- v ipj or iv jf , . ; TUESDAY. 2VBZ1SHEZ TW10E - .4 - WEEK. GZEEJT V1LLE; JV. . DECEMBER SO, 1803 culatiM:- POLITICAL OUTRAGE. ; 1 I ... f i ' we near uum juoq aninvmy that at Grimesland Sundays last Re' Peyton who voted the demo cra;ic ticket-at last election, was gotten into a room and beaten by Rufus Cherr, Hope Cherry and John Hawkins, all -negroes. Red ?ays it was all because he voted the democratic tickat If so they should bo severely deolt with. All three of t.he n throes bear bad repu tations, vnd Rufus has spent much df his time the last six years in jail. " MISS THOMAS' SCHOOL. ' -Owing to the tangle of the books of the late Treasurer J. A. Thigpcn no more money will be paid out umtil thinrs are 5 straightened up. This will propably close' ery pab- lie school in the county for some time. Such being; the case hare, Miss Thomas, irko wa principal of the Dublic school is rettinsr'up a pri vate schoal. Wearagladta know that sh is raeetia with success, i GONE. ' I The Econemy Clothing; House is no more ia Greenville. After a brief existence it ha clesed - busi ness Miller, who 'coupiem a atora al- raost in front acrothe street has also gone the way ef the noa-ad- vertiser, J 5i V" They ware eoa examples of those who da not advertise and their places are now for reat. CHRISTMAS TREES. The Presbyterians had a Christ mas tree in their church Thursday night, last week and made their little folks happy. The Methadists had a Christmas tree in the opera house Tuesday night. They had abig croiroV and good time. The windup was j,olly games in which pjogressivaneis was illustrated by an occasional osculatory performance. TOURNAMENT. There will be a aij Tournament and grand ball at nijht at Grimes land aext Wednesday. Grimesland aln-ays does things up rijht ad those so forluaate as to attend may be p5sured of a pleaeant time. Our young townsman Mr. J. L. Fleming will dearer the address to the' kni-r h t that day. MARRILI). E. R. Tull of Kinstoa and Miss Nellie Edwards were married Wed nesday at the home of the bride's father, D. M. Edwards, near'Farm- ville. Rev. J. A. Lee, ef Kinston ofliciating. The weddin party took the tiain Wednesdar for Kins- ton. ECLIPSE. The eclipse of the moon Tues- y night was observed by many ptsale. The whole face of noon became covered over as if by a very dark mist and it javc no light f rom beginninj: to end the eclipse ited three hours or more. Right much work seems to be doin2 on the streets. 1895, 70,000; A r"vi i r vow Cholly reeolrea to propose at once. TO THE CHIME rTnQER. OIil ringer ef thejtttow ckimes! . Who erat la fajecs numbrrn. Clanged all ymr bell to Christmaa njznes, ..... Retellinz to the xmiiM earth The story of the mystic birth; Ua strong to-nJjrat; acd once again xuig out a wUd ui glad refrala. TTOlle all ta city aiambers. Bin valiantly, and laud, and trclU TV bile midnight wlnua se slghlnsr Stotfce 4wb tae keys, mil evenr he With Iron tongue and brazen threat 1 OaXla up the echaoa with lta note; AxA sleeping drejuneya . wake te hear xer ptieaas for the dawalng year. xna mrgea for the eying.-- - IUag pLceraad ms ta harW daya xe rajMekca ya aa pleaamrea. To rrWs that darW-oM frunnuU watv r. faded Jffoptw. akl erory thaugbt Ana deed, ef wrong .the oru years rheir tiTnlir 'rnTrmnr aiftdielr kat Wag ooxrti and ?ee the Ua 4 en ita , Qo aH their wJ treafwre ! Wag paeaae kaltle' ys to he. Ia'Wrtaa ed ta rtrtug; IN iaOsu shlpa stll oai at sea, tHaad hawwxrd aa tfcaea tSaal wave, m aU tLXtt true aaa good aad iaSivk With leyal orews ax4 boneat freight; tds opa wlae tfcp gel4n gate i better waya cr unna. lUog hravely out your gladdest peal. u with nNoctaat tugr Ran o'er the koya, wkw speech r- vwua Sad mem'rloa of aa early loss i' iE hopla path or heavy cross But wlAi the dirge, let us hear k Joyous welcome to the year That comes co iLoee who linger. TURNING A NEW LEAF A maa iu a ragged overcoat and ilouched hat, which aretty well con- scaled his features, was pacing the nar row walk which stretched In front of l fine, well built house. AW ) ut vs er. v w a v vav uuu e did net ease the pain to know that be had brought the misery upon him self and others. Those garments of shame which lie had worn five years seemed te clothe him from head t.) foot. Half maddened by his thought. Bruce Proctor walked away from tin? placv. But his former home was a magnet. After the streets were quiet lie was drawn to haunt the spot again. Bruce ventured round at last to the ilde door, aad sat down ou the step, ro l even thus near to them wis ome comfort. Five loa years since he had heid bis Cracle In his arms. She had not then inxm able to lLsp "papa." hut h remembered her haby fingers crawling ver his face, and her cooing laugh. She had tine been taught that her papa ws dead, and already a grr.it wall of & pa ration was built up b tjxHt thi. There wfs nothing to hope for from the mother. From the moment of his irret as a defaulter they had been es rtranccrs. No message had cene to him from her during his term of 1m Drisenmeat. which had been shortened by extoccatlng drcmnstanco. He had hoped against hope that when his term had expired she would end this word: "Come home, and let bygones be bygone." Surely her love would at last prove stronger than br pride. i But it had not, and his love had so far mastered his pride that here he was creeping ronnd Ms own home like l thief in the night, because those denr to him were within. A startling thought came to him, and he felt with tremblng fingers In his xwrket. lie had a key to this side d.or! U h?d been in his rocVU atthe tim 1896, 83,227: H JfKW TEAM IlCSnLtTlOrfk Ethel resolves te accept If he dosa. it fds nrrept; it was there stfTl when his own cltfthwi were returntsl to hljd wf& hJs fvee. fie get c aai laeerted It la Ue kr hoie. It tTM" rcadny., II tarnnl (he kaeb nWUMly aa4 lwd raM,. Moa he greoed hla wsy tau tb iTln i'ng veora aad Mt dew a. . .He leaned tack In his chair with a ease ;,af restfulncaa. The house waj In t raaber, aaeemelons ef fts a-ew inmate. Carter aad ' his ' wifv were there yet, of course, la the characters 5f butler and housekeeper. But where was WVacle sleeping? rfcere was a dalaty little roem aeross the corridor, which Ague had nee takl sheriyi be Oracle's dhanber by sad by. lie wandered If she were yet ns . occupant. i IS rtacttd. the bead oI the eUlr- I TFo Advertisers! OIHCTJL ATI0N OP KZNQ-'S WBBJXLY FOR 1898. January Febrnary March. April 9065. 9100. 8835. 10745. , (Up to Aufnst 1st it was werkly. Sine then it hubeeff semi-weeklr.) August 19050. September 191 lo. October 17495. Smallest issue, 2050, Largest issue 2500 actual Average for yeur, 2172. August and September had one mor publication day. with, tbap October, Noyamber or December. way noiselessly, antTsGpped along tlx upper halh lie stopped at the door of his wife's chMnber, which was ajar, and applied hl ear to the opening, lie could hear the w, measured breathing of cWp slumber. A little iK-youa. on the left, another door was partially open, and a triangle of pale light rer.ched from it Into th hall. He wa rrjviM for th risk hr !m.l taken. A niht lamp burnml iliaily un der a roey glebo. IXU child lay on her low bed In ekie cornte; breathing noftly. Her Christmas gifts were all rou-jil Ser. A miniaturf cradle hoMiug a ainty doll stoxl la the cernor. A --nia with the cAlnc beaded fer th? rway wms realy ta run. while paz- and picture bekii atoeJcd. Ui noaved a step vr two ferward and -rtel at the first glimpse of his own nrUon In the aiirrer. la his shabby v4rosat and u;pron:Uing Let h wned a blot upon that pearefal scene. It avo&ted as it ke iaet nWi to th bedside take her In his arm and de vour her with kl. Tet be dired not prees even one fht kls usn her eteek lest she should awake with a sereaju of terror. Before the fattier could make up hi xaind to retreat, she jenel her big brown eyes and fixed tnem uron him. cot In fright cr turprlse. but with sweet, slow wonder dawning more an! more In their dth. Ton are Sarta Clae." the aM. In a confidential tvl.!pr. -I thought 1 should catch you omc elzht. IMf3 yua come down the chimney If He nodded. -Hare you carried Cfcrlnmaji rrea- 1897, 98,995: 1898,'lo8,4G0. The old man rtlT to do hU duty. K Jo-n 4H Jo ra t.ajl ivru xtvtj i can u tfn aoja i AJni p i, 'iUnaPSaeo pjve eq vraw pjaoii ooX n mlu Ltti eVMV pV x. yum jVu Sq aaxrea apva 9xtm 04 hjuxhw a nX aaw) Jt elvt amen sinia qi H' piracy 2ajo3 pajp uc nit rstiub n Ulia aprj cc )e ana dq tau aoX t.nop Xha- vhtj. oi ojo4 pnnej n m'vtMX extt aoX pja me Cnai aiavs JK a l Win. Tna liJA ra.i pue Hop Xn Xiyffdtf. 3nmi Xmn 111 I iv3e )nSe-o) etnec neX prI m, 3iojota trt of q jpi 1 nqM aq ni pviJnt mojj noX Jiawqi -ataata uea e Q a.e, pjw ent .'ieep oq mt injn vorxi pea Jrjoav ,4najP0a,3 etun Jo4 ei e eiit May June July 325. 8400. 10500 November December 18070. 17735 llght you brought these thing. Hut liama said you'd come again. I'm uy lad I woke up and caught you. I am glad, too." be a!l. ."You don't wear a v-ry nlc? hat and roat' he eaid prrk-ntly. "but all the Kits and girl loTe you Jut the name, lon't they " "I exiect " "And I Ure you se rauib. You don't ock a bit funny, though: you kxk "rry: your tm are ortlng Intal f nuzhlng. What are you ikrry forT Si. imtt-l l.Ia thek with Iwr liand Itjiugir. Her tcch made LIci trem V with th- tw -f h! emotion. "Would you like to hare m lire vlth you? he Inquired. "Ye." "Hut I Kt I ceahlnt leate mama." .h aid 'omly. as If ft arful of hurting il frt-llng, "Hut I do lre yon a rh-lf 14.. Uar eattta i'iaus." ami. with in tihX4ctd m?eiant he sprang 'rm hr ld and rtrtl ttu ter irm tlchtly at-ut hrn eecic. He itretaetl fcrr to Lis ha-urt. He ihd cheek atl trow atd neck. He jti cxihiea ef a wild deCre to carry er away with Mm. Fbe ietled In his irma catentely. ' "1 waat you to bring me a nice pap.i ;ext time." he paid, presently. -All he other little girls 'cept me have nri." II er Innocent words were like a sub n M' hesrt. "I had a pau onne." he add!, "bat u ert atrjy wiirn I ws a little tor. Vhen 1 as nsns lt:t htra phe nds ?i rf: to r J- ,ce 1-- sorry, a:. 1 rle m-tlrtr when I say. 'Will h ?ver enme tarkT OT trlth a fresh aref. "I tMnk I would like yoa for a tl' Tiv I the cthrr children iiu!lat f;.a:e tr.:r Vizix c:a.." There wai tte ul of a tUilthy !otstp eurmidc th dr. Unci- mrt 1 up la flirhL with the lrtct.tkn of -mp!rr into the tr-t n-In. At tLat xiomer.t the Coot itrr: .g r; n In ace. and a plt'd sht rsr.g out rpon e mSdnisht Ptinr.-PA. llrcre ft II l.. a-. V.jr t t-e.f r; Gtacif creamel. , llr, Vn-Ur had Crtl tLe l.t, &t the nan who b thrrr:t. was atfcr.p'Jcj o carry off hr little one. K2;e tcre t pen the c!ot!i cn the left lie, where a Urk ta!n vrx slowly rpreail'.ar. atd frit the r.rsrt. It was eating fe-l.ly. "Oh. iu'a:na. ciiai. It's my Fantt naus. who fays he love me a w!ole ot." said Oracle. kneng rtawn anl Tying ta lift his hevl trnn the cret. Vhat Lave you done ta him? lie ron't s;eak to me. O. derr" ar. 1 a! egan to cry, with her face c Lit. -I U will Ut, aahl the aurgsa, an Kxir Uter, lf be- haa good care. L ot fcti earl had a narrate escape frosa that u2h" . . He opened his eyes after the scrgeea lad pane, ta re his wife by the bed Ude. A !w Tr M4tm. 1 yea know how te rtto grar.; VaT I went on Nw Tear'a lay Tea climb the hUl whre the plne-treea gyow And grandpa okk half-way. 'lie waits la the read for matrix and rae. " And jtaya We a robber boM. Hard, when I eua't hc langtlng. Hew f-randprn fvefewdt te coU He thrcatena me with hfca cane, and says: A aisa or your life, ray AfutT ind titra with a atg-ar War-hug 1 wtsh hia a IRxpt 2Ur Tear!" Tuder Jeaks ha St khotaa. : la BHeaU. rf fi rsm H HLmxIUA with the rasat C rtcf hUr4 i tears a crra Sr ve3 ffAa ber f.e. ind thai etf(Ktws a divorce. virly 1H per eewt. ef t.e students it XVOmUb wtlrwevmee telg to the ?eoee ctai av tare !iralry ia aymg their way. A rwiw. TVs aew casVe wh4tk has Uw , icreae the Allaltle wtljha am r-easd the clW. Tfcs te the Mrtett of all -he cahles. lert Albrittoa who has bren w.'lh Sam White ihN year ha ac cepted a position with H. M. Har dee for 1S99. PruL J. r. Tinjle . f Ayden ;s atteadinj a State r.-ucaiiuhil ineet--t Ka!ri-h th; w.e Are You 3 asily Tired? 11- Just remember that all yonr atrength must come from your food. Did you ever think of thatf I rerhapa your muscles need mora strength, or your nerves; t cr per ha pa your atoraach la weak and cannot digest what you cat. If you need mora alrength then take : 1 : t : I ! S of Cod.Idrcr Oil with Hypo t phoapLitc The gU ia the moat 3 easily changed cf all foods Into etrccth ; and the hypophoa : phitea are the beet x I j tonics for the nerve, J PYYTWI Tf TTT. J ClOZl la the eaaiert ssf and cuickeat mm fcr woak throats, fcr. coughs of xery kind, anil for all caaee of de biLty, weak ncrTCs, and loa of eah. - C0?7 a R3AI, CW .-S Xrm York.