Thrice-a VOL. No. TO Greenville, N. C, JULY 1 1902 1 a," 30 Crs A ITcait IT ff "11 IT OUR AIM AND It is, has been, and will continue to be, the ahn of this store to serve its public fair and faithfully. No time Is a better thne than now to emphasize the straightforwardness of onr policy. The merchandising methods of a quarter of a century ago has been totally revolutionized. The 'Sand in the Sugar" shrewdness of the old time shop keeping would be stamped as roguery by the inteli gence of today. Much outfitting money is be ing spent these days. Good thing to know where you can spend it with confidence and safety. Just at this season of the year we can stretch your dollars. We will soon be making purchases for fall and our policy is, NEVER CARRY OVER, and now our greatest aim Is to close out allsummer goods. Every depart ment has suffered the severest cuts. Below we give you a few prices by which you mav judge all. UNDERWEAR Ladies ribbed vest, with white tape, bleached and unbleached cc Mn s iuse shirts, all colors, l.ictd with white silk tape ami pearl buttons ioc Mens Sc-ivens Drawers, al ways 75 c, about sixty dozen lett that we offer at 50c BUBHAiYl CHALEYS About 100 bolts left of this Knods, making about six hundred yards. To sell these KchxIs ijulck we will offer t-'tm this week at 4c One thousand yards Lotus Lawns, all color and stripes These were good at 5c, to v-'vse thee we say 3 3 4c AMERICAN PERCALES 5'' inch wide, all colors ar-d stripes. These are good tr anything. Worth ioc we mean to close them this week and shall offer them ' 6 3.4 1 inch wide, all colors 5 1-4 WHITE GOODS Fli;e India Linensf full 36 nch wide that were sold in early season at 8c We shall "ffer these this week at 4 3-4 crnts. We only have about &ve hundred yards of these KJs left. When they are C'w. they will be gone. LADIES HOSE Udies plain black aU sizes, Sod value at ten cents, 1 .Ms week we say 5C drop stitch aU colors. 'r hundred doren of liCe foods, to turn them ln cash we say for this eic 11 i-ic Sicks unm a radius of 25 miles of Greenville, 0P,0 uuler ft WKSMOH PURPOSE. LADIES FANS One thousand Fans, all col ors and sizes. We are offer ing them this week at cc Eight hundred Fans all colors that were sold in early sea son for 1 5 cts, this week we offer them at 10c (Gauge fans, all colors 25c PATTERN DEPARTMENT New Barry Sleeves, Monte Carlo Coats, Coffee Jackets The patterns for making all of these popular styles will be found in the Standard Patterns just received by us and now on sale. The July number of the Designer, which can also be purchased in our Standard Pattern De partment makes a feature outing toiletes lor ladies and summer apparel for small boys. CORSET SALE Several different styles to select from. Long; short or medium waist Six dozen CAB that sell fox 51.00 to close them out we say 50c A CLEARANCE That clears in Slippers. We nave gone through the slip per stock and taken all the different styles, shapes and sizes and laid them out ' on the counter. These sizes run from 1 i-i to 4 i-s We will offer them this week for 3$c HATIBURQ & LACES This line we will not price but shall be glad to have jou investigate before buy ing We have big line of this goods and are making spec ial prices to unloai jEOTSOII paper, jjQQks ahTay8 open tQ Advertisors GENERAL - - s FRIDAY. JUNE 7TU. The house passes roe iPhUtppioe, civil government bc by m vote of 141'to 97. ,gw In the intematioMl special class t?t. . ......... .wtM4 .iai ciass 3 races at Kiel the American yacht.? unce bam, won yesterday. Tke democrats of the Fourth io- dicial district nominated C M.1 Codke for judge and C C DinicU for -solicitor. Te strike situKioncn the Poca hontas fields wai snore encouraging yesterday than at any time sinrc the strike began. In the wreck of e Norfolk and Western freight train oear Roanoie two tramps are Idlled-and forty cars wrecked. Charles K. Osborne is exonerated ofthe killing of hie wife by the magistrate at Norfolk, The homi cide is still a mystery. 'Two a coded s wi the RichaiZ mines near Dover, N.J.. resulted uj tbedeathof five raeind the proba ble fatal injury of the sixth. Senor Quesada and Acting Secre-j laxy Hill hdd a conference yenter darn a feciocodtr l.-tv for r.J and the United Tbe republican convention of Michigan renomt4iatA -Governor A. T. Blks and the plarfiwm pledges the scport of the adrniaistration. Xr. .and Mrs. WhteUw, Reid lunchened with Lord Laundowne yesterday. Today they will take leave ofthe Prince and Frincess of Wales. The papers in the Walter court martial a:e before the secretary of war. They are being considered in connectiou with the case of General Smith. The Yale crew won the big varsity race yesterday. In the touroared race, ihe lUrvjrd crew won and Lhc freshman race was declared a draw. At a meeting in Paterson of d le gates of all branches of the iik in- dustries, it wis decided not to order a general strike in sympathy with that of the dyers' helpers. Unless an agreeable scale of wages is arranged between the min ers and operators of Alabama by July 1 st, the miners will quit work until one is agreed on. Admiral Dewey testifies before the senate Philippine committee as to the events immediately preceed ing and following the destruction of the Spanish fleet in Maoila bay. VACATIONS DAYS. Vacation time is here and the children are fairly living out of doors. There could be no healthier place for them. You need only to guard against the accidents inciden tal to most open air sports. No remedy ecjua! DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for quickly stopping pain or removing danger of serious consequences. For cuts, scalds and wounds. 'I used DeWitt's Witch Haiel Salve for sores cuts and bruises," says U B. Johnson, Swilt, Tex. -It Is the bst remedr on the market Sure cure tor piles and skin diseases. Beware of coun terfeits. J. I Wooten. The Weekly has Many ofosr people remember the Cttttciarrrs Judge Winston 'de livered to our grand juries last Jan- I . I - - TOOch kw lhtl wc publish- nine rf 4 - - r T vv-mwaurcxj ma ing it The following it the summary: Judge Wwton stated to the grand jurors St they were the trott pow erful seriey of the court far en fore ing fee criminal Uw. Without your coarat in that branch of the juna dlctkxa thts court can dr nothing. fewce f this county, the securi ty of your property, the health ct your crtixesr. the safety of their per soot, the tanedncs of the r Homes, the swotcc:on of their pood Mmn depend ltly cn ywr pesent perfurmaooe of duty. You have bee elected with much care, Men j are called as a matter of coune to msrwc onihe Grand Jrr. U the other dutie of cslixenhrr they mav be, an.i ofKn are. taken without discncirtn. Not o with Curvd Jurorv. There arc men sn your county uoMorthy to til yor n! othec. trrch men arc found rm. wncTC- 10 lcr m 'S nw A aC,n citen. which m ;I kit arrest and trial with tt etpene and humtliatioa. i tcnout func tion of government T'ir prttor selected for t.Vt grave d-ty should te the beat s.ittrxL T t.; cxd it is the duty cf the Hoard ot Commj. ioncrs of each county. At their June meeting every two year, to telext froci the tax returpt of te preced ing year, the names of :Vi per son, only, who have p d tsxe assessed aa:nt them (o- the pre ceding fical year. nd are of Cocm1 moral character and of ..::.. fr.: m teiligencc to ierve at Grar. i Jcrors. This ts ti c batiS of the,.-y l;ft taipaying. moral character. ;r :eU. pence. The payment c-f : a set is the bxu of good citizenahip act alone pre-suppes gocHi .hiractc and inteUjgence in selcctir a grand jury. The man who contributes nothing to defray the ri;mri of government, unless hindered br ia. firmity, does not feel a Isre.y tnter est in having the law a.:mi; red welL Taxation without reprejenla tin begot the goverr.mer.t we row enjoy. "Representation without taxation" would loon destroy it do essential is the payment cf taxes to gol citizenship the r-cp!e j of North Carohna have reccatly de creed that hereafter it shal: be one of the qualifications of a voter, and in all elections held In the State af- ter July first 1901. no man will vote who has not paid the poll tax as sessed by law against him. That ACTS IMMEDIATELY. Colds are sometimes more trou blesome in summer than to wrcter, its so hard to kep from adding to them while cooling off after exercise. One VI inute Cough Cere cures at ooce. Absolutely ate. Acts im mediately. Sure for coughs, erjft, croup, throat and lung troubles. J. U Wootrti-s. 9 treble the tat ti not a Messed ft(smt: perm 1 oet fifty years old- And to it the taipayer makes the Grand Jir in no other oct is osxUv . m so particular. It 'ays eo t quahcalOQ 00 the Goterooc the Judges o: r highest courts To the vise and ancient ccst- - of charging the od jury by it judges of ourcourt. we can aKr.b - much of the ta v abicUcg chars of cur cr.uecs. No whets wv2 find people who know the la - well at in North Carolina. N where wj you find the taw so t .ft kept Statistics bow Ut our r;.v tae of crime tilow.N We tsx considered "tlom and unpreg it ive by people in other parts ir common country, but in this s. ne we eeiain morality obedje. to Uw aud regard for the rights U person and of properly. Cottnued text eek) YOU KNOW WHAT YOU A&F. TAKING When j'Y take Urove' Tastek s C:: Ton: la-e the formula i plainly printel on etery botr ahowirg ihat it it tifr.ply Iron Jurnine in a ta!r!r from. Cure, ro Tay. 30-. DETECTIVES:- t Will u $mtmlrt. PnfuUil D;tKtr iTnrr. MMkruS;.. rt. c 1 Millinery For1 ThNxt Thirty Days I Will SI! My Stock of nillln rv i AT COST. It Consists Of Mats, Ribbons &c. All new and Up-to-date. Mrs. B. C. King, Falkland, N. C CLUB OFFER. The following re some of it otfers. For SI Tm jm Wm4 Am4 Ktc Wmlif TV WlUB'afU SI Twta va A.4 lta WStf Atsta Amd XJmm Ink;. TThkh is more ard better ca tier thaa ocrrd by ajjy ef t

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