' ( 4 ,!v?.-; ! Hiiv he cures The GrjMeft Specialist of the Time Gives ETery Case 1IU Personal Attention. . QmIm lloi doctors hav certain number Hatha wear's U casc.4 which fecuat all similar. Mothnri Zhls 13 no Dr- Hathaway's method. King's Weekly BY HENRY TAKING. r Editor, and Proprietor, St Every caw with Him mogicaiciuiir . diaeooaea ana ue exact ccxerea ai me posiomce at ureenviue position of tii diseased eon- &?r?ca?trSSd C.,aa second class mall matter alely and ni vljctne are ii J lainixtorf i wnicu are specially prepared under Dr. Hathaway's personal superrision f "r each case. No two Doonle are affected . by a )ir liculwi disease in the I ame manner, conseqaeDfc- I I7 no tro poop! wnld rreatea in me raxne way eren for tarn) complaint. Dr. Hathaway U a special it in the hose ise of the SEPTEMBER 25 1900. SC3SCRIPTI0N, 25 CENTS A TEAR. I Convinced, by cireamstanees and ex r? Perience, that Geo P RoweU A co are Sp7cIaSJ SS?Sa3foe,uWr cramn 'emien of the local weekly pa- tLi1i,j twenty years of the moat extenBtre per and considering their Bocalled. Amer- reaiea. practice enjoyed br any aptclaltetin ; , a . this conn try. Dr. nathawaf irreat and uniform sue- lean Newspaper Directory" a fraud, all cess lfl due to this individual system of treatment. . . . , .. rVr!lvr in epite oi hundreds of request heir requests for. circulation statftiaents "r t yeany irom doctors mail parts ot the sl Treatment worid, aekin for the prinieee of c tiZe contemptuously ignored. nalncrDr Wathaw v'sinothod of troaf mnth tytllarcx ' ' ! it wwer to allow none oosiae uiraaeir ua Knowledge of his remedies. a he istoowH aware of thetmiu chief which may be done by the unakiUfnl use of any t .j..j'eb-. system, rwrerm' art how perfect. UlOOa and Skill Dr. Uatliawrij" treatrant for DisMtei. ' H-vxldseas in whatever ftace cures all farms of Hirs sore. r)ioicnes,.piDari, ricannnoion-ym HW inenittn and scalp to their natural condition, bnt so purifies the blood that the disease hi peramritly ani cun pletely driven from the Fjrstosa aa1:Ul this without admlnlaterinff Doisoaous or danireroi.1 dnit , . . His treatment of Var1vv? Varicocele and and Stricture i3 a method eSlu r OtriOtUre. "'J hl own fl a 90 per cent ' of all caes results In a perfect and permanent cure. No operatloals recinired and .no pain or Inconvenience are expertsread by the patient. The expense of this troatraoit 13 much lss than that of any operation, or ho iitil or institute treatment, and is both safe and fnr, reMnr'n? the organs to a condition of prfet, rorrrial hcalh. tf lftw . Dr.Hathawav1:v: lrsnt nronarcda new Kianey testquesTirtn J !-i-kfor those who have Diialiet. reason to ri pec t Kidney trouble and Uiseasea. -this blank he nil sladly sefrie "o ererxone who sends him his nam - and address. Ham rtAAlr v V .... li'l',1 ior ut. uatcaway's new new UOOK book "Manliness, Vior. Health-has ?SAJte?5aHSi;oa tne nrst ed tionof ' 10GJ1 Vint frtw a - i be sent free to an rone irha ( ! this book wllll Oonaultailon S. and address to Dr. Hathaway, ygnsuimion Dr. Hathaway makes no charm FREE t.T consultation apd advice at either his office or by malL J. NEWTON HATHAWAY M. D. Dr. Hathaway A Co., 2K South Broad Street, Atlanta, Gaw MENTION THIS PAPER WHKN WRTTINCL B D WAY TOp The Republican news pap ts are very h ir 10 nleasf. Ko ir years ago, when Carl Schurz suppoited McKinley. he was a patriot; now, w en he is weary of the job he is a ilesran. A lanti Constitution. That 1 uie wav of politics and politi iaiis When are with u , no ma'ter if yoj ! caine a trni or. t get w it u, y"'i Jir a p.trvt and a staeman v rir-.i you ar.-; against us, no mat e ? h nesty an i princi ple earned vnu hither you are a very bad man That's politics and of a kind t iHL is not confined to any one party. Newport News her Id BRING YOUR COTTON Our cotton gin plant is now do inTS0d work. We are prepared to gin all the cotton that can be brought us. Customers do not have to wait simply unload seed cotton from their carts and wagons and drive around to find their cotton packed just from the press, take it and go 10 market. We pay octs per bushel for cot ton seed at the gin. Cotton ginned ot our gin sells for 1-4 cts per pound more than tHat from other gins. John Flanagan Buggy Co. Communications, news or topical matters are solicited bat the WEEKLYS column are closed to youthful and bombastic effusions. Obituaries angelic and transporting must come from friends or relatives and not exceed ten lines to be Inserted gratis. All persons dlsllklna tne express!? of the WiXXLT are earnestly requested todies vigorously and often. All entertainments for revenue are i pected to contribute liberally for uotlees wanted. The editor writes the editorials aod is dot responsible fnr expr.es lonsrDy rorTesjHn dents. - - - 1 ' , . . 'i ' T?6 avoid risk, au beer Ibers .should e- mit by money order or registered letter. Deadbeats and pauper advertising offers should alwsy include postal for rejection. anonymous communications cortltnte cat e aaket material. .. COTTON. Cotton has been selling higher here this fall than in a long while, as compared with other markets. The reason is there are two hustl ing buyers who "bull" the market all the time, making Greenville equal to any market They are Geo. B. W. Uadley with Rodgers, McCabe & Co., and G. A. Clute with'Joht.son and Thompson. Farmers cannot do belter than sell their cotton on Greenville market Chadwick & Jones, of Beaufort, have been awarded the c ntract fui a daily mail service between t'ia: point, Ocracoke, Portsmouth and other points on Core Soun i Thee inland points, heretofore inaccessble are indeed fortunate in secuing the service. Advertising rate. larmshed on application. MARTIN NOMINATED.. The RepuMcan executive commit tee of the Second Congressional District met at Weldon on 'trie t4th and nominated J. J. Martin, of Edgecombe to succeed George H. White in Congress. 'Ill - committ-e consisted of (flverl n- jfiWand thrf e whites. On the first bal'ot f ur n'efOes voted for Mr Martin, four vtes being ca3t for some o e e se. On the second the five negroes v ted fr Mr. Mar tin :o he was nomin ted by ne-threes. LAST YEARLY. . - . Last Sunday at Great Swamp Closed the yearly meetings of the Primitive Baptisis in this section. There was a large crowd present The next big meetipg is at the Meadow in Greene county on the second Sunday in October. 'Vieldin-.- to the per-uasion of my dea r. I changed chill tonic and tr ed Roberts', and found it the bet I eve- used, and shall in future c 'ntinp its use." W. H. Corprew, jamesvillc, N. C, to The Roberts ! Drug Co., Suffolk, Va., Augus! 14, ?8yu 25c. per bottle. Look tor he red cms?. J. I .ooten. ' See change in Munford's adv. -V' -: : - QUESTION XtiiV&D. Yes, August Hower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilixed work! Your mothers' and grandmothers never tnritight of us ing anything else for Indigestion or hi iousiess. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of appendi citis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to cl an out the system and stop fcrmenlaiion of undigested f od, regulate the action of the liv er, stimulate the nervous and organ ic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with hea laches and other aches. You onVy need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter wi;h you. For by Jno L. Wooten. iff PS Tib LID PJ ST Age. I that emancipates women of all ages from the tyranny of hard housework. GOLD DUST Washing Powder is the greatest boon of the century to woman, since it lightens her heavi est work. Large package is greatest economy. -gp .f J& 0 eM-riC f -parg ams. Low p JUST EETTJRIED PROI JEW T0B.K , ' We0 don't want to brag, but we feel " safe in- saying that we have the LARG EST, CHEAPEST and most UP-TO-DATE stock of Clothing, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats and Gents Furnishings ever shown in Greenville. -s'BaroainSs- ' Space forbids the mention nf th many Bargains we Have, but one visit to cur stcre will canvinceycu- . WE HAVE NO OLD STOCKS. ODDS AND ENDS OR JOB LOTS TO OFFER YOU BUT EVERYTHING IS S NtVV FROM THE STAkT TO FINISH. FRIENDS COME TO SEE US WHERE YOU GET More Goods For Same - Ilqnej Same Goods For Less fa FineClothmg. Cheap Clothing BUY in need of a Sadie, v. 0 Harness, Rifle or gun, go to see-. ORMOMD and CARR the Leaders in Hardware and Stoves, GreenvUle, N. C. OUR LfflE OF Fall Goods IS MI IH Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Dry Goods DRESS GOODS. XOnONS. Etc. chea'pe than ever before HARDWARE AND HEAVY GROCERIES Our Prices Are All' R0Ck Bottom Come and be convinced James B. White The N. K. Faxrbank Comoanv. ! 1. ' ---- x : : - ... ,