KIMU'g' WEEKLY. TUESDAY. PUBLISHED TWICE -A- WEEK FJtlDAY VOL 7 -NO 77 GREEJVVJLLE, JY. C, SEPTEMBER 25 WOO 25 CIS A TZIZ Within a radius, of 25 miles of Greenville, The Weekly has treble the subscribers of any other paper. Books always open to Advertisers. GENERAL, NEWS. FOR SALE. 0llC i$ il. P. return Tubular Borer in good condition with stack an,l fixtures. This boiler was made bv pie City Iron Works and is comparatively new. For price and terms apply to FOR SALE. One 60 saw Brown cotton gin ulld Condenser, in good running nrder Will be sold cheap, ord . W. A. Smith, Clay Root, N. C. jVu". 2th 1900. GREELEY'S SAY. Wilmington Messengers Daily condensa- A . 4 . . . . tl0ng. A good story is told of Horace Greeley in regard to his opinion of THURSDAY SEPT 20th, 1900. the Chinamen, and as the China- Russia will claim 100,000,000 man is foremost in the thoughts of the people of the United States, no doubt but what the story will be relished by all. Mr. Greeley was busily preparing an editorial for the Tribune and some one walked into the editorial rooms. When he looked around he saw standing be fore him a reverend gentleman of Bethel, N. C. indemnity against China. Dr. Hunter McGuire, of Rich mond, Va., died yesterday. The coal mine strikers claim that they now have 126,000 men on strike The southern yarn mills will cur- STRAY TAKEN UP. In May 1899 a young bull took tail production 40 per cent for the his acquaintance, and Mr. Greeley next sixty days. iold him to state his business New York dealers have put the very few words, as he was in a very 1 i m. a If nt m . ; ori v.-! ion ihfTf price ot stove coai up 10 $7 a xon, ousy. ine reverena eenueman up in iiiy . d.3 c n j "- w -. . . 1 - - (jC Wintering last Wliiici wiui I all au vam.c ui t. vyiumi c i xv. I ooiu. mi.jittic a want f jujuw.' TO sin my stock. Owner can get him by t ; w,,nrChanfr and Princes Chine "what for?" asked Greeley. paying costs and identifying him. been ap ointed help save 50,000 Chinamen from Description: Black with white n . UeL 7,: cifMi, ,Wn wv. Chinese peace negotiators. hell." "Not a red cent said Mr. nose uu us. - r wnH Greeley, sharply, "there ain't half nnmprkea. now auuui nuw n w.v..j . . old, half Jersey. B. M: -LEWIS places a warship at Kruger's ser- Farmville, N. C vjces to convey him to that coun try. ; The war department has pur- enough Chinamen in hell now." Ex A SHIRT WAIST JUDGE. STRAY TAKEN UP. A small boar that has been with chashea 2,500 cords of wood in Ja- 1 . r-i 1 mnnthJ n'ja rT1 I - my nogs wvaai .h- "ww" nan for the use oi our troops in China. Life insurance companies lose $150,000 in Galveston. Expert f wreckers say it will take 2,000 men ninety days at a cost of $500,000 Greenville, N. C. to clear away the wreckage. Wnnna in his Chicago speech ,.rT-r nTAxrr T?AD CiTP MILLTA iwiv. -J ,or r tr,iQt but hbnnn bv me. lhe owner can get him by identifying him and paying costs. Color black with white feet, weight,, about 5a lbs; marks, swal low fork in eacti ear. J. W. BROOKS, Sept. 24, 1900' trusts, The Giand Jury finished up their work and handed in their report on last Thursday. In the report was a resolution of thanks to Judge Rob inson for consideration shown them in permitting them to sit in court with their coats off while hearing his Honor's charge, the weather being so intensely hot. In extending them this considerate permission Judge Robinson jocosly COTTQJSJ -BUYERS' Geo. B. W. HADLEy! Q. A. CLUTE, COTTON BUYER -CO ITON BUYER Oroonvlllo I5J". O. Grroon.vil o 3J". O. Office at Bryan's Drug Store Office at RawP lewelry btore Phone - - - - pHOF - . . . g6 Tip Top Prices Always Given SCHOOLS ARE BEGINNING. You need School Books, Faper,,Tab- lets, Pens and Ink. You will find then atWooten's Drug Store. Greenville. Nt C Come to see us , J. L. WOOTEN. SUMMER SALL OF . . rM1 ni i. -A. I ... . .. . T 1 I A complete wn. irm, g charged that wiairman jones, ue- remarked ..j wi anticipate ,he 0tre 8heneeV3l l0"ged 10 the Ct,n ba'C adoption of the slurt -.vaist arr..,g comDieee;6in adjustable 'tooth saw, Thesenator will take the stump. men m ,he ncar fu,ure gent!emen iniete L'ood Dry Kiln arrangement com- Rapid progress iu improvement Gf the Grand Jury, and permit you plete,l4 2in Grist Mill, i Swing Cut 1S being madein Galveston. Ships to remove your coats, if you rind off Saw, i Single Edger and a lot of b n loading wheat from them uncomfortable, the weather is SnSffitoT one elevat-raml through .oreiSn to urates and Stack: i 25 h p Center bills of lading will be given to thai OnnL- Kncrinft in trood condition, riv tomorrow. The work of relief : unit) for cash. Apply to H. HARDING, Grecnvilje, N. C LANDS POSTED , All the lands described below h:tvc been posted according to law hy ihe owners, whose names ap pear and any trespassing by any one in any manner whatsoever, by hunting with gun or dog at any time, fishing and trapping, cutting limber or wood or in any other manner is forbidden. Trespassers will be prosecuted: P.y J. J. NOBLES: Home place, Barrow, Bell, Jolly, Dixon and Fleming places in Green ville and Pactolus townships on north side of Tar River. Nobles place on north side of Gridle creek adjoining S, E. Nobles, J. F. Tyson and others. By D. H. MOORE: Home place on south side of Grindle creek adjoining J. N. Moore, W. H. Whichard an4 others. and clearing up the city is perfectly systematized. Between Germany's demand for I punishment of the leaders of the GMnese rebellion before negotia tions are begun and France and Russia deciding to withdraw their troops from Pekin, our government is in a dilemma. ' An answer to Germany's note will be made today. so very hot and oppressive." Imme diately every man on that jury hucked off his coat with a look of t vtreme gratification that foretold th above resolution. Goldsboro Arc us. Fashionable Millinery. I am now selling my entire stock of Summc Mithr.eiy. con sisting of all the Latest Myle ami New Good AT GOST FOR CASH. I aho have a nice assortment . fjcurlrv. Ur.-u:clets, Summer Felt Hats, Shirt Waists New ttylc hYIt, Emb'nidcry. Stamped Linens &c, at very low price?. Mrs. M. A. L f ( n Mrffu tu ct m lr..ut ot J. C. Cobb a: Sd THE STAR WAREHOUSE -AM) THE- FARMERS INS. MEETING. The Sixth Annual meeting of the Pitt County Branch of the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Association ofN. C, will be held in the court house in Greenville on Monday, October 1st, 1900 at 12 o'clock M., for the purpose of Electing officers tor the ensuing year and such othef business as may come before it. Jno. S. Harris, President. Since iSf4 the total vote at each successive Prsidential election has shown an incie'tsc over the vot-. of 1 the preceding contest, rrcm 1 5 f 4 to 1 363 the gain was 1,700. :oo; troni iS63 to 1S72, 700.000; i 6 S ,ooo; trom id5o to 1304,; trm 1SS4 to 1SS8, 1.300 O03 (an abnormally largeiucrease nl accounted tor by the admissio-.i new States); from 18SS to 129, 700.000, and from 1S92 to 1896, 1,900,000. This year the prd blc total popular vote is estimated at 16,000,000 GREEWILLL MARKET Greenville ai.d icinity had a big shower Sunday evening, brrak- By James L. Little. SecV & Treas. J ingthe hot spell a few days be Sept 20th, i9oo. for2- BV H. F. KEEL. Home place, known asthe James Sutton place; the Guilford Stokes place and the R. M. Starkey place tn Greenville township adjoining the lands of B. F. Patrick Mrs WVr ren tuckea and others ,m t. tronomers sav ! l he progressive nations nf the ... : . . 4. j Aor!d are the great food consuming aiiil the extreme heat this sum- . , .. i mer, and doctors declare nearly all the prostrations were induced by disorders of the stomach. Good health follows good digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. If you have indigestion or dyspepsia it will quickly relieve ai;d j nations. Good food well digested i gives treglh. If you c&m.nt iioi all you eat, you need Kodol ly- ' pc sia Cure. It digests wht you j eat. You nt-ed net diet yo-jreit. ' It will evii digest all classes of j food in a bottle No other prepa. j ration vill "do this. It instai tly re- ;;cvs :nd on;c!v cures all !.:ti.i h FOR TFE SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO Sell on Grer'iivi lie Market. Peca use it 1- m"-. oji.i nt Late'ti Carohnx in amount of annual sab, ha . : -g i nearly 1 3oo,oco t" e pu! reason and sccor.d . n-ntr in hc country 1 -high i:ir. W'r hve a larg and etticient corp f buycr5 ho ntiend the sab fextiUrly,hciCC forcing prices hit vr thr i:jh co'iipctit'on. Sell at thuST.vR WAREHOUSE Iicaic 't is the leading house, having tol! lialf 2 mil lion moreJhan anv othrr h'uve ih'j past seao'i mud over one fourth on ami ict -f Hihri:c Thr tells it own tale, and why is this? Because we thoroughly know our butne, attend to it itrictly ai.d have ample capital to protect our patrons. W e don't guarantee you more than any other hous. but guarantee as mch as jny aid more tharvsme and honest deal ings in aliening Try us with a load or snipmmt and b-convinced thjt we don't promirc anything wc don't do. Thanking you in advance for your patronage and feeling contident that we can sMlfy you if y.:u arc atifiaMc" we arc yours to sere. permanently cure you J. I- Wooten tr.uS.e- J I- Wont. n. COWARD, HOOKER & CO.