WEEK E JTUESDAy. PUBLISHED TWICE-A 'WEEK FJUDAl , , " vJF 3 -NO 48 GREENVILLE, JV. C JUNE J 4 WO I 25 C73 L 1 X X x x x X x x x x x x X X Within a radius of 25 miles of Greenville, The Weekly has trebk .he subscribers of any other paper. Books always open to Advertisers. F. W. B T, SEMINARY. W. H. S10IB. Vice-Pres. t -STATEMENT OF- R. J. COBBr, Cubier ! 1 1 T i . t- i r ne breenvnie DanKing i rust oo (Opened April icth iqoi) GREENVILLE. N, C. , or April 24 th 1 901 Kescurces Liabilities : I i-cor.nts Hanks $ 2.C44- I I 444-S4 I-.933-7S Capital .Stojk Proiiis Deposits si D.oo 6 1. 9,f4S.44 $20,2 IO.32 aid on Time Deposits. $20, 2 1 0.3 2 Prompt attention to ail business. assess June ale .in White Goods:- WE HAVE REDUCED THE PRICE ON ALL OUR WHITE GOODS. WE WILL PUSH THESE GOODS OUT irvrijv 1 DDirrc vvf apt hpavv ?TOTk'pn AM) THEY MUST GO r X ! SLIPPERS. PRICES REDUCED 40 pr ct . ! CLOTHING-. PRICES REDUCED 33 1-3 prct. $ RTT3 AW TT A TO I Ulllii V J.J- J.JL J. K I PRICES REDUCED 33 1-3 pr c WHITE GOODS, LAWN J, PIQUES. DIMITIES AND ' . SUMMER COODS a I' A REDUCTION OF 1-3 PER CKM'. COMK'lO.El ANT-WK WILL NAME THE 1 Fashion Sheets free. X 6 X Tlie Designer fo Julv 10c. g A full stock ol Standards & Patterns on hand. Yours to serve, RICKS & WILKINSON. 8 aM W. T. FLEMING The closing exercises .f '1 he ! Free Will Baptist Theological berr. inary, at Ayden were held Turs-.a Wednesday and Thursday las week. i :ie exercises i uesuav was De debate: Ouerv, "Has aml.;::oi, wrought more harm than goo! : : mankind.'' Wednesday's exercises consisted it mus'.c, recitation, dcclama.-.o;.-, vVc. Thursday Elder W. H. Frost pf New Kerne, delivered the annual address Education in its various phases, was his jubiect. Alter the address a splendid din ner .vas served oh the grounds. Alter dinner there was a '-good will'' meeting, at which many spoke, the means for paying a $o debt on the building, how to :aise a $10,000 endowment fund and other matters pertainidg to the bet teiment of its educational facib'ties were considered. At night the closing exercises, were held. A broken bridge, C'-mpellu? us to go several miles out of th way, made us miss nearly all Elder Frosts address as he had about fin ished when we am ved The "good will" meeting was interesting and showed the great interest there i for the welfare and success of the school. The attendance has stead ily increased until needed. Ayden is fast becoming ucational centre o Pitt Its people are hospitable hus tlers and bent on getting :here nil al .ng the line. more room i the ed cour. t v Everything AT IEW YOBK COST For Cash. & BOW EN. See bi sign over door. PULLE IIC NIC- ' - .r-rvA Co oner im.dr and Dance at Falkland. W,,lr,lay 11011 ' --".v,n: lJiC"1 1T June26:h. 1 here will also be a:arc P-! 1 wh.t thry My ballatn.ght We hea- over Ihirtv . Y 4nM,dcral,on- hogs will be roasted for l sitn. A big crowd and a time is expected. it ger give c l Li.ks lor hot wcalhc. They have a new adv. that sU..Ui att'a. KACHKR S ASE.!I;LY. Prof. W. H. Ragsdab-. Ii; -in.i Moore, M:-t l.ina irppard. Lydia and Estello Thigprn irSt ' uev day for Wrightsvilb to attn d t'.e Teachers' Assv.nb! v Ilvman will iij.i'- ;. dovn nice p et- r-s i r i . PALM-IS t DAYS. Mr. Robert Ctreene. ol (Jreen il'.e N. C manager of Jiio FlanaL'an Buggy Co., wis told by her (Mmc. Lela Elrado, the fdmous palmist) to invest in cotton futures In a few days he diu so. and made $3yo on Sioo ilol'.ar in one hou.". News & Observei u may u w 11 -xp v : t :ur a ste.i'ii engine witliout w ati r a- t. -tind an active. Mierg' tu n an w :th a torpid Iier and miv know- that his liver is torp.. a I.e. hed.e not relish his fod : el ,i ..: languid alter eating. ste r a- head ache and sometime- d.iue-s. A few doses ot Chain berla.n's Stoma . and Liver Tablets w .ll restore h liver to its normal tun hoi,, re; ev his vitality, improve his !iesti,:i make him !e 1 like new m.4: . Price 25c. iamjles tree at 1 I. j W ooten drug sto SWF TWO FROM DEATH Oar tUughtcr ha 1 an almo fa. tal attack o! whKnj Couirh and bronc- :t w riter Mr W. K Ilav ilan.l. ..f ni.ii,k. N. Y.. but whtii all.itr.f r r ' in. cir f.iV1. w e svcil her 1t w;th Dr. KingV Nr Pi-o,r.- Our neu t- ho hud the coiisi,:r.'. :,, au aitvaiKcd stac a!-o usd th:s wonderful mrdicir.e ai d :.duv --hr i perfectly w re"pe .:t- :r..t and lunr t r - j !r iel i : Dr Kings New I)t-cocry a t no her rnnlic e on earfh. htailllr .: vot:gh-. and cl.Lv f - ai'iifi I, ttlcs uaran:t -J t y J I. Wi, :-. Trial iKittlcs free. R MVM N. 9 . t-.tal and ' "I'cxting Agcr.t. ' -RTF NYILl.., N C Peal F-tate bough :.nd ro!d. P.'-,. ty Kuite.l a: Kichatig w '.le.t: a.d r rompt t- t n s. -v'looti (iftitartr sale W. K. . v n.s. hv. H. WRITE. WHITE & FLEMING j AKHV EVERYTHING USUALLY FOUND IN A 'tKnKUaL STORE. STAPLE GOODS ALWAYS ON Hand rV Goods, Provisions, and Genera! Supplies . JULY ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LOW PRICES N -U. FARM SUPPLIES. READ I I" IN NEWSPAPER. Let)r;e Schaub, a well known German citizen of New Lelwinon, Ohio, is a constant reader i f the Dayton Yolkszeitung. He knows 1 that this paper aims to adertUe 1 only the. best in its columns, and j when he saw Chanberlain's Pain ! Balm advertised therein br lame ; back, he did not hesitate in buying : a bottle of it for his wile, who for eight weeks had suffered w th the most terrible pain in her back and could get no relief. He says: "Af j ter using the Pain Balm for a few ' days my wife said t me. T feel as though born anew.' and before uing , the entire contents of the bottle the unbearable, pains bad entirelf van ished and she could again take up ' her household duties.' He is very I tbmkful and hope that all fuffer ' inir likewise ih hear of her wom- dertul recovery. I"hi$ valuable lininei.t is for sale by J. L. Woote Read All Read The GieenviUe Banking and Trust Company, tikEEN ILLh, N. C NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Pays 3 per cenu Interest on all Deposits for Six Months or longer. No Interest on Deposits subject to call. We are well eipiipjed to ere you. A 5cfcw Iir. B-rgiar and Fie Proof Mosler Safe, with I epoit Safety lioxc to rc..U i,-iarntces at solute safety. Wc offer liberal accommodation nd a e g!d t. src our frerxls al 1 all times. PROMPT A ITEN I H N TO ALL BUSINESS I R. J. COBB, Cashier.