0 PublishedEveoWday, Thursday and Saturday: Thrice-a-Week. Vol. 9 So. 74. Greenville, N. C, JUNE 2G 1902 50 era A Yeah OUR AIM AND It is, hs been, and will.contlnue to be, the im of this store to servp lr nKii i 4l laithfullv. No time is n to emphasize the straightforwardness of onr policy. The merchandising methods of a quarter of a century ago has been totally revolutionized. The 'Sand in the Sugar" shrewdness of the old time shop keeping would be stamped as roguery by the intell igence of today. Much outfitting money is be nig spent these days. Good thing to know where you can spend it with confidence and safety. Just at this season of the year we can stretch your dollars. We will soon be making P a n!l?f ?f J,aI1 nd our P011 is NEVER CARRY OVER, and now our greatest aim is to close out allsummer goods. Every depart ment has suffered the severest cuts. Below we give you a few prices by which you mav judge all. UNDERWEAR Ladies ribbed vest, with white tape, bleached unbleached 5C Mens iine shirts, all colors. t.iced with white silk tape and pearl buttons iqc Me uys75c, about sixty dozen ieft that we offer at 50c BUBHAJV1 CHALEYS About 100 bolts left of this goods, making about six hundred yards. To sell these goods quick we will offer them this week at 4c One thnn Lawn?, all color and stripes These were good at 5c, to ose these we say 3 3-4C AMERICAN rtADE PERCALES ull 56 inch wide, all colors a"d stripes. Thesearegood r anything. Worth 10c mean to close them this week and shall offer them at 6 3-4 iinclvwide, a11 colors 5 1-4 WHITE GOODS Fne India Linensf full 36 inch wide that were sold in erly season at 8c We shall offer these this week at 4 3-4 cents. We only have about hve hundred yards of these goods left When they are gone, they will be gone, DIES HOSE at!i5pIbU,ck iood value at ten cents. This week we tar cc eadrop stitch aU coloi 0vr a hundred dozen of inse foods, to turn them wee? WC for.-lto m w 11 wa I f 2mUeS f Greenvi. subscribers of anv nth At. nonn. ri , PURPOSE. hpfWfimhoM LADIES FANS One thousand Fans, all col ors at d sizes. We are ofter ing them this week at cr cgnt hundred tans all colors that were sold in early sea son for 1 5 cts, this week we or a 1 uuer mem ai toe Gause fans, all colors 25c PATTERN DEPARTMENT New Barry Sleeves, Monte Carlo Coats, Coffee Jackets The patterns for making all of these popular styles will be found in the Standard : Patterns just received by us ana now on sale. The July number of the Designer. which can also be purchased in our Standard Pattern De r I partment makes a feature outing toiletes (or ladies and summer apparel for small boys. CORSET SALE Several different styles to select from. Long, short or medium waist Six dozen 0 4 B that sJl for $1.00 to close them out we say 50c W CLEARANCE That clears in Slippers, We hare gone through the slip per stock and taken all the different styles, shapes and sizes and laid them out on the counter. These sizes ran from 1 i-s to 4 is We will offer them this week for JSC HAflByRh & IJiCES , This line we will not price bat shall be glad to' hare you investigate before bnf , JY fcaye bis line of this roods and arm making spec lal prices to unload. i, uits always open to Advertisers. GENERAL NEWS. JUNE uND. A fatal duel occurred at Elk Park, N. C. between a policeman ana mountaineer. several striking miner have been arrested lor violating Judge J act son injunction. TV . . contract his been let for budding the Ashcvillc and Ruthe fordton railioad. The supreme court of Texas de cides the case i f the Shippers Com press against the stite. Koscoe Conkling Bruce, of Ala bama, a negro, delivers the class day oration at Harvard university Emperor William, on h?s arrival at Aix-La-Chapellc from Bonn de livers a striking speech on religion Two towns near Tocoma. Wash.. are threatened with complete de struction on account of raging for est fires. At the last cabinet meeting, there was a very sanguine feeling ex pressed as to the success of the canal proposition. The vaticon accepts Judge Tail's proposition in regard to the Friar land, dissenting only in some minor points. An abandoned part of the Mont Clare mine caved in and tuis gave rise to reports that the mine had been dynamited. At a recent mee'.ing of democrats in Memphis. Tenn.. a club wai formed to promote tho candidacy of Hon. Richard Olney for prcsi dent The cashier of the Merchants bank of Newport shoots himself and 11 is oeneved that tbc wound is mortal The doors of the bank are closed. The house yesterday non concur red in the senate amendment to the Nicaragua canal bill, but agreed to th conference asked for by the senate. In the first of a scries o! base ball games, Yale defeats Harvard by the score of seven to two. Twelve thousand people saw the game- Circuit court of Cleveland has granted a perpetual injunction against the construction of the three- cent fare railway in that city. The Trades union of Paterson have decided not to go to work again until the militia is withdrawn from the city. The Union Pacific yesterday dis charged 515 shopmen, as a result of of the boiler maker's stiike recently. Lack of work Is the cause. Andrew Carnegie rites 6000 pounds, for a library at Merthyr Tydine, Wales. A terrible shooting affair occurs at Jefferson, Iowa, resulting from an attempt to arrest a man 00 a peace warrant. Cardinal Gibbons ordained J. Harrey Dorsey to ths priesthood yesterday. rxrser is a negro and the second of his race to be a Catbolist priest in this country The democratic county tion of Cabarrus hare named the delegates to the stale, congressional Weekly has trebla the , nd judicial convention. Justice receives 49 electoral votes for chiei justice and Clark receives 11. In the democratic pnmar.es hcM yesterday, the county of Wake Kles majority for Bnmn Ur ato. cute justice and cily of P.j'id-J gires vote in favor f Cour. In the great int.'r-vop.ertc rc ta held yesterday 01 tic H ;!or. the Cornell crew5 won f;rv , in kit .1 W . .... w liic r rrn i ivn.-.,.... ....... second honors an 1 Cnlumt :a f.ntsh cd third. Several miner. mcrr Wrs of the United Mine Workers tare beer, taken to Parkersburg. W. and lmlgcd in jail, under an 11 junction i'suetl by Jude Jackson of thr c mted Stttes courL Yesterday was the first par dav in the Pocahontas coal titlds since the strike began and there is much un certainty eipreis as to what effee1 this will have on the strike s tua tion. It has been decided to have the mcetirg of the senate and house conferees on the canal bill to met t Monday. The Spoon er amr.dmen! will probably be accepted as the bst possible solution. The State DenUl Asoci:;cn ad journs to meet aeit yesr in Win ston. The new officers are ejected and installed. The president yesterday ditcuss ed the question of reciprocity foy Cuba with several members of con Kr. Hei.dc.cmincJto h.rr ? The transport Sherman 'rom Man- I ila has arrived at San Francisco On board are Major Genera! , Whcaton. Brigadier General Snydrr 580 men of the Siith infantry. of the Nineteenth mfantr) and 151 sick. A plan i on foot, started br tome ! of the great packing estaUishmentt in Chicago, to settle several thou sand acres of land in Florida and Alabama and make it the centre 0 the cattle raising industry in Amer ica. Although rain has fallen in parts of Teias the long drovght has not been relieved. BEAUFORT. We are told that t! stand of to bacco in this county b poor, owing to the dry season during the time for setting it out But where there Is a stand It is in nc condition. The com crop ia this cocnty is bae. .The CoCon w hire there Is stand la good, and take U as whole tS crop conditions are above the Rumor has it that Mr. B F. Srr will bcacaxdicUie for the lehl. ture. He is an exooIcdersU and is well known in the couaty. Pro- i DEMOCRATIC COSVEVTIOX. A convention t4 lt Detsocn tic prty of 1 it! county it hereof . U rd to meet in :hr Co4. Ham A Crrmvife on Ja'ur is, fair iv?. t if oMock .v.. v is , , po- of aptntir.g del givi tr n - ,..v nirnuM, I held ia C.c c:ty of C.evnsSr ..n lr,-n-f. iT i , .1. r- 4 I til the Congrcssicmal a-,4 J . I .1 : Tmrtt.p i-nrnanri w.ll U i J u vlxkv p. m.. n vl June a;:. igri. : itt u-. g p:avr. far tic 5 iinU..C ddxa:e at alirrca. said (ivjMy C a .11 c rtt...X The umt: of O f ate an Icmatf rah trr.thip mCl t titJed to at follows Ueaver Dam 5 lielvo.r 4. Bethel 9. Carolina id, Ocod 19, Palklan 9 1 sro!w Grrmvtllr i. PaCtola . Swift Creek 1 . Cor.tentnta 15. By ordtr of jhe Deoocrstc fit ect:!ie Committee of Pat county AJei 1 B-ow. Oxalmun: W. L Brown, Secretary. DETECTIVES:- tr w . a.trf tm tW tl!li- ! Ml iMrSft tJT so. Wiii tt fmhmitr. kK ailxifii. ft L Millinery ForThNxt Thirty Days I Will SU My iock oi nillln ry Am pr)Om VJJO X . It Consists Of Hats, Ribbons &c All new and Up-to-date. Mrs. E. C. King, Falkland. N. C. The following are socat of lis offers. II? Ol lias's VMtt; Tstt A4 S TTticSx ts jaon nstter than Ami CW Vmkij.

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