HOWS IEEK TUESDAY PUBLISHED TWlCE-A-WEEK FRIDAY Greenville, N. C, December 1:1, t 7 TT Y Within a radius of 25 miles of Greenville, The Weekly has treble the subscribers of any other paper. Books always opon t SJ A. J. V4 f V A. AO 'X O o y What you want for '!v!stmas is at Jjiv Store. Come ;Ui(l see my ' r itilIAGES. V ASES fcc DMMS, HORNS, GUNS fcc. WAGONS, GLASSWARE, CANDIES fcc. Better, Prettier and Cheaper than ever before. araes Long. iorses nd Mules. Two car loads of Horses and Mules just bought ex pressly for this market to -nit anybody. Cheap for Ca--h or on easy terms. iV H Harrington, In front of Court House. iipistmas My -lock of jewelry for Pres s Watches, Novelties and lots : . r pretty things, offers the -i things tor all. feood Jewelry 1 always worn by Ladies and : :iu ;i. lluy none but the patches Arc ornamental and useful. Re- 'J ime Keepers are the only - to buy. Every home needs ! .dock. Hep RETURNED. Revs. F. A. Bishop and H. M. Eure and Mr. D. D. Haskett have returned from the M. E. Conference at Fayetteville. They report a big Conference. Mr. Tihop remains Presiding Elder and Mr. Eure is re turned here. The following are some of the appointments for this seciton. WASHINGTON DISTRICT F A. Bishop, Presiding Elder. Washington Station R C Bea man. Washington Circuit vD A Wat kins. Aurera Philip Greening. Swan Quarter V Y Overton. Mattamuskeet L M Bcower. Fairheld Station J. E. Holding. Greenville Station II M Enre. Farmville Circuit T H Bain, supply. Grimesland and Vanceboro F F Eure, supply. Bthei and Jamesville A D Betts. Tarboro Station C W Robinson. Robersonville R. R. Grant. South Edgecombe Circuit C L Reid. Rocky Mount Statioia L L Nash. South Reeky Mount and Marvion Station-.?. D. Woodall. Nashville Circuit J M Benson. Spring ILpe I- II Joyner. Wilson Station A P Tyer. Wilson Circuit 1 B Culbreth. Ucracoke and Portsmouth P Black. OTHERS. La Grange H 1 Anderson. Snow Hill hi. Pope. Kinston Station and Mission N E. Coltrane and V. E. Brown. Pamlico AV A Jenkins. Oriental J. L. Rumley. Scotland Neck John C. Jones. Hobfoou Circuit 1). 15. Parker. Williamston and Hamilton T H Sutton. A GREAT INSTITUTION. There is one great enterprise in Tarboro that should be- more than local. We allude to the hospital the Pittman Sanitarium which , already to thi community has brer. a veritable Godsend, and it the peo ple of this section of the State will avail themselves of it when in need ot hospital treatment they will find it the same beneficent institution that have those who have receiyed treatment there. Equipped as well as any sanitar mm or hospital in the large cities, it deserves the patronage of East ern North Carolina. It was not projected as a money making insti tution, but to faciliate the treatment of patients, by the physicians, with the best nursing, with the health iest surroundings. It is managed by a board of as able physicians as any community , can boast, but these doctors who are in control do not exclude the patients of other physicians or phy sician. It is open to both, to the patient upon paying fees to cover the cost, and to the physician free of charge. He can attend his patient himself or he can make stated vi: its, leaving it to the House Physician or. some other, and the nurses to see that his directions are earned out. For example, ll a phy sician at a distance has a patient on uhom some surgical operation is necessarv, he can send the patient iii . . , . . . i :n aiieui, ana aavise i"e author NnrfnlV'c Onto Tirrt a c. Eye Glasses and Spe tacle l ccuratrly Fitted and Adjusted, by Ex; c:t Opticians TUCKER, HALL and TRAYLOR, f,9 Hume St. . NORFOLK. Va. Near New P. O More Toys Than Ever Before. I am still to the front with more Christmas Presents and Toys than ever before. Millions and MUHonn of Beautiful Christmas Presents and Toys cf Kvery description. I.i i,.: ftli v.1..Lc.j ami buy your Christmas Goods and then ro home and regret it. but come to the fountain bend aDd pt all vour wants snplli Ed H. Shelburn THFE TOY MAX. prce R eance airmg Kdjv.ires Experience and Skill. r" diamonds, The Best Jewelry j: "-'1 kinds, Watches, Repairing, 'vV :o to E. E. Griffin. Opposite Post Office. HORSES FOR SALE A visit to our Economical Christ mas S:ore will be to your interest. So many of our Gift Goods are ''Using Things. Our stock ranges from C. C. Ware to Wcdgewood and Cut Glass. We bought samples of a drummer from one of the larg est house? in the country. This gives us a variety of goods hatd to match and at prices, very hard to match. See them before they are picked over. tf Zeno Moore vS: Bro. COUGHS AND COLDS IN CHILD-REN. r"e just received a lot of fine --i .'uiiajic uir any vvor& or which 1 will sell cheap R. A. TYSON, Greenville, N. C. Recommendation of a Well Known Chicago Physician. I use and prescrsbe Chamber lain's Cough Remedy for almost all obstinate, constricted coughs, with direct results. I prescribe it to children of all ages. Am glad to recommend it to all in need and seeking relief from colds and coughs and bronchial afflictions. It is non narcotic and safe in the hands of the most unprofessional. Mrs. Mary R. Melendy; M. 1., Ph. D., Chicago, 111., This remedy is for sale by J. L. Wooten. ities when he will arrive. They will hive evrryihing ready a:.d when he comes lie cm pcrlcrm tl.r operation with such assistance as he desiics. iiei;: a home institution o to speak, it should appeal to those in this section of the State who need treatment in a hospital. And the broad, liberal spirit it displays to physicians in the adjoining cunt:t s should commend it to that profes- ' sion, whose code of ethics places j the cure or alleviation d human ' suffering above every financial con sideration. Tarboro Souther nor. - The following resolution vra adopted by the Hoard of Education of Pitt county at its Pec. Special meeting. Resolved that no public school house in Pitt county shall be used for any other purpoc than that of school purposes except by special permission of the Hoard of Educa tion of Pitt county. A. G. Cox. Dec. 9th 1901. Chairman. A MILLION VOICES. Could hardly express the lhank of Homer ilall, of West Point. la. Listen why: A severe cold had set tled on his lungs, causing a mcst obstinate cough. Several physi cians said he had consumption, but could not help him. When all thought he was doomed he began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and wntes rit completely cured me and saved my life. I now weigh a 27 lbs." It's postively guaranteed lor Coughs, Colds and lung troubles. Pric coc and $1.03. Trial bottles free at J. L. Wooten's, For the next uliivfcy uays we will sell our entire line of Furniture, con sisting of Handsome Oak Suits, Odd Dressers, Bedsteads, Wash Stands, Side Boards, Couches, Lounges, Chairs and Rockers at greatly Re duced Prices. Everybody anticipat ing buying Furniture and Chairs should s6e outline before buying as we can and willsave them money.. We have reduced priced on Breech Loading Guns and now is the time to secure a big bargain. We have a large line and invite in spection. Your Friends J. B. Cherry & Co;