 1 . : - . - . T ' - :'. i - . ( n I J

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